A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 117: Dwarven Smithy.

Chapter 117: Dwarven Smithy.

Acquisition requirements fulfilled. [Unarmed Mastery Lv. 1] [Sword Technique Lv. 1] [Spear Technique Lv. 1] gained

Proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Fluid Cast Lv. 2][Unarmed Technique Lv. 8] [Danger Perception Lv. 5] [Terrain Maneuvering Lv. 5] [Wind Resistance Lv. 7] [Handicraft Lv. 4] [Trap Creation Lv. 8] gained

Hestias Holy Heater Ball

A ball of stone containing a magic circle that produces white flames, created by Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. The balls shell is fortified with powerful terra magic, increasing its resistance against explosions and high heat. The creator of this item has made it possible for external mana to increase and decrease the temperature of the flame. Due to [Sanctified Blaze] being inscribed on it, the ball emits a weak healing aura when active gained

Hestias Improved Heater Ball

A ball of stone containing a magic circle made from the custom spell [Ignite], created by Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. Anyone can control the strength of the flames by inserting or removing their mana, increasing the temperature around the ball

The amount of mana needed to activate the regular balls is minimal, as Ive inscribed the spell [Ignite] into them. However, compared to your and the other maids spells, mine is stronger thanks to my high Intelligence stat. It should be around the power of the level nine fire spell [Petal Flames], I explained to Svena while holding a ball wrapped in red mana threads, before pointing at a white ball. The holy heater balls are a bit different. They will require a bit more mana, so I recommend you to not use them. The normal heater balls are sufficient if you donate some mana in the morning and evening.

Understood, Lady Hestia. I will take this time as an opportunity to increase my mana stat, Svena bowed to me before frowning. However, is it alright for you to leave today? Why not leave for your Quest tomorrow early?

After receiving feedback for the dinner we hosted yesterday, our party was currently preparing to depart for our newest Quest. According to Melia, who was our exclusive handler for the hunters guild Quests, our destination would be Rashan Village, a small village in the tiny Teullon Barony. It would normally take someone three days on foot or a day by carriage.

As we didnt know how long it would take us to finish the Quest, we told Ellaine that we would be gone for at least a week. While were away, the garden in Tasiannas room will need maintenance, so I asked Svena for help. All she needed to do was to water the plants and put mana into the heater balls.

In the last week, aside from training, Ive also started tinkering again. Recently, the number of spare [Hestias Heater Balls] stored in my storage could be counted with one hand. The longer the flame heating the ball was on, the more the rock shell of the ball would deteriorate and eventually break. It would eventually turn useless due to its crude design.

I made those back while I was in the Belzac forest, so their performance was lower than what Im capable of making today. After evolving into a B rank dragon, improving my magical skills, and learning from Master Kush, I know I could make better heater balls today. Those stage lights I made for my concert proved as much.

So, I made new heater balls. At first, I wasnt sure how I was supposed to create them. I used fire spells and [Trap Creation] to inscribe the magic circles onto the balls in my younger days, but I lost those spellsdue to Danternos interference. As my scale-dust was explosive and my [White Flames] and [Corrosive Fire] wouldnt survive for too long outside my body, I was in a pickle.

Until I facepalmed and called myself an idiot. I had two custom spells that could emit the fire and heat that fitted the requirements to make my heater balls: [Ignite] and [Sanctified Blaze]. [Ignite] was the least powerful custom fire spell, developed so new mages could easily learn it and train their [Fire Magic] skill. Due to its low power and the fact that my triple colored fires outperformed it, I dismissed it as redundant. I only learned it to see if I could learn fire spells despite no longer having [Fire Magic].

However, thats when I realized it had a niche. My scale-dust was destructive and useful for a bomb, but [Ignite] could be used to make heater balls like I made before. It was so obvious, but I hadnt figured it out until now. [Sanctified Blaze] was also a proper substitute, especially when my white flames could become warm or cold. For this reason, I made multiple heater balls using both spells. With my high Intelligence stat, the rock shell ended up tougher and the fire stronger, even if only a small amount of mana was injected.

Im so glad I bought [Trap Creation] from the SP shop. Being able to turn spell circles into traps enabled me to take my first step toward becoming an artificer. Once I return from the Quest, I should ask Ellaine or her mother to teach me the [Artificer] skill.

Dont worry, Svena. We want to get to the village tomorrow morning, as the Quest was printed with Urgent. As adventurers, we have to fulfill our job, I said to soothe the worried Svena.

