Canon Fodder



“Take me to your teacher,” I said to Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Tentacle. Tokoyami was still passed out on Tentacle’s back, the little birdie was still tuckered out from my punch. 

The League of Villains had just left and I was in the guise of Kakashi/Villain Slayer. My real body had opted to get captured as Roronoa so he had plenty to keep him busy. For now my job was to get the heroes to him asap, just in case he couldn’t escape. And to do it quickly so our summer vacation wasn’t ruined. 

“Are you the Villain Slayer?” Midoriya asked, hesitant to approach me. 

“Yep, kid, I am. Now get me to your teacher,” I said. 

“I don’t think we should be working with you,” Todoroki said. His fist clenched as if he was ready for a fight. 

I nodded while turning to leave, “Fine, I’ll find him myself and save your classmate.” 

“Wait!” Midoriya said. “No, if you can save Weston. We should do what we can.” I eyed him up and down but nodded. We were soon heading back into the forest. The kids quiet, Tokoyami finally awoke from Tentacle’s back. The others caught him up, and he apologized over and over for his shadow quirk going haywire. 

“Hold up,” I said moving Ragdoll in a better position on my back. Using Observation Haki I found a few more kids that were banged up. We grabbed them, hefting them on our backs as we headed to the campgrounds. After finding more kids the emergency services were already there. 

People didn’t recognize me right away. I met the dark haired cat girl and she gave me a list of kids still missing. I was soon back out in the forest finding them easily with my Haki. It wasn’t until everyone was accounted for that Aizawa confronted me. 

“You!” He yelled, his hair raised and eyes became bloodshot. They were the indicators that he was using his quirk that made it so I couldn’t use mine. 

“Me,” I said, acting bored with his display. “I assume All Might warned you something like this would happen?” He and the class 1-B teacher approached me. The other students either grabbing some rest or busy helping put fires out. 

“He did, but you are under arrest,” Aizawa said, making a move for me. It was easy to dodge the strip of cloth he used to bind his opponents. My Observation Haki telling me where he would attack I moved just slightly here and there to dodge it. When he became more serious I jumped back 20 feet. 

“Enough!” I yelled. “Do you want to save your student or not?!” That stopped him in his tracks. The other teacher behind him, he hadn’t made a move. “We need to move quickly if you want to save him.” 

“Why should we trust you?” Aizawa asked. 

“I was right about this,” I said. “You followed my advice then.” 

“All Might said we would be attacked, but didn’t say who it was that told him,” Aizawa admitted. 

I nodded. “Smart man,” I agreed with his train of thought. That also meant my infiltrator, Roronoa/me, wasn’t well known. “I know where the League of Villains hang their heads. If you want my help in getting your student back then I will meet you at the principal’s office at UA at noon. Also put Ragdoll under surveillance. The League targeted her and that loud kid specifically.” Expelling chakra in the shape of smoke I jumped back to the line of trees. 

Attaching myself to the roof of the school bus I napped. There was plenty going on but I was able to get a few hours. The bus left with the dawn. We got back to UA quickly. The drive back was a lot less lively than the drive there. Toru and Momo were especially despondent. 

Parents were there to pick kids up. Even my dad was there. They must have called him and told him that I was kidnapped. He cried and yelled and was mostly annoying. Taking it out on Aizawa and the other teachers. They took the abuse, promising to get me back as soon as possible. 

Noon came and I infiltrated the school as easily as I escaped. Draping myself in chakra their sensors weren’t accustomed to looking for it. I dropped the chakra outside the principal’s office, finding who I expected. The entire faculty at UA. There was All Might, Aizawa, Midnight, other side characters, and of course the principal. A human sized mouse he was the most dangerous of all since he was extremely intelligent. 

“You really did come here with ease,” Nezu said. The mouse was drinking a cup of coffee as he sat behind his desk. The other teachers were apparently surprised I was there. “You wouldn’t mind telling me how you got in without notifying any of our sensors.” 

“I would mind,” I said, ignoring him. I directed my gaze to All Might. “I’m sure you all suspect, but you have a mole in your ranks.” There was a surprised look shared between the faculty members. “So forgive me if I don’t divulge all my sources of information. For right now, saving your student is the priority. Do you have a map of the city?” 

All Might frowned but nodded. Nezu pulled a large map out of his desk. Spreading it out I pointed to 2 places. “The League is centered out of this bar here. There is a warehouse behind it. You will most likely find your student held there.” I pointed a few blocks away. “They also have a warehouse here that they keep Nomu.”

“How many?” All Might asked. 

“A dozen?” I guessed. “That’s not the scary part though. All-For-One is their benefactor. He will be at one of these 2 locations.” 

“It can’t be,” All Might said, more to himself than me. 

“It can. And he is,” I assured. 

