A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Side Story 3: Oh gods, I miss coffee.

Side Story 3: Oh gods, I miss coffee.

Urgh, why is it so cold outside?

Only a month ago, I, Tatsuya Nagata, was a simple student who complained about how mundane his life was, not realizing how much I would miss it once it was gone. To stave off my boredom, I developed a hobby of playing video games and reading fiction.

I loved it. Immersing myself in these worlds made me wish that I could also spice my life up. A bit more adventure and surprises.

Somebody up there probably heard it, but this is not what I wanted.

One month ago, I and my whole class, except our homeroom teacher, was transported into a medieval world that is governed by a System equivalent to a video games. To be more specific, game mechanics and system messages you would find in Role-playing games and Massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

Magic, numbers, skills, and other mechanics you can think of, are the cornerstone of what makes this world unique.

And Im here against my will

I was currently in the courtyard of the church, that I and our whole class were using as our current home in this world. Its currently winter here, the 2nd month of this world, which means this month would be the equivalent to February in my world, as they seem to also have a 12 month per year cycle.

Despite being rather cold, it hasnt been snowing much anymore, compared to my first month here.

Oi, Tatsuya I heard a jovial, but a bit troubled, voice call out for me. I swayed my head to the direction of the voice, our eyes meeting. As your best friend, looking at you doing nothing for a whole month is, uh, very concerning.

It was my classmate and friend, Kyouya Ishiyama. Instead of wearing his Japanese school uniform, he was wearing a gambeson, a padded jacket designed to defend him from attacks and ward off the cold, some kind of medieval trouser, and boots. He was also carrying around a sheathed sword on his hip, and a kite shield was strapped on his back.

If he had some armor, he would look like a real knight, but I guess its still too heavy for him.

You dont need to worry about me, Kyouya I mumbled.

Yeah, as if Ill do that. With a worried voice he continued, a wry smile forming. Your parents would kill me if they found out that I ditched their hopeless son.

Pah, good luck to them. Whats your unique skill called again? That defensive one.

Massaging his temples in frustration, he opened his mouth to answer my question Its called [Ardent Defender] and its still level 1.

Ardent Defender

A skill that specializes in and improves the defense of the user. Improves the effectiveness of all shield abilities by reducing a certain amount of damage from any blocked attacks. Passively improves Vitality and Wisdom of other members of the party, while the user is in it

When we were summoned to this world, we were informed by a group of priests that we were summoned by them to help them fend off some sort of demonkin war or invasion or something.

As they had summoned us here against our will, we were naturally extremely confused and most of us even protested; I was one of them. None of us wanted to agree with the churchs whim, however, it was inevitable that we had to adapt to this world.

They wouldnt send us back to Japan before we help them with their problem. Its such a fucked-up situation, really.

Slowly, everybody began to settle down and thats when the church started to offer lectures to learn about this world, as we will probably need it for this prolonged stay. We had to learn about this worlds culture, history, System, and, of course, religion.

Due to some personal reasons, I was pretty much the only one who hasnt attended a single one of those lectures yet. I also still have an immense distrust of every single one of them.

I had to facepalm myself for doing something that stupid, but its kind of awkward to attend one now, when literally the whole class is badmouthing me.

Thankfully, Kyouya stuck with me, sharing the notes that he made, so I sort of had a general idea of most things.

One of those things were skills. Opening my status board for the first time felt very familiar, just like in a video game, but my eyes were attracted to two spots; my unique skill [Rush Hour] and title [Otherworldly Visitor].

Rush Hour

A skill that dictates a users maximum stamina and general activeness. Lowers maximum stamina of user in low tension situation. Increases maximum stamina of the user in high tension situations. In a flight and fight situation; the user may activate this skill to cleanse any [Exhaustion] effects and apply [Rush Hour] on oneself, significantly increasing Agility and Stamina regeneration. However, under [Rush Hour] the user will also receive double of all incoming damage. Once dispelled, the user will be inflicted with [Starvation (Minor)], and [Exhaustion (Moderate)] or [Exhaustion (Major)] depending on the length of [Rush Hour]s usage

Otherworldly Visitor

A title granted to an individual whose origin is not from this world. Enables the Skill Point function. Grants the owner the [Automatic Language Translator] skill

I was told that everybody who was summoned here, has received a unique skill and [Otherworldly Visitor].