Once we packed food and a change of clothes, we said our goodbyes to House Helvass most prominent members like Ellaine, Barathan, and Svena, and went to the lower city. Before we departed from Firwood, we needed to do one thing. We had to go to the smithy. We needed proper weapons and some armor.

On the way, we also visited the cobbler shop Ruld was working in and asked him about his wife Lorena, the friend I made in Carine Village. Due to the incident with the bandits where she got pregnant, I was worried she wasnt doing too well, but it seems the two got help from the mothers living around their neighborhood. Lorena even got a job as a baker.

Lorenas cooking is just the best! You know, Lady Hestia, cuz Im still contracted to the workshop, I dont have a house. Lorena and I are living in the attic of the building, and shes been cooking lunch for the whole workshop to stay. Ahaha, I cant still believe I got married to my childhood friend! She used to be pretty bad at cooking!

Looking at his flushed face, I couldnt help but smile. He then continued, Shes just the sweetest. However, sigh, shes kinda having trouble during nighttime. You know why. I hope to make her feel better.

You do not have to worry so much, instead of me, Saori comforted him. She is going through a hard time; I think by always staying around her, she will get better eventually. I am sure she is very happy to have you as her husband, so make sure to treat her well, ok, Ruld?

Its been a while since I met Lorena, so I think Ill meet up with her after we finish the Quest, since she seems to be working today. After handing Ruld some food as gifts for himself and Lorena, we said our goodbyes and went to a smithy Ruld recommended, the one owned by the dwarf.

In a less popular spot in the middle district, a small building with a shop sign stood. The sign had the words Smithy/Bundari written on it and looked old and weathered, as if it had survived for years under harsh weather conditions. The building itself looked shabby compared to the human-run smithies in the center of the middle district, but there was a charm in its simplicity. As we neared the entrance, we could feel the heat from it. The smithy was active.

Tonkon, ebdli. Welcome, customers. As we entered the shop, a short woman greeted us from behind the counter. She had long dirt-brown braided hair that reached down to her hips, thick lips curved into a friendly smile, sharp round eyes darting around as she inspected the three of us, and full cheeks that gave her a very cute face.

A-A dwarf!

E-Excuse me, this is a very, very, very rude question, I know. I apologize if it will offend you but Uhm, you are a dwarf, right, Miss? Unable to hold me back from possibly seeing my first dwarf, I rushed to the counter in less than a second and asked the small woman my question. I was so mesmerized and curious to see another fantasy race that I couldnt control my tail.

Oi, oi, little dragonewt, your tail is gonna mess everything up sigh she frowned as she chastised me but sighed in exasperation once she looked at my eyes who stared at her with wonderment. She began speaking in a very Scottish accent. Ahh, a whelp, I see? Funny that you cant recognize a tazong. Thought we neighbors? Yeah, kid, Im a proud dwarf of the Ankoran mountain ranges. To be more specific, an inko dwarf.

Just like what I would imagine from fantasy novels, the female dwarf was short, reaching up to my shoulders. Her body was more lean than stout, unlike what I thought a female dwarf would look like, lacking unnecessary fat despite still being muscular, giving her a very athletic body. However, what caught my eyes the most was her chest, which looked like D cups, and the small bits of rock-like things growing around her ears and at the tip of her hair like moss.

Woah, really!? Ahhh! I clapped in excitement. Oh, an inko dwarf? What exactly is anOuch!

A sudden pain spread around my head. If I were a normal human, I was sure my head would be bleeding now, so I felt confused about why my [Danger Perception] didnt warn me about it. When I turned around, my question was answered.

Lady Hestia, I know you are excited, but this is rude. Introduce yourself first before you ask all these questions. It was Saori. I apologize for my Ladys lack of manners. My name is Saori. She bowed politely, lowering her body by 45 degrees.

Widening her eyes in surprise, the dwarf smiled in acknowledgment and bowed too, equally at a 45-degree angle. Ha ha, nice to see our lands custom to bow spread to other races. Never thought I would see somebody greet others with a bow in a human kingdom. Nice to meet you Saori. My name is Kraftja. Her proud eyes then turn to Tasianna and me, looking expectantly.

Bowing is a part of dwarven culture? Did the Revolution Queen share this with the dwarves, or was this already a thing? Thats a question for later, lets just bow for now.

