A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 48: This must be Revenge!

Chapter 48: This must be Revenge!

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Dancing Lv. 4] [Royal Etiquette Lv. 3] gained

Ahhh, a dance without music is a true tragedy, only with music can it elevate itself to its divine status.

Keep with the beat. Come on, a bit faster, Lady Saori, I said.

Lady He-Hestia, your movements aretoo fast. It is h-hard to follow, Saori said stuttering, due to her split concentration.

What are you talking about? Im simply following the beat. One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, I said nonchalantly.

Although I was confident that I was counting the rhythm correctly, I still decided to ask my parallel minds, who were using [Aerokinesis] to play a fitting composition for this dance, if they accidentally increased the rhythm.

Hmph, dont underestimate us, Original mind. Weve been using this skill to imitate guitars, drums, violins, and many other instruments to perform our pop songs, correctly. One piece of music is easy enough, parallel mind #2 boasted.

Well, I would insult my own education if I couldnt remember An der schnen blauen Donau, or better known as On the Beautiful Blue Danube. Then again, playing it on a piano is vastly different compared to imitating a whole orchestra version.

After checking, I continued speaking, Besides, how can you complain when we havent started with the more refined movements, yet. I taught you the basic footwork and that is all were doing, except its with the guidance of music now.

I-I see, Saori said hesitantly. But is this not too fast for my first try?

Saori's endless complaints during these practices have become a norm between us now. Funnily enough, it was her that asked me to teach her how to dance properly and she's now the one that is complaining.

It was currently the night on the day of the stampede. After I adopted Rajah, my little virigress kitty, our party continued following the monster tracks left behind from the fleeing animals, due to the wyverns loud roars.

Maybe its cause winter is coming, but the daylight has grown less and less on each day and today wasnt an exception to this. I had no clock to confirm it, but I was sure that the sky was turning orange much sooner than last month.

Also due to the number of trees blocking the light, it got darker much faster in the Belzac forest, so we had to prepare for camp before the sun even disappeared.

Once Tasianna and Saori confirmed our location from above the trees, as I shouldnt do it in case the wyverns were scouring the skies, I immediately wanted to continue Saoris dancing practice.

Since the troll encounter, there hasnt been any time for us to resume it as there were more important tasks, for example, Tasiannas power leveling and Saoris magic training. There were also our daily language lectures from Tasianna, which we couldnt afford to skip.

Learning a language is essential to surviving in our next foray, living in civilization. If knowing how to fight monsters, find food, and taking care of your health are the fundamental skills to survive in the wildness, then learning the lingua franca, the Common tongue, will be vital to blend into society.

We could use [Telepathy] but, honestly, nein. Heck, imagine an elf asking me or Saori why we couldnt speak and we have to form some kinda embarrassing excuse to cover that fact up. Urgh, instead of doing something that stupid, why not put the effort into it and just learn it beforehand.

So, as nobody had any further plans besides our usual ones, cooking and practicing the Common tongue, I thought it was the perfect time for Saori to resume dancing.

It also was convenient that Rajah seems to have found it entertaining to chase and swat my swinging tail. I dont think it looks anything alike but hes playing with it just like a cat would play with those feather wand toys.

I was happy that he was even more active when my dancing is helping my tail swing even wilder. I'm just glad that he isn't being scared around us, seeing as his family is missing.

What we did before was just learning the moves and how you should interact with your dancing partner, I explained to Saori. Yes, we couldve practiced with something slower than a Johann Strauss Jr. composition, but once you get used to it, you can handle anything. Its all about the foundation when it comes to dancing.

Johann Strauss Jr.? Saori asked.

An Austrian composer born in the 19th century, I informed Saori, to help her lacking musical education. You are a history teacher, but I find it very odd that you barely have any knowledge of the great composers of Germany and Austria. It is a tragedy, my dear wolfkin friend!

Why Germany and Austria exactly? Although, I personally would not be able to tell you of any Japanese musicians who had no impact on history, Saori said, averting her eyes.

