Canon Fodder




Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:

Save Ashley


World 1:



World 1 Quest:

Save the Girls


World 2:

One Piece


World 2 Quest:

Save Ashley


World 3:

My Hero Academia*


World 3 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense



Increased Intellect


Tough Organs


Increased Vision



Chikyugi Necklace


2 Challenger Slot

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (2)


Hero Costume



Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (13)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (435)












It had been a while since I brought up my status screen. It was typically an afterthought as I got into the story. Way bigger than it used to be, I had gained a lot since starting out on this journey years ago. Not much else to do as I ran. I went through my skills. 

If I wanted to go to a new hall I needed a Challenger Skill Slot for World Lasting Physique. I wasn’t sure I wanted to try to gain this kind of strength again. Then again I might not be able to gain one from simply ending world quest lines. My Give and Take Quirk was fun, but I was typically using it in the background. I was training it currently, freezing the water in front of me and boiling the water behind. In a pseudo Akainu method of travel. 

I hoped to learn more about my Conqueror’s Haki soon. Cross World Summoning could be useful, but turtles weren’t known for being fast. Besides, once the chakra I used to link them to my location ended, they would be sent back to the Naruto World. 

Done with Abilities I looked over the Bonuses. I couldn’t really tell if the Increased Intellect worked, but I was kind of better at multitasking since I got it. My quirk being used always in the back of my mind. I really did attribute being able to survive Kuma’s Pain Test because of my Toughened Organs. It was from a quest in High School of the Dead and had been tough skin originally. But I had done so well it upgraded to organs. The Increased vision had made my eyes more hawk-like. Able to focus and see further, as well as see better in the dark, it was nice to have. 

My items were all over the place. I always used my weights, even now when speed was priority. I had not used my Reject Dials much though. What I really wanted was to go to My Hero Academia. I wanted to befriend that genius support girl. Have her dig into the Gantz suit. See what made them tick. Potentially making one for Toru, and in all honesty, selling them. A suit that could strengthen you? That sounded like a great way to empower people that didn’t have quirks. Which was my ultimate goal in MHA. 

I needed to learn Haki before I went back there though. I had big plans. What I could remember was the handjob bad guy could decay anything with a touch. If I could have Haki, I didn’t think he would be much of a problem to fight. So I planned to finish my 2 year training arc, then go back to MHA for a long dive into the world. 

So a plan in place I continued to just run on the water, trying to make my way to Amazon Lily. Last time I had ran like this was to Alabasta. Back then I could do about 20 miles per hour. I could do well over that now. I guessed a good 30-40 miles per hour. 2 years training my body with hundreds of pounds on my body, I was much stronger than I used to be. 

It took almost 2 days of running to see the island. Luckily the Kuja pirate ship was anchored by the dock. Running up to it no one noticed me. No one called out. No one expected someone to be running up from the ocean. I saw that the bottom of her ship was now coated in the seastones I had sold her. Which was good. The giant snakes that drove her ship weren’t around, probably let loose to relax somewhere under the ocean. 

I started to walk to the island, finally relaxing a little since they hadn’t left without me. I was sure we had about 10 days left until Ash’s execution which was hopefully enough time to get to Impel Down in time. No one at the docks I walked myself through the large cavern that led into the crater of an island. 

Still no guards I heard cheering from inside somewhere. Worried that things had followed canon I assumed they had pitted Luffy up against the Boa sisters in the tournament. Instead I found him in a cage like he was a zoo animal. Women gathered around the cage laughing and clapping as a naked Luffy walked around. He was bandaged up, no clothes on he at least had his straw hat on. 

“What the hell are you all doing?!” I yelled at the women. They turned around quickly. Some going for weapons, others recognized me though, putting hands on the others to stop them. 

“Weston!” Luffy yelled, waving wildly. Unashamed of his junk flopping around. “I was worried you were thrown somewhere far away.” 

“I was,” I said walking into the throng of women. They parted for me. Scantily clad they were all shapes and sizes, but many were from the pirate crew. “I’ve been running for over a day to find you.”

“What? Why?” Luffy asked. 