Already used to bowing to my family on my mothers side, I bowed like Saori and Kraftja. Sorry for before. I was too excited, so I hope you can overlook it. My name is Hestia. Its nice to meet you.

My name is Tasianna. It is an honor to meet a tazong of the Inkong mountain ranges. Unlike Saori and me, Tasianna gave a short bow.

This feels too much like Japan now. Why is everybody bowing?

Huhut? Do I see an elf? Ahh, what a neat surprise from the Goddess of Minerals. Crustacia be praised for giving me a chance to meet an ally among humans. Im curious why youre here in human lands, but I aint one to pry in others businesses, she said before clapping her hands. Anyways, this is waste of time. Youre here to do business, right? Look around the shop for something you want, or ask me if you have a commission for my husband.

Shes very blunt but seems nice.

I stepped forward. We would like to commission some equipment if thats possible.

Got it, got it. My husband is working right now, so you need to wait. Ill call him out once hes done. Never interrupt a dwarf when he hammers, otherwise, youll never share a drink with them, right? she laughed energetically before retreating into the back of the shop. Unlike other shops, there wasnt a second clerk nor employee, so I wondered if she was either too trustworthy or an idiot for leaving without supervision.

However, that was quickly cleared up once Tasianna saw my frown. It was as if she read my mind.

Lady Hestia, the dwarves are one of the proudest races on Peolynca. They take pride in the bonds they make during their lives. They would destroy anybody who insults their clans name, be blinded by revenge for the death of a friend, they would even sacrifice their life to repay a debt as small as treating them to free ale, Tasianna informed me. The reason why shes trusting us this much is due to the friendship between elves and dwarves. This is my first time meeting a dwarf, but I know from history books that they are invaluable allies. Elves live for a long time, so they remember debts and grudges well, while dwarves value bonds to the utmost. The friendship between these two races even affects individuals. A dwarf tricking an elf is a slight against their clan and liege, while an elf would face dishonor from their long-living families.

I see, Saori nodded, having understood the situation. So, she does not trust us, she trusts that you would prevent us from doing something stupid, Tasianna? Wow, that is a lot of blind faith.

Umu, we are customers, and we planned to order equipment, correct? Disregarding my actual identity, we shouldnt make a dwarf angry. I personally wish to stay friendly with all dwarves as they are the faefolks benefactors for ending the War for the Fairies, Tasianna asserted.

The War for the Faefolk. If I remember correctly, it was a war between the alliance of elves and dwarves against the human kingdoms to protect faefolk like fairies and spirits. Humans created a twisted version of mana batteries that allowed them to drain the mana from faefolk, slowly killing them, as they are beings made from pure mana. As the elves are allies to the faefolk, they naturally fought against the humans while the dwarves joined in due to the alliance between elves and dwarves.

The humans lost the war in the end, but a few twisted mana batteries could still be found. I havent seen one in Firwood, but I still remember the [Dwarven Warhammer Cannon] Id seen in Belzac Forest when we fought the trolls that had captured Tasianna. When I was kidnapped by those wyvern escorts, we were also shot down with a similar cannon by an army of grimgarians, kobolds, goblins, orcs, ogres, and trolls.

Tasianna hated humans due to her history with them, but she was very friendly with other races. In the first place, I wasnt a criminal so messing around in Kraftjas store was a no-go anyway. However, its nice to learn the reason behind Kraftjas trust.

As I was interested in the weapons the smithy sold, I took the chance and looked around the shop. Tasianna and Saori did the same since they were also interested in some gear in preparation for our Quest.

Unlike the outer appearance of the smithy, the interior was surprisingly clean and tastefully decorated. Of course, there werent much in the way of normal decorations like rugs, plants, or paintings, but befitting a smithy, the owners used equipment to furnish everything. The only object that could be considered a decoration was a small statue on the counter, depicting a bearded man holding up a hammer in one hand and an anvil in his other. It was an authentic fantasy experience, and it made my heart beat in excitement.

As I looked around, I noticed there was no armor for sale. There were gauntlets and boots, but I couldnt find any shiny armor or helmets. I havent visited the other smithies yet, but was it normal for shops to not sell armor or was this a dwarf thing?

On the other hand, there were a ton of weapons. Swords, lances, axes, daggers, and even bows among them. I thought bowyers or fletchers were the only ones who made bows, but do blacksmiths also make them?

Come to think about it, Ruld did say this blacksmith specializes in making equipment out of monster materials. Thats why Rulds workshop knows this smithy, as they also specialize in using monster leather for their shoes.

