Canon Fodder



“Today we will be doing a rescue training race,” All Might announced. He was in his muscular form. We usually did something simple like this during his Hero Course class. 

“Rescue training?” Ida asked. “Shouldn’t we be doing that at the USJ course?” Apparently his brother, the hero Ingenium, had pulled through after the Hero Killer attacked him. He would live, but most likely never walk again. Ida looked a lot better after finding out the Hero Killer was dead. 

“No,” All Might answered. “This test is for a race. That course is for rescue training specifically. This is training course Gamma. Behind me is an industrial area with lots of obstacles in the way. You will be racing 4 other students. I will be the injured person at the center. When I give the signal you race to see who can give first aid first.”

“Fun,” I said looking at the course ahead. It was an industrial park with pipes, buildings, and a whole bunch of useless junk in the way. “Can we make it interesting?”

“You always want to make it interesting, young Weston,” All Might said. 

“What? I enjoy adventure at heart.”

“Haha good, as you should. What’s your suggestion this time?” 

“Well 4 groups of 5. 1 winner each. Should we race the final 4 winners to see who's the best of the best?” I asked the class. 

“I like that,” Bakugo said, punching his fist. “How about a bet too?”

“Now that’s my kind of language. What you got, Bakugo?” I asked. “Money? Or we betting something more embarrassing?”

“Like what?” Bakugo growled. 

“Well you looked so cute with your hair all prim and proper. How about the losers have to wear a shirt the winner picks out.”

“We have uniforms,” he said. 

“I’m sure All Might can make an exception,” I said. 

“Hahaha,” All Might said loudly. “I’m all for students giving their all. So yes, I think I can talk Aizawa into allowing it for a day.”

“It’s a deal,” I said. “You all fine with it?” I asked the rest of the class. 

“I’m in” “sounds fun” “I have the perfect pink shirt for you.” The class said, growing more excited. We were split up into teams of 5. 1 person from each team was sent to a section of the course. After a signal from All Might we were expected to run to the center to save him.

Wearing my weights I won easily. Hands in my pockets I jumped through the course without an issue. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo won the other races. 

“Ha! Get ready to eat my dust!” Bakugo said. But…it wasn’t much of a challenge for me to win. I had 4 years of combat training compared to these guys. I made it look hard won. Just barely reaching All Might before Todoroki. 

“Goddammit!” Bakugo raged as we got back into the locker room. “What the hell shirt you going to make us wear, Weston?!”

“Eh your normal shirt. But backwards,” I said. 

“Backwards?” Todoroki asked. 

“Yeah, you ever worn a button up shirt backwards? It’s annoying as hell. Have fun tomorrow,” I said laughing. We got to the lockers and began changing out of our PE clothes. 

People were whining about the hard time running through the course. Others talked about how they could improve. 

“Weston, I think you’re the only one that can appreciate this,” Mineta said. The purple grape pimple guy waved me over. Usually I tried to ignore him. But he looked serious. 

“Look what I found here!” He yelled. Moving the corner of a poster he revealed a tiny hole only about half an inch in diameter. 

“What about it?”

“What about it? This is the wall we share with the girl’s locker room!” Mineta said. “Some upperclassman must have drilled it. I can see all the way through.”

“Momo’s honkers, Ashido’s figure, Toru in her panties, Uraraka’s beautiful body, Tsuyu’s short but curvy physique,” Mineta said, salivating. 

“Now Mineta, I know we let you off your leash now and then, but that’s no way to talk about the some of the girls in our class,” I said dutifully. 

“That’s right!” Ida said, ever the boyscout he looked offended as we stood near the hole. 

“Yeah, you can’t skip one of the girls,” I added. “What about Jiro? She’s got a great figure too.”

“Weston!” Ida yelled. 

“What?!” I asked, laughing. “You’ve never looked at the girls in our class?”

“I knew I could count on you to be on my side, Weston,” Mineta said then moved his eye to the hole. Immediately he was stabbed in the eye by a headphone jack from Jiro. The hole was more than big enough for it to reach over from the girl’s locker next door. 

