AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 212: Martial Conference Begins (1)

Chapter 212: Martial Conference Begins (1)

For a month, there are no visitors or disturbances.

Lan Xiaohui never moves from her spot, on top of the stone platform, legs crossed and palms resting on her knees. Her meditation has her breathe in once every three hours, and in that breath, she consumes such a vast amount of air and qi that it significantly affects the ambient pressure of the large chamber.

Her cultivation is fairly rapid, even without my help. This improvement, over her previous achievements, is entirely because of the divine fire root she had received. Even by the backward standards of this eras cultivators, Lan Xiaohui can no longer be considered to have average talent. In the greater scope, there likely is not a single person on this continent who has a spiritual root of greater purity. The idiom: half the effort, twice the gain, can hardly apply to Lan Xiaohui; she exceeds the specific mathematics of that phrase by several folds.

Even so, the purity of the spiritual root can barely be considered half of the mechanism that improves ones cultivation. Opportunity and location are also important. The most elusive factor, however, is mindset. Again, even by the standards of this eras cultivators, Lan Xiaohui possesses an extremely focused mindset; whether this is because of her desire for revenge, or something more intrinsic to her, I am not certain. Extreme hard work can overcome even a talent disadvantage.

Cultivation is a long and arduous process. That is why, even after a month, with a pure root, and a focused mind, Lan Xiaohui still makes very little progress toward reaching the next stage of her development. If I were to use [World Eater], naturally, I could vastly improve her speed, but I refrain from assisting her.

The reason is because of the formation that permeates through this chamber. I do not understand its nature, but I can feel its influence. I detect a very mild suppression effect, but beyond that, I cannot determine the purpose of its influence. My soul is still damaged, therefore, my consciousness cannot penetrate through the thick walls to observe the nodes of the formation directly.

It is likely not intended to interfere with me, but I do not desire to take any risks, especially now, in my weakened state.

Suddenly, Lan Xiaohuis eyes snap open, and a flame flickers within them. She has been studying the [Salvation Ashes] manual, and allowing the scripture to shape her internal structure to accommodate its patterns.

She uncrosses her legs and sits properly on the edge of the stone platform, at the same time brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. She raises her hand to the side, and my floating form hovers into her grasp, and she gently places me across her lap.

The large boulder blocking the exit of the cave suddenly begins rolling to the side, and for the first time in a very long while, natural light floods into the chamber, illuminating it better than the small crystals, embedded into the walls, could.

Lan Xiaohui narrows her eyes, trying to shield them from the glare of the light as a figure stands at the entrance and then steps inside.

My owner might not be able to see her, but the glare of the light does not affect me and I can see her very well.

The story has been taken without consent; if you see it on Amazon, report the incident.

Zhu Xuelian, I am glad that you are alive, Elder Qin says, as the boulder once more rolls back into place, blocking the cave entrance.

Lan Xiaohuis eyes adjust to the darkness once more. Elder Qin, I have many questions about that, she says.

I thought you might, Elder Qin says as she moves to sit next to my owner. That is why I am here. I will answer your questions so that they do not distract you from your cultivation and recovery.

Lan Xiaohui nods. If I am not mistaken, this place is the Demon Suppression Chamber, Lan Xiaohui begins, gesturing to the room. Am I here as punishment, or for recovery?

Elder Qin purses her lips. Perhaps, a bit of both, she replies. You killed an Inner Disciple of the sect, but we were also very concerned that you might have been affected by the Devil Soul Transformation; however, it would seem that, for some reason, you were not affected.

Lan Xiaohuis lips tug into an imperceptible smile and her thumb adoringly strokes my hilt. Does Lan Xiaohui know that Ive suppressed the devils in her heart, or does she assume that she was spared Xie Zhiqiangs fate because I was struck by that technique first, dispersing most of its effects before they could reach Lan Xiaohui?

You were very injured not physically, but spiritually. All we could do was place you in this room, and hope that the soothing effects of the formation here would allow you to recuperate naturally.

Lan Xiaohui nods at these words. Very well, Lan Xiaohui says. I understand my situation now.

Do you have more questions? Elder Qin asks.

Lan Xiaohui nods. I would like to know why a righteous sect like the Galaxy Sword sect teaches demonic arts to its disciples.

Anywhere else, this question no, demand would result in a summary execution. Accusing a righteous sect of proliferating demonic arts is worse than cursing ones own ancestors. It is unthinkable.

Still, Elder Qin merely nods at the words and audibly draws in a long breath. Junior, what did you think of Xie Zhiqiang? What was your impression of him?

Lan Xiaohui narrows her eyes at the question.

Indulge me, Elder Qin says, noticing Lan Xiaohuis mild frustration. I will explain everything.

Lan Xiaohui nods. I am not certain what to think. I thought Xie Zhiqiang was honorable and straightforward. I did not expect him to suddenly attack me when I turned my back on him. He was like a completely different person then, driven by rage and hatred.

You are the first exception we have made, in the history of the sect, to allow someone who did not pass at least ten floors of the Pagoda of Introspection to join the sect, Elder Qin says. Xie Zhiqiang was the second.

Lan Xiaohui raises her head.

He passed only nine, Elder Qin says, anticipating Lan Xiaohuis question. However, Xie Zhiqiang was so talented that we simply could not overlook the opportunity to allow him to join. Even though he failed the most crucial step of the process extreme envy his demeanor was so mild that we did not anticipate that things could turn out this way.

Extreme envy? Lan Xiaohui asks.

Elder Qin nods. The tenth floor of the Pagoda shows a situation in which someone surpasses you in every way imaginable and, in essence, replaces you. The specifics are different for each person and how they solve the problem is also different, Elder Qin explains. The only failing condition is if you cannot accept the circumstances. It is considered one of the easier floors.

Lan Xiaohui nods. I failed to sever my attachments. Xie Zhiqiang could not accept being inferior.

Not quite, but something like that, Elder Qin says. Not being able to cross the tenth floor of the Pagoda simply means that, given the opportunity, one would reach for forbidden power, or sacrifice others for personal ambition, or resort to underhanded means. Not suitable for a righteous sect, wouldnt you agree, junior?

What does this have to do with my question? Lan Xiaohui asks.

Elder Qin smiles. Every inheritance in the Galaxy Sword sect is a demonic art, or derived from one, except for the Galaxy Sword Method.

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