I didnt know much about blacksmiths so lets forget about it. I can ask the owners once they come back. I was curious about why they didnt have any customers, but that wasnt my problem. In the meantime

Should I buy a spear or sword?

Ive decided to buy a weapon? Why? It is cause of my training with Farron. Keeping his promise, Farron and I have been sparring for the last week whenever we had time. As his duties as a guild master were his priority, the number of times I could spar with him was limited, but that didnt mean I stopped my training.

Much like with my spars with Master Kush, I havent won a single time. It was honestly disheartening to see how weak I still was compared to the rest of the world. I dominated the forest part of the Belzac Forest, but then I met the wyverns and the massive leviathan. I won against the ice wyvern thanks to Saori and Tasianna, so I didnt count that as my success alone.

However, I took it as a learning step. The reason why I couldn't win against Master Kush was due to my lack of equipment and experience. Even before he took out his catalyst, Master Kush could still hold up against me despite having less Mana and Intelligence, since he knew how to use his spells in a fight well enough to keep me on my toes. It was the same thing with the guild master. His spear was an OP-level weapon, so he could overpower me with both superior technique and higher stats.

It made me aware that I still have a long way to go in order to become strong. Stats alone arent everything. I knew that from the start, but now my faith in the statement was strengthened. To become strong enough to defend my two best friends, I needed to use my spells and skills better, while also concentrating on equipment acquisitions.

The trinity of power. Stats, skills, and items. Any RPG fan can attest to this.

In an attempt to improve, Ive decided to try out using weapons instead of only my spells and my claws. Its purely for curiositys sake. If I want to become stronger, wasnt it important to try out new venues? It is similar to what Master Kush told me. A magician always seeks out new knowledge.

During my spars with Farron, I told myself to focus on his spearmanship and swordsmanship to learn from observing and imitation. Thats how I managed to learn [Sword Technique] and [Spear Technique]. Of course, he eventually noticed it and decided to stop our sparring in favor of proper training and instruction. Thanks to his [Instruction Lv. 7], I quickly grasped the basics of the spear and sword.


A skill given to those who train others. If the owner of this skill trains others to acquire a skill that they own, the proficiency gain will increase. The efficiency will depend on the owners [Instruction] skills and tutored skills level. If the targets tutored skill has a higher level, this skill wont activate

I got the skill during my time training Ellaine, so I knew how useful it was. Ellaine was able to level up a few of her lower level skill with an improved pace once I got myself involved in her training. I was confident that I could level up my skills faster under the guild masters tutelage. He even told me to try using the weapon whenever I hunt monsters to learn how to fight with it properly, so Ive decided to buy one.

Dont neglect your other skills, alright? Youre a mage at the end of the day, so dont risk yourself! His words of wisdom, but it honestly sounds like hes legitimately worried about me. Sorry, guild master, Im not that weak to need to be worried about, I remembered while I was browsing the weapons. It was my pride as a dragon speaking.

Technically, I could use my SP to level up my weapon skills, but I decided against it. Thats because of Jobs. I could level up my skills by getting Jobs, so there wasnt a need to waste SP. Yes, none of my skills have leveled up yet but thats because my skills are already high level. The Jobs I took were for newbies, so their bonuses didnt help me much. However, they opened up new Jobs and increased my stats, so they were worth grinding. I havent gone hunting once in the last week, but there was no need to rush it. Going at my own pace is important to keep from stressing myself out.

In any case, I stopped considering using my SP to improve skills. At this point where I needed large amounts of experience to level up, I couldnt waste SP on trivial skills that I could level up easily. I decided to save as many SP as I could for the future when I desperately need to use them. It was an insurance plan, that both Saori and Tasianna agreed to now that we werent in danger all the time.

Lets take a spear first. Im interested in his dragoon skills.

Iron Spear

A spear made out of iron. Despite the low-grade materials used in it, it was made with the hands of an experienced blacksmith. It is sturdy and useable for beginners


Skorr Tusk Spear

A spear made with iron mixed with the tusk of a skorr. The hardy nature of the monster skorr increases the durability and penetration ability of the spear. With every strike, this spear will leave a hole like a mad skorr


[Piercing Enhancement Lv. 2]

Steel Spear with a hollowed Bone Shaft

A spear with a steel tip and a shaft made from a bird monsters bones. Although terrible to defend with, the hollowed shaft enables fast attacks while the heavy steel blade enables dangerous penetration. However, it lacks durability


[Decrease Durability Lv. 1]

The most unfortunate part that I was desperately missing from the RPG System of Peolynca was the attack values of weapons and armor rating of armor. In games, numbers were everything. With numbers, you could grasp a quick understanding of if this weapon was better than another one until you looked at the available skills. Thankfully, weapons showed which skills and runes they had, but I still wished to know which spear would do more damage.

