A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 27: First party member acquired!

Chapter 27: First party member acquired!


Calling out the name of the spell, despite not needing to, the magic circle activated, and a massive barrier of radiant light encapsulated me and anything within its range.

The shimmer is similar to another magic spell that I love to use, [Shine]. What I mean by this is that it emits a holy elemental light, that illuminates the area like a shining bulb.

[Such a nice white.] Said Ms. Segawa, mesmerized by the brilliant white light that this spell is emitting.

I silently nodded to her statement, panning my head from one side to other, just enjoying this sight. I was standing at the epicenter of this spell, feeling as if a giant spotlight was beaming an intense ray of light directly on me. It feels like I was on stage.

Fully satisfied, I dispelled the spell. Its still only morning but this kinda light will still attract a lot of unwanted attention.

This is, uhh, a pretty nice surprise. I simply stated.

[I concur.] Ms. Segawa nodded. [I faintly felt something prickly on my skin by being in the barrier.]

Hmm, I think I have an idea why. I told her what I remembered when I fought against the garms, and how my [Shine] was able to deal some damage to them, due to the spells interaction with garms and other dark elemental creatures.

Besides healing spells, I havent exactly tried using any other holy or sacred elemental spells on Ms. Segawa, due to the danger of her being hurt. Well probably do it at a later time, but I digress.

[Is that so? The barrier should have the same effect on me then, so why did I not take any damage when I touched it, furthermore I was able to pass right through it. A barrier that allows enemies to pass does not sound useful.]

Hmm. I gave it a thought, but the answer came pretty quickly. I think its cause the spell considers you my follower, you know, you have that title after all. Saying that, I used [Identify] and showed Ms. Segawa the description.

Hestias Retainer

A title given to a person that has sworn loyalty or fealty for a person with the title [The Light]. This title allows the owner to be aware of the other partys condition, even when they are separated. This option can be disconnected by the other partys choice. Grants the owner of this title certain benefits from the sworn persons titles or skills

Received benefits include

Reduced SP cost for skill acquirement and improvement

[It leads back to this, huh?]

Yup, seems like thats the case. Urgh, this is such an embarrassing title. I laid a hand on my head and heaved a deep sigh, bothered about the fact that a title has my new name on it.

Urgh, it sounds so stuck-up to have somebody be my retainer and showing it to the whole world, with what essentially is putting a notice board around a persons neck with the caption Hestias Retainer.

It's dumb. Its like those clingy girlfriends from sitcoms who give their boyfriends a I already have a loving Girlfriend T-Shirts.

Its so fucking cringy, urrrgh! Now I really have to apologize!

Ms. Segawa. I twisted my whole upper body to her direction, intending to apologize wholeheartedly. Im really so

[Well, thats ok. Is it not so, my Lady?] However, what she just said, startled me enough to interrupt my apology.

Wha-wha-wha-wha-what?! I was stumbling over my own words; my face was starting to heat up. What just happened?! Whats with that my Lady? Please, stop! Its embarrassing if you call me that.

[He he, I cannot do that, my Lady. As you can see from my new title, I am your retainer. Princess Hestia Atsukos new retainer and follower. How could I, a humble attendant, dishonor my mistress by failing to address her with her due respect?] She was speaking calmly and had a serene smile, but I can see the glee and excitement in your eyes!

Ms. Segawa, you meanie! Youre doing this for the laughs. Please, stop it already! Its really embarrassing to be called like that. I was never addressed this formally before, not even from my nanny. I would much prefer it if our conversations were less formal.

[You do not need to call me Ms. Segawa, my Lady. Just Saori is fine.] Ms. Segawa masterfully changed the topic!

Urk, why so suddenly? There isnt a need to do that.

[Is it not obvious?] Ms. Segawa looked at me with widened eyes, clearly surprised about my question. [Regardless of the whole Princess situation, we still agreed to travel together, correct?]

I nodded.

[We have known each other for a whole month now, and weve only addressed each other, formally. Granted, it would have been awkward otherwise, however, now you have a name, Hestia. A great one too.] She sounded proud of herself when she said that Hestia is a great name, despite being the one to give it to me. Well, regardless, she does have a point. Weve known each other long enough that it would make sense to call each other casually, and now that my lack of a name is gone, there should be nothing to stop us now.

Well, I guess it would be nice to do that. I slightly touched my cheeks with my knuckles, while my lips formed a smile. Its nice to meet you. I hope we can have a lot of fun in our travels, Saori!

[It is my pleasure to join you, Princess Hestia!]

I guess you wont drop that whole my Lady and Princess stuff, right? I meekly complained, knowing that it would be futile at this point.

Confirming my assumption, Saori nodded her head. [It is as you say, my Lady. Honestly, is it that uncomfortable for you to be called that way?]

It is. I cast my eyes downward. Besides validating that annoying [Princess] title, it also worries me that you will start treating me differently now, if you make a habit of calling me like that. It sounds so pretentious and snobbish.

I dont want it to be like the past.

Avoiding and judging me, after finding out about my financial status. Friends distancing from me, just cause I changed my speaking mannerism.