“Good one Jiro, you got him right in the eye!” I yelled. Punching the wall a little the drywall busted enough to obscure the hole. 

“How can you be so brazen with your advances on the girls in our class?” Ida asked. More in offense than an actual question.  

“Because we could die,” I said, pulling my clothes out of the locker. That got his attention and a few others around us. “Like Aizawa talked about today. We might have to kill a villain. But it’s far more likely that a villain could kill us. If we are between them and their freedom. They’ll think about it.”

The locker room was quiet now as the boys in my class studied me. “Like during the rescue training. All of us were willing to take on that Nomu. It was a mindless man that probably would have killed whoever it got ahold of. But we won. And we survived. But we could have died.”

“Me, I’d rather live with no regrets,” I said looking up at Ida. “Like in Hosu. We could have died.” He nodded. “We all have our own little things we like. Our guilty pleasures. Ida, I’m sure you get all hot and bothered reading the rule book. Midoriya, I bet you stare at All Might posters until you go to sleep.”

“I-I do not,” he said quickly. The group laughed. 

“Me, I like women. I appreciate those around me. Pay them compliments. And if they slap me and call me a jerk, I thank them for still gracing me with their presence. Because in this field of work, you need to do what you enjoy while you can. At any time it could be our last chance to do it.”

The room was a little morbid. “Besides, what kind of guy can go head to head with a villain but is still too scared to ask a girl out?”

“Girls are way scarier,” Midoriya whispered. But the room heard and laughed loudly. We were soon dressed and out the door. The last class of the day I met up with Toru and a few others as they left the locker room. 

“You do realize we can hear pretty much everything from the boy’s locker room, right?” Toru asked. 

“I assumed,” I admitted. I’d been pretty sure I read this exact scene in the manga. “You all were awfully quiet. While us boys peep, you girls listen in, huh?”

“We do not,” Momo said, offended. “You boys are just loud.”

“Yeah whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes. “So what’s up?”

“Nothing,” Toru said. 

“You didn’t call me over here?” I asked. 

“No,” she said quickly. 

“Oh well nevermind then, I’ll see you ladies tomorrow,” I said. 

“Weston, wait,” Momo said. I stopped, turning to face my heavy chested dark haired beauty. “We were thinking of going shopping this weekend. Would you want to come?” 

I looked at the girls. It was Momo, Toru, Tsuyu, Jiro, and Mina. “A date with all of you?” I asked, a big smile on my face. 

“With all of us?” Momo asked angrily. 

“Well duh, trust me, I can handle all of you,” I said with a wink. “Yeah, sure. I don’t have any plans besides training.” 

“It’s not a date!” Momo said angrily. 

“Whatever you want to call it,” I said. “See you girls at school tomorrow.” Toru and I had already texted quite a bit so I knew she couldn’t hang out. Her parents had been extra clingy lately. I was sure they felt like they never saw her anymore. I decided to head to the Support Section of the school. 

The majority of kids at UA wanted to be heroes. 3 years worth of students, there were the prospective heroes, those that wanted to go to the best school in the area. There were also those that had no interest in being a hero, but wanted to help heroes. The Support kids were the miscellaneous. They ranged from people that liked looking at crime data and establishing where the best patrol routes were, the kids that wanted to be police officers to assist heroes, the detectives, and of course those that helped make the hero suits. 

I knew of one of the support students. Mei Hatsume. A pink haired beauty that had made it to the tournament during the Sports Festival. Going against Ida she had strapped him with a bunch of the support gear she invented. Showing off her inventions to the whole world. She was a business woman through and through. I wanted her on my side. 

Like the hero students who had big training areas. The support students had large workshops. I found hers easy enough. Stepping inside she was welding on some metal. I averted my eyes and looked around to all the gadgets she had made. There were giant suits, jets, rockets, gun barrels, chain mail, armor chunks, swords and pretty much everything cool in the world. 

The blue light from the weld ended and I moved next to her. It was another good minute before she knew I was right next to her. While I waited I studied her. Pink hair in a clumpy mess she wore a thick welding apron, but her back was bare. She appeared to be nude underneath. 