“Who’s All-For-One?” A few of the teachers asked. I looked across their faces, apparently some knew, but only the main cast. Not the side characters. 

“You can give a history lesson later,” I said. “I will be attacking the League tonight. If you don’t want me to kill them all, I recommend you make an appearance.” 

“You have no chance against All-For-One,” All Might said. 

“Then I will kill who I can. Save your student. And run when I deem I can’t finish the job,” I said. Turning I headed out the door. “Be real embarrassing if the Villain Slayer did your jobs for you.” 

With that I left them. Escaping the school I had nothing better to do so I awaited outside the bar. Keeping an eye on it they followed my words and made a move. I ended my existence as they attacked the bar. 

Stumbling out of the bar/warehouse I got the memories from my clone. Apparently the heroes were currently attacking the bar. Making a hand seal I made another Kakashi clone. He would let All Might know I already escaped. I needed to warn my Roronoa clone about Toga though. He might need to grab her to keep her out of the good guys hands. She had work to do with the League and I really didn’t want the heroes studying her new power. 

Heading down the street I ran quickly to the other warehouse. Shigaraki had asked my clone to stop by there when they left my cell a little while ago. It had only been a few minutes but maybe he was there. Running the few blocks was quite easy. I wasn’t sure if the heroes were attacking this warehouse as well, so I had to be careful. 

I was more than a little surprised to find some classmates outside the warehouse. “What’s up, guys?” I waved to them. The line of them jumped as I walked over to them. 

“Weston!” Toru cried out, running to me she was visible as I grabbed her. She kissed me on the face over and over as I laughed.

“What’s wrong? How’d you guys get here?” I asked. There was Momo, Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Ida there as well. They wore disguises, but it was easy to recognize them. All but Toru anyway, she didn’t really need one but I could sense the chakra of her body. 

“What’s wrong?! You were kidnapped, you idiot!” Momo yelled walking up to me. 

“Oh right,” I said, acting like I had forgotten. “Yeah I escaped from them just now. Think they were getting attacked by the heroes. Got out in the confusion. What are you doing here?” 

“Momo attached a tracker to one of the Nomus that attacked camp. We followed the signal here,” Todoroki admitted. 

“Fucking hell, I knew it was useless,” Bakugo growled. 

“You worried about me,” I said pretending to wipe my eyes. “That's so sweet. Bakugo, I’d risk it all to save you too.”

“Like hell I’m stupid enough to get kidnapped like you!” He yelled. 

“What can I say? They offered me candy. I’m honestly lucky I haven’t been kidnapped before. But I know you love me,” I said. “Good to see all of you. The kidnapping was awful. They haven’t fed me. Can we get-” The warehouse behind them exploded out. We all shut up and hid behind the broken brick wall they had been hiding behind before. That was when I received a new quest. 

My Hero Academia Quest* 5:

Help defeat or kill All-For-One



World Choice (1)


My eyes bulged as I read the quest and reward. Too much going on I decided against thinking about it for now. The other students and I peeked over the broken brick wall out back of the warehouse. I didn’t get the memories of Roronoa so he was safe at least. 

That’s when I felt the presence. It was like Conqueror’s Haki. My soul could feel the floating man as he moved out of the rubble of the warehouse. He was in his business suit and wore the black mask and breathing neckbrace. It was All-For-One himself. This was my first time seeing him in my real body than with a clone.

“We have to go,” I hissed to the others. They were frozen in fear from All-For-One’s strong aura. I cursed. Moving to the front of them I slapped, kicked in the shin, and pulled the noses of each of them. “Wake up,” I hissed. “We go now.” They shook in fear but nodded. Me trailing behind I made a clone and sent him off with them. Using Transformation Justu I turned into Kakashi/Villain Slayer. 

All-For-One started talking to the heroes that had been attacking the warehouse. I recognized Best Jeanist. He was a strong hero that wore denim from toes to nose. Gang Orca was there and the other hero I recognized was Mount Lady. She was about 60 feet tall, and one of many women I wanted to get to know better. 

All-For-One talked to them but then he was attacking them. Mount Lady was knocked far away with a wave of his hand. Best Jeanist was stabbed through the gut. I almost stepped in, but decided against it. I couldn’t remember Best Jeanist getting hurt in the manga, but he was one of the top heroes. I hoped he would survive. 

Making short work of the other heroes, All-For-One raised his hand. A black sludge formed in the air in front of him. As it did people were spit out of the black ooze. It was the rest of the League of Villains. Roronoa was carrying the limp body of Toga. Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, Magne, and Mr. Compress looked worse for wear. But all of them were teleported from the bar to here instantly. Apparently they had been fighting the heroes that attacked the bar. 

“Shigaraki, I am proud of you planning your own attack against the heroes,” All-For-One said. “Unfortunately time tables have moved up.” As he said that All Might fell from the sky. In his muscular form he attacked the masked man with all he had. 

