Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 725: Past and Present in the County

Chapter 725: Past and Present in the County

Spring has flowers, autumn has the moon. Summer has cool breezes, winter has the snow. [1]

That saying was a perfect encapsulation of beauty. But right now, the sunlight outside the old Corrections Division seemed ordinary in nature. The only beauty present was a woman in a white garment, her dimples visible as she smiled.

Plumdark couldn’t help but smile. Her face was slightly flushed, like a blooming peony. A gentle fire could be seen in the depths of her eyes as she looked deeply at Xu Qing. Then she turned and started walking away. After only taking about seven steps, though, she stopped and looked back at him.

“You’ve picked up some bad habits, Xu Qing.”

Xu Qing wasn’t sure how to respond.

Seeing Xu Qing react that way caused her beautiful eyes to fill with tenderness. Her smile was like a crescent moon as the haze of emotion within her was cleared out, leaving her mind and heart clear. That change filled her, causing her to again seem completely elegant and refined. She once more was so beautiful that anyone who looked at her would experience feelings of inferiority. And she was so charming that anyone would feel drawn to her.

This was the Arch-Immortal Plumdark that Xu Qing remembered.

“Why are you just standing there?” she asked.

Xu Qing’s heart once again started racing, and he quietly walked over to Plumdark’s side. As she smiled, they returned to the city. Maybe it was the breeze, or maybe it was the emotion, but either way, a few strands of Plumdark’s long, black hair drifted over to intermingle with Xu Qing’s ponytail.

At the same time, Plumdark spoke in a soft voice. “Xu Qing, I don’t remember that past life, not even after what just happened. So I’m not sure if my past life was as the daughter of Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity, or as the wick of that lamp. If I had a choice, I would choose the latter. Therefore, let’s just assume it is the latter. Okay? I can sense that lamp. It’s... very far away. And based on the direction, I’d say it’s probably in the Imperial Region. One day in the future, I’m going to go get it.”

“I’ll help you!” Xu Qing said.


Time passed. Over the following half-month, Xu Qing was very busy.

He had learned a lot when he was a swordsage, and he also had the help of Master Seventh and Marquis Yao. Unfortunately, Sea-Sealing County was a huge place, and there were constantly matters that the governor needed to attend to. There were many things that Xu Qing needed to learn.

For most of the half-month that passed, Xu Qing was immersed in official business, for instance, going through reports that came in from all over. At the moment, the palace lord of the Administration Palace was in the Governor’s Mansion giving a report, along with some of the honor guards. After they left, Xu Qing picked up his cup of tea. However, he only managed to take a single sip before a swordsage entered.

The palace lord of the Justice Palace had come for an audience.

Xu Qing cleared his mind and then went out to personally receive the palace lord, who was an old woman. As the afternoon sun shone down, the palace lord arrived, led by a swordsage, and accompanied by another woman.

This palace lord had previously been a deputy palace lord. She had plain features and a stalwart personality; she was a meticulous person. Xu Qing had seen her before, but wasn’t very familiar with her. The moment he laid eyes on her, he couldn’t help but think of the old palace lord of the Justice Palace, who had died in battle along with the palace lord of the Administration Palace. Bai Xiaozhuo had turned their corpses into puppets. After the Lieutenant Governor’s Coup, those two puppets’ soul remnants had been freed, and they had chosen to remain as reserve powers for Sea-Sealing County.

Sighing inside, Xu Qing somberly clasped hands and bowed to the palace lord. Xu Qing had a Spirit Trove cultivation base, and was also the governor. His act of bowing was a show of respect.

Seeing that, she hurried forward and returned his bow. “Greetings, Governor.”

“Please, come in,” Xu Qing said courteously, leading the way into the palace hall. As he sat down, he seemed to emanate a calm dignity, and his eyes glittered like starlight. That was the majesty of the governor. Not everyone could do that. What was more, Xu Qing wasn’t doing it intentionally. It all came completely naturally.

Of course, Xu Qing hadn’t been born like that. Rather, he had learned a lot from his experiences in the Moonrite Region. Not very many people had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Smoldering Gods, much less save their lives. Besides, he was also one of the Archbishops of Moonrebel, and had participated in the battle with the godchild and the fight with Crimson Mother. How could someone who had beheaded gods possibly not be calm and dignified?

The palace lord was actually surprised. This was her first time personally meeting with Xu Qing, and it was turning out a bit different than she had expected. Seeing how calm he was caused her to shift her way of thinking in some regards. And thus, she went into her report about the latest work going on in the Justice Palace.

Xu Qing listened attentively. After the report was over, Xu Qing felt like he knew a lot more about the Justice Palace.

“Next, Governor, we’d like you to review our latest recruitment roster.”

The palace lord looked at the woman standing next to her.

That woman was none other than Yao Yunhui. She was now an honor guard in the Justice Palace, and she worked closely with the palace lord. That was why she had come along on this formal visit to the governor. She had been nervous from the very beginning. She was no stranger to Xu Qing, and in fact, the very first conflict Xu Qing experienced upon arriving at Sea-Sealing County was all because of her. [2]

Never in her wildest dreams could she have guessed what would eventually happen in Sea-Sealing County. Xu Qing had risen to the highest heights, the point where she could only look up at him. She had mixed feelings regarding Xu Qing, and it was especially confusing to her that she always thought good things about Xu Qing.

