A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 927 Eldrian's Wish For His New Weapon

Welcomed into the city, the trio quickly moved towards the keep in the center of the massive dwarven city. Out of all the buildings of stone, this one stood above everything like a towering mountain. It stretched up and up, nearly reaching the cavern's tall ceiling. And around it floated a dozen different stalactites. Some actings as guard posts, other as smithies, villas, or so forth.

The grandeur of it all made Eldrian question even more if this was truly normal. Too curious to keep this to himself, Eldrian decided to ask. After all, the amount of mana gathering around the keep was blinding. There was certainly more going on here than what was normal.

"Its true, Ganalin is a considered special among the dwarven communities." Boran readily answered. "My family, the Brokkr clan, has ruled over it for the past thousand years. However, we aren't the actual ruler of Ganalin."

""Oh?"" Apparently, this was also news to Solvi.

"To most, we are considered royalty. But our post is more as the stewards of the kingdom than its  king."

Eldrian's mind immediately jumped to the dwarves who had often come to his assistance. Not Theas, no. The dwarves glad in armor of adamantine. Hrothgar, Tovack, and the others. The Abyssal Guards of Ganalin.

Considering their prowess, they should be able to turn the tables of most wars. Yet, they had not protected Ganalin in its time of need.

At least, not as an army. A few individuals had stayed to help, but Eldrian was sure there were far more in the Abyssal Guards than the few he had met.

Thinking of them, there was only one conclusion Eldrian could come to. "The Legend of Smithing." He mumbled, trying his best to recall the name of this individual.

"Lord Amnur, yes." Boran said, helping Eldrian out.

'Right. Yeah, I mostly talked with the elf, back then... In Diades. But, from what I recall, the dwarf had hair and a beard of flames.'

Apparently, it wasn't common knowledge. But it also wasn't a true secret. Other clans knew about Lord Amnur. They also sent candidates for the Abyssal Guard to Ganalin. And as one would expect, that meant the Abyssal Guards were spread throughout the world.

"I never knew that." Solvi mumbled, more than a little shocked to learn that the Brokkr clan wasn't the true rulers of Ganalin. Then again, no one could say no to a Legend. Maybe an Empire, but any normal kingdom would have to bow to their requests or command.

"He was kind enough to give me some guidance when he stopped by recently. Which is why I wanted to try to help you, Eldrian."

Nodding, Eldrian quickly got what Boran was getting at. According to the Myths Eldrian knew, and what he had sawn of Amnur, the dwarf certainly had the aura of Wrath—and complete control of it too.

'I wonder how things would have gone had they decided to train me...' Eldrian asked, though he knew why they hadn't. Though, honestly, he was starting to question whether it even mattered.

When given all the answers, he wouldn't grow personally. He would become reliant on the knowledge from others and never forge his own path. To break through mortal limits and become an actual Legend, one had to forge their own path.

Yet, Eldrian thought it would be good enough to simply master magic and aim for Tier 10. Aiming past it... it was just too much. 'Yet, this isn't something new. The AI are hoping for me to aim for that lofty post.' It wasn't necessary, but Eldrian understood that the goal itself would make their plans fall better in place. Should he suddenly abandon magic, then all their plans would also fall flat.

'But it isn't like I can do that. Not with my friends needing to fight wars, nor with what might happen on Earth in the near future.'

"However, the tips will have to be for later. We will need to go out fighting so I can show you what I learned."

Eldrian nodded. Uncaring whether this advice would be detrimental to his future achievements or not. He just wanted to stop losing control.

"First, we forge your ideal weapon. What will it be this time?" Boran asked as the trio finally arrived at the keep.

They were quickly led to a reception room, the maids and butlers of the estate hurrying to prepare food and drink for the party. Which was appreciated, as all three were rather hungry after their travels.

"Another spear, or a sword?" Solvi asked. She had recently finally broken through to Tier 8. Their research with Dark Slime had given her some insightful ideas, and when she had reseached more into Voidstones, she had managed to make a new dimensional storage. While small at the moment, this one was unlike any other.

Dimensional storages are typically a void of space where no life could exist. Time did not flow, and living things cannot enter them. This new dimensional ring she had made—the ring itself of Voidstone and the crystal a Mov Crystal, allowed time to flow and living things to be placed inside.

As soon as she had accomplished this, sadly, she had realized she was not the first. In the afterglow, she realized that the master rooms of cities and magic towers were the same. Naturally, she also realized the danger that her discovery could bring to society, so she had kept it to herself and a few select friends she trusted for now.

As for the weapon Eldrian was thinking of, it was not a sword nor a spear. Recently, he rarely relied on physical combat to fight. He most often relied on magic. At most, using his spear to defend himself while trying to make space and use magic.

While both weapons were still useful, that was not what Eldrian wanted. He wanted something that would bolster his strengths, not cover for his weaknesses. Especially when considering the fact that the item would be Tier 9. Something that could perhaps even rival the items in a kingdom's treasury.

"No. I was thinking of something a little different. Solvi, how much Dark Slime do we have left?"

"About enough to form a ball the size of my fist." She replied, curious where Eldrian was going. Through their tests, they had found that while versatile, only Eldrian could use Dark Slime as a weapon. For most, it would be better used as armor.

"Well, I'm thinking of..." Eldrian laid out the idea he had been playing with recently. Up till now, he hadn't really used his prosthetic offensively. After all, the best he could use it for against the undead was as a hammer to crush them. But simple spells were far more effective. A weapon capable of morphing shape could only show its strength against the living.

Yet, that didn't mean Eldrian wanted to ignore Dark Slime and the versatility it could add to a weapon.

"The main ability I have in mind for it would be six total detachable needles..." Eldrian explained, demonstrating what he meant while he talked. Though he could only manage two needles while casting lightning, too. Letting the lightning arc between the needles like they were the prongs of a taser.

"They act as the focal points, where I can focus mana and alter the relative charge of the surrounding air. Which lightning is then naturally attracted to. Allowing me to minimize the focus I need to spend controlling it, and also allows me to continually strengthen the spell as time passes."

What Eldrian wanted was at least six needles instead, allowing him to change the shape the lightning took. The more the better. Other than that, he wanted a staff that would enhance the effectiveness of spells he cast. Specifically, he wanted either an ability that could kill the undead, or have the staff add effectiveness to fire and nature spells.

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