Obviously, cause they are the best, I said with pride for my former lifes German heritage. At least, thats what my dad always said. He does acknowledge musicians from other countries but when it comes to the best of the best, you wont be able to persuade him otherwise. Not even my mom could do it.

I see you inherited your stubbornness from him, Saori said with a wry smile.

What do you mean with stubborn? Im simply stating an obvious fact, that it would do you good to know about people like Bach or Beethoven, I rebuked with puffed cheeks. Wellit would have.

Music is culture, I guess. Dancing really isnt my forte, Saori said with a sigh.

We haven't practice that often, but, indeed, Saori hasn't gotten the skill [Dancing] yet, despite how easy it was for me to do it. She practiced the footwork necessary for ballroom dancing and also the etiquette that came with it, resulting in her getting [Royal Etiquette] from our little nobility roleplay, saying crap like Lady Saori, Lady Hestia, Ohohoho!.

I thought she hasnt gotten [Dancing] cause all we did until now was simple practice, but it seems even the real deal was not enough for her to gain the skill. It also doesnt help that shes doing, uhhokish? Not only was she going either too slow or too fast, she sometimes even stepped on my feet.

I know you are more experienced but considering our size difference, should I not lead you? Saori questioned.

Truthfully, Saori should be the one to lead the dance as she was the taller one between us two. Measuring our height, we got to learn that Saori was 169 cm (55 feet) and I was currently 150 cm (49), so she towered me by quite a lot.

Any of the more graceful movements would look awkward when we were to perform them, but thankfully that was not needed here.

Der Walzer, or the Waltz, depends on the two partners knowing how to lead and follow properly. If either of them is desynced, then everything will fall apart, I said. If a gentleman would ask you for a dance, then he will lead, and you will follow. That was the common sense on Earth. I will have you practice both so you will understand it better and are prepared to adapt to the culture of this worlds dancing etiquette.

I asked Tasianna about it, but it seems fairies do not indulge in this sorta dancing. They were more the party hard and dance harder types. I bet they would love techno music and would go out clubbing every single night if they existed in Peolynca.

Anyways, dont forget to smile and make eye contact, ok? I scolded Saori for her frowning expression. You will have to look at your partners face all the time, so you cant let it slip for a second. The emotions you feel will be shared with your partner as you both stare into each others eyes, your souls filling up with these feelings as you are guided into wonderland by the beat of the music. Ahhh, dancing is when a persons truest essence shine.

How poetic, Saori giggled. Is this how I look when I lecture my classes? The sparkling in your eyes is a sight to behold.

Well, I believe we have danced enough, yes? Let us end this properly, Lady Saori, I said courteously.

Following my movements, Saori obliged with a smile, As you will, Lady Hestia.

We have been practicing for a while now and seeing how Rajahs, my little green tiger cub, energy was waning, I think it was prime time for things to finish.

With a simple command, my parallel minds began playing the coda for the musical composition On the Beautiful Blue Danube, the ending passage.


Dont we look just nice? Tada tada.

Dancing in moonlight, tada tada


I wish this would last, tada tada

Till morning comes at last, tada tada


Let the music sound on, tada tada

Must we stop it here? Tada tada


But our time is short, and wasnt it all fun?

All things fun must have an end


Let us continue our dance another time!


Fluttering our blue dresses around, I made sure that Saori was able to perfect this sweet sight for any onlooker, assisting in her movements, and after a pirouette and curtsey, our dance session has ended. As my singing and the music ended, I also dispelled the [Air Shield] surrounding the whole area. I was using it to block sounds from escaping but it also, consequently, prevented new air from coming in, meaning that we would suffocate if it stayed active.

Moonlight? It is dark but the moon is nowhere close to the sky yet, Hestia, as our dancing practiced ended, so did our noble lady roleplay.

Ah, give me a break, Saori. No need to be pedantic about it, I responded, also dropping most of my formal speech. Argh, speaking like that makes me feel so stiff.

[Amazing!] said Tasianna, clapping from the side. [After that magnificent performance, you must be thirsty, correct? Lady Hestia and Miss Saori?]

