A random pokemon journey

The news

The news

May finally let the topic go after that which was good since I was trying to relax and she was ruining that. Watson himself showed up shortly after that and besides chuckling at my team that was casually chilling on the beach didn't seem to care about what we were doing. "It's a lovely day , so pull up a chair and relax a while." I said after sparing the old man a look. "Wahaha! As much as I'd love to I still have a lot on my plate so I just can't spare the time. I suppose you know why I am here already lad?" Watson replied and I hummed in affirmation.-

"Probably to give me a good news bad news type scenario right?" I asked casually. He chuckled "Not this time lad , all good news you see." he said with a smile. "Oh? Now that's a surprise , usually it's a mix of the two." I said genuinely caught off guard by the information. "Yep so it's been decided that we'll just give you an elite certification and offer you a job." Watson said with a smile. My eye narrowed "What sort of job?" I asked skeptical.-

"Nothing behind a desk if that's what you're thinking. See the leagues got a few elites and even a couple champs in each region but the problem is that they are usually tied down in some way at a single spot. What we want you to do is what you already are , wander about as you do and if you see something that needs forceful correction you take care of it for us , simple as that." He said honestly. "You all do understand that if I get involved in something there is likely going to be an excessive amount of violence right?" I asked just to make sure he knew what would happen if I got this job.-

He nodded "That was discussed but you've shown that the only ones who get that violence are the criminals so while there were a few who wanted to limit that to the really bad cases most of us understood the hard stance on crime you chose. Fact is that it makes you a damn fine deterrent as even the petty thieves went quiet once you showed up in an area. Speaking of sorry about the stalking but we needed to know if you'd become a problem at some point." he said honestly.-

I waved it off though "I didn't even realize I was being followed so it's fine. Still I imagine that there is a catch or two attached to this job offer as well so spit it out." I said and he directly told me that I wasn't "technically" going to be employed by the league but rather "generously rewarded" for any problems I solve. "So a mercenary basically. You could have said that from the start and saved us both some time." I said with a chuckle.-

"Blame politics that I am used to stretching out even the simplest things at this point." he said with a sigh but not disagreeing with me. "I suppose I'll take that job since something tells me that I'll be coming across quite a lot of problems in the near future." I said after remembering that I am right around the time that team magma goes full retarded and tries to set off Mt. Chimney , while they are on it no less. Honestly that entire plan was stupid and full of problems that could have came back to bite them and everyone else in the ass as well , like Groudon sleeping in the damn place.-

Whatever they expected to happen when you forcefully caused a volcano to erupt literally on top of Groudon was beyond me. But I know for a fact that if it didn't kill Groudon from the insane forces involved I would be trying to find Rayquaza as fast as humanly possible to calm it down because that mother fucker would definitely go on a biblical level rampage. Somehow I am also fairly certain that the leader of team Magma wouldn't be one of the casualties as the bastard would definitely bail out like a bitch.-

All in all that was a whole event that I am going to force myself in when I go over to Mt. Chimney in about two weeks. 'Maybe I should defeat Maxie at the meteorite machine and then boot his ass into the lava? Wait wasn't Archie there too? Sweet I can get both the leaders of the teams if I am lucky!' I thought with a smirk. "I am glad to hear that , we just need to get a bit of paperwork done and you'll be good to go." Watson said breaking me out of my thoughts.-

I ended up having to sign a bunch of stuff and take a few annoying pledges but by the end of the day I was officially working for the league as a certified elite tier trainer. That unfortunately also came with a few caveats that were mildly annoying like being on call for emergencies even if I was on the other side of a region or my personal favorite being everyone's new best friend. At least it fucking felt like it as I got nearly fifty calls over the next three days from gym leaders , other elite trainers , small , medium and large companies wanting to use my face to promote products and various other people.-

The most nerve wracking of those calls had to be from Giovanni himself who I wasn't even sure how managed to call me considering he was in a whole other region and the pokenav's don't do cross regional calls. A fact I point blank brought up by the way and never got an answer for as the fucker dodged the question. No apparently he was a big fan of my career as a trainer and had even somehow gotten his hands on samples of my potions which he was very appreciative of. Ignoring the dreadful implications of that alone the conversation was surprisingly casual.-

He had asked a bit about the sort of training I did with Gaia who fell in his gyms typing as a ground type pokemon but otherwise wasn't intrusive at all. I spent a good three hours after that call scouring every detail of it to make sure that I hadn't let anything slip or been led by the nose either. I realize that sounds paranoid as shit but you have to understand that that was just how bad news the guy is from what I could piece together from context clues I had from the games and reality.-

Out of all calls I got though the one that left me confused was the one from Flannery who sounded like she was either totally hot for me or had a fetish for fire type pokemon and moves. Either way I was not the sort of person to judge considering my own issues which were getting better at a slow rate. I wasn't like normal or anything but I at least gave a little bit of a fuck at any given moment which was progress.

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