Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Chapter 318: Breakfast

Chapter 318 – Breakfast

I talked to the Chieftain all night.

Tre’ainar got super excited and had me speak on his behalf about various things, and the Chieftain got into it, too, so I went pale when I noticed that it was getting light outside.

I was completely blacked out from that point on, but right after that, I was suddenly woken up.

“Hey! It’s me, Espie. Brother, get up!”


“Ehehe~, Big~ brother … Gyu~~~”

Suddenly, I felt a shock to my stomach. This is…

“Espie, what are you doing? Really… Brother, it’s morning… time to get up.”

And then I got shaken.

Hey, I only slept for a moment…

“Say, partake of your breakfast promptly. I, as the chieftain’s wife, have personally prepared it for the likes of humans. Show some gratitude and consume it without reserve. I will not allow any remnants to be left uneaten.”

After Espie and Slayer, the wife was grandly banging a frying pan and ladle, and I woke up rubbing my sleepy eyes, greeted by a delicious aroma that whetted my appetite.

I walked out of the room to find bacon and eggs, salad, and soup laid out for us on the dining room table.

“Good morning, Big brother!”

“Good morning, brother.”

“Oh, did you sleep well?”

“”Yes, but Slayer (Espie) is a poor sleeper… Hmmm.””

Unlike me, they took a bath last night, and slept soundly in a house with a roof for the first time in a long time, so they both looked very refreshed… but suddenly they looked grumpy. Don’t stare at each other.

“It was Slayer who was a bad sleeper! Because when I woke up in the morning, Slayer’s feet were in front of my face!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…. you just tossed and turned over a lot and ended up upside down. I slept with good posture.”

“Uuun! It’s Slayer

“No, it’s you!”

I mean, you guys slept in the same bed last night… I wonder if you’re getting along or not… well, you’re going to get married…

“Say, cease your clamor during breakfast. Now give your thanks properly! I toiled with care while making it, I’ll have you know! Tarry not, it’ll get cold otherwise!”


“Ouch… why me…”

Then, the grumpy tapped them lightly on the head while getting angry.

For some reason, they both held their heads, but they didn’t raise their voices anymore, and it seems that the wife has become quite formidable overnight.

“Look, the bread is baked.”

“Wow! Big brother, look look, bread! Mrs. Yitea baked it this morning, right? It looks so delicious!”

“Say, d, don’t make it sound like I harbor intentions of conveying an air of heightened morning fervor. It’s merely an attempt to knead away the vexations that have clung to my spirit since the eve, is all!”

Freshly baked, hot bread.

I had been away from this kind of home-cooked breakfast for so long while camping, so it was a refreshing experience for me.

Espie seemed happy, and Slayer was trying to act cool, but he didn’t seem to be in a bad mood.

“Ah~, I tire… Hmm? Ah~, I feel invigorated ~ “

“Hey, you!”


“W, withhold your mirth! Don’t say things that insinuate I am usually lackadaisical! You, too, take a seat and properly give thanks for the meal!”


From the words of the Chieftain who just woke up, it seemed that his wife was really into it after all.

Somehow, she’s not being honest in many ways… huh?

“Huh, ‘your’ portions.”


At that moment, we couldn’t believe our eyes.

The breakfast that was served before the chieftain. Bread. With salad and soup.

His didn’t have bacon or sausages like ours did.

Rather, the portions…

“Eh, Chieftain…”

“Is that enough to fill you up?”

His was less than ours. When I thought about it, both the Chieftain and his wife laughed bitterly, and said, “Oh” …

“Oh, I’m a herbivorous elf. I don’t eat meat.”


I never thought someone could live on just vegetables and no meat… so maybe that’s why his waistline was so thin…


Hmm? I’m not sure what it is,…… but Tre’ainar, who was so fussy last night and made me speak for him in a lot of ways, looked a little displeased.

What is it? Is there something bothering you about the current situation…

“Mr. Chieftain, you won’t grow big if you’re picky, you know?”

“No, eating what you dislike doesn’t cause a sudden surge in stature. And the limits of one’s potential are set in stone. In the first place, the magnitude of one’s frame is meaningless except for those steeped in a life battle. Thus, I conclude that eating only what delights the palate leads to a richer life.”

“Un~? …… I don’t understand what you’re saying…”

“You needn’t ask, Espie. This one is a vexing soul that weaves convoluted arguments with a twisted disposition. Pay him no mind.”

“…… And yet, you married him…”

“Hey, Slayer! True, I consented to the union! But I conceded to the marriage begrudgingly, so let there be no misconceptions on that accord!”

“Didn’t you marry him because you liked him?”

“Su, su, ah, ah, so… erm…… W, well, it’s not like, um, it’s because I, um, like him or anything so simple… m, marriage is not something that can be based solely on that, after all! There are various considerations! Perhaps not comprehensible to a child, though!”

But by this time, Tre’ainar’s situation quickly faded from my mind, and we had been talking all morning.

“Un~…… I don’t get it… do you understand, Big brother?”

“Buhu, m, me?”

And to think that she would dump it on me here… I was so surprised and spewed out my tea.

I’m not sure how I feel about this, but Espie asked me an innocent question.

To which I replied…

“W, well, you see… that’s the thing. Marriage is not about becoming lovers, it’s about becoming a family… Ah~…… it’s not just about each other’s feelings… for example, you have to be approved by each other’s family … or get their blessing…”

No, I don’t get it either. Tre’ainar also looked stunned… Hmm? I’m thinking and speaking on my own right now, but I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere… Ah… Now that I think about it……

“Hm~hmm… is that right.”

“I don’t really understand, but Big brother is an adult after all.”

“Heh, I heard you’re still around fifteen, but you seem quite discerning.”

“I initially assumed you were a delinquent, but you’re surprisingly pure… I suppose your upbringing was decent or something?”

They seemed impressed, but Espie… Slayer…… Ah~, I see… they’ve been listening to my words all this time… for years…

“Chieftaaaaaain, grave tidings, chieftain!”


And that’s when it happened. At this early hour of the morning, I heard a loud voice outside the house.

While tilting his head, wondering what was going on, the Chieftain got up from his seat, opened the window, and looked outside.

Then, the young elves who had tried to attack us yesterday, armed with weapons, had a drastic change in their expressions…

“The fire dragons that rushed in recently… they have returned!”

“Eh, again?”

“Moreover, they bear grievous injuries! Swiftly attend to them. It seems they’re trying to convey something, but we cannot discern it… Just come quickly! There may be some calamity afoot!”

Fire dragons? That’s……


The ones we beat back the other day…?

“No, it’s likely not your doing.”


“A few days ago, when the fire dragons came rushing in, weeping… it was probably because of you… but now, if they have rushed in once more, then it is likely not you, but rather another… ah~…… such a bother…”

After saying that, the Chieftain put a piece of bread in his mouth and went outside.

It wasn’t us?

Geez… what’s going to happen this morning?

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