A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 134: Blade and Shield of Ice.

Chapter 134: Blade and Shield of Ice.

Does this not smell a bitputrid? Miss Saori asked me as I was stirring the potion base in a beaker.

Hmmm, considering what she said, I reread the information I wrote down on a wooden slate from Cernusts lesson. Maybe I put in too much of the fragassa juice? Medicinal herb(crushed and juices extracted), mana water(the higher quality the better), alcohol(weaker beverages like fruit wine or mead are sufficient), salt, sweet-sour tasting liquid(fragassa), bone marrow(Minimum E rank for the best results) are the ingredients. I have everything.

I then took out the slate with the instructions of the process. Crush herbs with the mortar, add it in a pot and fill a pot with mana water, stir until the color changes to green, add a pinch of salt and let it rest. Mix sweet-sour liquid, salt, and alcohol into another pot, pour it into a beaker and heat it until it boils. Add herbs and bone marrow, mix until the color changes to red or pink. If pink, add own mana to facilitate additional alchemic reactions. That is what I wrote down, and I followed the whole process as we did yesterday. Hmm, strange.

The color of the liquid was a dark red, similar to blood. I could agree that the smell of the potion was off, unlike the one I made yesterday, but I wasnt sure where I went wrong.

From what Cernust told me, the medicinal herbs and bone marrow must be used generously, as they work together to create the healing effect of a health potion. Mana water increases these two effects even further, alcohol was there as a base to bind the ingredients together, salt to prevent infections and the sweet-sour liquid for the taste and color. The fragassa juice was important, otherwise the Health potion would taste horrendous.

The one Cernust made as an example was without fruit juices. The taste really was horrendous and nauseating. Brrr, argh.

While I was wondering if I used too little fragassa juices, Miss Saori picked up the bottle of fruit wine to inspect it. Tasianna, did you get this from inside the mansion?

Yes, I asked Svena to bring some, as I needed it for practice. She was quite helpful, I answered.

Svena was serving Lady Hestia only temporarily, but it still made her a part of my mistress staff. I had to be friendlier towards her so we could Lady Hestia better. It was kind of her to take over my duties so I might practice alchemy more. I still have not gained [Alchemy], after all.

I see, Saori nodded with an enlightened expression. Tasianna, the fruit wine you used yesterday was the wine Cernust bought from his inn. They might have the same name, but the wine of a noble cannot be compared to a commoners. Nobles strive for quality beverages when they serve a drink to themselves or their guests, while commoners are more interested in how much they must pay. Depending on your vendor, the alcohol content of wines can be completely different.

Oh, was this wine too strong? Is that the reason?

Miss Saori seemed like an alcohol connoisseur, considering how much she enjoyed drinking ale and wine, so taking her word was appropriate. I do not have much experience with alcoholic beverages, as I disliked the taste of it, so it was hard for me to differentiate between the fruit wine I used yesterday and the one today. Both smelled horrible, despite being fruity.

As I was complaining about having to throw away and waste this batch of potions, Miss Saori stopped me and told me to add more mana water into the beaker to dilute it. Watering down the alcohol content would probably get rid of the awful smell and wrong color, she guessed.

I believed it would also lower the quality of the resulting potion, but it was better than wasting a whole batch. I grew the Belzac herbs for our partys uses, so wasting it was a no-no for me.

After adding more mana water and heating it while stirring, the color changed from dark red to a normal red. The smell also changed to something neutral instead of the fruity smell of fragassa I had yesterday. Diluting the wine also diluted the fragassa juices, I see.

Moderate Health Potion

A Health potion with above-average regeneration increasing effects. This potion was concocted with high-quality Belzac herbs and the bone marrow of an E rank Skorr-type monster. This potion not only increases wound and Health regeneration, but also increases blood creation and clotting, nullifying most [Bleeding] effects

From our battle against the onnikais, our party used up eight potions. Amongst them was also the ones Sister Silva had, who graciously gave the empty bottles to us, as she didnt need them to weigh her down. As we havent sold them back to the potion seller, I was able to fill four of these eight empty vials with this Health potion. It wasnt perfect, but I finally managed to make another batch.

Acquisition requirement fulfilled. [Alchemy Lv. 1] acquired


Lady Hestias increased skill proficiency gain effect has been useful once again. I made two batches yesterday under Cernusts care using his spare empty vials to sell to Zeather for some alchemic ingredients. Including this one, three batches were needed for me to gain this skill.


A skill revolving around the creation of alchemical substances ranging from potion making to catalyst synthesizing, mana tool production, and many more. Supports the alchemist by giving them information on the temperature, quality of alchemical ingredients, mana concentration, and more as the skill level increases

Ahh, so it is similar to my [Brewing] skill.

