Canon Fodder



I woke up in the red room. Sitting up I didn’t remember saying World Escape. Looking through notifications I was surprised to have a new one. 

Congratulations for making it 2,000 in World Days.


Challenges will begin within the next 100 days

I was surprised it was only 2,000 days that I had spent in the worlds. It felt like I had been doing this for longer. I spent 2 years in One Piece training. Another 2.5 in Naruto. Then months between the few worlds I had been to. I guessed that was about right. 

“Congratulations,” a voice said. I turned to see someone behind me. Jumping up I recognized them as L from Death Note. Long black hair, his skin pale, he sat with his legs crouched like in the anime. His voice bored he studied me as he groaned while standing up. “You can call me the Moderator.”

I was stunned for a moment, simply staring at him as I tried to comprehend what he was doing there. When enough time passed he spoke again. “I am not really L,” the Moderator said. “I am simply picking the image of someone you see as the smartest person from these worlds you’ve been offered.”

“Offered?” I asked, my mouth dry as I studied him. My mind going a mile a minute as I tried to figure out what was going on. 

“Right, might as well start from the beginning,” the Moderator said. “So, you died. I assume you know that much?” I slowly nodded. “Good. You have the Memory Meld skill which is why you don’t remember meeting me. 2,000 days ago you died and were brought here. This area is a…gateway to other worlds.” 

“Are these places real?” I asked, unable to help but blurt the question. 

“Yes,” the Moderator said, making a smile split my face. “I assume you know the infinite reality theory? It is believed that there are an infinite realities. Many think that there are infinite Earths because of it. Infinite means just that. There is no end. Of course the world's your entertainers have dreamed up would be out there. Like there are infinite realities of your world, there are infinite realities of these. Without end literally means that. You with me so far?” He asked, I slowly nodded again. Unable to talk, I decided to just listen. 

“Good. 2,000 days ago you were brought here and were able to choose worlds you want to challenge to become as strong as possible. You and another 9,999 people just like you. Of the original 10,000, only about half of you have made it this far. The rest already died in the worlds they chose to try their luck against.” 

“Wait, so dying in the worlds really kills me?” I asked. L the Moderator nodded. “What about Gantz?” 

“What about it? That was part of the world. You died but were brought back,” L said, his bored tone making me sound like an idiot. “You were also given choices to pick which halls you wanted. You chose Manga, Manhwa, Comics, and Books. There was also the choice of Movies, Manhua, TV Shows, and a couple of others. From there you picked the 11 worlds you would like to challenge in these main rooms. The rejected worlds you will find in the halls leading to these main rooms.” He pointed to the door that led to the Junction Hallway. There were 4 doors in the hallway. One of those must have had a door that had all the rejected worlds.

“I assume I knew all this before I got the Memory Meld skill. Why not just give me my memories?” I asked, slowly understanding a little more of the worlds. 

“Because that was in the agreement,” L said. “You would lose your memories. No gaining them back.” 

“But why?” I couldn’t help but ask. “Why explain this now?” 

“Why? Because Memory Meld is a very special skill. You can have all the memories of your current lives in these worlds. There has to be some sort of exchange. If you had all of your memories you would know which 44 worlds you chose. Granted no one knows which doors hold which worlds. All of you challengers have the risk factor. But again, you need to pay something for that skill. Of the 10,000 that came here, only about 500 chose to take the Memory Meld skill. You are not alone in your confusion,” he assured as he began walking around the small room. His back arched forward just like L. 

“So there isn’t a theme to the walls?” I asked slowly. “They’re random?”

“Mostly,” L said. “It depends on which worlds you chose. This wall here, the one you haven’t touched, could have Pokemon, or some Glitter Squad manga that you chose.” I doubted that, but Pokemon did sound fun. I would need to see if he was telling the truth. I was fairly it hadn’t started as a manga, but they had made plenty of manga after it became popular. 

“Moving on,” L said when I didn’t ask any more questions. “Like you, those other challengers will have different worlds behind these doors. But also they will have different options. Because the realities are infinite we were able to choose worlds where a Weston Watanabe was in existence. A perfect reality where someone with your exact looks and name was born and raised. So not everyone will have had the luck to awaken your Chikyugi. Or your quirk. Or the dozens of other things that are special about you in these worlds. With that in mind you should know you could also not be special. In One Piece you are supposed royalty. But in Pokemon you could be a simple shop keeper. Forced to gain the memories of a version of you that had no interest in Pokemon training.”

“Why do you keep bringing up Pokemon? Is that one of the worlds?” I asked. 

“Sorry, can’t answer that,” L said with a bored stare still on his face. 

“Damn,” I whispered. “Fine, what about it?” 

“I am simply catching you up a little,” L said. “So now that you know the background, time for the fun explanation. Why you are here…” He and I stared at one another, me waiting for his answer, him pausing for dramatic effect. 

“A wish,” he admitted. “You are here to earn a wish. You died. And were chosen in this batch of World Challengers. Over the coming years you will be fighting against the other challengers. All of you will have been in these worlds for the same amount of time. All with random worlds behind these doors. All fighting for the one goal of earning a wish.”