I dont want my relationship with Saori to deteriorate, I dont want to feel like Im unwelcome. I made the mistake of ridiculing Saoris dream, without fully understanding her situation, and Im feeling a bit uneasy that shes gonna think Im a terrible person.

[You seem to have forgotten something about me, Hestia.] I rose my head in confusion when she said that.  I could see her shake her head, a wry smile forming. [I was a teacher before I died, and not just any teacher, but a teacher from Shirako High School, one of the best college-preparatory school in Japan. Catered to the rich and talented. Ive seen my share of egocentric and pampered brats; you are nothing special compared to them, Hestia.]

I feel like shes venting out some of her frustration from her past life. Somehow, it feels correct to give her something to drink.


Saori silenced me by putting her paw on my head. Her body is pretty small, so I have to crouch to have our eyes meet.

[Hestia, act however you want. I will not treat you any differently, because in this one month I have learned enough about you to form a proper image. You are a hard-working, dedicated, and self-conscious young woman who, honestly, does not have enough self-confidence despite being stubborn enough to bring me into a C rank monster fight.] I could hear her giggling about that fight against the grizzly. In hindsight, it was an idiotic idea but, in my defense, I simply forgot about the fact that chanting might be needed to cast spell cause I never had to do it. I only knew [Chant Revocation] existed.

While I was nervously faking a laugh at this memory, I could hear my parallel minds speaking to me.

Isnt it just fine to accept it? Its not like shes addressing you like that to spite youok, maybe shes teasing.

Yeah, were not getting anywhere like this. Just accept it already.

It might be embarrassing but it isnt the worst thing people have called us. Come on, accept it already. This internal predicament is annoying.

All my parallel minds were in unison about the topic. I guess, Im the only one whos still undecided, huh?

I stop laughing, closed my eyes, and opened them up again to speak. You wont treat me any different, right?

[I will not.] She shrugged. [Besides addressing you more formally, our relationship will stay the same. Its not like this is real, right my Lady?]

Uh huh. Her grin makes it hard for me to trust what she said. Dont you think its a bit weird to call me that, just after giving me my own name? How about we only do it when others are present, but in private we can just be casual.

[But I really want to call you my Lady and Princess Hestia.]

I glared at her.

[Alright, alright. Enough teasing. Youre no fun, Hestia.] She momentarily let go of her stoic image and spoke casually, even pouted. However, she quickly reverted back to her normal speaking mannerisms. [However, please allow me to act like an adult, ok? I have a debt to repay, and I wish to do it, properly.]

I smirked and replied in a playful tone. Uh huh, its not like Ill still have to take care of you, considering thats your body. I pointed at the current state of her body, causing her to groan.

Ha ha, just kidding, I wont mind being pampered like a princess, but dont go overboard, ok? Ill also try to act like my [Princess] title would suggest me to be; just to make my best retainer look better ~ It was mostly a joke. I still dont want to be a princess. Oh yeah, Saori?

[Hmm, yes?]

I think its the perfect time to apologize. I would like to apologize for being rude about your dream. I can assure you that Ill make sure to become a great Idol, so we can travel around this whole new world as much as you want!

[Then I will accept your apology, Hestia. Your kindness is an honor.] Urgh, come on, Hestia. Bear through this cringy, formality stuff [Now, if you would want to become an even better Princess, then you must cast aside your current speaking mannerism. It is not fitting for your esteemed title.]

Urgh, Saori. Like Ive already said a thousand times, Im speaking like this cause it makes me sound less like a rich kid.

[It is because not just cause. Besides, making the decision to deliberately downgrade your speaking mannerism due to your fear of being treated differently, is a logic I cannot support. Those girls from your past life are gone, there is no reason for you to continue.]

This is how normal New Yorkers speak. This is a medieval world, correct? We will be talking with a ton of people that have little to no education, so it would be better to blend in with them if I speak like this.

[Nonsense. The last thing we need is people believing you could not possibly be a princess. That title alone is a massive advantage and privilege for us in our travels, and it will become necessary for you later, regardless if you want to fully embrace the title or not, when we speak with influential personages.]

Ill make sure to talk like how my etiquette teacher taught me to when its needed, but talking with a random passerby doesnt require me to speak like that!

[The average person on the street will not mind it. Just abstain from acting selfish and haughty. Be you, or if you want, be your Idol self. Put up a smile. Be cheerful and friendly. A cute young girl with a prim and proper appearance and approachable attitude will pierce the hearts of many.]

Ok, I see your point but youre already going overboard!

And we continued bantering like this, while we made our way into the dark depths of this forest, trying to find a way out of it.

Ive started my life and journey in this new world as a dragon whelp trapped in a forest filled with killer bunnies and giant wolves. Ive grown and trained myself to overcome these trials and tribulations, and I did it all alone.

Now, I am not alone anymore. I have a friend. I have a traveling companion. I have somebody to watch my back during a fight.

If youre already having this much trouble with killing me, Belzac forest, then just you wait when Im done training Saori.

It will get out of hand soon, cause there will be two of us monster reincarnators!

Just you wait, world. I, the soon to be Idol, Hestia Atsuko, will make her debut in this world, and I will make it so awesome that it will be written in the books of history!

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