A random pokemon journey

Selling parts

Selling parts

"Aye that's my bad , I keep forgetting you're made of tougher stuff than the usual folk I deal with your age. Question still stands though about the sudden spike in power you've gotten." Watson said turning serious. I nodded "Found a scale down in that cave that had magma flowing from it. Gaia and Vulcan both got a serious boost in stats after draining the energy from it. Add on the beatdown we received before that from the legendary and well you can understand that we gained quite a bit from that delve." I said honestly since I had no reason to hide it after I had already told him about the firestone vein in the cave.-

"Explains why that Heatran was powerful. A treasure like that scale is has been found before and the things are usually kept highly confidential once word of them reaches the league. If a pokemon aligned with the energy of these treasures gets ahold of them they can become far more powerful than the average members of their species. Probably why that thing was so powerful as well , I won't lie to you lad before that cave I'd say your team might struggle a bit but was perfectly capable of holding down an elite pokemon."-

"Yet from the way you tell it your team was all but helpless against it and only managed to kill it because of it's own arrogance and your team distracting it while that Tyranitar of yours used it's whole energy reserve on an all or nothing type attack. That wasn't just an elite tier legendary but one easily at the peak of it in terms of pure power from the sounds of it. And from what I can tell those two are pressing against the threshold of elite tier as well , especially that Tyranitar of yours." Watson said seriously.-

I frowned at this as this didn't seem quite right to me as though there was something wrong with this situation. Watson seemed to understand my look and gave words to what I was feeling. "I'm afraid I need to call a meeting about making an exception to you lad. The gym circuit is meant to train and hone trainers into elites but you are nearly there already so it serves you no purpose. At most you just need to polish up your team in skill and you'll be firmly at the peak of ace level." Watson said honestly.-

"Whats this mean for my circuit though?" I asked worried that this might force me to drop out of the gym challenges all together. I understood that that original purpose for the challenges will not apply to me but it would bug me to no end if I couldn't complete my badge collection as a result of my team being too powerful. "Not to worry lad you'll still get your badges I can promise you that. At most you won't be allowed to participate in the league conference at the end of the season but I've got a feeling that won't bother you much." Watson said with a jolly smile.-

He wasn't wrong as I was already planning to duck out of the conference at the end of the season as by that point in time I will have outclassed the other participants by so much it wouldn't even be funny. I was all for equal competition but I didn't want to be the unbeatable boss at the end of these trainers journey. While I doubted that I would hit champion level before the end of the season I don't think I would be far from it so I would be way beyond those that would take part in the conference.-

"Anyways here's the badge and tm for you. Stick around the city and we'll see how things pan out for you lad." Watson said as he handed over my winnings from the match. I left the gym after that and went to find an auction house to sell the parts from the Heatran. If the parts were organic in nature they would have already started rotting but Heatran were made of metal and rock so as long as I kept it out of the elements the stuff would remain good to go.-

I ended up going to a struggling family owned and operated auction house since I figured it would help them out to sell off such big ticket items. I was refused funnily enough because of that reason exactly. The parts were TOO big ticket for them to comfortably auction off or even advertise on the proper levels. It was a bit like when someone won the lottery and then had to pay an fuckton of taxes for the rest of their life that they can't actually afford.-

Sure those people could invest and grow into properly rich folk but lets be honest here most people would instead buy a bunch of things they didn't need and would have an upkeep tax that they totally couldn't pay for long term. In the same vein the auction house couldn't sell off the parts as it would set a precedent that would ruin them in the long term. I could only shrug at this and call up Mr. Stone to auction off the parts for me. He didn't even want money to do it either but rather one of the ribs for his collection. -

That actually brought up the topic of the eye I also had which was a priceless gemstone like no other. The old man was practically rabid to obtain it for himself and we ended up in some rather aggressive negotiations over it. I wanted some serious money for the thing so even a super rich person like Mr. Stone had to show reluctance to agree to. I had a bottom line though and refused to go any lower than eight zeros after that one. That's right over one hundred million poke for that eye was my minimum.-

A bit extreme to be sure but I lost my own eye to the Heatran and I was going to be damned if I didn't price gouge the shit out of the parts in exchange. Copious amounts of money were sweet anodyne to the loss of a body part in my opinion. Mr. Stone didn't argue with me about the reason behind the price and even said that he could understand it perfectly. That didn't change the fact that I was asking for a stupid amount of money though so he started to look for alternative methods of payment that were valuable to me but didn't cost him as much.-

One such thing was resurrection or cloning services on fossilized or even samples of living pokemon , within reason of course. This was uniquely tempting for me in particular as I could collect samples of a pokemon I wanted for my team and get a clone of it. For those questioning the morals of cloning or resurrection you can all chill because the pokemon in question are basically newborns of species and are perfectly healthy creatures assuming the scientists don't fuck around with the process. In other words it's no less ethical that breeding pokemon normally just that the final result is a copy genetically of the original.

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