My nose finally caught the sweet fragrance of freshly brewed tea coming from the stone teapotthat I made! He he, and if I may, I would say that it might be one of my proudest creations yet. [Woodworking] unfortunately didnt help me produce a more quality product but the amount of effort that I put into it, is incomparable to my wooden dishware and utensils.

Anyways, the teapot was sitting over a flame on a stone plate, steaming the calming aroma of the herbal beverage. Even though the teapot was larger in mass than Tasianna, she still did a good job of making tea with it.

Well, she only needed to put in water and the tea leavesuh, thats all I know about tea making. Her tea always tasted wonderful even without a corresponding skill, so she must have some technique that isnt shown on her status board.

Taking out our cups from our respective space storage, I and Saori thanked Tasianna for the tea preparation. Saori began pouring into mine, then into Tasiannas super small teacup, and finally into hers.

[Hmm, I believe I should buy [Elvenize] soon. It feelsunsatisfying when I cannot serve my own tea,] Tasianna said with a frown.

I think she mentioned that she also had access to [Humanize] but obviously she wouldnt want that. Honestly, Im a bit annoyed that I missed the chance to become an elf, like OMG, that would have been cool.

[You could but please dont do the same mistake and upgrade the skill like Saori,] I told Tasianna.

[How rude,] Saori interjected. [Who knows how long it would have taken me to reach [Humanize Lv. 6]. I much prefer having a body that can speak and that also has less body hair. I cannot wait for [Humanize Lv. 10] so I may shed all this fur from my body.]

It seems Saori is a bit insecure about her current appearance. I personally like my dragonewt form so I cant relate to it. My scales made me look cool and cute at the same time while only halving my stats with [Humanized (Moderate)], so besides blending into human society, I think I prefer to stick with this form.

I really have gotten used to my new body, huh? Saori will share my opinion eventually.

Producing two bowls from my storage this time, I poured some rainwater into one and put some raw meat into the other. I didnt know what the diet of the virigress had been until now, so sticking with natural stuff should be alright. Especially when the meat is from a boar.

[Rajah, we will hunt for our food tomorrow, ok? Do you know how to stalk and hunt? Nod if you can,] I said, while also showing him how to nod through our telepathic link.

Once he nodded, seemingly understanding me, I gave him his bowls and said: "enjoy". His drooling mouth ravaged through his meal as if he hadn't had a meal in days. Crunching bones, chewing the meat, and slurping the water would disgust some people but I just looked at it with affection.

I was really worried that he would be too anxious to do anything among us. I mean, I literally abducted him away, without trying to find his parents. I know Saori was right, but it still doesnt change the fact that Rajah might feel pressured from this whole situation.

Thankfully, he warmed up to me quite fast. I guess healing him and showing that I wasnt a threat to him if he behaved did the trick. His [Exhaustion] made him fall asleep, napping long enough for him to reduce its effect to (minor).

Unfortunately, he isn't very friendly with Saori and Tasianna. Rajah was scared, terrified when Saori wanted to pet him and give him food. If I wasn't close to him, then the mere presence of Saori was enough to send a shiver down his spine. Did he notice that Saori had [Terror Aura] and [Bloodlust]? Well, in any case, Saori looked disappointed that our kitty rejected her.

Tasianna, on the other hand, seems to dislike Rajah for some reason. Was it 'cause he treating her like a fly when they first met? He also doesnt like to interact with Tasianna due to me warning him about her ice magic. Its not looking well for our group dynamic.

Also, something interesting happened, or more like, what didnt happen. Compared to my other two companions, Rajah didnt receive the title [Hestias Retainer] and subsequently had no access to the SP System.

I had no idea why that was until Saori reminded me that she and Tasianna both pledged their friendship to me, or allegiance, whatever you want to call it. I tried telling Rajah to do the same thing, but he couldnt speak and all his meowing and mreowing didnt count.

It's sad but it can't be helped. I just have to train him in the old fashion way!

Through monster evolution!

[You look excited, Hestia. Have you thought of another weird idea?] Saori asked.

[Nah, Im thinking of putting Rajah on the Hestia power leveling train tomorrow,] I answered.