“All-For-One!” All Might roared as he punched at the supervillain. All-for-One grabbed his fists easily though, stopping each blow. It was about time I made an appearance.

“Took you a quite a while to get here!” All-For-One teased. “A whole minute? You have gotten weaker!” His right arm bulged with muscles. Waving his arm at All Might the number 1 hero was sent flying. 

All-For-One’s fingers extended out stabbing into a passed out Black Mist. “Shigaraki, time for you and your people to go,” he said. A black mist portal appeared behind the leader of the League. Apparently All-For-One could force people to use their quirks. “All of you through. Now,” All-For-One said, his voice unworried as he spoke. He waved his hand and the League members were thrown through the portal. My clone included. I guessed my cover was still good. 

All Might came back then. Yelling, he started attacking All-For-One again. I was surprised by the power of the blows he threw. The wind whipped and cracked with each. Debris was thrown by the wind pressure of his punches. Proving once again that I wasn’t at All Might’s level. But it wasn’t doing much to All-For-One as he met each blow. 

Letting out a sigh I accepted the reward from my last quest. It wasn’t the best time but I needed to change my wardrobe. 


My Hero Academia Quest* 4: Complete

Stop the League of Villain's Plans at the Summer Camp



Anti-Hero Costume


I scanned the chakra made clothes I was currently wearing which was basically a copy of Kakashi’s wardrobe. Dark green vest, black pants, black long sleeve shirt. I poured through the customization screen much more quickly this time. I had already done this for my regular costume so I knew what I wanted. Adding armor to places, no special designs, it was rough, but plain like the Villain Slayer.

Once materialized I cast some chakra around me to hide my body then was dropping the transformation as I put the new Anti-Hero Costume on. Taking the guise of Kakashi once more, I pulled out something I hadn’t in a long time. My Reject Dials from One Piece. Able to absorb a blow and reflect back 10 times the strength I put them in my pocket just in case. 

Pulling out my Seastone Jitte I began channeling my chakra into it. Reviewing my Status Screen one more time to see if I had anything else that could help in this fight. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:

Defeat All-For-One


World 1:



World 1 Quest:

Save the Girls


World 2:

One Piece


World 2 Quest:


World 3:

My Hero Academia*


World 3 Quest:

Defeat All-For-One


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense



Increased Intellect


1 Challenger Slot

Tough Organs


Increased Vision



Chikyugi Necklace


2 Challenger Slot

Seastone Jitte


Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume



Reject Dial


Gantz Armor

Stored (10)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (446)


Anti-Hero Costume












Deciding against the Gantz suit it was time to make a move. All Might and All-For-One…I was getting sick of thinking of him as All-For-One. I saw now why they shortened it to AFO in the manga. 

Anyway, All Might and AFO were attacking one another. Wind ripping through the air as they fought one another. AFO shot out the weird black and red physical beams at All Might. Stabbing into him only for All Might to rush in punching with all he had. 

The mask of AFO popped off to reveal that the villain had no eyes. His face looked like a scarred up thumb. The weird neck breathing apparatus was still on him though. All Might and the villain were yelling about All Might’s predecessor. AFO killed her. Apparently All Might scarred up AFO about 6 years ago in their last fight back when All Might thought he killed AFO. 

A helicopter ventured closer to the fight. Someone with a camera pointed at the 2 as they had a back and forth about this or that grievance. All Might claimed he was the symbol of peace. Then AFO dropped the bombshell. 

“Shigaraki,” AFO said, “is the grandson of your predecessor. Nana Shimura’s last living relative.”

The news stunned All Might. “I have been manipulating things for years for this moment. Shigaraki attacked the school and you had no idea who he really was.”

“You’re lying!” All Might said. 

“No,” AFO floated. “I am not. And like you failed your teacher’s family. You will fail this city and it’s people.” All Might coughed up blood. Turning into his weak form in front of all the cameras. “Look at you. A mere husk of what you used to be. These people have no chance if you’re the best they can call upon.”

I began to scratch the itch as they talked more. Goading one another on. All Might struggled to stand. He had one more good hit in him. I remembered that much. It was time that the Symbol of Peace get some help from the Symbol of Vengeance. 

The first 2 gates opened easily. A simple shifting of my mindset opened them up. The Gate of Opening and the Gate of Healing pried apart to give me strength. I pushed further. Gates 3 and 4 came open, one after the other. The Gate of Life and the Gate of Pain. Immense pain assailed me, but I had been through much much worse. It was a minor footnote in regards to the pain I had purposefully put myself through. 

My skin became red as I sweat profusely. In this stage my hair spiked up as well which was one of the reasons I chose the Kakashi form for the Villain Slayer since his hair was always spiked up. The blue chakra began to be released around me but I ignored it. I was sure people that had seen Weston use this skill would recognize it, but that’s why I was going all the way. Once I started moving it would be harder to notice. 