“Oh, how long have you been here?” She asked. Seeing me, but not. Her head was already back to her work, hardly registering me. Mei was all about work. 

“At least 3 hours,” I said. 

“Uh huh,” she said. Not paying attention. I needed something to grab her attention. 

“I have a new invention. I want you to mass produce it for me,” I said. 

“Whatever,” she said, focused on her work. It was time for drastic measures. I poured Lust Chakra out of me. So close it wasn’t long until she became distracted. She began to squirm, but continued to work. Focused on what was in front of her it took another few minutes for her to be drawn away from her work for good. 

“Something is wrong,” she said, sitting up. Looking over to me it was as if she noticed me there for the first time again. “I should not be feeling the need for sexual pleasure for at least another 3 days.” She had a smile on her lips as she said the words, almost robotically. I noticed that her eyes were brown but had a cross through them like a rifle scope. 

“What have you done to me?” She asked, not accusing, simply inquisitive. 

“Grabbed your attention,” I said. 

“Then you will need to fix it,” she said standing up the apron was extra tight on her. “My own sexual release is a timed event on set intervals. Optimizing my brain power and focus on my work. You have now halted my work and ability to function.” 

“Uhh, there’s only one way I know how to fix it,” I said, a little surprised by her straight forwardness.

She eyed me up and down. Nodding she unbuckled the welding apron around her waist and lifted the loop from over her head revealing that she really was nude underneath. Mei had a great figure underneath. Perfect C-Cup breasts, smooth skin, she had a hairy pubic bush, but it was pink. Must have been my weeb brain. Pink was always hotter. 

“Undress,” she ordered, her sniper eyes focused on me. 

I hesitated another moment but was then pulling my clothes off. “Why are you already naked?” 

“I forgot to wear the apron before welding. My clothes caught fire,” she said in a monotone voice. “I expect your assistance fixing this issue for me, prior to your own sexual release. Do you need me to walk you through how to assist me?” 

I couldn’t help it. My sarcastic attitude leaked out quickly, redoubling the Lust Aura around us I asked, “Are we having sex? I-I’ve never done it before. Can you show me how to do it?” 

She frowned but as my shirt came off and my muscles were revealed her eyes widened. After a moment’s hesitation she decided to go through with it. “You will stick your penis in here,” she said pointing to her muff. “I will do the work. Don’t worry.” Almost robotic in her answer she only showed true emotion when I dropped my pants. My already hard dick flopping out her eyes widened. 

“I-Is it small?” I asked. Struggling to keep from laughing. “I can use my hands if you think it will be too small to assist you.” 

“I-I um,” she said, stuttering a little. She looked up at me. Some actual heat in her cheeks. “It will do.” 

“Good,” I said with all the seriousness I could muster. “What next?” 

“Um normally you would have to assist me…lubricate the area. But whatever you did to grab my attention has done the job splendidly,” she noted touching herself. “Sit here,” she ordered, moving to a table. My clothes off I sat on a cold metal table. She stepped on a pedal, lowering the metal surface. Moving herself to straddle my legs she grabbed my dick, lining it up with herself. 

“Won’t you get pregnant without a condom?” I asked innocently. 

“I have already taken care of that issue for myself. I don’t let anything affect my work,” she said and began to slide my large dick into her lower lips. She grunted. Wet but tight I wasn’t channeling any chakra, enjoying her attitude too much. 

“Are you alright?” I asked. “Do you need my help to reach…completion?” I asked. 

“Just sit, I can handle myself. When I am done you can do what you need for your own pleasure,” she said. She began moving back and forth slightly. Only a few inches down my dick I flexed it, making her jump a little. But she was all business. Moving further, once she was about 6 inches down she started moving from tip to half of my shaft. Struggling to keep from going down too far. 

“Let me help, you seem to be struggling,” I said. Her nude body in front of me, it was hard to keep my hands off of her. I coated my hands in chakra just slightly. Grabbing her tits she moaned loudly. Blushing, she gritted her teeth. 

“Yes, um, you may assist,” she said, caught off guard by the pleasure as she continued to fuck herself on my dick. My hands pulled her nipples, causing another cute moan. She began to move faster. I sat there, watching as she worked. 