[Brewing] allowed me to learn the perfect temperature and preparation method for specific tea leaves to create something suitable for Lady Hestias and Miss Saoris taste. If I were to dabble in the other pursuits of being an alchemist, I believe that having a high-level [Alchemy] skill will be a great boon. However, for now, I think I will stick to potion-making.

Thank you very much, Miss Saori, I thanked her for her help.

No need, Tasianna. I would suggest you learn more about alcohol if what Cernust said was correct. Alcohol is the base for the majority of potions, so it would be wise for you to know the difference between beer and spirits like sake, she stated. Wait a moment, I think I just had an epiphany. Your [Brewing] skill, could it not be used to make alcohol? There is a concept called mixology on Earth where practitioners mix liquors called cocktails. They mix different beverages with alcohol as its base to create new tasteful drinks. Have you tried using your skill with alcohol?

Miss Saori, you arent suggesting this to me because you like alcohol, right? I said with a plain expression, knowing full well of the izakaya and disco culture on Earth.

N-No, no, no, no! That was not my intention, I swear. Her flustered face made me believe it was one of her secondary goals. I just thought it would be great if your skill could branch out from tea brewing, considering how [Alchemy] has such a wide range. Your skill is called brewing and not tea brewing, right? Restaurants on Earth can serve liquors to patrons, so I thought it would help our endeavors.

Hmm, well, if it will benefit our establishment, then I shall practice. Could you teach me? I asked, to which Miss Saori answered that she would ask Lady Hestia. Apparently, Lady Hestia read about it from their internet, this giant information network created from digital and electrical means. They have explained it to me, but it still confuses me. I do not know how to imagine it, but it sounded amazing.

Ah, Hestia and Ellaine should already be in the forest by now, considering the travel speed of Ellaines gargoyle. I shall be leaving, too. I need to do some research on eateries and street food.

With that, Miss Saori left.

Before the human nobles returned to Firwood, Lady Ellaine wanted to train with Lady Hestia a bit more. A training arc is what Lady Hestia called it and decided they should travel to the forest after we managed to talk Zeather and Cernust into our plans. They were to hunt monsters and help Lady Ellaine to not only gain skills but also levels.

Miss Saori mentioned she hadnt formed a menu yet for our restaurant, so she wished to witness what Firwoods street food could offer and figure out what we could create as a niche for our restaurant. Apparently, the food we served to Lady Ellaine might be alright for serving to nobles and rich merchants, but they werent appropriate for wageworkers like the ones in the middle and lower districts of the commoner half of the town. Street food had to be fast, efficient, and delicious according to Miss Saori.

After Miss Saori left, I ended my alchemy practice for now. We needed more vials first and Miss Saori was keeping our partys budget with her, so I had no access to our money. Besides, I dont think I had the courage to speak with a vendor, nor do I have the patience if it were a human.

So, I decided to do something else. This was one of the rare moments where I wasnt accompanying Lady Hestia or Miss Saori, so I believe this would be a great chance to finally learn more about Kiiro, specifically, the orb it was residing in.

I left my room after tending to my garden and moved to the training room under the Helvas mansion.


Catalyst of the Blessed Gale Storm

An alchemical orb blessed by Zephira, Goddess of Winds, and drenched in the mana of a rage-filled onnikai. If mana is registered to this catalyst, it will levitate and float around the owner using stored mana. If this catalyst is used as a support for the owners spells, the mana used in the process will be thicker, increasing the durability and damage of spells. Due to this process, casting speed and mana cost will increase.

Zephiras Blessing: Casting speed and spell strength will increase for wind elemental related spells, improved [Air Shield] can be cast, [Aerokinesis] for all wind elemental spells cast through this catalyst, [Storm Resistance Lv. 5]

Owner: [Tasianna Marina Silverpond]


[Mana Cost Increase Lv. 3]

[Liquid Mana]

[Zephiras Blessing]

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 8]

[Chant Revocation Lv. 8]

[Death Aura Lv. 1]

Liquid Mana

Any mana sent through this catalyst will become thick, like a liquid or slime. The mana can be solidified even further or kept as a liquid. It can be turned back into thte manas normal state either by being separated by the orb for a period of time or by the owners will

Death Aura

The death aura associated with the Goddess of Death and Necromancy, Ilsaphone. It is a weakened version but it will still affect the undead and those close to death. Undead will be more willing to listen to you. Those close to death will fear you more, making inflicting [Terror] and [Fear] more likely

A gift from Goddess Ilsaphone. This is proof that the Goddess aided the onnikai.

Kiiro, can you hear me? I spoke to the orb after identifying it.

It was silent for a moment until a small, child-like voice responded to my question, I am awake now, Tasianna. There are no humans here? The Champion isnt here, also?

