AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 201: Thousand Eyes of Fear (11)

Chapter 201: Thousand Eyes of Fear (11)

The destination takes us to a flat area higher up on the mountain chains, that leads to a cliff that overlooks the many valleys of untapped resources below.

A pool of crystal clear spiritual water fills from the rocks above and empties through small channels over the edge of the cliff. The trees here are unlike any in the valleys below, at least the ones weve seen, and though they possess spiritual value, their grade is not yet high enough to be valuable to me.

Unlike the Perilous Sword Valley, I do not sense any presence of qi that has some kind of unique or prevailing attribute, but this place most certainly exhibits the tell-tale signs that high-grade treasure is present.

Beginning from the water filled with minerals that Lan Xiaohui seems most enraptured by, it is of high enough quality to provide tangible benefits to cultivators.

Of course, none of these things can compare to the conditions at Starsword Peak which has a far more local, and far more potent source of spiritual energy at the very least, a high-grade spiritual crystal somewhere deep beneath the earth; deep enough that not even I can detect or reach.

Some of the rumors regarding Starsword Peak say that it sits on top of a dragon vein a special type of spiritual channel extending from the central nexus where the main sect is located. Of course, other rumors posit other theories, but until my consciousness expands and my shallow sea of consciousness becomes an ocean, I wont know for certain.

Lan Xiaohui catches a falling leaf between her fingers and observes its strange but seemingly enticing nature. It is shaped like a seven-pointed star that is orange in the outermost region and growing brighter red towards the center where a fragile stem is connected to it.

She doesnt even seem disappointed that there is no sign of this areas guardian. Nor of any other demonic beasts of any rank. This could, in part, be because this area is so isolated, but it may also have to do with the hierarchy of this areas guardian and an indicator of its aggression.

This is the right place? Lan Xiaohui asks, letting go of the leaf. Its pretty, but I dont sense any difference here.

That is a normal observation for Lan Xiaohui who does not, exactly, constitute a precise measuring instrument. When it comes to sensing hostility and reacting to the changes within an opponents body as they relate to the movement of qi, Lan Xiaohui is an expert, nascent machine of death.

To me, however, the difference is quite clear, and though it is but a small, seemingly insignificant difference, it is enough to, over a long period of time, have considerable consequences on the environment and the ambient qi.

This is the right place, I confirm. I am satisfied enough with my discovery that I decide to help Lan Xiaohui recognize the difference, even if she cannot perceive it directly. These trees grow so tall, and the leaves are so bright because they are better able to absorb the light of the sun due to the influence of this areas greater qi density. You cant feel the difference, but if you look closely, you can see it.

Though, it is much simpler to perceive it directly. There are countless instances and variations where a tree might grow tall, or a leaf might be brightly colored that have very little, if anything at all, to do with the local density of qi.

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At the very least, Lan Xiaohui seems grateful and excited about my explanation, because she looks at the environment with a renewed appreciation.

What now? she asks. Should I start digging?

When a sword cultivator like Lan Xiaohui suggests an action like digging, I am fairly certain that what they mean by that is to spend an inordinate amount of time chopping away at the rocks with their swords. After all, this was Lan Xiaohuis original solution for my parasite problem and that didnt work out too well.

We will use a formation, I tell her. All you have to do is engrave it to my specifications and provide the sword intent and energy from your Finality Moon, Liminality Flowers martial art.

At this, Lan Xiaohui does seem a bit disappointed. Merely asking for her energy and sword intent does not constitute any physical action on her part, but after a moment she smiles and nods.

In that case, Ill just try not to get in your way, she says. And I dont mind having the opportunity to enjoy this scenery with you.

I dont particularly understand what Lan Xiaohui finds so appealing about this cliff; it has very little strategic value, and once I extract whatever is beneath the ground, it will have no value to me at all.

I ponder the formation I had prepared for this occasion a slight modification of the [Soul Harvester Formation] which I used before.

If that is what you want, one day I may be able to bring this place into my Inner World, and then you can enjoy this scenery whenever you want, I tell her, taking the opportunity to perform the maintenance routines that improve her mood.

Lan Xiaohui chuckles and shakes her head. Its not the scenery, she says, suddenly thoughtful. She stares off into the distance, pondering her words. It is more the experience of sharing it with someone for the first time.

That has an even easier solution.

In that case, if our paths separate one day, I will return to this place and make it a part of me. Then, you will be able to relive this memory for as long as I still exist.

At this, Lan Xiaohui laughs and once her fit of laughter passes, she presses her hand against the flat of my blade and says softly: Yaoyue, I am glad that you have a Devils heart.

It is strange; the words she speaks and the sentiment in her heart do not match up. It is clear that I misunderstood her intentions, but the gratitude in her heart is genuine.

Such a complicated master, yet, sometimes, so easy to please, even when I cannot understand why.

I finalize the formation diagram and transmit it to Lan Xiaohui.

It takes her several minutes to internalize and comprehend the information. Even if they are merely directions and symbols, they have to be performed within rigorous specifics of qi utilization, sword stroke direction, and order.

However, after those minutes pass, Lan Xiaohuis eyes open, slightly brighter than before and she hops to her feet once more and begins pacing the area.

The formation I transmit to her is, as yet, still unnamed mostly because Lan Xiaohui does not approve of my utilitarian naming convention but if I had to give it a name, it would be [General Purpose Sword Focusing Array].

When complete, it will use Lan Xiaohuis sword intent from her martial arts to generate a perpetual transformation effect on the qi that I will supply similar to the operation of my own [Fractured Sword] third layers [Shattered Light Cataclysm].

Furthermore, I specifically requested [Finality Moon, Liminality Flower] due to its higher-order [Space] attribute, through which I have prepared a mechanism to reduce the expansion of destructive power from a sphere-like bubble, into a needlepoint reducing its dimensionality and, thus, power output efficiency.

In other words, I have created a sword energy laser.

I am not very satisfied with the outcome, but with my Inner World almost completely reduced to rubble, and my only example of gathering and focusing array being [Soul Harvest Formation] a wide-scale, soul-reaping array I consider it quite an achievement to be able to produce this, even though it relies mostly, not on the mechanics of the formation, but the nature of Lan Xiaohuis martial arts.

Either way, as long as I recover the materials I require, the method and its elegance do not matter.

Perhaps feeling the same way, Lan Xiaohui begins slashing the pieces of the diagram into the ground, even as the flying dirt and debris stain her elegant robes.

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