I guess it cant be helped. Your addiction to coffee is a major problem.

I think only Kyouya and my parents know how much I need coffee to even move out of bed. Ha, what would I give for a nice, warm coffee.

Kyouya-kun! Suddenly, out of nowhere, a high-pitch voice called out Kyouyas name in a cheery tone.

Both I and my best friend turned our attention towards the girl walking to us.

Kyouya-kun, the others asked if youhuh?! Nagata-kun?! You actually came outside your room?!

He he, Aiko-san, you shouldnt say that. Kyouya gave out a nervous laugh, trying to defend me here.

Whoops, sorry. Rude.

The person talking to us is Aiko Hasebe. Classroom idol, and currently a priestess wearing an almost excessively embroidered winter coat as white as snow.

Under the winter coat, she was wearing a long, dress-like, white robe that stretched down to her ankles, with unpractical, long sleeves and a hood attached. The fabric used for the robe looks high-quality and elegant. Its richly embroidered with golden-colored fabric that flaunts her status and wealth without being overbearing. The very image of a medieval aristocrate.

Compared to Kyouyas simple gambeson and everyday clothes, both her robe and coat look immaculate, a clear gap in quality could be seen.

Saint Candidate Robes

Robes created to be worn by a saint candidate, dedicated to the Goddess of Light. Woven meticulously with high-quality fabric and skill, only fitting for a saint candidate to wear. Enchanted to protect the saint from harm


[Holy Resistance Lv. 8]

[Physical Resistance Lv. 5]

[Health Recovery Lv. 3]

[Mana Recovery Lv. 3]

Finally, in her right hand, she held a dazzlingly, white staff, completing her look as a white mage, I mean a super-duper rich-looking white mage. Well, her parents are pretty wealthy, so maybe it fits.

Come to think of it, could that golden-colored fabric be real gold?

Still, it is a surprise that youre outside. Why did you isolate yourself in your room for a month, in the first place? She looked a bit worried. Tch, this makes it even harder to answer her question.

Sigh, you see Aiko-san. Like a real friend, Kyouya came to my rescue; just I kind of dont want him to explain this stuff. Tatsuya here has a serious coffee addiction. Take the coffee away, and he starts spasming around and his whole energy level just drops. He becomes this lifeless husk that you see here.

Oi, would a lifeless husk come outside in this dreadfully cold weather? I was just enjoying some rays. I argued back, for the sake of arguing.

Wow! Hasebe-san looked absolutely horrified when she heard Kyouyas answer, mumbling Addiction is a bitch..

I sighed and scratched my head. Argh, whatever. You wanted to say something to Kyouya, right Hasebe-san? Just spit it out.

Ha ha, alright! Even zombie Nagata-kun is as blunt as always. She loudly snickered, contrasting her elegant appearance. I just wanted to ask Kyouya-kun, if he wanted to come train with the others. The knight captain told me that learning how to heal a front liner is important.

Heal? Both I and Kyouya tilted our head at that word.

Yup, venerate me peasants, Im the first in our whole class to learn how to cast a spell! She puffed up her chest, boasting about her latest achievement.

W-What?! You actually learned [Holy Magic]? You know how to use [Minor Heal], Aiko-san?! Incredibly, you actually are a saint candidate! Kyouya was literally cheering and celebrating Hasebe-san, a fact that made her laugh haughtily.

I heard from Kyouya that casting magic in this world is quite hard. Through a crystal called [Crystal of the Divine System], the priests were able to learn about our status boards and use the skill [Identify] to check our unique skills. They used this information to divide us up into groups; one focused on magic, and the other for physical combat. I am in the physical camp, if you havent figured that out yet.

Speaking of [Identify], we were able to use it because it seems like equipment in this world can temporarily grant you skills or allows you to use skills.