I opened the Gate of Limit. The 5th and final gate that I could manage. Of course I had trained this during my quest to learn Haki. Desperate to beat Angiea I had brought out everything I had. Only the 5th gate had been a problem for her. And I hadn’t used it since a year into our training. I was much stronger now. My gates opening gave me an exponential amount of strength. It was time to see if it was enough to combat AFO. 

AFO began to float up in the air. As he did, heroes came out of the woodwork. Nomus making appearances Endeavor fought them. Edgeshot slid passed pulling a woman out of some rubble. None stepping into the fight All Might was having. Still in his weak form he stared up at AFO as the villain began using multiple quirks on his arm. Becoming huge, metal screws, bones, multiple arms, and a bunch of weird stuff made up his one giant right arm. It resembled an Akira conglomeration of freaky parts. But supposedly it was his ultimate punch. 

“I had originally thought that Weston Watanabe was your successor,” AFO admitted. “But no, now that I see you once more I understand it was someone hidden. That Midoriya child. He was here a little bit ago. I felt him.” That worried me, could he sense quirks? I put that out of my mind for now. My power was at 100%. It was time to make an entrance. 

“I’ll be sure that Midoriya kid dies a painful death just like-” All-For-One stopped talking as I dropped my chakra cover. The dirt under my feet crushed from the power of my kick as I jumped at him. Making it to AFO in less than a second I punched him as hard as possible in the face. He went flying back but I wasn’t done. Using my chakra to latch onto the water of his body I pulled him back. Punching and kicking him with as much of my strength as I could. 

The gates open, the muscles in my arms and legs continuously broke apart and healed as I punched him into the ground. I could feel the air whip with each of my punches. Yelling in pain and anger I continued to give my all. I lost myself in the onslaught of my attack. Almost missing the beams shooting out of him. 

My Observation Haki kicked in letting me know the red/black beams were coming. Jumping away AFO got up. His breathing choker beat up from my hits he laughed maniacally as he stared in my direction. 

“Usually my vibration sense lets me know when people are near,” AFO gloated. Getting up, he didn’t appear to be terribly hurt, but I was. Breathing in and out heavily this was much further than I had gone before. To prevent being laid up in bed for the next week I closed the gates. 

Strength leaving me I stumbled as I caught myself from falling. My vision going blurry I felt like I had gone through a few physique upgrades all at once. I stayed conscious though. Putting my arms back up in a boxers pose I faced AFO. 

“I know you,” AFO said as he stepped out of the crater I had made while punching him. “The Villain Slayer. Rare to see vigilantes these days. All Might’s quirk had been controlled by those like you. Men ready to kill.” I took a step toward him, tired of the dialogue, but stumbled again. “Oh did that take it out of you? It wasn’t bad, but tell me. You used multiple quirks there, yes? How did you come across having multiple? I thought I was the only one.” 

“Fuck you, you damn musketeer,” I said through ragged breath. “Stop with the talking. Let’s fucking fight it out.” 

“Ha, the Villain Slayer has put his sights on me, now?” AFO asked. 

“Yeah.” Pulling out my Seastone Jitte I coated it in water. Pointing it at him I added, “I’ll cut you into a bunch of pieces and bury you across the country. Let’s see if you survive that.” 

“That might work,” AFO said. “But you have to defeat me to try.” His arm began to grow again. 

I eyed All Might, he stood there slack jawed as I faced All For One. I really hadn’t planned to kill this guy. I wanted him alive for now. You couldn’t change the world if the bad guy dies at the beginning of the story. But this guy pissed me off. There were cameras pointed my way. Maybe I could affect the world just as well with this moment. It was going to hurt like a mother fucker though. 

My mind relaxed. Breathing in and out slowly I felt the energy of the water around me enter my body. Like a bucket of cold water being dropped on me I healed slightly and my chakra was replenished. Still hurting I began to pour chakra throughout my body, readying myself for AFO. 

His arm became disfigured and huge once more. “It has been a long time since I have fought someone other than All Might. Consider yourself lucky,” the man said then he was upon me. I slashed at his left side. My Jitte stabbing into his side, but he ignored it. His arm drawn back I could feel him gathering strength. 

Dropping my Jitte so it stuck out of him I raised my hands up to absorb the blow. His fist collided with my open palms, and his power was stopped immediately. The power absorbing into the 2 snail shells in my palms he looked surprised. I did too. I thought I would go flying. I forgot that the Reject Dials absorbed the power. I coated both of my arms in Armament Haki. 

“Get ready for a fuckton of pain!” I yelled more to myself than him. The tips of the snail shells colliding with his fist I felt my arms break as I was thrown back. Losing consciousness instantly I didn’t have a chance for any cool one liners as I was thrown back with the strength of 10 building destroying punches. 

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