It would be easier for me to pick one among them to use if I knew which one was the best. I was contemplating if I should ask which weapon to buy.

Hestia, have you chosen? Interrupting my thoughts, Saori and Tasianna came over. Saori was holding a single dagger while Tasianna didnt take anything. It was understandable, unlike the two of us, Tasianna had the lowest Strength and Vitality stat so she was more capable as a pure mage.

Ha ha, I knew you would choose a dagger; however, cant you make one with your [Shadow Armament]? Saori was able to create her daggers by casting [Dark Bolt] and using her unique skill [Shadow Armament] to form them into any weapon she wanted. She didnt need ones made from iron. Or so I thought.

My daggers only inflict dark elemental damage and are affected by my Intelligence, not my Strength stat. As you know, my Strength is higher so it would be better for me to use a normal dagger. Plus, I know the guild masters weapon, and I want one for myself. I cannot keep using my shadow daggers, Saori explained. It is a simple one anyway. I want to commission a dagger for the future, but I need one to practice with first. Here, take a look.

Steel Dagger

A dagger made with steel. The craftsmanship is simple but effective, a result of the hands of an experienced blacksmith. It is sturdy and enables the user to properly unleash their physical strength

Simple indeed.

Argh, why are you bringing me out. Just let me work, wife! As our party was talking about which weapons to buy, a grumble came from the clerk counter.

So, annoying. Stubborn to the end even after finishing your latest work! Kraftja, the dwarf woman from earlier, came back from the back of the shop while dragging another dwarf out by the ear. I was wondering if she was the one wearing the pants in this relationship. You have customers looking for a commission so come out already! We came to Firwood for monster materials, so shut up and do your work! Lasses, come over here, and lets speak Davi.

The dwarf next to her was clearly a man, considering he called Kraftja his wife. He had a stout, muscular body that looked like an indomitable shield as his every step seemed to shake the ground. He was like the trunk of a massive tree, unshakable and sturdy. As you would expect from a dwarf, his beard was massive and covered up his entire mouth and jaw, as it hung down with his long messy hair.

Strangely, similar to Kraftja, his ears had a strange stone hide while the tips of his beard looked like they were made from stone. Was that an accessory, or was stone actually growing from their hair? If it was a trait of dwarves, then my curiosity for this race has just increased by +1.

Come on, introduce yourself. You know the basics of Mercuriass teachings, Kraftja spoke as she pushed her husband in front of us. As he stood before me, I noticed our eyes immediately meeting. He and I were the same height.

Ooooh, I can smell it! His eyes widened. Instead of looking at me, he looked at my arms, more specifically my scales. Those are some seriously durable-looking scales you go there, lassie. Ive heard of dragonewts making armor from their own scales, but I never had the chance to try it for myself. Youre here for armor! Got it, Ill take it!


When he came out, the dwarf man looked annoyed like a kid whod had his toys taken away from him, but now he was acting like an eccentric. He eyed my scales with such greed that it made me flinch back. Saori and Tasianna had to intervene, standing before me to block his sight from me.

Noticing my discomfort, Kraftja coiled up her hand and smacked her husband with her fist so hard his forehead landed on the counter. A loud boom could be heard. Why in Crustacias name are you acting like that?! Are you trying to incur the wrath of Bleidla on us?! You are shaming us!

Once the blacksmith recovered from the hit, he apologized to his wife and then to me as he mumbled, Making powerful monster weapons is the only way to gain honor, so I got too heated up. He then cooled down a bit after taking a mug of cold water and with a Japanese-style bow, introduced himself as Ogni.

So, you got a commission? Just saying but I only take ones where I can work with monster materials. If they are low grade like bladdarg kobold fangs, then Ill kick you out. No second chance, even for the elf lass, Ogni spoke bluntly like his wife. I can estimate how strong you three are. You arent normal adventurers, thats for sure, so dont disappoint me.

I shrugged. Why are you so fascinated by monster materials? Isnt a blacksmiths job to create stuff from ores and so on?