“Because your sister is going to be executed,” I said. I felt a pulse from Luffy’s Haki leak out, touching mine. I guessed that was his own Conqueror’s Haki. 

“What?” He asked coldly. No longer in a good mood. 

“Anyone have a newspaper?” I asked. One of the girls handed the current paper to me. I opened it. Finding the article I passed it to Luffy through the bars. As he read it slowly I looked to the navigator for the Kuja Pirates. “Where is Hancock? I warned her Luffy would be coming.” 

“Hancock has us under strict instructions not to bother her,” the navigator said. “She’s been depressed since we got back from the Archipelago.” 

“Crap, alright,” I said, rubbing my temples. “Can you have someone let my captain out? And get him some clothes and food?”

“And who are you?!” A tall muscular woman asked. I turned to her. Wearing basically a bikini it was hard not to look at her rather muscular chest. 

“A friend,” I said. “Why? You wanna fight?”

“Men aren’t allowed here!” She yelled. I looked to the navigator. She shrugged. 

“Yeah, well, Boa Hancock will make an exception for me,” I said confidently. 

“What??!!” Luffy yelled. “Ash is going to be executed? Weston, we have to save her!” 

“I know, captain,” I said. “Don’t worry, I have a plan. But we need Boa Hancock’s help. So get some clothes on. You look pretty beat up, so maybe a bunch of food too, alright. I will talk with the ruler of this island and get us going to save your sister.” 

“Awesome,” Luffy said with a sigh. Someone handed Luffy his clothes, but his vest and pants were now embroidered with flowers. 

“Great look, cap,” I said. “Very manly.” 

“Shut it, Weston,” he cursed. “Where is this food?” He was all business as the cage door was opened. Walking out of the cage he followed as I led us to the large palace. The navigator stuck with us for a bit. Other women interested in what was happening broke away slowly until we met with the first guard of the palace. She looked me up and down then up to the large wall behind her. On the wall was my 200,000,000 berrie bounty poster printed on it about 20 feet high. 

“Goddamn it,” I mumbled. I thought that was just a joke Oda did for Hancock. But she really did have a giant print made. 

“Woah, Weston, are you wanted here?” Luffy asked as he stared up at it. 

“Apparently,” I said. Waving to the guard she nodded and escorted us up the palace steps. “So walk me through what happened.” 

“That Kaiju guy-” 


“Right, he kept slapping us and making us disappear one by one. I was sent here for some reason,” Luffy said. “I had no idea what happened, so I did what I could. I ate everything in sight. There were some weird mushrooms. One made a bunch grow on me. Some of the ladies found me. Thought I was a girl and gave me an antidote. Then they found out I was a man.” 

“Right,” I said. “Were they playing with your lower mushroom?” I asked, remembering the manga. They had pulled on his dick, thinking it was a mushroom. 

“Ew,” Luffy said. “But yeah, they weren’t gentle.” 

“I bet,” I said. “Most of these women have never seen a man before.” 

“Why’s that?” Luffy asked. 

“Because it is the Isle of Women. Men aren’t allowed here.” 

“Then…why are we?” He asked as the palace doors were opened for us. 

“I did the pirate empress a favor a few months back,” I said as Hancock came running into me. Bowling me over I was knocked to the ground with her large chest in my face. 

“Finally!” She yelled as I grabbed onto her. “I was worried you weren’t coming.” 

“Hey Hancock,” I said from between her glorious mountains. “This is my captain, Luffy. He was held in a cage by some of the residents here.” 

Hancock pulled away, allowing me to breathe. “What!?” She said sitting up. “Why was I not informed a man was on the island?!” She yelled at the guard. 

“You asked to not be disturbed for anything, besides…” the guard nudged her head my way. 

“Oh, right,” Hancock said, then looking down to me tried to drop down, but I held her shoulders to keep her up. 

“Business for now, my dear,” I said. “We need that favor we talked about.” 

Hancock frowned but nodded. Getting up I did the same, but she latched onto my arm. She placed it between her cleavage and began dragging me further into the palace. “Weston, I’ve been so worried. We expected you at the Archipelago. But it was in the news today you attacked a Tenryuubito and disappeared without a trace.” 