“What kind of wish?” I asked hesitantly. 

“Anything,” L said. “Anything and everything if you word it right. You have made lives in these worlds, right? Have a couple of kids in One Piece. Women you’ve fallen for in the others. Do you want to live out the rest of your days in one of the worlds? Do you want to stay in this room forever? Jumping between worlds? Do you want to go back to your old life? Start over and live your life with your memories and all the skills you earn here? Anything is possible with infinite realities.”

I was starting to see the draw. But there was one big question. “Why are you doing this? Why give me and others the opportunity?” 

“Above your paygrade,” L said. “Could be any reason. Maybe we are aliens, testing you? Or you’re in some elaborate game show? Or I am a god that is bored. Doing this for entertainment. Like realities, there are infinite possibilities why we do this.”

I frowned trying to think of what else to ask. “What happens if I lose?” I asked. 

“Then you lose,” L said. “After all the coming fights, if you don’t win, you cease to be. Your loved ones beyond these worlds lose their Weston Watanabe. They are left to fend for themselves. And you can’t warn them either. I’m sure you noticed, but talking about this room, the doors, the worlds, is prohibited. You will simply be unable to talk.” 

I thought back to when I tried to say something about my World Shop in High School of the Dead. To try to talk about my System Store. Nothing happened and I couldn’t talk. I hadn’t tried again. This didn’t really change things. But ceasing to be wasn’t good. I had plans in these worlds. Plans and quests, but this was driving home that I needed to push harder. 

“Challenger Slots?” I asked. 

“Of course. Like it said when you went to the Junction, you will be able to use them in any of the worlds. As well as during the challenges. They will be locked in. There are items that clear the slots, but make sure what you choose will actually help you.” I brought up my Status Screen. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:



World 1 Quest:

Save the Girls


World 2:

One Piece


World 2 Quest:


World 3:

My Hero Academia*


World 3 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense



Increased Intellect


1 Challenger Slot

Tough Organs


Increased Vision



Chikyugi Necklace


2 Challenger Slot

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume



Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (10)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (435)


Anti-Hero Costume



World Choice













“What about a Passive Skill Challenger Slot?” I asked. 

“Ah the World Lasting Physique,” L said with a smile. “You guys always ask about that. Skill Challenger slots are harder to come by. But there is a way. That’s all the informationyou get.” 

“Fuck,” I mumbled. That meant I was stuck with some base strength in the other hallways for now. I assumed that meant that during the challenges I would be weak as well. “When do the challenges start? I assume it’s against other people like me?” 

L nodded. “Yep, within the next 100 days. If you win your challenge, you gain things. If you lose, you lose things. Could be skills, your life, challenger slots, or even access to these halls.” 

‘What?!” I asked, more than a little worried. 

“Oh yes. High stakes fights against people that may or may not have chosen the same worlds as you. Depending on the fight you could lose access to an entire hall. Then you will have to use other halls to try to become stronger. No more sticking to Manga.” He chuckled. “But don’t worry, you could gain access back to the Hall with another challenge won,” L teased. 

I began to sweat, I didn’t want to lose the people I had in these worlds. From what he said these places were real. Thus the girls were real, and my children were real. I couldn’t lose them. I refused to. 

“Times wrapping up, kid,” L said as he looked at a watch on his wrist. 

“Wait,” I said quickly. “I have more questions.” 

“I know. And I might come back if you do well in your fights. But you are now caught up with this place,” L said. 

“Just one question,” I said, almost desperate. He hesitated, looking at me. I racked my brain for a question but the only one I could think of was, “The canon?”

“What about it?” 

“Is it a problem to change it? The Anti-Hero role I got in My Hero Academia. It stopped giving me quests for a while,” I said. 

“Ah, that’s what I love about the Memory Meld skill,” L said. “Gives you passion where most have indifference to the world. Not many stray from the canon. Well the sickos do, but that’s about it. The Anti-Hero role is rare. Usually they get the Villain role when you change things. Which of course would give you guys all new quests and rewards. But no, it’s not a problem to change things. These are your lives, Weston. Change what you want. Do what you want. But I recommend to always become stronger. Don’t dawdle. Don’t stop. And most of all, don’t forget the goal. You will be fighting lots in the coming years. There will be time between the challenges. Tens of days to thousands of days. You will be warned before your challenge. So don’t fret when they happen. We will let you know.”

And with that L was gone. Disappearing into nothing as I stared at him. My mind was locked there for a long time. Simply thinking over my options and what to do. There was so much information to unravel. I might have to change my plans if this wasn’t indefinite. 

I had hoped to continue on this path for as long as possible, but it seemed I needed to move faster. Learn more techniques, clear more worlds, earn more challenger slots. Do my best to make sure I didn’t lose this place that had become my home. 

My teeth grinding I thought and thought. Hours on end as I tried to plan and figure out my next move. It was a long time before I stepped into a door, but when I did I was ready for my next quest. 

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