You dont know? A dwarven blacksmith seeks to create strong weapons to present to his clan for the honor. The only reason why I and my wife are in this bladdarg human kingdom is cuz of the Belzac Forest and Avitor Mountains.

As I was beginning to get confused with all the new information, Tasianna sent me a telepathic message to explain it. Dwarven society is split into different clans, which are essentially families, that serve dwarven strongholds in the Ankoran mountain range, north of Artorias.

As dwarves are a proud race, they take the concept of honor seriously, to the point they sound like samurais to me. Their extreme stubbornness combined with their desire to seek to elevate their clans make them seem like zealots or fanatics, similar to how Ogni acted when we first met. It is this desire to bring honor to his clan by creating powerful equipment that made Ogni and his wife travel from his home to a distant place like Firwood.

Monster materials have strong traits and lingering mana that enhance the ores during the smelting process. Ores are very important as they act as the base of everything, but monster materials give the extra oomph, you know? For example, if you want a lightning infused weapon without resorting to runes, you get a lightning elemental monsters materials and mix it with the ores. You know about the skills on gear, right? The majority come from the materials used in the process.

In other words, if we want really strong weapons, we need to give you monster materials?

Obviously, its common sense, Ogni scoffed. Strong ore, valuable monster materials, and the skills of a blacksmith. That way, the strongest weapons can be created. Ahhh, I still dream of making a masterpiece, hmm, hmm.

What about runes? Arent they also a part of making a weapon stronger.

For the first time, Ogni frowned, looking troubled as he kept his mouth shut. Instead, his wife spoke up, My husband and I arent runeworkers. We dont have the tools to etch rune grooves onto weapons, nor the skill for it. If you want runes etched onto your stuff, your best bet is to go to the dwarven strongholds.

After shaking away the disappointment and spoke, wanting to return to the reason for why we were here. We have some C rank materials we want you to transform into stuff, but before that... I took out a purplish stone from my storage and placed it in front of them. Can you work with this?

Hmm? Ogni picked it up and began observing it. The more he looked at it, the more his eyes widened. W-What is this?

And I answered. Corrosive obsidian with a high iron content. Can you use this to make some weapons for us?


Name: Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor

Level: 80

Race: Sun Dragonewt

Age: 15 Years

Job: Cleric Level 0/5


Health: 4760/4760 (Dra: 9520) Mana: 16994/16994 (Dra: 33988) Strength: 2447 (Dra: 4895) Intelligence: 4017 (Dra: 8035) Vitality: 1399 (Dra: 2798) Wisdom: 2000 (Dra: 4001) Agility: 4089 (Dra: 8178) Stamina: 2821/2821 (Dra: 5642) Effects: [Damaged Mana Path [Left Wing] (Minor)] [Humanization (Moderate)] Skill Points: 5350 Unique Skill:

[Dreadflame Dragon Lv. 2]

[Hellblade Dragon Lv. 2]

[Solar Core Lv. 1]

[Venerated Saintess Lv. 1]

[Idol Lv. 1] (New)


Magic skills and related:

[Lava Magic Lv. 3]

[Lightning Magic Lv. 2]

[White Flames Lv. 2] (+1)

[Corrosive Fire Lv. 2] (+1)

[Sacred Magic Lv. 6]

[Earth Magic Lv. 10]

[Earth Amp]

[Earth Magic Efficiency]

[Terra Magic Lv. 3]

[Wind Magic Lv. 10]

[Wind Amp]

[Wind Magic Efficiency]

[Storm Magic Lv. 2] (+1)

[Space-Time Magic Lv. 5] (+1)

[Space-Time Magic Efficiency]

[True Draconic Lineage]

[Draconic Barrier Lv. 6]

[Silent Casting Lv. 8] (+1)

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 7] (+1)

[Long-Range Spell Enhancement Lv. 2] (+1)

[Mental Stability Lv. 6]

[Mental Warfare Lv. 4]

[Fluid Cast Lv. 2] (+1)

[Delayed Cast Lv. 1]

[Continuous Cast Lv. 1] (New)

[Mana Eyes Lv. 3] (+1)

Physical skills and related:

[Unarmed Technique Lv. 8] (New)

[Unarmed Mastery Lv. 1] (New)

[Sword Technique Lv. 1] (New)

[Spear Technique Lv. 1] (New)

[Draconic Roar Lv. 4]

[Sundering Enhancement Lv. 5]

