500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 207 Summoning The ATM

"Welcome to... hey! You are that creature that everyone is talking about, right?!" A woman that reminded me slightly of Sakura said as soon as we entered the bakery.

"Do I really look like a creature? I thought people would at least call me a Cat Folk. Creature? Might as well call me a beast at this point," I complained, and Della snorted.

"I do not think that far from the truth. That horrible smell you made before could only be made by a beast!" Della chuckled, so I smacked her in the face with my tail, but that didn't really help things. "That tail is much softer than I assumed it would be!"

Della tried to grab my tail, but I made it shrink and scowled at her.

p "Hands off the merchandise! Keep your grubby hands off my tail unless you ask! Unless you want me to grab you by the twat!" I growled, and Della gave me a strange look.

"By the what? Did you choke on that last word?" Della asked curiously with a girl, and I turned my back to her.

"Anyways. Yes, I am Galio, and I have come here to see if I can try to figure out what the problem is between your people and Della's," I explained but was forced to watch over my shoulder as the massive child behind me tried to grab my tail.

"Oh? Well, that is a tall order you have there. I am not really sure how you are going to fix things. Della, do you mind waiting outside? There is no point in you listening to this, and Kajita is just about to get up from her nap. Better for you not to be in here," The woman explained, and Della growled.

"Kajita just knows that I am right but refuses to admit it, as usual. Do not go anywhere without me, Beast," Della growled at me, and I turned up my nose at her.

"Try not to get distracted by anything shiny. I would hate to have to be the one that has to come and find you!" I laughed boisterously, making Della glare at me, and then she walked up to put her face in mine. I had to admit that she smelled good and was rather attractive up close like this.

"I will be staying on top of you until you leave this city. Don't think that you will be going anywhere without me!" Della growled through gritted teeth.

I grew my tail out, placed a hand on the side of her cheek, and used my tail simultaneously to pull her tight to my body. Dalla tried to pull back, but her attempts were a joke at best. She didn't want to go anywhere.

"You promise to stay on top the entire time? That might become tiring for you. Maybe you might want to let me have a turn at some point?" I asked, moving my lips to almost touching her as Della's lips tried to meet mine. I whipped my tail around to get in both of our faces and then pushed the head guard back.

The surprised look on her face was priceless.

"I... I will be outside," Della said, then turned, walked into the closed door, and then ripped it open to leave the bakery, slamming the door behind herself hard enough to rattle the windows.

"Wow! I didn't know you could melt ice that cold!" The woman laughed as I turned back.

"Is that vile know-it-all witch gone?!" A woman called from the back.

"Yes, but that Cat God is still here!" The woman behind the counter called to the back, and another older woman came out front.

"Shi, go check the rising bread in the back. It is time for kneading," Kajita said as she stretched and walked out front. "So, you are the one that everyone is talking about? You make a lot of noise wherever you go, don't you? Heard you hung the Queen out of a window? That is pretty impressive, considering you only have a single guard following you around."

"Tallia helped smooth things over, but the Queen had said something rude to me," I said, and Kajita snorted.

"Welcome to Bramma. All the Peekaans are the same for the most part. They piss golden water; just ask them. If you don't agree, then you will become everything under the sun, don't worry, they will tell you. I am sure that you can see with this one. In truth, Della is pretty good, but we just don't get along. Boat workers are the worst, but it is what it is," Kajita explained, and I walked up to lean on the counter, looking around at the baked goods.

"Anything you can suggest for me to try? That mini pie looks really good," I said, pointing to what looked like a massive pie-shaped butter tart.

"That is a butter tart pie. Did you want to try it?" Kajita asked curiously.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" I asked with a grin but got a confused look back.

"Umm, I would assume so? When did that Blue Bell join you?" Kajita asked, diverting from my comment. "Strange for them to want to get close to someone. They typically like to be with Peekaans, and I have never seen anyone else with one."

Berry was so quiet that I had forgotten about her, and I reached up and gently scratched her head.

"Just when I came to the city. Yes, I would love to try one of your butter tart pies! Give me a minute... gah!" I complained as I realized that I had brought no money with me, but then I remembered someone that would have some. "Goldy!"

A golden portal opened, and the Dwarven Goddess peaked out.

"Yes? Is this you calling to spend some time with me?" Goldy asked curiously, still staying in her golden halls.

"Sure, but I needed to borrow a few coins. I left my money at home, and Tallia is busy right now," I said, and Goldy gave me a stunning look.

"Did you just call me to borrow money?! Me? A Goddess?!" Goldy asked, and I nodded. "Fine, but now you must take me on a date! What is it that you are getting anyways? Is that a bakery?"

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