“Yeah, long story,” I said. “I’ll fill you in later, for now have you been called to the Marine Headquarters?” 

She tsked as we walked into the large dining hall. “Yes, those bastards. They’re demanding I be there for the execution of Portgas Ash.” There was more sadness in her words than I expected. 

“That’s why we are here,” I said. “Ash is Luffy’s sister.” 

“What?!” Hancock yelled, stopping to stare at me then Luffy. The captain was paying full attention for once. “But you said-” 

“I know what I said. My information was wrong. Luffy has a sister we need to save.” 

“You expect to save Ashley?” Hancock asked, pulling away from me she hid her face. Which was odd, there was something I wasn’t understanding. 

“Of course!” Luffy said. 

“Yes, I plan is for us to break into Impel Down to break her out,” I said. 

“Impel Down? You can’t!” Hancock said, turning to me. Fear in her eyes. “No one has escaped from there.” I thought one person had, but I couldn’t remember. Some guy that cut off his legs or something. 

“We can. I have a plan to get Ash out, but we need your help,” I said. 

“H-How?” Hancock asked. 

“Simple. I need you to ask to see her,” I said. “That’s it. Just request to see her at Impel Down. We can do the rest.” 

She eyed me slowly, then Luffy. “Captain Luffy,” Hancock said. “I have heard you have a large appetite. If you head through that door, you will find the kitchen. You can have my personal cook make you anything you want.”

“But Ash,” Luffy said looking at me. 

“Don’t worry. We will work it out. I’ll find you when we work out the finer details,” I said. “You still look beat up. Eat your fill.”

Luffy struggled for a minute then nodded. Running to the door we heard him yell, “Make me everything you have!” 

I chuckled, turning back to Hancock. She was back on me. Her long legs wrapping around me I grabbed her ass and blindly moved us to her room. Her mouth on mine our tongues entwined and I was home. 

She was the perfect beauty. Long legs. Long dark hair. Massive chest with perfect teardrop shaped breasts. I could feel the heat coming off of her pussy as it ground against my erect dick. 

Kicking in the door to her room I moved us to her massive bed. The 11/10 woman moaning and gasping as we disrobed. My hands coated in chakra she began to cum as soon as I was on top of her on the bed. Screaming loudly, her body shivered but midway through she grabbed my dick and shoved it into her. 

Hancock screamed loudly as she gushed liquid. Her hot insides a welcome home I groaned loudly in her mouth as I entered balls deep. Staying there her orgasm finished and we made out. Our tongues in one another’s mouths as our sexes became reacquainted. 

“I’ve missed you,” she gasped. 

“I missed you. My beautiful goddess,” I groaned. My dick bulging inside of her I continued pouring chakra into her. Making everything feel extra sensitive for her she began to cum again. Her body convulsing I grabbed her nipples, pulling them lightly as I stayed in one spot inside of her. 

When she gasped and relaxed she blinked slowly. Staring up at me. Her hands on my triceps as she laid underneath me. 

“No matter how good you feel, we should really be using condoms,” I said, pulling one out of my status screen. She eyed it and frowned. Knowing what it was. 

“There’s no need,” she admitted, a small smile on her lips. 

I got a little excited. “Oh yeah? On something to prevent pregnancy?”

“Kind of,” she admitted. Sitting up more to kiss me. I didn’t like the way she said that. Until she whispered in my ear, “I’m pregnant.”

My heart rate increased. Unbelieving what I was hearing. I wasn’t sure how to take the news. I had been scared to hear those words since I started entering the doorways. I had been playing with fire for a while though. And eventually I knew I would get burned. 

“Are you not happy?” She asked, hurt in her voice. 

I blinked. Looking down at her. I had zoned out as I thought quickly. “No, I mean yes I am,” I said. “I’m sorry. I just…didn’t expect.”

“Me either,” she admitted. “I had thought we were safe in the timing.”

“And you’re sure?”

“It’s been 2 months,” she admitted. The mood ruined. 