[Piercing Enhancement Lv. 5]

[Crushing Enhancement Lv. 3]

Senses and movement skills:

[Silence Lv. 1]

[Accuracy Correction Lv. 7] (+1)

[Concentration Lv. 5] (+1)

[Foresight Lv. 1]

[Danger Perception Lv. 5] (+1)

[Probability Correction Lv. 5]

[Detection Sensor Lv. 3]

[Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 5] (+1)

[Enhanced Vision Lv. 6] (+1)

[Tracking Lv. 3]

[Night Vision Lv. 8]

[Odorless Lv. 1]

[Evasion Lv. 10]

[Acrobatic Lv. 10]

[Air Walk Lv. 4] (+1)

[Terrain Maneuvering Lv. 5] (+1)

[Mid-Air Maneuvering Lv. 2] (+1)


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 4]

[Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Mental Corruption Resistance Lv. 3]

[Mind Protection Lv. 3]

[Mana Leak Resistance Lv. 2]

[Abnormal Status Nullification]

[Fear Resistance Lv. 3] (+1)

[Lava Resistance Lv. 2]

[Lightning Resistance Lv. 2]

[Holy Resistance Lv. 8]

[Inferno Resistance Lv. 3]

[Terra Resistance Lv. 1]

[Wind Resistance Lv. 7] (+3)

[Water Resistance Lv. 2]

[Dark Resistance Lv. 1]

Stat growths and related:

[Enhanced Strength Growth Lv. 6]

[Enhanced Strength Enforcement Lv. 4]

[Enhanced Vitality Growth Lv. 5]

[Enhanced Vitality Enforcement Lv. 4]

[Speed of Sound Lv. 1]


[Stage Fever Lv. 3] (+1)

[Handicraft Lv. 4] (+2)

[Woodworking Lv. 5] (+1)

[Stonecrafting Lv. 1]

[Trap Creation Lv. 8] (+2)

[Instruction Lv. 1] (New)

[Identity Blocker Lv. 10]

[Identify Lv. 10]

[Battle Mind Lv. 7]

[Cooking Lv. 7]

[Benevolent Aura Lv. 2]

[Draconic Aura Lv. 1]

[Royal Presence Lv. 1]

[Dismantle Lv. 7]


[Thought Acceleration Lv. 3] (+1)

[High-Speed Calculation Lv. 1]

[Multi-Thought Processing Lv. 1]

[Parallel Thoughts Lv. 9]

[Core Regulation]

[Humanize Lv. 10]




Job Skill:

[Healing Amp]

Ability List:

[Dreadflare Aura]

[Hellblade Edge]

[Scale-Dust Veil]

[Hellflame Breath]

[Solar Beam]

Spell List:

Custom Magic:

[Symphonie des Feuergottes]


[Sanctified Blaze]


Custom Magic Song:

[The Will to Fight and Survive]

[Dragon Fire]

Lightning Magic:

[Lightning Bolt]

[Purple Flash]

Lava Magic:

[Lava Ball]

[Lava Stream]

[Molten Guard]

Holy Magic:

[Sacred Smite]

[Sacred Veil]

[Sacred Field]

[Banishment Beam]

[Major Heal]


Earth Magic

[Earth Wall]

[Rock Blast]

[Earth Strike]

[Rock Bullet]

[Sturdy Earth]

[Earth Spears]

[Earth Crash]

[Earthen Shackles]

[Terra Wall]

[Bedrock Blades]

[Rumbling Might]

Wind Magic:

[Wind Bullet]

[Wind Cutter]

[Air Shield]

[Wind Slash]

[Swift Winds]

[Wind Blast]


[Aerial Blitz]

[Tornado Bullet]

[Slyphids Cloak]

Space-Time Magic:


[Storage Magic]

[Warp Point: Entry]

[Warp Point: Exit]

The Light Magic:




[The Light]

[Bearer of Kargryxmors Blood]

[Divine Inferno]

[Otherworldly Reincarnator]


A note from AbyssRaven

Gearing Time!

If you guys want to support me, Hestia and "A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale" (or just read up to 12 advance chapters + any Patreon-only chapters) please check out my Patreon: Rawr!

If you guys enjoyed this chapter then, please follow the story. If you guys want the story to grow, then giving it a rating or a favorite will do wonders: Rawr

Thank you for reading this chapter.




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About the author

1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Tuesday, December 29, 2020 3:33:06 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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