Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Chapter 20

The bride and mother-in-law conversation

Can I ask you something mother-in-law.

What is it Amalie-san?

Brother-in-law, its about Vel-kun

My name referred to as Amalie von Benno Baumeister, not a long ago I had been called as Amalie von Mainbach.

What its mean is I have been married from Mainbach house my parents family to Baumeister house.

Mainbach house is noble lineage with small territory.@@novelbin@@

So it was natural for the parents to decided the marriage as a political marriage, even Baumeister house side that I am married to is the same.

I did not know what in Kurt, my husband mind.

As a woman, I cant get away from political marriage, even if Im longing for love marriage like story book put in the house.

Longing for it is not really a sin either.

I had no complaint in this marriage itself.

Be it a knight peerage house in remote place, its not a bad story because as second daughter of the same knight peerage house I can married with the heir son.

The second daughter usually cant be married with such person.

At best with the heir of important retainer with the great noble as the lord.

For the same rank noble family, the second son onward changed into vassals.

At least as mistress or second wife of great noble, and it is not uncommon the purpose for lower class noble house is partly to sell oneself to the big shot merchant.

So I had no choice but thought that I was lucky to be able to be married with the heirs.

Though I had gotten a little surprised when I saw my mother-in-law twining a rope.

But still, the sight of noble house man working diligently to cultivate and hunting was not that unusual sight in small territory of noble house in rural area.

That kid

It just that there one person.

There is a kid that his everyday behaviour cant be really grasp.

The youngest child in Baumeister house, a boy named Wendelin.

He was born as the youngest kid from mother-in-law who exceed 40 ages which is pretty rare itself.

Since its normally the young mistress that often give birth.

In fact, Baumeister house also have a mistress.

Its not really that rare for her to stay in her parents family.

However, like the mistress is the village headman daughter, she herself only to the extent to met each other at the wedding.

The same also with her two sons and two girl that would have less opportunity to meet in the future.

Because the social standing is difference.

Her four children had no inheritance rights, taking over the village headman house in the future or married to other village headmans house.

Since the social standing is different though half blood is connected, nothing can be done with it.

He was a kid that I have given birth to but I had no choice but to leave him alone.

Mother-in-law talk heavily.

Even she did not expected the eighth son to be born.

She obediently didnt look after him that long even after he was born as the village in the period to make up for the damage received in the expedition to Demon forest, since every day was spent busily for reclamation, it was natural that many times she have left him unattended.

But let alone revealing his dissatisfaction, he seems to have been just reading book muffled in the study room alone.

And he had become good at reading and writing than us for a kid in his age.

He just want to be like Erich-san that had became independent not long ago.

I only talk with that person a little but he is quite a sharp person.

I think he might be more suitable as the lord than my husband.

I felt that my husband feel distance in that relationship because of that but Erich-san the person in question has gone out of house quickly.

It is very likely that he will pass the test for petty official in the Imperial city.

Maybe that person might have pass it in margin.

Not just that.

According to mother-in-law, Vel-kun at the age of 6 can talk equally with Erich-san that ten years older and he is able to do reading and writing to maths perfectly.

And he can also use magic.

I cant dare to hear to what extent he can use it.

Still, he will not worried about his life even if he goes out of the house to became independent after grow up, father-in-law and my husband would likely think that too.

Why such talent was left like that?

That is strange.

With such precious talent, how much the work will progress if that child use it to develop the territory?

Its a great chance for Baumeister house.

You can normally think that way.

But such argument will not goes that simple either.

Baumeister territory is small in the remote place.

That does not mean they cant support themselves but its a territory that no one want to live with all the inconvenience.

Actually, almost all of territory people had participated in the wedding.

Despite leading daily life in modesty, a large amount of feast and drink is served only for that day.

It was said often as an important ceremonial occasion, like my parents house, the weddings a festival for territory with few entertainment.

Its because of Vel that a large amount of meats were served.

Its officially Erich-san achievement who is a bow expert but in fact it will be Vel-kun effort who could use magic.

More reason for him to cooperates

Itd become family feud if that happen.

The distance between the territory people and the lords is close, and if anyone known that there a son that can use magic in a closed small territory of rural area.

That of course would increases the territory people to appeal directly to substituted the next family head to father-in-law.

Normal farmers might hesitate but the opinion of village headman is usually enough to appeal directly.

Since theyre influential people in the territory.

I can not imagine what kind of confusion will happen if that happens.

There is no way everyone will agree about that.

If dispute happens with Kurt faction and Wendelin faction.

And we can not expect reinforcement from outside even if confusion happens in this territory.

Since even the neighbor need to pass the mountain range first.

It will be your downfall as the wife for the next family head if that happens.

She was right.

I would have become the legal wife of the next family head, why I had try to throw that away.

Youre right

It is look to be ugly but world is not that naive.

Rather than Baumeister house to be develops by Vel-kun as the family head, I choose the current life is maintained with my husband as the family head.

Ill never choose that.

Vel fortunately is not interested in this territory.

She right.

Since he can use magic, he can become adventurer or hired by other nobles.

The income for that must be better.

So its okay for Vel to do as he pleases. That would be better for both party instead.

Even I felt its a little cold but this is the affection of mother-in-law for his son.

Holding greed in the territory and ones own child fight each other.

It really happens quite often, nothing can be compared with this much nightmare.

I understand that. But unexpected things can happen in the world.

Youre right, unexpected things can happen.

Both of us sighed, I also felt like I was able to befriend a little with mother-in-law.

We are family through life anyway.

So I need to get along well with parents-in-law.

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