["Oh, but he doesn't have a party bracelet, though. We can't share the experience with him,"] Tasianna dropped a major bomb.

I completely forgot about that fact!

Its only been a little over a week, but Ive already gotten accustomed to the experience sharing function of the party bracelets. It just feels natural, you know. Like it should have been there all along.

[That is no problem, though,] reassured Saori. ["We had to live without the experience sharing function in the two months that we traveled together, Hestia. How were you able to power level me?"]

[Right, I gave you all the kills,] I said. [I paralyzed them with my toxins and let you get the last hit on them. That changed when we started the Idol concert strategy, though.]

[Correct, so do not worry yourself over it,] Saori said. [Anyways, you are done with the tea, correct?]

Looking at the now-empty teapot, I nodded. At that moment, Saori's red eyes shined brightly before she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me up. With a simple movement of her fingers, blue strings of mana started growing out of her claws, growing long enough that it was able to wrap itself around my waist.

Wah?! Saori?! I cried out in surprise.

[You know, your dancing lesson has just reminded me that we have not done this in a while, also. Measuring and making your underwear and dress was boring, especially as I had to rush them,] Saori said with a scheming smirk.

Before I could respond to her words, Saori took off my dress. In my embarrassment, I wasnt able to stop her from taking my measurements again.

[Annoying, I know it has only been a week, but you have barely grown in any department. However, I can still tailor one in your current size and then make another one when you grow up. It might be tedious, but I can adapt its design with your developing body. Yes, that is perfect,] Saori said quickly.

Regaining some of my senses, I wanted to say, [H-Hey, Saori, wait a moment, Im not]

But I was interrupted when Tasianna suddenly materialized a [Frozen Shield] in front of me. Then, Saori took out a book from her storage and placed it on the shield.

Once she turned the book to a certain page, Tasianna said, [I believe it would be wise to resume our studies, Lady Hestia. There is still much that you will need to learn.]

Tasianna was talking about language practices. She wanted me and Saori to continue learning the language, Common tongue.

[Wait Tasianna, Saori is currently]

Li foup karnli, (I can learn,) Saori responded in Common tongue.

Hujkunti! Hujkunti, Cintriily Hestia. Plearsiz, gitkustul karnlus, (Wonderful! Wonderful, Princess Hestia! Please, let us learn together,) Tasianna joyfully praised Saori while pressuring me to accept.

[Wait, wait, I-Im naked here and exposed! We cant just con,] once again, I was interrupted!

[Construct an earthen wall if you have to. You only need your tail to cast the spell, anyways,] Saori mercilessly shot down my argument. [Your fashion education is important, but what did you say to me, again? An Idol only needs a stylist to choose a fitting outfit and here I am, offering my talent to turn you into the shiniest star ever.]

Stop using my own words to counter me!

[Lady Hestia, I have decided to stop using Princess to address you, so I believe I have done like you wished?] Tasianna said with a bright smile, trying to hide her deviousness. [You also requested to learn Common tongue as soon as possible so you may finalize your custom spell Imperial Hellfire, correct? You must learn our language to finish the magical runes.]

Verdammte Scheie, why is everybody using my own words against me!

Mreow, Rajah cried.

Et tu, Rajah?!

Well, I cant understand what he said but hes probably using one of my own words! My fake paranoia can smell it from here!

However, I was having none of that. Using my last argument, I shall persuade them to give me some time to think about this overwhelming situation.

[Wait, you guys! You are scaring Rajah and,] however, I was not able to end my sentence

Turning around, I saw Rajah chasing after my erratic tail movements. It seems having dinner was enough for him to regain most of his energy back, quickly returning to acting like a tiger cub, playing around and leaving me to fend for myself.


And so, my afternoon was spent being made into a dress-up doll for Saori's numerous amounts of prototypes and Tasianna's intense lecture on how to speak Common tongue. It only ended when my stomach started to growl, and they decided that they have done enough for the day and that it was time for dinner.

Confratu het kol bunmajis(Thanks the for foodyes)

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