AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 73: Grand Elder Zhou (2)

Chapter 73: Grand Elder Zhou (2)

Grand Elder Zhous expression became unsightly as his wrinkly face scrunched into a grimace. He was certain that Lan Xiaohui was bluffing and she was but now that he had stepped into the grotto, he perhaps realized his fatal mistake.

I am unaware of these cultural implications that might construct a sub context in this situation whether it was polite or dangerous to enter anothers place of cultivation without permission but there very well might be one.

Grand Elder Zhou very well may be Lan Xiaohuis ultimate enemy even more so than the Black Tiger.

The Black Tiger Yu Shun is the object of Lan Xiaohuis obsession; perhaps even that thing called love. Lan Xiaohuis revenge is merely one aspect of such deep and total obsession. If Lan Xiaohui did not care about the Black Tiger, she would only kill him if they crossed paths; but my owner intends to make her paths cross with the Black Tigers again and again until one of them is dead.

The Grand Elder on the other hand also expresses such love such deep obsession towards me. At least, that is my latest theory. He too will make his path cross with Lan Xiaohuis again and again until she is dead and I am his possession.

Lan Xiaohui shares my excitement and desire. Now that Lady Yue is here the opportunity exists to sever the Grand Elder from our future once and for all provided that Lady Yue kills him.

If she can kill him.

Between the two of them, I cannot tell which is stronger. It is not that they are of similar strength, but more like that their existences are so vast it is impossible for me to measure them, and even the way in which I measure is somehow confounded.

Lady Yue, when she appears in my perception radius outside the grotto, seems even more beautiful than before. One word that comes to my mechanized mind is rejuvenated. Even though she appears to be only in her early thirties, there is a youthfulness to her that was not present before. She is in a good mood, so much is obvious, but there seems to be more to it.

It cannot be because she inadvertently found out that Lan Xiaohui is not someones disciple, can it? If this matter were so important to Lady Yue, surely she wouldve asked.

Grand Elder Zhou turns to face the woman and even though I do not have a direct line of sight to his face, with my total perception I can still see the hostility in his expression.

Who are you? What are you doing in my sects treasured lands? he asks, voice so venomous it could poison.

This forest is a sects treasured land? Lady Yue asks, carelessly walking up to the Grand Elder at a distance of three or so steps. That is odd because I have barely seen any disciples patrolling it! Only demonic beasts! Does your sect teach monkeys and snakes to wear clothes?

Lady Yues words are even and measured, but there is a heavy tone of mockery in her voice. Her insult is so devious that my sentient core immediately increases Lady Yue's affection ranking.

This infuriates the Grand Elder. Are you feigning ignorance to insult me, girl? The Grand Elder takes one step closer to Lady Yue. Everyone on this continent has heard of the Seven Killing Swords Sects Ancestral Hunting Grounds! It seems Lady Yue's insult goes unnoticed by the Sect Elder.

Lady Yue cocks her head to the side, her smile fading. Seven Killing Swords Sect? Never heard of it.

Lady Yues words have such a profound effect on the Grand Elder, this time, that he is simply rendered speechless.

Are you all right, old man? Lady Yue asks. Maybe its bedtime for you, isnt it? Scram. She even gestures with her hand for the Grand Elder to depart.

The moment the word scram crosses Lady Yues lips, the Grand Elder coughs up blood. The simple hairpin that holds his hair tied into a bun mysteriously slips out and causes his gray hair to spill over his face and shoulders.

I feel an incredible killing intent rise from him.

What is your name? the Grand Elder asks and I can tell that these words calm as they are are produced with an incredible amount of restraint.

Why do you wish to know? Lady Yue asks dismissively, half turning away from the Grand Elder so that only her left shoulder faces the elderly man.

So I can visit your family and kill four generations in each direction for these insults.

Lady Yue snorts at the Grand Elders words. You? Kill my family? Now, Lady Yue turns once more to face him and even steps forward until only a single step separates the two. Even as a Grand Elder you still cannot tell how vast the Rivers and the Lakes are.

A shock wave of sound blasts through the area, loud enough to shake Lan Xiaohuis bones, as Lady Yue slaps the elder across the face.

Your tiny sect will kill four generations of my family? Lady Yues gaze is so fierce that even I feel something like [Tyranny] coming from her. Is that what you said, old man?

Grand Elder Zhou worked his jaw and his tongue pressed into his cheek on the side his face was slapped, before finally speaking. You struck me first. I wont apologize for not being gentle.

Watching this exchange, Lan Xiaohui becomes more and more restless. There is a panicked look in her eyes. It is unclear what she expected to happen, but she certainly underestimated the danger she would find herself in if these two were to fight.

But it is strange that both entities possess the same kind of confidence and arrogance. Can they tell that they are evenly matched in cultivation?

Within the span of a second, multiple things happen.

First, the Grand Elder shouts and his Qi explodes outwards. This Qi contains both a powerful Dao and fire energy. Though this is likely not enough to even inconvenience Lady Yue, Lan Xiaohui, on the other hand, is immediately faced with an immediate termination problem.

It is only because she utilizes the mnemonic device method that she is capable of taking advantage of my millisecond reaction time to respond immediately to the wall of fire Qi heading in her direction, and even then, it is almost a millisecond too late.

She brings my vessel up in front of herself like she had practiced against Wukong in the First Layer of the Inner World Sphere and she produces her own profound sword Qi that also contains a hint of Sword Law.

I do the same, layering my own sword Qi across hers, weaving the streams together in a micro-scale pattern that emphasizes durability and resistance to stress, as if I am weaving modern composite armor.

When the wall of Qi finally hits Lan Xiaohuis barrier which she doesnt even have time to fully develop the impact is so powerful that it launches her across the basin, to the other shoreline. Other than her hands being burned, she manages to survive without injuries. Most of that is thanks to me, my sentient cores notes with pride.

Pride, of course, is on the whitelist of things I permit my sentient core to experience.

Thankfully, I also managed to survive despite my questionable internal state. However, I am not left unharmed. Several subroutines fire, reminding me that the damage to my meridians and Dantian has progressed in severity and that my death is imminent in one years time.

I file this under miscellaneous problems.

The bigger problem is the fact that after releasing his Qi, the Grand Elder drew his hand back to strike at Lady Yue and his profound Dao filled the entirety of the grotto with hundreds of giant palms, all ready to descend on Lady Yue.

I estimate that the chances of me and Lan Xiaohui surviving the blast of these techniques to be nearly zero without Lady Yue's intervention.

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