AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 89: God-Slaying System (2)

Chapter 89: God-Slaying System (2)

It is exceedingly difficult to unravel the multitudes of Formations that overlap each other and share many functions in order to understand their purpose and operation. However, the more I observe this grove, the more I become aware of its overall purpose.

The cherry tree at the center of the grove seems to act as an energy source of some sort or a transformation mechanism of input energies. The artificial sun, itself, is the only exception as it is entirely powered by the demonic willow trees.

The purpose of the willow trees does not appear to only be to suppress this central cherry tree, but also something else that appears to be missing.

When I turn my [Critical Analysis] towards the cherry tree, a sub-routine helpfully informs me of its identity in a very unhelpful manner.

[ ??? - Demon Tree of the First Thorn ]

It doesnt estimate a Grade or category just a name. At least it returns something, which the other trees and objects in the area do not provide. At the very least, I hoped the artificial sun would return a context, but it may as well not exist in the eyes of my [Critical Analysis]. I likely have to upgrade the talent before I can obtain more information.

What is extremely clear is that there is a distinction between demon and demonic and that in the process of suppressing this demon tree, the willows have somehow become demonic themselves.

This clue leads me to believe that this grove is inducing demonization or somehow beckoning demonic beasts to itself. Lan Xiaohui even mentioned once that this Forbidden Ancestral Hunting Ground had to become the way it is because of the extreme presence of demonic creatures, now only suitable for producing awakened heavenly treasures.

This process that induces the awakening of heavenly treasures a demonic awakening, most likely could potentially be traced back to the existence of this tree.

There are still many mysteries surrounding the awe-inspiring layering of Formations that would take years if not decades of careful study just to begin to understand it.

In terms of my initial goals to cultivate here and improve the overall understanding of my Dao of Arrays I regrettably have to concede that this will not be possible at the current time.

Despite the incredibly thick Qi in the area, it is very possible that any prolonged exposure to the environment will inevitably lead to a state of death this is because of the central formation that is behind the overall purpose of this grove.

This grove attracts demonic beasts and then destroys the souls of those capable to reach it not too dissimilar from my [Soul Harvest Formation], or even the method by which I consume souls myself.

I do not understand the output of this Formation, or what its grander purpose is, but the complexity of it immediately reminds me of Lady Yues words that all Sects possess a method, artifact, or medicine to cross the Great Divide.

The fact that the Grand Elder of the Seven Killing Swords sect came out of seclusion and found me in this vast forest further supports this theory because the preferred input of this central formation is an Artifact Soul a term that describes my existence.

Is it possible that the Seven Killing Swords sect produces artifact spirits in this forest, and then devours them in some way to cross the boundary into Nihility as Lady Yue described?

The Formation itself is most certainly more welcoming of higher-grade artifacts, as well, and considering that I am a Divine grade heavenly treasure, it could explain the Grand Elders great interest in my existence.

Though, this Formation is not only limited to artifacts, living creatures will also do a reverse process that creates an artifact soul.

I study the Formations for several more hours, ultimately obtaining several tremendous insights into the Dao of Arrays but I am no closer to understanding the Formations.

Even though coming here turned out to be nothing like what I had expected, it is not a loss. In fact, this place exceeds my expectations by several orders of magnitude. The Qi is rich and potent, and these trees must possess a life force that is beyond my calculations my desire to devour them is becoming unbearable.

But first, this vulgar Formation meant to slay my soul and allow another cultivator to devour it for their own benefit needs a few changes and optimizations.

A burst of sword Qi appears around me and then forms a constellation of small swords that shoot towards the altar in the center of the grove, penetrating through its stone surface and into the Formations input.

Lan Xiaohui seems surprised by this sudden appearance of my sword Qi but does not protest my decision. I was told there would be a vast Qi Gathering Array here, but there doesnt seem to be one, she comments. Yet there are so many of these willow trees, all to suppress one tree?

It does seem quite odd, but I am too distracted by reversing the flow of Qi through the channels of this particular formation.

Immediately, I feel the balance of Qi in the area shift and several of the dependent Formations in the surroundings begin to exhibit strange errors; flashes of light and bursts of Qi appear in the air above us.

Then there is the sound of crashing, like shattering glass, and specks of glittering dust fall from the sky.

I do not mind these cascading errors and faults I am inducing in the neighboring Formations ideally, I would like to erase all of them to create an environment that is suitable for cultivation; it does not concern me if they fail.

Luckily, even the Immortal Slaying Formation appears to be weakening, and the field of suppression that it has been exerting upon us slowly begins to wane. Even the luster of the artificial sun, despite it being completely dependent on the willow trees, becomes more violent though I am not certain if this is because of what I am doing or a coincidence.

My focus is entirely on the operation of the Formation that governs the input of Artifact Souls the reverse process of the more mainstream functions to destroy those souls. Perhaps this function is an unintended consequence of the primary function, or it is an unintended feature.

It takes some work, but I manage to connect my sea of consciousness to the input of the Formation and I mentally form a bridge between the Devoured Worlds Sphere and the altar.

My plan is simple: I will gain access to the Formation's inner mechanisms by providing the context of my Devoured Worlds Sphere to act as a dummy Artifact Soul; it should qualify for that job. Of course, I don't intend to create an Artifact Soul, I just want to gain access to the Formation.

With satisfaction, I open my aperture and as I am about to operate my [World Eater] talent to breathe in the Qi of the area and simultaneously devour all the power sources connected to this Formation, something entirely unexpected happens.

The ground beneath us suddenly shifts and I simultaneously realize three things: First, there is no Formation present here that in any way disrupts the mind. Second, the reason why the rocks appear so uniform, sharp, and as dense as metal is because they are not stones they are scales. We are not standing on top of terra firma; we are standing on the corpse of an ancient dead snake. Lastly, the snake may not be entirely dead.

In the vast darkness of my inner vessel the abyss in which my sea of consciousness exists a pair of malevolent, red eyes open and I immediately feel a powerful presence suppress my consciousness and begin to unravel the outer layers of my mind.

It sings to me, not in words or sound, but in images and meaning itself.

The image of a burning cherry tree appears in my mind, with countless people impaled on its branches; I see a halo around the tree that has grown so tall that it challenges the edicts of Heaven itself. I see a snake wrapped around the trunk of the tree, spanning the entire height of the tree.

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