“Again, huh huh, wait for your pleasure until my own is done,” she said through gritted teeth. Her legs shaking as she got more into it. I moved my hand to her ass while the other pulled her nipple. 

“What if I do…this,” I said, instantly coating my dick in chakra. She squirted and came instantly. Losing her strength she dropped onto my dick fully. Screaming out, the business-oriented woman continued to cum almost violently on my dick. All the while my hands on her ass cheeks kept her sheathed on me. 

When she eventually finished she looked at me as if for the first time again. “What did you do?” She asked. 

“I can make you horny and cum quickly if I wanted,” I said. 

“I have never heard of a quirk like this,” she said with a sigh. 

“Good,” I said. “Now, my turn, right?” I asked with a wicked grin. Mei bit her lip but nodded. I coated everything I was touching with full chakra. She came again while I was standing up. Letting her feel the pleasure I turned us over to drop her on the metal tabletop. I began to really fuck her then. 

Going in and out she squirted once more. Screaming, she instinctively grabbed her tits, pulling the nipples as she came harder than before. All the while I went in and out of her. Going for my own pleasure. Her tight cunt was heavenly as I filled her up over and over. 

Mei became a new person as I used my lust on her. “Fuck-fuck-fuck you’re taking everything,” she noted. Still a little robotic with her responses she was slowly coming out of her shell. “This is–cumming.” She squeaked. Her voice making a squeaking noise as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

I pulled her face to mine. She was at first surprised as my tongue entered her mouth, but as she continued to cum her tongue followed my movements. Moaning loudly she started running her hands along my body. Scratching and gripping my muscles as I continued to pull out and slam into her. 

Squirting again it was less liquid but enough. Causing our sexes colliding to sound louder from the constant slaps. She stopped trying to talk. Making guttural groans as I made her feel pleasure she had never known before I could tell that her mind was turned off. Pulling out she let me do what I wanted as I manhandled her to lay on her stomach. 

Taking her from the back she took it all. Almost like a caveman and woman we were 2 grunting and groaning beasts as I bit her back, slapped her ass, and pulled her hair. Everything I did was met with pleasurable moans. Gushing out liquid every few strokes she came a good 15 times before I decided to wrap it up. 

Pulling her hair I came into her. She couldn’t get away as my large dick pulsed huge amounts of cum in her deepest parts. It made her orgasm stronger. Her body shaking as she was forced to take all of me, my orgasm lasted longer as I groaned with each unload of my dick. My hips pushing into her with my own aftershocks of pleasure she shivered everytime I did. 

Dropping her head, Mei let out a sigh. Laying down on the table she moaned as I pulled out. Moving to lay next to her on the table she stayed in the position on her knees. Her eyes closed she had a smile on her lips. 

Catching my breath we stayed like that for a long time. After a few minutes she finally said, “I seem to be unable to move. Please assist me in lying down.” I chuckled. Snaking my arm under her I pulled her to rest on my shoulder. “Thank you.” 

Nodding, we laid like that a little longer. “Who are you exactly?” She asked. 

“I’m Weston…” there was no recognition in her face from the name. “I won the 1st year sports festival.”

“Oh right, I thought you looked familiar,” she said in her monotone robotic voice. “I will require you to assist me in my sexual release in the future, Weston.” 

“Uh…okay,” I said, confused. 

She nodded. “Good, every 3 days I require assistance. Normally I do this manually, but there have been few instances where I’ve found a partner assists in matters. I would appreciate you taking the place for all instances. I cannot seem to remember a time when my mind has been so clear.” 

“Uhh so like come here every 3 days?” I asked. 

“Yes, there will be benefits for you of course,” she said professionally. “I am willing to assist you orally or in other ways. I would offer to show my abilities, but I am unable to move at this time.” 

“Okay,” I said. “I do have a girlfriend though.” 

“....that poses a problem. But I am willing to keep this secret. I understand some women are very….territorial.” 

“Nah she will probably be cool with it,” I said. “She might want to watch though.” 