“That would do it,” I said with a chuckle. I studied her. She was no longer an empress, but a scared woman. I had only ever had a kid in wedlock. I never expected to really have one here. I had mostly assumed that it couldn’t happen. But as I affected and changed the worlds, I knew it could. 

“I’m sorry, that’s amazing news,” I admitted. Kissing her I knew it was the only thing I could say. “I’ve just been so focused on the crew. And trying to figure out my own past. I didn’t expect…right now.”

“No,” Hancock said. “But I’m glad it’s with you.”

“Ha, I don’t deserve you,” I admitted. Kissing her again. “So what? Should we get married now?”

She blushed deeply, her hands wrapping around me as her cunt squeezed my shaft. “Yes,” she said without hesitation. And the fucking started again. 

I let loose then. Humping into her my large dick slammed into her cervix. She came over and over as I thought about this woman already growing my kid inside of her. Some primal need to cum into her more as I used her like someone I wanted to be with forever instead of the short time period I knew I had her last time. 

It was honestly worrying. Knowing that she was pregnant. I didn’t question if it was mine. From the stories she told me. Accepting a man in her bedroom was a rare thing for her. But of all the women that I could have a kid with I was glad it was Hancock. 

“I love you,” she gasped as I continued to jump into her. 

“I love you,” I admitted. Locking eyes with her there were tears in them. She could see that I meant it. Though we had a short time together. I wanted Hancock to stay mine. I would do what I needed to make it happen. 

I continued humping into her. My mouth moving all over her body as one orgasm rolled into another. When I couldn’t hold back anymore I released inside of her. I didn’t give her my Mark yet but I planned to. 

My lower half pushing into her to try to reach further inside of her she shivered with each spurt of my dick. I felt a huge amount escape me. She took it all happily. Her eyes fluttering as she smiled up at me.  

“Thank you,” Hancock whispered. 

“No, thank you,” I said with a sigh. Relaxing on her front as I rested my head on her perfect chest. “That was…needed.”

We stayed like that for a bit. Her running her long nails along my back. Humming happily as I continued to fill her. Me breathing in and out. Relaxing for the first time in over a day. 

“So will you help us?” I asked eventually. Looking up into her eyes, I noticed some shame there. “What?”

“Firefist Ash and I…used to be lovers,” she admitted. 

I sat up. My dick confused. Both turned on by the idea because it was a woman and repulsed because I kept thinking of Ash as Ace. 

“Used to be?” 

“A year ago,” Hancock said. “It ended when she wanted more. And I wanted to focus on the Kuja Pirates.”

“Ohhh kaaay,” I said slowly coming to terms. Doing my best to picture the badass bounty poster of Ashley. “You used to fuck the Pirate King’s daughter?” I asked. Hancock stared at me confused. 

“What?!” She yelled. 

“Yeah,” I said. “The news will come out soon. But Ash is the Pirate King’s daughter.”

“So your captain?”

“No, they’re not blood related. Just grew up together so they consider each other brother and sister,” I said. 

“Oh,” Hancock said. Slowly compartmentalizing the information. “So yes, I used to sleep with her. And things didn’t end on good terms.”

“So you are hesitant because…”

“Because I don’t want you to think there is anything between Ash and I,” Hancock admitted shyly. “I could ask to see her, before she is executed. I don’t know your plan. But I’m with you. I don’t want you to think I actually would be with anyone besides you.”

“Oh,” I said.  Understanding. Most of my relationships had been with straight women that dabbled in some same sex stuff. My Chikyugi was so strong that I doubted any would feel the need to venture outside. 

“Hancock, I slept with the girls on my ship,” I admitted. She put on a cold gaze. “I know I warned you. But the baby changes things. Things that I haven’t figured out yet. I-I really don’t know where to go from here.”

“You and I…I did not expect…this,” I could feel her stiffen from my words. “To feel for you the way I do.” She relaxed slightly. “You are beautiful. Fun to be with. Amazing in bed. And though I haven’t given you much information, you believe me wholeheartedly. Proving to me how much I want you in my life. So tell me what you want.” 

Hancock hesitated. “I want you, all of you,” she said. 