Identify Ring

A manatech in the form of a ring. Uses mana from the owner to activate [Identify Lv. 5 (Restricted)] to analyze an object. Can only analyze inanimate objects and skills

Dont ask me what manatech is supposed to be. I skipped that lecture, too.

Wait, its only been a month. I heard from one of the knights that the average time to learn how to cast magic would be three to five months if you put in the effort. How did you do it?

He he. She stroked her cheeks, giggling as if she had to remember an embarrassing memory. Well, I cant deny that [Saint Candidate] and my unique skill [Saint's Oath] didnt help me.

Saint Candidate

A person that has been recognized by a divine being as a potential Saint. Boosts proficiency gain of magics based on Holy Element. Decreases Dark Element proficiency. Grants the owner of this title an aura that calms others

Saint's Oath

Allows the sharing of all current active parameter boosting spells on the owner. All spell effects will not be removed upon transfer. Boosts healing proficiency when applied to others. Aiming required

Hasebe-san further added. In actuality, I continuously spammed cast the custom spell [Apply Light] over and over again, until I learned [Holy Magic]. However, I went overboard and got myself [Arcane Fever] in the process. It was so painful, I thought I would die.

Kyouyas eyes widened in surprise, clearly alarmed at what was said. What is [Arcane Fever], again?

Y-Youis that the reason why you were gone on the weekend? Aiko-san, werent you listening to the church magician, when they gave that lecture?!

Hasebe-san flinched backwards when Kyouya showed this much concern for her well-being. She was fidgeting, not knowing what to say to those puppy eyes of Kyouya.

I think this is the right time to enter the conversation and throw Miss Saintess a lifeline.

Hey, wait. Kyouya, what is this [Arcane Fever] anyways.

Ahh, Tatsuya. My knight friend turned his attention to me. In the corner of my eyes, I could see Hasebe-san giving a silent sigh and nod, thanking me. Sorry, I forgot to write that down for you. I thought you wouldnt need it because youve been acting like a hikikomori, lately. (Hikikomori = recluse)

I tried to be helpful but now Im getting burned for it?

What the hell

[Arcane Fever] is a status effect, that appears when you accumulated too much arcane corruption, so when you use too much mana at once. Your Health steadily drains until it disappears, and in rare cases, the accumulation can cause your body to explode.

What the fuck?! I instinctively shouted out, turning my gaze at the girl responsible for my outrage. Oi, Hasebe-san, are you stupid?! Why the hell did you risk your life for something like that?! Did you forget your brain in Japan?!

Tatsuyas right, Aiko-san. Did all that mana go up to your head and cause something weird to happen? You had pretty good marks, before we were summoned.

Her mouth agape, she shook her head in a panic, trying to deny all the anger directed towards her. W-Wah?! Y-You guys dont need to be this harsh. Im alive and still going strong. She was pouting like a small girl, ignoring the fact that shes 18 years old. Besides, Ive already recovered. I wont do it again, now that I know how it feels, so dont worry. The priests even gave me this tea to help me recover faster.

Now that I looked at her again, there is a cup of warm tea in her left hand.

What is that? I asked her.

This is a tea made from leaves that you can finduhm, what was the name again? Ahh, it comes from a place called the Belzac forest. Why are you asking? You want some? She reached her arm out, offering me the cup of tea.

Nah, no thanks. However, I declined. Im not a tea person. Coffee or riot.

Really? Well, it does have this bitter taste that reminded me of coffee, so I thought you might want it. You can try it, at least. Youre shivering.

Well, I guess I can. Thanks. Reminded that its cold outside, I accepted the offer and thanked her.

Smelling it, it does have a bit of the coffee smell that I miss, but it still mostly reeks of tea. I, reflexively, lifted one corner of my mouth up, showing my dislike for this beverage.

I took a sip.


Woah! I yelled out, startling Hasebe-san.

A-And?! How is it?


The taste that reminds me so much of coffee, despite being tea. What is this?! I had thought that I would never, ever be able to drink coffee again, when I heard that nobody in this new world knew what coffee was.

