Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Chapter 305: The Consistency of History

Chapter 305 – The Consistency of History

“Ah, ah, u, o, obu, oh, ooooh.”

A legend that even appears in textbooks. So strong that you’ll be killed the moment you show any mercy.

But, I never thought I would feel sorry for someone like that.


“Oh~, Espie. Let’s leave for now.”

“Yes let’s!”

“Then again, look, your rival Six Supremacy is right in front of you…”

“…… a lot ‘came out’ … it’s gross.”

“Don’t say it, Espie!”

A huge beast that was now lying in front of us. Other than that, I’m too sorry to explain more.

My attack with the Great Magic Spiral and Espie’s charge, and… well…… a lot of stuff…

“Great General!”

“D, darn, humans!”

“How dare you, to the General…”

“The hated Seven Heroes… Espie…… and you, Ragaan-Man, don’t think you can leave here alive!”

At that moment, the Amazonesses raised their voices in unison from a distance.

Far from losing their will to fight after Norja, their General, had fallen, they became even more motivated…

“They’re so noisy…”

Then, in my arms, Espie, who was in pampered mode, suddenly had an unpleasant look.

Espie was about to turn her palm towards the Amazonesses who were heading here to avenge their General… it was at that moment.

“Ahh Huh!? Oh… s, stay baaaaaaaack!!


Norja, who was still fallen, cried out desperately, even though she was in an unspeakable state.

“D, don’t, nho, s, stay away, from heeeere! Ab, ngh, absolutely, guhin, nh, must not, come heeeeere!”

A desperate cry, even though she was out of breath.

Well, I guess that’s how it is.

Understandable, with her current incontinence, and moreover… well, I get why she wouldn’t want her subordinates who are far away to come closer, given the dire situation of the land, it’s become quite a mess.

“Please, General, but! We still can’t fight——”

“No, just, unh,…… hey, wait… su~ha~su~ha~… daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!”

“Great General?”

“Stay baaaaack!!

Yes…… I get it…… if she relaxes even a little, she’ll be in more trouble… n, no good, she’s too pitiful.

“Hey, Norja! Release the captured men and retreat!”

“Nn, nn, nnah?”

“Let’s just end it here, okay?”

“S, sto… stop screwing around… who do you think I am――――”

Although she was crawling with her head down and enduring various things, Norja glared sharply at me.

『Now, what will happen … or rather, child. Your usual tone has returned, has it not?』

Is it useless after all? Before I knew it, my tone had changed… well, enough is enough.

And then……

“Big brother, I’m going to punish this guy some more! With my Fluffy Panic—“

Gyowaaah, d, don’t do it! I’m begging you, stop! M, more, will c, come out! I’m going to have a big eruption!”

“I don’t care!”

“This braaaat, you have no compassion as a warrior… hou, whoa, if I yell again, m … my sphincter… fugo

That’s probably true. If we do anything more, Norja might suffer a shame worse than death.

Norja, who would definitely want to avoid that, had tears in her eyes with a look of anguish…

“B, but there is…a, a condition… “

“…… What?”

“Today’s, f, fight… if a new powerhouse appears… I’ll have to …… report details of battle… higi… j, just that… ngo… that, why… this fight… prisoners…… Espie’s rescue…… your final blow at least… ngu… as for you… gag order to my subordinates… or else, magical memory… fugii, I can’t think straight right now! Anyway…… At least in the seeea! Let me in the seeeeeeaaa!”

Hmm? What? What are you trying to say? I can’t understand it because it’s broken up.

『I see… now I understand…』


Then, unlike me, who couldn’t quite understand, Tre’ainar seemed to understand everything and nodded in agreement.

『Norja’s request. I was never informed of the full details of this battle. Only that Norja and her people raided the human town and took the men prisoner, but they encountered Espie and let their captives escape. The individual known as Ragaan-Man was concealed.』

「Huh? Why?」

『The unknown powerhouse, Ragaan-Man, who even the Demon King Army was unaware of… when it comes to those with the strength to oppose the Six Supremacy, they must be reported in detail, including their fighting style and battle situation… it is conceivable that Norja’s memories would be read by magic and shared among the executives. If you do that, the Great Magic Spiral slammed into her rear as well as various other things… well…… I suppose she would prefer that such matters never come to light.』

Ah, I see…

『In fact, I never received a detailed report of the battle at that time, merely the fact that Espie and Norja had a skirmish, and that captured prisoners and Slayer had fled… besides, even though it was a skirmish, the scene was disrupted by Espie’s abilities during the mass transfer of prisoners… I see…… so that is what happened…』

In other words, history hasn’t changed, and this was the truth of history that Tre’ainar didn’t know about.

One of the Six Supremacy suffered the thousand-year death and stuff leaked… events that you would never want people to know had all come together…

“In other words, you won’t tell anyone about me. You’ll keep the details of this battle secret. You’ll keep your people quiet, the prisoners are unconscious, so we can leave out the details and just say that Espie rescued prisoners.”


In response to my confirmation question, Norja nodded with a very devilish expression.

Well, that’s what I was hoping for.

“Well, it’s okay, but… when you first appeared, you said something about peeing in the sea –“

“Stuff apart from peeing is no go, ho, howaaaaa!! I, I’m not, into that kind of kink yet… ho, ho, howaaaaa… uuugh, you’re such a bully… don’t look at me like that… ♡”

Anyway, if it makes sense historically, I have no reason to refuse.

Looking at the back of the Six Supremacy, who was crawling towards the sea, I felt like being merciful.

“Espie, please bear with me.”

“Un? I don’t really understand, but if Big brother says I should, then I will.”

“Yes, good girl.”

“Ah… Mufu~♪”

Espie didn’t think too much about it, and even though a Six Supremacy was in a bad state in front of her, she didn’t give chase, but he was satisfied with the situation and cuddled with me.

“Haa, ha, ngu… ji, ji… all troops retreat, now go far away from this place, leaving the prisoners behiiiiiind!”

“G, General!?”

“That’s an ordeaaaah, I, I will swim to the sea, d, don’t follow, definitely don’t come this way when you leaveaaaaahHowaaaaaaaa!!!

Norja then ordered her subordinates to withdraw and jumped straight into the sea.

“Fuguuu, you… but that Espie was so clingy with him… so strong… Ragaan-Man… Ragaan… Lagann? I-I see… him… that’s how it is… that’s iiaaaah… …o, ooh… I, I will sooo not forget this grudge… just wait… I, I’ll make him take responsibilityyyyyy!!”

At that moment, Norja, who swam away into the distance, was muttering something …

『Hah~…… indeed…… I see now…』

Tre’ainar let out a deep sigh as if he understood everything, and I understood a lot of things too.

I see…… and that’s why my father… ah~, I see…

“Sh, she left…”

“Y, yes, the General’s order is to retreat!”

“All forces retreat! Leave the prisoners and retreat now!”

Seeing this, the remaining Amazonesses, not knowing what was going on, retreated from the area in a cloud of smoke, partly because Norja had ordered them to do so.

What was left behind were unconscious naked men… anyway……

“Now, Espie.”


“Do you think these guys will be okay?”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry.”

For the time being, the enemy was gone, so there was no more danger.


“Then let’s just run away!”


Since we’ve made it this far, that’s enough.

All that’s left now was for these guys to wake up, return to the town, meet up with the residents, and take care of the rest themselves.

I ran with Espie in my arms, trying not to get too deep into the situation.

“Slayer, are you alright?”

“Oh, what? Uh…”

“Look, you should run away too!”

“Huh… What? Well… Wait……………… Wait!”

And then Slayer followed us.

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