“I can’t give that,” I said quickly. “Yet.” I admitted. “Things are happening, Hancock. Big things. I need to train and grow stronger. We will be going up against the emperors. I still need to find out my past, and the only clue I have is the country name of Leton.” 

“Leton?” She asked. 

“Yes, do you know it?” 

“Yes, it’s near the end of the New World. It’s one of the countries that ferry people across the Calm Belt,” she said.

I grumbled. “We can talk about that later,” I said. “For now. I want you. I want our kid,” I said. “What do I need to do to keep you with me?” 

“You already have me,” Hancock said. Moving to sit up a little on her elbows as she stared at me. My dick was still inside of her. “I don’t care about others. Playthings mean nothing to me, but you will be mine,” she said. “Go on your adventure. I don’t care anymore. I will have your children. All of them. You will be my husband. You will come back to me. Always. You fight your fights, but if you die. I will die with you,” she stated, her black eyes expressing how serious her words were. 

“Your enemies will become mine. I will attack any person that dares kill you. Think about that before you go into battle. The mother of your children. You will make them orphans if you die out there. Take on the emperors of the New World? I expect nothing less from the man I have given myself to. But know that if you let them kill you, you let them kill me.” 

“Holy fuck…” I said slowly as I processed her words. “You are sexy when you talk like this,” I admitted. I had never felt my dick grow harder. Below me was a real pirate. A fighting woman that was ready to die at any moment for her crew, for what she believed in. A woman that had been through hell when she was a child, and came back from it. “Marry me.”  

A smile escaped her lips and a tear escaped her eye. “Okay,” she said, pulling me in for a kiss. 

Before that moment Hancock had been like a long line of women from other worlds. A Kishimoto I would manipulate to let me add more women to my harem. A Saeko I would ignore the feelings of as I took the women that wanted me. 

But after hearing those words. Her conviction made me rethink her completely. At that moment I felt like I was with a warrior woman. A viking pirate that would give me her all and be by my side to take my enemies on with me, not waiting at home for me to come back. 

We lost ourselves in the sex after the declaration. My cock never felt more at home than it did inside of her as I jackhammered into her. We moved from missionary to cowgirl to doggy. Never talking. Both of us simply going with the flow of one another as our sexes collided over and over. I came into her again and again. Awakening chakra in her I didn’t let her body relax. I continued to fuck her into wakefulness. 

Screaming my name as my chakra filled cum reacted with her own pathways and the new Watanabe heart. Over and over I had to have her. The gorgeous queen of the isle of woman, never complained. Never asked for a break. Never asked for me to cum anywhere but inside of her. Ready to go at a moment’s notice she was exactly who I needed. My perfect woman as I released my true lust on her. 

It was well past dawn when we finally took a break. Luffy had barged in demanding an answer, uncaring what we were doing. Ruining the mood of our love filled room. “So?” He asked, staring at me. 

“So,” I said looking at Hancock.

“Yes, I will do whatever you need,” Hancock said. She breathed in and out heavily. “Have my sister bring me my Marine denden-mushi.” Luffy smiled widely and ran out of the room. Hancock leaned forward, resting her head on my chest. “When can we be married?” 

“After we come back from saving Ash,” I said, kissing the top of her head. “Chiyo can preside, Luffy can be my best man.” 

“And you think you can save her?” Hancock asked. 

“I know I can,” I said. “I’m the only one that can.”

“Quite presumptuous,” she said with a sigh. “I’ve heard Whitebeard will be there. All of the Shichibukai are being called to fight against his crew.” 

“Oh there will be a lot more there than that,” I said. “It’s going to be a very big war. But it will go my way.” She didn’t question anymore. Having fallen asleep on my chest I ran my hand down her hair and back. Her body was perfect, I couldn’t help but hump into her again. Waking her up. “Not done yet. I still want you.” 

She finally groaned. “Have whatever woman you want,” she mumbled. “I need a break.” 

“But I want you,” I said, lifting her chin. She couldn’t fight that. Smiling, she got back into it. Rocking back and forth our lips interlocked as we began to pull into one another loudly. Our eyes locked we didn’t finish until Luffy ran back with the denden-mushi. Acting like it was completely normal to interrupt. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.