Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 49: Control

Chapter 49: Control

Kazuya laid on the bed the whole night, pondering about every scenario that could take place today. It was a day of monumental importance, and he couldn’t afford a single mistake.

The door creaked open just as the clock hit the eight o’clock mark — Lisa came to wake him. Instead of doing her task, she observed him with ice in her gaze. His acting skill, which fooled Tier Harribel’s Hollow senses, easily made a mockery of former Shinigami Lisa.

‘What ticked her off?’


He didn’t expect her to throw a bucket worth of cold water on him. Rising from his dampened bed, he stretched languidly, a yawn escaping his lips. He was unperturbed, as if Lisa didn’t give him a nonconsensual bath.

“To think you’ll bathe me on my bed to save my time… you are so caring, Lisa,” he praised her with a soft smile. “You missed a couple of spots and forgot to apply soap.”

Lisa’s hands twitched, barely holding back from giving his neck a little squeeze. She grabbed a pillow and held it like a war hammer over him. “What did you say to Izumi-sama? Why is she sending me on a date with you?!”

Lisa being angry and flustered was a positive sign since she acted calm and collected to everyone. She was showing more and more of her true personality hidden beneath the cool facade.

He released a long sigh. “I’m sorry, but I have to cancel that date.”

As if frozen in a block of ice, Lisa paused, her lips parting into a stunned ‘O’. Her shocked face was a sight to behold.

He smiled. “Let me guess the reason for your shock. Your anger was just a facade, and you actually looked forward to a date with me.”

Lisa was caught red-handed. Her plan was to throw a tantrum and reluctantly agree to go on the date — her first ever date with a man.

Ever since she came to the Living World, she had been stuck in the same loop of eating, reading, training, and sleeping. She was a little excited to do something new — the same feeling had led her to accept this ‘spy’ job. 

She narrowed her eyes. “It was a rare opportunity to relax outside of my job. Yes, I was looking forward to it.”

Her acceptance caught him off-guard. “Since you want it so badly, I’ll give you a date once I’m free.”

"And what could possibly be keeping you busy?"

She raised the question out of curiosity. From what she had heard, he recently came to the town searching for Quincy. Apart from Izumi and Lisa, he shouldn’t know anyone unless…

‘He found romance.’

Instead of questioning him, her head weaved a romantic tale between Kazuya and a random beautiful maiden he stumbled upon.

‘I have to know if it’s true.’

Kazuya narrowed his eyes. “Don’t even think about following me.”

Lisa nodded, her mind whirring with possible outfits that would allow her to merge seamlessly with the crowd. She had already decided about stalking him today.

“Why are you so stubborn?” Kazuya sprang from his bed and advanced towards her, shrinking the distance between them until he was firmly in her personal bubble. He lifted her chin, holding her gaze. “You can hide your Reiryoku but the darkness in your soul? It shines like a candle in pitch black. I can pick you blindly from a crowd ten out of ten times.”

Lisa stiffened before her hand instinctively reached for her Zanpakutō. By the time she realized her Zanpakutō was left in Visored base, he had left the room.

She stood rooted, a trickle of sweat inching its way down her face. “How is that possible...?”

Kisuke's special 'Reiatsu Concealing Gigai' should have camouflaged all traces of her Reiatsu, even the faintest whiff of her Hollow aura.

“What do I do now?”

She pressed her hand against her face. Her sclera turned black and eyes red. “Let me take control. I’ll handle the rest.”

The words she spoke weren’t her own. They belonged to her Inner Hollow, which exerted control over her in moments of weakness. It wanted her to relinquish control and sink into the pit of bottomless ‘instinct.’ Every one of Visored experiences similar things now and then, and will continue to do so until they fully take control over their Hollow.

‘Get lost.’

She steeled herself, suppressing her Inner Hollow, and soon her eyes returned to their normal state. Apart from Shunsui Kyoraku, her ex-Captain, only Kazuya had ever rattled her composure like this.

She let out an annoyed click of her tongue. “I’ll get him to fess up everything, no matter what it takes.”

Kazuya narrowed his eyes, taking in the swinging sign overhead. “Urahara Shop.”

He rapped on the door, which was promptly answered by a mountain of a man with a thick mustache connected to his sideburns. Tessai Tsukabishi, Kisuke Urahara’s right-hand man, was decked out in a black apron over a laid-back white tee and blue jeans combo. The guy looked like a gangster instead of a shopkeeper assistant.

Tessai straightened his rectangle-framed glasses, his expression as unyielding as a wall. “State your business.”

“Kisuke Urahara invited me here last night.”

“You’re his guest. Hmmm, come inside.”

Kazuya followed the big man through the hallway and arrived at the meeting spot. He could feel two presences inside, both masterfully restraining their Reiryoku.

As Tessai slid the door open, Kazuya saw Kisuke sitting side by side with a black cat. Her golden eyes narrowed as she spotted him.

‘She is here.’

Her appearance by Kisuke’s side was no surprise.

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