AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 83: Swordsmanship (7)

Chapter 83: Swordsmanship (7)

Lady Yues analysis that Lan Xiaohuis best method for improvement in this short amount of time turns out to be correct. With the improvement of my owners swordsmanship, now when she spars Lady Yue not only does the senior cultivator have to move her body to dodge and defend, but, with an expression of joy, she even attacks back.

Lan Xiaohuis sparring session with Lady Yue is so intense that the environment is constantly in a state of being blasted by powerful sword energy to the point where Lady Yues familiars have made it a habit to wait outside the grotto whenever the two spar.

Sparks fly off my vessel as my body meets Lady Yues sword and from the tone of the impact alone, I can tell that her weapon of choice is definitely not a simple treasure. It is heavy that is the only descriptor that comes to mind. Not one hundred kilograms, or even two hundred kilograms. Her sword must weigh several tons because the sound produced when I impact it is high-pitched and short.

My insides tremble with each impact and I know that this is not the fault of the sword alone, but also of the one who wields it. In the hands of a powerful cultivator, even a blade of grass can weigh tons and cut mountains.

Lan Xiaohui steps into the primary zone of Lady Yues defense, sliding my vessel forward to attempt a cut at Lady Yues neck. Lan Xiaohui does not hold back because she knows that she cannot hurt Lady Yue. Even if I were to connect with Lady Yues flesh, I know my edge is not sharp enough to cut her.

Lady Yue responds by moving her sword closer to her left shoulder, guiding me away from the vital blood vessels in her neck, but Lan Xiaohui anticipates this and with a flick of her wrist lets go of my hilt and pushes me with the palm of her hand.

I spin around Lady Yues sword with such speed that I am just a blurry disc of cutting motion that rings hollow against Lady Yues heavier but smaller sword.

But even this trick is not enough to land a strike on Lady Yue as she tilts her head away and thrusts her sword at Lan Xiaohui.

Lan Xiaohui simultaneously dodges the thrust while also fearlessly snatching my spinning blade and arresting my malevolent revolutions.

Just as her fingers lock around my hilt, Lady Yue slashes her sword down the side of my vessel, aiming to cut Lan Xiaohuis fingers.

Once again, Lan Xiaohui parts with my vessel, lifting her hand off the hilt just in time to avoid having her fingers severed, as sparks from my blade shower across her face and dress.

As Lan Xiaohui gains possession of me once it is safe to do so, she steps further into Lady Yues defensive zone, aiming a palm strike at the womans torso.

Lan Xiaohuis attainment with the sword is so deep at this point that not only can she competently spar Lady Yue but the invisible slashes from Lady Yues Domain are completely repelled by the pulses of Lan Xiaohuis sword Qi.

Each time the Domain releases an invisible blade to slash Lan Xiaohui, her sword Qi would appear and counteract the force.

Moreso, when Lady Yues Domain pulses, so does Lan Xiaohuis in perfect synchronization. The two equivalent Sword Laws cancel each other out with such perfection in their output that I am able to perceive the two fields as they interact with each other and at the point where they intersect, they crush all matter to dust.

Lan Xiaohuis palm strike goes wide when Lady Yue casually steps to the side and then somehow still retains the balance to aim a kick at Lan Xiaohuis hip and connect, causing my owner to stumble. Her footwork here falls apart as she has to take a large motion to arrest her fall which turns out to be the wrong decision.

Just as she stomps on the ground to stop herself from falling over, when she turns to face Lady Yue again, the older cultivators sword tip is pressed against her throat.

To think you would achieve the Advanced stage of Swordsmanship in only three months, Lady Yue says, slowly withdrawing her sword and signaling the end of the spar. In twenty years you may even take the title of Star Kingdoms Sword Emperor. In a hundred years, perhaps even the title of Sky Continents Sword Tyrant.

Lan Xiaohui slowly lowers me, wearing a thoughtful expression. I have gone beyond the Intermediate stage, Lady Yue?

Lady Yue nods. Yes. You now use Perfect Body Control when we spar that is the requirement of entering the Advanced Swordsmanship stage. You not only perceive and understand your own body but also your surroundings, Lady Yue explains. In the future, you will be able to expand your perception and even avoid simultaneous attacks from multiple directions.

So the requirement to clear that Swordsmanship test was the advanced stage, not the intermediate stage. I make a mental note to update my records with this information.

Lan Xiaohui smiles; she seems to understand something important. The cultivation method you taught me; it was for this?

Lady Yues smile grows wider and she nods. Mm, she hums happily. It is not that great at cultivating Qi, but it will increase your soul force and soul sense. They are absolutely necessary to cross the Great Divide in the future, but it will also help you improve your swordsmanship quickly. I just did not expect it to improve you this quickly.

Lan Xiaohui chuckles and lets go of my hilt, allowing me to hover in mid-air. It is all thanks to your teachings, Lady Yue.

Smartly, Lan Xiaohui does not mention her Inner World training.

No, Lady Yue says, shaking her head. You are the kind of talent that comes along very rarely. With your martial trance and inherent physique and certainly the kind of divine fortune you have to come across a weapon like that it is safe to say that someone like you appears very rarely if ever. You will be a great resource to any organization.

Thank you, Lady Yue, Lan Xiaohui says and bows politely to Lady Yue.

I am not praising you, little lily, Lady Yue says, her gaze becoming fierce. There are countless people in this world who will envy you; only one organization can have you, so you can assume that all others will try to kill you. If you wish to live, you have to become the strongest existence on this Continent.

Lan Xiaohuis expression changes at those words and I feel her happiness and joy wane slightly. I understand, Lady Yue, she says.

The senior cultivator nods. Good.

Lady Yue turns towards the grotto entrance. Outside, spring has arrived several weeks ago and the snow has begun to melt.

Tomorrow, I will take you close to the center of this forests formation, and then we will depart for Star City. The Martial Meeting should begin in a few weeks.

Lan Xiaohui cannot help but smile. She has made it this far. She is so close to killing the Black Tiger. Just a few weeks until she can exact her vengeance.

When we reach Star City, it is probably for the best to hide your Sword Law. You wont need it. You can rely on your swordsmanship now to defeat any opponent, even if they have formed a Gold Core of the fourth grade or less.

Lan Xiaohui nods. Yes, Lady Yue.

Finally, she smiles and for the first time in three months no matter how difficult it was for Lan Xiaohui, or how close she came to dying under that Domains power it disappears.

To describe its absence after all this time is like to describe a blind man being able to see again, or a deaf man hearing music for the first time. In its absence, all the colors appear brighter, the air feels lighter, and the spring is warmer.

Even Lan Xiaohui sighs in relief, but theres also a sense of aimlessness in her. Until now, she has timed her breaths to the revolutions of the Domain, but now that it is gone, what will she do?

Today, you will rest. I will prepare some of the organs you have collected from the demonic beasts and make a feast for you to make you stronger, Lady Yue says, but her consideration is not only for the sake of consideration. You will need all the help you can get before entering that dark place. If you do not return in a week, I will assume you are dead and leave.

Grimly, Lan Xiaohui nods.

Unsurprisingly, at this point, Lan Xiaohui is excited.

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