When the palace lord indicated that she was to take action, Yao Yunhui took a deep breath, suppressed her complicated feelings, and respectfully held out a jade slip with both hands.

Xu Qing looked at Yao Yunhui.

Yao Yunhui had clearly taken time to put on makeup. Her lustrous black hair swayed behind her. She had delicately curved eyebrows, a straight nose, rosy cheeks, and lips like glistening cherries. Overall, she was extremely attractive. However, her expression was very serious, and she wore the official black-and-white daoist robe of the Justice Palace, which was a symbol of righteousness and made her seem even more solemn. However, the daoist robe couldn’t hide her sensuous curves, and that contrast created a sensation of taboo beauty.

That said, Xu Qing wasn’t affected by that. Taking the jade slip, he scanned it with divine sense.

Yao Yunhui struggled to deal with the complex feelings inside of her. As she looked at Xu Qing, her mind was in chaos.

Xu Qing, meanwhile, had no way of knowing what she was thinking. He was focused on the list of names in the jade slip.

The list contained the names of cultivators who had joined the Justice Palace over the past few years. Every month, thirty people were selected from various sects to become new members. The three palaces in Sea-Sealing County had the right to handle their own recruitment and training, but it was also customary to let the governor have a say.

After scanning the jade slip, Xu Qing was about to hand it back, when something caught his eye. About a year before, there was one particular month in which the Justice Palace didn’t get thirty new members, but rather, twenty-nine. And there was one name in that list that Xu Qing recognized.

Ding Xue.

Looking at Yao Yunhui, Xu Qing asked, “Why was there one fewer recruit than normal last year in the seventh month?”

Yao Yunhui again suppressed any complicated feelings within herself. Thinking back to the month Xu Qing had asked about, she remembered that there were people from Seven Blood Eyes in the list. Given that, it made sense that he was asking about that specific month. After recalling the details of why they had one less recruit than normal, a strange look appeared on Yao Yunhui’s face.

“Exalted Governor,” she said, “in the seventh month of last year, we originally did have thirty recruits. One of them was named Zhao Zhongheng. He should have passed inspection with no problems. Unfortunately, in an attempt to be assigned to the same department as a female cultivator named Ding Xue, he was caught attempting to bribe one of the department managers. In fact, it was Ding Xue who reported him. As a result, Zhao Zhongheng was stripped of his qualifications.... To date, he’s still in the probation period.” [3]

Xu Qing shook his head. The moment he saw Ding Xue’s name on that list, he had thought about Zhao Zhongheng. And to think that the trouble was all caused because Ding Xue reported him.... Xu Qing actually felt bad for Zhao Zhongheng. That said, it wasn’t his place to interfere, so he handed the jade slip back to Yao Yunhui.

Then he discussed a few more matters with the palace lord. After enough time had passed for an incense stick to burn, the palace lord left with Yao Yunhui. Xu Qing personally escorted them out.

As for Yao Yunhui, after she was some distance away, she couldn’t help but look back at the palace. Xu Qing stood there, the sun shining down on him, creating an image she would never forget.

In the following days, work slowed down a bit for Xu Qing, giving him time to finally catch up with old friends.

The first person he went to see was Zhang San.

Given how the county capital was such a bustling and prospering place, there was no way that Zhang San, who had really good business sense, would stay away from it. Using the profits from their port in Seven Blood Eyes, he had opened up a handful of flying ship dealerships in the capital. Years ago, there had been a change to the Seven Blood Eyes dharmaships. There were now two versions. One version was the type disciples would use in their cultivation, while the other version could be sold to outsiders as magical devices.

Because of who Master Seventh and Xu Qing were, the Seven Blood Eyes flying ships were now common, not only in the county capital, but also in surrounding prefectures. As a result, the number of dealerships in the capital skyrocketed.

Zhang San was very excited to see Xu Qing, but at the same time, acted somewhat reserved as he led him into the back courtyard of the dealership.

Only after catching up for a bit did Zhang San start to get a bit comfortable. That said, he still maintained a bit of formality. The reality was that, over the past half a month, he would constantly laugh himself awake from dreaming. That investment from years ago had been paid back in droves....

Rubbing his hands together, he lowered his voice and said, “Gov— um, I mean, Elder Brother Xu Qing, a few days ago the Captain came to visit. And he had a really beautiful girl with him.”

Xu Qing grinned. He hadn’t seen the Captain lately, and it didn’t take much guesswork to conclude that he was probably with Li Shitao. Just like years before he squatted down next to Zhang San.

Zhang San shivered as he looked at Xu Qing. Then he took out a pipe and started puffing it furiously. As the smoke swirled, he sighed. Within that smoke, he could almost see himself and the Captain back in Seven Blood Eyes, and a youngster cautiously approaching them. [4]

I never could have guessed it would turn out like this. Never, ever....

1. This line of poetry actually originates in the Southern Song Dynasty. “Moon” and “snow” rhyme in Chinese, so the Chinese version rhymes. I couldn’t think of a good way to make it rhyme in English without completely mangling the other aspects of the poem. ☜

2. The situation with Yao Yunhui causing trouble for Xu Qing started in chapter 393. ☜

3. Long story short, Zhao Zhongheng is the one who has been romantically pursuing Ding Xue (unsuccessfully) for the entire novel. He first appeared in chapter 65. We last “saw” him in chapter 542.2 when, as expected, he was chasing after Ding Xue. ☜

4. The Captain introduced Xu Qing to Zhang San in chapter 55. ☜

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