Instead of me answering it, another voice escaped from the orb. It was deeper, similar to an adult male. The Alpha and Mistress Hestia have left for their duties. Miss Tasianna is alone with us.

That was the voice of one of the four onnikais who controlled the four undead garms. The other three were being transformed into Miss Saoris shadow beasts, but this one had to stay inside my orb due to the limitations of Miss Saoris [Shadow Pack]. It could only hold three shadow beasts for now. This one was waiting inside the orb for the skill level, and its capacity, to increase, but it seemed to have regenerated its speech, probably from the mana that I was supplying it.

I see, Kiiro mumbled. Then, why have you woken me up, Tasianna? There is no need to call for me until we fight against Davison. My lifes goal is his death only.

The chilly tone of its voice was frightening, feeling a bit too nostalgic to me. I could sympathize well with Kiiro, as we both experienced the cruelty of greedy humans, but I wouldnt dare say it out loud. Not only was Kiiro multiple centuries older than me, but it also had to live this time as a mindless, rage-driven onnikai. I could never understand all its pain, although I hoped our experience with humans was the same.

Kiiro reminded me too much of myself when I was caught by those fairy hunters. My emotions went wild and everything else was just a blur for me. It made me neglectful of my original duty as Princess Schuris retainer. This memory was like a needle piercing my heart.

I want you to teach me how to use the [Liquid Mana] of the catalyst. Considering you created and controlled that onnikai beast, you are the best teacher for me, I replied to Kiiros question.

Will it help with killing Davison? Kiiro uttered with its bloodthirst seeping out.

I nodded immediately and answered, Of course. If I can fight better, I can participate more in the upcoming battles. I will be less afraid of being a liability to Lady Hestia and Miss Saori. Aurora requires me to be stronger.

Then let me teaaaacccch youuuuuu. I will make you into an instrument of power, Tasianna. Channel your rage, let it flow through your mana, and cast a spell!

Ignoring how the spirit said it, I did what Kiiro told me. Similar to how Lady Hestia would channel her mana into me to heal me, I controlled my mana and let some of it flow into the orb. Thinking of Lady Hestias words of a wind drill or ice sword, I cast [Icicle Spike]. A light blue magic circle appeared before the catalyst and a sharp icicle shot out, which I stopped with [Cryokinesis].

It doesnt look any different? I said.

Wind becomes like a strong shield, water becomes a wall, fire turns into a sword of power, but the earth is sturdy already. How will it benefit an element that is already solid, to begin with? Kiiro told me. Tasianna, the power of [Liquid Mana] is flexibility. It is a slime, a mold to be controlled like a puppet. Mana can become strings. Mana can become weapons. Mana can become beasts. Observe. Grant me mana and I shall show you.

Using the mana inside the orb, Kiiro shined yellow inside it, before a blue material began to grow around the orb like a mold. The more seconds passed, it started to resemble the slime the onnikai used to control their possessed corpses, albeit it wasnt black. Then, two droplets formed, dripping down from the orb before they solidified.

Remove them for me, it ordered and I obliged, however, what happened afterward surprised me.

They are levitating?! I exclaimed.

Yes! It moves through my will! The beast, my creation, it moved through this orb! Without this orb, it wouldnt have been possible. However, know this, once the mana is solidified, it will be restricted to the rules of any solid creation. My beastit couldnt defend if it cannot reach me, Kiiro stated, explaining why Lady Hestia was able to trap and restrict the onnikai beast from leaving. The solid mana will inherit characteristics from the element you used to create it, which means, if you make an ice elemental slime, it will be weak to fire. Similar to how our dark mana was weak to the champions white fire and holy spells.

Understanding from Kiiros example, I attempted using [Liquid Mana] again. Channeling [Ice Spike], instead of casting the spell, I used the mana stored inside the magic circle to create the slime. The idea was similar to Miss Saoris [Elemental Mana Weave], and I was able to understand how Kiiro was able to use the skill without channeling a spell.

Cyan-colored slime was slowly being formed around the slime. Instead of letting the slime cover the orb, I began to morph it through my image of Lady Hestias spear. A sharp spearhead was formed around the orb like a core while a long handle came from its bottom. Once I had the form, Kiiro told me to will the slime to solidify, similar to what it did with the onnikai beast.

The slime hardened. The cyan colored surface of it transformed into the pristine appearance of my ice spells. A white mist of cold could be seen surrounding the spear, and I felt a small chill as I grasped it for the first time. Was this the feeling of frostbite? I never had an issue with my ice spells before.

Good! Wield it like a humanoid weapon, or have it float around you. Better yet, create more of it and let them defend you. Why must you use [Cryokinesis] to have them float if you can use this catalyst? Mana will not be consumed, but you will still need to control them individually, Kiiro said.

