100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 621 [Bonus chapter]Outwit Them Using Their Own Tactics

Chapter 621  [Bonus chapter]Outwit Them Using Their Own Tactics

Day Seventy…


Jane felt a little bit disappointed because she needed to wait for several hours before she could meet Vincent. He responded to her message, telling her to meet at 7:00 p.m. tonight.

"I should drop by my hideout and meet Cherry." Jane contemplated aloud, her mind weighed down by the recently recovered memories of her tragic past. She carried the heavy burden of these memories in her chest and felt too embarrassed to share them with anyone else.

However, the accumulation of negative emotions within her heart had become unbearable, compelling her to seek solace and release through conversation with a trusted confidante. Then, another person came to mind: Stephen.

He was the only person who knew about what happened to her. Now, she understood why Stephen hesitated when she asked him to help her recover her memories. Those memories were unpleasant, the source of her nightmares and sleepless nights.

Jane hailed a cab and made her way to her hideout. Within a matter of minutes, she arrived at her destination. Upon entering the house, she took Cherry by surprise, catching her just as she was preparing to leave. The two women found themselves face to face, standing at the front door.

"Sis! You're finally awake!" Cherry exclaimed, swiftly pouncing on her with a tight and affectionate embrace. Her heart brimmed with joy and gratitude at the sight of Jane, and the excitement of their reunion washed over her like a tidal wave. "I've been worried about you. Don't scare us like that. You have to take care of your health."

A warm, tender smile graced Jane's lips as she reciprocated the hug, her fingers gently caressing Cherry's hair, offering her a reassuring touch. "I'm sorry for causing you so much worry," she whispered softly, her voice filled with sincerity and affection.

"But I'm back now, feeling healthier than ever before. You don't need to fear me collapsing like that again." Her words carried a promise of strength and resilience, meant to ease Cherry's concerns.

Cherry could only bob her head. "Keep your promise, Sis. I don't know what to do without you."

"I will. Anyway, where are you going?" Jane asked her.

"I was actually planning to visit you in the hospital. Who would have guessed that you'd suddenly show up at my doorstep?" Cherry giggled with a sense of delighted surprise.

"Hmm, of course, I wanted to surprise you," Jane began with a mischievous smile. "Since you're already on your way out, how about joining me? We can go practice shooting together. There's a shooting range nearby." Jane invited Cherry, her desire to unwind and release the pent-up negative emotions evident in her voice.

"Yey, absolutely, sis! I'd love to!" Cherry's eyes lit up with excitement as she accepted the invitation. "It feels like old times. I still vividly remember the first time you taught me how to fire a gun," she reminisced with a nostalgic grin, the thought of spending time with Jane at the shooting range filling her with joy and fond memories.

Without further ado, the two ladies went to the nearby shooting range. Jane was glad because they were the only clients for today. The two chose their spots and began their shooting practice.

In the well-lit shooting range, the sharp crack of gunfire echoed as Jane meticulously aimed and fired her weapon. The air was thick with the scent of gunpowder as spent shell casings scattered on the ground. Cherry watched her in amusement and admiration.

Jane stood in a focused stance, her eyes fixed firmly on the target, imagining that Monica was the one she was shooting. With each squeeze of the trigger, her shots struck with precision.

One after another, Jane's bullets found their mark, punctuating the target with a series of tight groupings. Her hits were consistently centered around the bullseye, forming a cluster of unmistakable accuracy.

The paper target, marked with concentric circles and a small bullseye, bore the evidence of her remarkable marksmanship. If the paper target was Monica, then her body and head would be filled by Jane's bullets.

"OMG, Sis! Your skills never fade! You are truly a sharpshooter!" Cherry exclaimed, applauding Jane's impressive marksmanship with genuine enthusiasm and admiration.

Jane remained absorbed in shooting at the target, her mind consumed by Monica's image. It was only when Cherry's voice broke her concentration that she snapped back to reality, shifting her focus to her surroundings. She responded with a faint smile and said, "It's your turn."

Cherry quickly assumed her shooting stance, gripping her gun with a determined resolve. With a deep breath, she began to squeeze the trigger, sending rounds downrange with focused intent. The sharp sounds of gunfire resonated in the range as Cherry joined Jane in the satisfying rhythm of target practice.

After indulging in half an hour of practice shooting, Jane's spirits were lifted, and a sense of relaxation washed over her. As they decided to take a break, Jane seized the opportunity to confide her thoughts with Cherry, eager to share her troubled feelings with her.

"Cherry... I've regained my past memories," Jane began, her voice filled with clarity. "I remembered how I fell into their traps. The leader of the King Stallion deceived me by posing as Sizzling August. And I've confirmed that Monica was indeed affiliated with the King Stallion Mafia. Now, I have a lead on where to find Monica."

Cherry gasped in surprise upon hearing that. "You fell into a coma for seven days. But in return, you've recovered your memories. Sis, what is your plan now? Tell me what should I do to help you? Where is Monica?"

"I believe she altered her appearance and assumed a different identity," Jane asserted. "Monica and the leader of King Stallion were both cunning manipulators, experts in mind games," Jane explained. "To achieve my revenge, I intend to outwit them using their own tactics. This is where your skills as Black Rose come in, Cherry. I need your expertise to secure concrete evidence linking Helena and Monica." Jane paused for a moment.

"I suspected that the person I killed was the real Helena. And the Helena Carlsen that I met is an impostor. And she is Monica," she emphasized, her eyes gleaming with determination as she outlined their mission. "I will unmask her and reveal their conspiracy. Killing her is not enough to get my revenge. I will make her suffer both physically, emotionally, and mentally." Jane declared with so much conviction in her words.

"She's been alive all along, but she concealed her existence from everyone, including Nathan. Does this mean that Nathan is also a victim of their evil schemes? I initially believed she was Ethan's mother. How could she bear being separated from her own son? Doesn't she care about Ethan in the slightest?" Cherry inquired, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Jane fell silent for a moment, her heart heavy at the mere thought of Ethan being abandoned by his own biological mother. The idea of a mother being so heartless toward her own son pained her deeply. She was aware of how much Ethan yearned for a mother and a complete family.

"Sigh, why does it have to be Monica?" Jane sighed deeply, her voice filled with sadness. "In my next life, I wish I could be Ethan's mother," she added, her words tinged with a hint of longing and wishful thinking as she contemplated the idea of being a loving presence in Ethan's life.

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