“Oh perfect. I do not mind,” Mei said with a sigh. I couldn’t believe I was having a conversation like this, but this girl was all business. We were quiet for a long time. 

“I um came here for a reason,” I said. 

“Oh sorry, I have been doing work in my head,” she said. “Post orgasm clarity is a wonderful tool. Please wait a few moments.” I nodded. She continued simply laying on my shoulder. Her eyes closed as she thought through whatever she was doing. 

“Okay, you may speak,” she said. “You have 65% of my attention.” 

I nodded, happy with some of it. “I have a suit. I can’t tell you where I got it. I know there is no patent on it. I want you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Let you study it. Then if you can figure out how to mass produce it we go into business with one another.” 

“That is every support person’s dream,” she said, still no emotion in her voice. “So I am struggling to believe you.” 

“It’s your dream?” 

“Of course. At this school we have access to patents from the Professional Support Council. We are able to make suits for the students, and the people who have patents are paid for them. Every support student’s dream is to have a patent. But it happens rarely. We are only able to work with others and see their work be used.” 

“Well I can guarantee that no one has a patent on this suit,” I said. 

“I will choose to believe you for now,” she said. “Because the sexual release was unbelievable, perhaps you have another skill to make something new. What are the capabilities of the suit?” 

“If a normal person wears it they will become about 10 times stronger. If a stong person wears it there are diminishing returns, but they are still strengthened. It has defensive measures as well. There is only a finite amount of damage it can take. The suit lets you know when it no longer functions, but after 24 hours of waiting it will have recharged its strength stores.” 

“I would like to see this suit,” she said. 

“I would like an NDA,” I said. She sighed and tried to get up. I pushed to help her. Groaning, she limped to a computer. Pushing a few buttons she wiped my cum from between her legs then moved to a printer. She threw the stack of papers to me and it was a pretty standard NDA. I skimmed through it and signed. She did the same then scanned it, emailing me a copy. 

She was about to put her clothes on but I stopped her. “Put this on instead,” I said, handing her a Gantz suit. 

Mei was back to business mode. “This is it?” She asked, unbelieving my claims. She began to stretch it. Her eyes studying, she frowned while mumbling. When she couldn’t gleam anything from the suit she began to put it on. First the top, then the tight pants, showing off her curves she moved around in it. 

Moving to a table she tried to pick it up. “I thought you said it would make people stronger.” 

“I did,” I said. “Simply think about becoming stronger. The body will react.” She frowned, but after a moment the veins in the suit bulged. She picked the large metal table up easily. Lifting it over her head she had a smile on her lips for the first time. 

“I have been working on a power suit to do this exact thing, but it is made from metal,” she said, dropping the table. She moved to a suit of armor that looked distinctly like Iron Man’s, but bulkier. She picked it up, the legs and arms bulging as she got used to it easily. “This is…unheard of. Where did you get this?” 

“Based off of our NDA, you aren’t able to tell anyone anything I tell you, correct?” I asked. She nodded. “Let’s say I got it from another plane of existence.” 

She accepted the words with a nod, moving to her computer. “Come back in a few days. I will study it and figure out how it is strengthening me. I have an LLC company I invent through. I will sign half the company over to you. We will go into business together.” 

I was shocked by her complete lack of care about anything besides the technology. “What’s the name of your company?” 

“Meico,” she said simply. 

“Love it. 50/50?” I asked. She nodded. “Get the papers. I’ll be back in 3 days. If you don’t screw me on this, I have a weapon you might want to study as well.” 

“Yes, keep getting me more gear from wherever,” Mei said. “I only have interest in the challenge. If you can get me more of these suits I can do more testing.”

“How many?” I asked. 

“2 would be optimal,” she said. “I find this is very breathable. And makes it easier to move the big items in my shop. I want one for myself.” 

“You can keep it,” I said, pulling 2 more suits out. We talked logistics, she put me in touch with a lawyer of hers and we were soon working to make our own LLC. I offered the name Mei Days. She didn’t care, already cutting open one of the Gantz suits. Once she was focused on the work I left her to it. A smile on my lips. 

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