Is there an easier way? The issue I have with [Cryokinesis] is the difficulty of controlling multiple ice creations at once, as I cannot think of orders fast enough. It would be possible if I were to stand in the backline; however, I want to fight with Miss Saori and Lady Hestia side-by-side.

My role as a maid should be with my mistress, not being the one defended. I cannot assert the same power as Lady Hestia can; I am no dragon. However, if I cannot smite her enemies, then I can at least defend her. Miss Saori can destroy foes before they reach Lady Hestia, so I must be the last line of defense. I want to be that defensive shield.

Unfortunately, not every wooden shield can prove useful for long. One day, a strong sword will pierce itso I must become stronger. Temper myself. I must make this new power my own.

Allow me to help you then.

Using [Cryokinesis], I tore off two pieces of the spears handle and threw them up in the air. They began to levitate and transformed into arrowheads. I threw the spear into the air and Kiiro began to move not only the spear but also the icicle arrowheads. They were moving fluidly through the air, while I was free to cast more spells.

[Frozen Shield], [Icicle Gust], [Water Wall], [Wind Blast]. I could activate spell after spell and it didnt slow down the attack speed of Kiiro and my floating ice weapons. I even increased the number of pieces and Kiiro was able to move them all by his lonesome. It was amazing. Even if one of them broke, as long as I had the catalyst, I could produce more. I wasnt even limited to arrows. Spears, swords, hammers, anything I could think of.

However, while I was ecstatic at my new ability, I also realized something.

I cannot allow Kiiro to control them forever. It will leave us one day andits too unstable.

I recalled the catalyst and dispelled all the weapons. I then turned the spear surrounding the orb into a sword. For now, I shall learn how to use both [Cryokinesis] and the catalyst without Kiiros support. That meant having it attack at the same time whenever I cast a spell. I must challenge myself.

After returning to Firwood, I had changed my Main Job to [Cryomancer], as I wanted to become better at using this skill. It didnt improve [Cryokinesis] itself, but it allowed me to gain a good amount of stats while granting me this skill [Frozen Body Lv. 1].

Frozen Body

A skill available to beings with a mana body, as they are less affected by temperatures. Hardens mana inside the body into ice, increasing defense but significantly decreasing fire resistance. Can spread the cold through touch and breath

[Elvenization (Moderate)] inflicted on [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]

I transformed into a form where I could still keep my heightened stats as a larger being while also regaining my fairy wings. I flew up into the air and began using the orb to deal damage from afar onto an ice statue I created as a training dummy.

While I was at it, I also tested out Goddess Zephiras blessing. Any wind spell I cast I could control it perfectly with the added [Aerokinesis] ability, although seeing as wind spells were already flexible to begin with, I didnt really appreciate it a lot. It should be more useful when I finally get [Storm Magic], as the spells lose their adaptability for power.

[Air Shield] has become nicer to use, though. I can control what can go in and out.

[Air Shield] was a spell that allowed you to protect yourself from sound-based and gaseous attacks. If the shield was strong enough, it could even completely nullify Lady Hestias [Dragon Roar]. However, the problem was that air couldnt enter the bubble. Oxygen was contained in the air and it was needed to breathe and live. With this improved [Air Shield] I can control what can go in and out without any restrictions. I can eavesdrop on others while they cannot hear what I say, and vice versa, if I so wanted.

After continuing for multiple hours, I finally reached my goal.

Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Wind Magic Lv. 9] evolved into [Wind Magic Lv. 10]

Skill requirement fulfilled: [Storm Magic Lv. 1] gained

Magic gained: [Aerial Blitz] [Tornado Bullet]


[Elvenization (Major)] inflicted on [Fairy, Tasianna Marina Silverpond]

Sweating and feeling fulfilled, I left the training room and returned to my room to clean myself. After taking a shower, I wondered if Miss Saori was home or not, but none of the servants saw her return. I wonder where she was?

Its Miss Saori. There is nothing to worry about.

Lady Hestia was on a trip with Lady Ellaine and Miss Saori was probably using her time efficiently, too. I should do my part. After drinking and eating something, I continued my alchemy training by preparing ingredients.

A note from AbyssRaven

Remember Tasianna's art that I posted? Yeah, foreshadowing, ooooooooooh.

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1 Fictions 7 Posts 1 Threads

  • Wednesday, March 3, 2021 4:29:23 AM
  • Germany
  • [Member of Zard Skwad]

Bio: Hey there, AbyssRaven here. I'm just an avid Light Novel and Fantasy story reader who randomly thought of a story and began writing about it.

I eventually found out that I've been spending a bit too much time with building, planning, and researching for the story, that I've decided to just share it with others.

Writing is mostly a hobby for me, but I would still love any kind of criticism to improve on it.

I'm also german, so please excuse anything that sounds a bit weird...I wouldn't mind you pointing it out though.



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