I thought, at first, it could be because they didnt have the word coffee in this world, but that didnt make sense with my title [Otherworldly Visitor] automatically translating everything for me. I had already fully accepted that coffee didnt exist here.

I can feel myself being energized by this tea. I can feel the buzz!

Oh, the priest told me that it helps your mana flow better in your body. I also heard that nobles like towaaahhhh!

Oi, Tatsuya what are you trying to do?!

I suddenly grabbed Hasebe-san at her shoulders, shaking her in excitement that I finally found this worlds coffee alternative! It felt like all the unspent energy from this whole month came back, streaming through me.

Hasebe-san, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Ahhh, you found coffee for me!

Im happy for you but let me go! Suddenly something hard hit my stomach. Still holding the cup of tea, I fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

Jeez, you should be happy that I didnt aim a bit lower, you jerk! I couldnt see her face, but the tone of her voice suggested that it would be better to just avert my eyes for now.

Aiko-san, are you ok? Look at my best friend worrying about somebody else, while I was cradling my stomach. Where has your loyalty gone, bro?

Im fine, Kyouya-kun. Phew, Nagata-kun if you like that tea so much, then you can have the rest.

My head snapped up when I heard that. Wait, I can continue drinking?

Yeah, it looks like that tea would help you more, than it would help me. Just accept it as a present for finally coming outside.

I twitched when she said that, but I kept silent; as I needed to ask her something more important. Hasebe-san, where do you get more of this?

More? Well, these leaves are from the churchs own supply. Its supposedly expensive, and they only considered giving me some because Im a saint candidate. You probably have to buy them, if you want some for yourself.

That is not what I wanted to hear.

How do I get money?

I can answer that. Kyouya raised his arm, wanting to speak. The knights said that we will eventually become adventurers and that we can earn money by doing jobs. As they are planning to have us level up, getting some money through adventuring quests would be efficient.

Kyouyas words lit a fire inside my heart, a flame of hope. I gulped down the tea, enjoying this small moment of bliss, and stood back up. That means I need to train myself.

Oh yeah, you should. Youve missed a month of training, so you need to hurry up andhey, hey! Wait, where are you going, Tatsuya? Placing a hand to stop me, I turned my head to Kyouya.

Where? To train of course! Both Kyouya and Hasebe-san were shocked to learn that I wanted to train now. Im filled with enough energy to keep me awake for multiple days. Now that I think of it, you two should come, too!


I need a sparring partner, Kyouya. We will most likely get hurt, so we need some healing. Hasebe-san, you can come and train your healing magic while youre at it.

I then took both of them by their arms, while they were still flabbergasted, and began dragging them with me towards the training grounds.

Hey, let go of me, Nagata-kun!

Tatsuya, others are waiting for us two, you cant just drag us with you spontaneously!

They were complaining and struggling, but I held on to them with an iron grip. Honestly, Kyouya should be able to break free from it, considering he has been swinging around a sword for nearly a month now, but I guess the dude is either not trying to hurt me or is just using this as an excuse to get out of the training session with my other classmate. Either way, hes goddamn bro!

Nagata-kun, you know that I can have some knights arrest you for kidnapping me, right?! So, let me go already! Her failing stopped, realizing that it would be futile, so she instead resorted on threatening me. However, at this very moment, I couldn't give a fuck if I were to be kicked out of the church, or not.

You can report me to the damn goddess, for all I care, but do that after the training is done, ok! Come on, its cold so breaking a sweat will help us warm up!

Give it up, Aiko-san. You shouldnt try to separate an addict from his addiction, and we have somebody here on a major withdrawal.

Sighing, Hasebe-san had to give up when even Kyouya talked her down. Ahh, jeez. You owe me for this, ok?

Sure. I said, with a large grin on my face. Whatever she wishes, I bet it would still be worth it when I can get some of these tea leaves again.

First, we get stronger. Second, get some money to buy a good amount of leaves. And then finally, were going to the Belzac forest!

Just wait for me, coffee-tasting tea leaves. Im coming straight for you!

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