A random pokemon journey

Seeking ruins

Seeking ruins

Yes unlike in the games you could in fact control metronome if you trained it properly. The working theory was that the pokemon that could learn the move were closer to the Mew species that could learn any move and metronome was a sort of heavily nerfed version of that capability. In my newest pokemons case this closeness was due to his unique circumstances leaving him with both every and no type. Something I should add was that just because you could use a move with metronome that didn't mean you could use that move for good afterwards.-

It was hard to explain really but it was like the move drew from some sort of genetic memory of all moves that sort of fogged up the users memory during the use that prevented them from remembering how the move they used was created. It was a little annoying but with training the user of the move could nudge metronome to only use specific types. I theorized that if anyone could push the move to transcendent mastery they might be able to narrow down the moves chosen to specific moves but that would take a long time to verify.-

Anyway while the not so little one trained his moves with a heavy emphasis on metronome I finally got word back of the ruins that could be visibly seen in the region and even clues on spots that were theorized to have some buried as well. There were a total of seven visible ruins all at the edges of the region unsurprisingly and three possible spots for ruins buried within the desert itself. I highly doubted the spots in the middle of the desert actually held ruins but I was willing to check since a lot of time had passed since that incident so some people could have tried to rebuild in the regions more center areas.-

"Alright Vulcan we are just going to three spots that I need to check before coming back since we'd need Gaia to dig them up if something was actually there." I told my legendary that insisted on ferrying me to the spots since it wanted to stretch it's legs. I didn't mind indulging Vulcans wish as I could understand how staying so sedentary was messing with it. Vulcans species were wanderers by nature so sitting still like this was uncomfortable for it.-

I mounted Vulcans sturdy form and it accelerated immediately to speeds I simply couldn't follow with my eyes. An Entei running full tilt was quite an exhilarating experience because the surroundings blur by and the wind presses against your face hard. If there were any bugs in this part of the region I'd probably have been hit by many of them but in this case the lack of life worked in our favor. My job during this trip was little more than to tell Vulcan when we were getting close so it could slow down and let me scan the sands bellow for any signs of ruins.-

The first spot had some debris that looked to be from ancient structures but that was all while the second and third places had ruins. Though only the third was worth excavating in my opinion as the second spots ruins were limited to pillars and floors alone that survived to today. The third spot had several intact buildings with one of them even having the ability to repel my x-ray vision which was not something I had expected. As for the seven ruins at the edge of the region I chose to ignore them as my quest updated after I found the third spot of ruins which meant they were what I was after.-

Vulcan was a little upset that it's run got cut short but only threw a small fit about it before we returned to the Hub to collect Gaia, Hades and Tank just in case things got spicy. Vulcan ran back to the spot after I collected those members of my team. I clicked the buttons on Gaia and Tanks balls when we arrived and they both manifested in a flash of red light with Gaia providing immediate shade with her massive form.-

"Shift the sand away and raise the ruins up to the surface so we can see what is so special about them." I told Gaia who rumbled agreement before starting to glow. To anyone without aura it would seem as though she was merely charging up a move but to me and my other pokemon who could use aura we could sense her connecting to and binding her power to this piece of land to command it. It wasn't a permanent sort of binding but I was fairly certain it was a sort of active usage of her divinity over the desert giving her more power over the ground than any normal pokemon.-

Once she finished binding the area to her power the real fun started as a bright glow erupted out from between the gaps of her carapace and the sand began to bubble and roil like boiling water as the ground rumbled loudly and the ruins started to emerge from beneath the surface. Excavating the ruins normally would have been far too difficult due to the nature of sand so raising the ruins above the sand while more energy expensive for Gaia was also the better option.-

My eyes narrowed as I saw the familiar roman style structures start to surface. It was clear that this was the same sort of work as I saw when I went back in time and that meant it was likely made by a survivor of that time. When the building I couldn't see into rose from the sands I hissed as I sucked in a breath because there was something VERY familiar about it, Giratina's energy signature. I don't mean the one from after it had gotten fully corrupted either but rather the same one that I myself had coming from the mark on my hand.-

'Why though? What was so important to it that it would place such heavy protections on this place?' I pondered rather concerned about what I might find within. While it was clear that the energy was weak and on the verge of running out and thus not a danger to us it couldn't be said enough that the level of protections necessary to even have this much energy left over after so long AFTER that event hit it was massive.-

Whatever this building held was likely so important to Giratina that it had spent years at least fortifying this place to withstand even it's own full power without harm. To be honest I was VERY tempted to just have Gaia sink the place back under the sand and ignore it existed but my quest made it clear that this place had something to do with the regions current barrenness. If it didn't the place wouldn't have been mentioned by the quest.


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