Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Chapter 316: Embarrassing

Chapter 316 – Embarrassing

A deep forest. An exhausting route that had to be taken through trackless paths.

It was probably a route that ordinary travelers who crossed mountains would never reach.

But, taking such a route that would normally be inaccessible…


There was a small settlement of forest elves.

“An elven village… oh, there are elves here and there…… and little children too…”

“I’ve never seen that before.”

“Me neither, I can’t believe it was in a place like this…”

It felt like I had wandered into a fairy tale world.

Young and beautiful-looking elves live modestly in the forest, in harmony with nature.

“Well, then, I invite you to my humble abode.”

“Y, yes… but it’s late now, are you sure?”

But, we weren’t really welcomed, or rather, they were being wary, and the anxious elves were glancing at us.

Apart from the Chieftain, I could sense that the other armed elves were also bracing themselves to move at any moment.

“Chieftain… is all well?”

“Yes, worry not, I’ll take care of the rest.”

“H, ha… Just call out immediately if you require aid, okay?”

“Sure sure.”

For the time being, we were invited to the chieftain’s house.

Then the Chieftain smiled at us apologetically as he walked through the middle of the village.

“No, I’m really sorry…”

“No, no, you don’t have to apologize…”

“These days especially… there are a few other elf settlements besides this one, but they have been attacked and kidnapped, so everyone is on guard…”

Listening to the chieftain, I can’t help but think that the residents’ reaction is rather normal, or rather, I think the chieftain was the only one who has changed.

“The Bockmati family, huh? …… “

“Indeed. They’re renowned even among the human folk, aren’t they? Weaving clandestine schemes within the shadows of the underworld, staining their hands with the trade and trafficking of souls… we hear whispers of their connections with the forces of Demon King Army, particularly with the elusive Hakuki.”

I remember the casino in Cantidan where I met Bro and fought with Toulowe and the others.

All those disgusting things were connected from this era…

“In days recent, we clashed with the Dark Elves of the Demon King Army… a lone warrior amongst them wreaked havoc upon us, engaging in a fierce battle that allowed the others to flee… though subdued and confined to a dungeon, the events have left an indelible mark upon our settlement.”

“…… The Demon King Army…”

Come to think of it, it was mentioned earlier in the quarrel between the chieftain and the other elves. I was surprised by a lot of things, so I let that story slide, but… a Dark Elf of the Demon King Army…



「It could be one of Norja’s subordinates.」

『…… Tis highly likely…』

The dark elf woman who was in the skirmish with Norja and the others just the other day.

Thinking that it might be that woman, I arrived at a wooden house.

“Ah~…… I dwell in a modest abode with my spouse… she has a certain difficulty in disposition, I confess, but I’ll try to persuade her, so please wait a moment, if you will.”

“Ah, right…”

And so much happened that I’ve overlooked this topic, but this chieftain is a married man.

He looked about the same age as me, but how old is he really?

“She is the former chieftain’s daughter… she’s ill at ease in the company of others, her demeanor ever so prickly, cool, blunt, and a vexing spirit to endure. Moreover, she has a great deal of pride… beneath it all, she’s not malicious, despite the stern facade she presents…”

“The former chieftain… Ah…… and you’re the current chieftain…”

“Ah~…… I’m home, Yitea…… I’ve returned.”

Is your wife’s name “Yitea”?

She’s prickly and prideful…… is she like that… like Phianse?

The chieftain announced his return home in front of the door and slowly opened the door.

Then, there …

“Y-you’re back! Ah-ahem…nya…nya~! Welcome home, my dear! Y, yo, you came back so late, nya! I, i, it’s so late, I turned into a pouty, pouty grumpy cat, nyah!”



“…… Huh?”



A young woman with shoulder-length pink hair.

But, her face was redder than her pink hair, she had cat ears on her head for some reason, and was wearing a bra and panties that looked like they were made of fur… a cat’s tail on the butt of the panties… a choker with a bell on it… …and even… gloves shaped like a cat’s paw?

“W, we, we, welcome… I want you to pamper me a lot today! I’m going to spoil you so much! I’m going to give you lots of kisses, and all the loving that I can, and if you don’t let me, I’m going to scratch you ♡.”

She had a very cute appearance, and although she did not have a fine body with big boobs like Sadiz, she had a standard undulating body, but she was still trying hard to look sexy with her beautiful appearance and pure body (?) unique to an Elf.

“M, my body burned with excitement when I was pouting … th, th, th, th, thinking about my husband, I got so aroused… tightly, caressing …. then I, the bad cat, wo, would do whatever you asked, a, a little naughty or nice cat just for you~”

But now, rather than being captivated by her sexiness… I was overwhelmed with the thought, ‘What is this?’.

“Please, with the meal… until morning, e, eat me too… Nyan ♡ u, ugh~……”

And then, with her face bright red, her hands shaped like a cat’s… Nyan Nyan Pose? The woman, who had been standing still with her eyes closed, but eventually could no longer bear the silence and opened her eyes.

“S, say, do speak, won’t you! I, I’m merely expressing gratitude, for my husband has returned unharmed! I, it’s not that I truly desire affection or any such sentiments, but it just happened… today coincided with the day of ovulation, and I thought it opportune, so don’t misconstrue… alright… huh?”

Then, the woman, who had just swept up some embarrassing words all at once, noticed us behind the chieftain and froze again.

“…… uwa…… it…… it’s not…”

Then the chieftain spoke up with a scowl on his face.

Yeah. What the heck? What an embarrassing woman!?

“…I’ll return shortly… sigh~……”

And the chieftain closed the open door. Then he crouched down holding his head…


And the woman’s frantic voice echoed from inside the house.

“Chieftain, th, that cry just now!”

“It’s the Miss… your wife’s voice, isn’t it!”

“Scoundrels, what mischief have you humans wrought already?”

As expected, the voice echoed through the village, and the other elves immediately began to gather in a hurry.

“Please, I beseech you… there’s nothing to concern yourself with… it’s an affair confined within the walls of our house, so leave it be … I mean, were this to be laid bare, my wife would be consumed by a profound sense of shame …”

But, we weren’t the ones doing anything… anyway, it took me a while for them to let us into the house.

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