Canon Fodder



I woke up from my nap as Mei sat up. She groaned as I pulled out my phone. I had missed a couple of texts from Toru. It wasn’t too late though. 

“How long was I out?” Mei asked. 

“4 hours,” I said. 

“Wow, double my normal slotted sleep,” she said. She looked back at me. “I uh may have been awake longer than I meant to be.”

“You’re telling me,” I said. “Feel better now?”

“I do,” she said, nodding and smiling cutely. It was a rare spot of emotion from her. “Back to it.” She tried to get up but I held her firm. 

“Nope, you’re taking a shower first,” I said. 

“But I’m so close-“

“That wasn’t our deal. I get you every 3 days. And I’m not touching you anymore until you take a shower.” She frowned but nodded. I got up and picked her up in a Princess carry. A small door in the little apartment I opened it to find a very small bathroom. 

Setting her down I undressed her. Mei let it happen. Blushing slightly as I lifted her shirt and dropped her pants. Hiding her chest and navel with her hands I walked over to turn on the water. As the water heated up I disrobed as well. 

Mei was a beautiful girl. Her clumpy pink hair in more disarray than usual, smooth pale skin, perky breasts, and ungroomed pink pubic mound made her all the cuter. 

We were soon in the shower. I grabbed a bar of soap and started rubbing it all over her body. Some slight chakra on my hands she moaned as my hands explored her. Each time I was close to her nipples or pussy she shook a little. Allowing me to do what I wanted. 

I didn’t want to bring up her work. “You are beautiful. Smart and sexy.” She began to breath more heavily. Her hands on the tiled wall of the shower as I continued to clean every bit of her. 

Then I dropped the soap. Her body plenty bubbly I began to rub her tense muscles. First her shoulders then her neck. She groaned as I did. Her legs wobbly as I used real strength to knead the knots. When I moved to running her temples she about dropped to the floor. 

My hand held her up, grabbing onto her breast as I poured more chakra out. “I missed you on our trip. Next time you’re coming with me,” I ordered. She nodded, breathing more heavily. Grabbing a bottle of shampoo I squirted it on her head. 

My fingers digging into her scalp she moaned louder. Digging through the knots I didn’t stop until she was nice and soapy. Rinsing it out she let out a long sigh as if I was cleansing her of her fatigue. 

My hand moved to her throat. Turning her head to face me. “I want you bathing and sleeping daily,” I said. “I will stop by everyday to make sure you are. If you haven’t. I will make you.” My eyes on hers she practically melted as she nodded quickly. 

Turning her around I pushed her into the wall. She gasped, opening her legs as I lifted her. My erection parting her lower lips she came as I entered her. 

“Mechanized Gundam Cock!” She blurted, almost making me laugh. I doubted she believed in god, I was sure gundams were hers. Kissing her she moaned as her body shivered. I began to jackhammer in and out of her. My hands holding her legs up by her knees she let it happen. 

Yelling out as she came again her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “I needed this!” She gasped as her chest shook with each thrust. “Fuck me harder!” She yelled out. I obliged. 

Speeding up she squirted on me but it was lost in the spray of the water. After a few quick thrusts I came into her. Pushing her harder against the wall she ran her hands along my body as she moaned into my chest. 

I wasn’t done though. Starting up again she didn’t protest as I pulled out and flipped her around. Coming into her from the back her hands pushed against the wall to keep her chest from touching the cool tile. Her head rocking back she stared up at me as I fucked her. Our mouths meeting her muscles writhed on my dick as she came harder. 

I didn’t let her think about anything but my cock as I fucked her. Grunting as I filled her pussy up again she was soon making suggestions. “Hold my legs up.” I picked them up changing where I was hitting her insides. She screamed out in ecstasy as I did. My cock hitting her in just the right spot as my loads of cum poured out of her. 

Eventually we stopped fucking. Turning the water off I dried her off. Carrying her to her bed she let out a sigh and closed her eyes. “Will you stay?” 

“For a bit, if you want,” I said. 

“Just until I fall asleep,” she mumbled. I laid next to her. Her cool skin feeling heavenly I rubbed her temple as she whimpered and yawned. 

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I did not think a sexual partner would be useful. You have proven me wrong.”

“We all need help, Mei. We are business and sexual partners. Sleep, I’ll stop by tomorrow,” I said. She nodded. Letting out a sigh she was soon asleep again. I waited a few minutes. Eventually sliding out from under her neck I laid the blanket on her and headed out. 

It wasn’t long until Aizawa found me. “Weston! What about staying at the school for your own protection did you not understand!?” He glared at me as he closed the distance. 

“I couldn’t sleep, sensei,” I said, putting on a scared look. “I kept thinking people would kidnap me. I figured I might as well train so I didn’t let it happen again.”

“That’s not an excuse,” Aizawa said. “You even admitted you got kidnapped on purpose.”

“Well yeah, but…come on Aizawa. It’s summer. You can’t expect me to not go camping. I didn’t get kidnapped again, and I promise, I’ll stay here the rest of the time. Come on, I need your help. I think I figured out an evolution of my quirk.”

“What?” He asked, his attitude changing as he slipped into his teacher mode. 

“I was training in the woods, meditating most of it. I think I figured out that kinetic energy absorption move. But it’s not acting as I thought it would.” 

“Walk me through it,” Aizawa said as we walked down the hall to the exit. 

“So my quirk is Give and Take. I give energy and take it away. Hot and cold is kind of lame. But now if I focus I can reflect back physical energy from a punch,” I admitted. “But I don’t take the energy. I feel like there has to be a way to take it. Use it later maybe? Like Fat Gum.”

“It’s possible,” he admitted, his anger gone. Taking a turn he walked us to one of the many training rooms. “Let’s see it.”

He moved to a fighting mat. “Okay, punch me,” I said. 

Aizawa didn’t hesitate to aim for my head. I moved my hand in the way of his fist. As it collided I acted like I was pushing energy into the fist. His arm bounced back. He punched again, again his arm bounced back. The next punch I acted like I was taking energy from his punch like I was cooling the air down in front of me, but I felt the punch then. 

“I see,” he said as he dropped his arms. “Interesting. But you didn’t reflect back the full amount of strength.”

“I didn’t?” I asked. 

“Yes, I punch with my full body. My arm was pushed back, but not my body. You are still absorbing some of the hit. I guess about 50% is reflected back.” Aizawa put his hand to his chin. “That last one. What was that?”

“I tried to pull energy in instead of push it away,” I said. “But it’s still not working right.”

“Have you tried allowing the hit to happen?” He asked. I looked at him confused. “You tried to absorb the energy but your arm was still extended out like you were expecting to feel the blow. This time when I punch, allow your hand to follow the movement. Then try to pull the energy. Your mind might be subconsciously not allowing the quirk to trigger because your are still expecting to feel the force.”

“Worth a shot,” I said. We went at it again. It took time but around the 30th punch I let my hand match his speed and when I pulled the energy he lost momentum as my arm coiled with the blow. 

“There it was,” I said, amazed. But then dropped to my knees. My legs felt immense pain. 

“What happened?” Aizawa asked, concerned. 

“I think I absorbed the energy, but it attacked my muscles directly. Hurting me instead of being stored,” I said as I groaned. Getting up on wobbly legs it was a different kind of pain. When I received the energy it poured all through my body. Hitting everywhere instead of focused on one point. 

“Threw me off a little,” I said. Shaking my head I raised my hands for another fight but he shook his head. 

“That’s enough for now. I need to check on the rest of 1-A,” he said. His eyes got dark. “Don’t think you are forgiven for ignoring my order.”

“Right, right,” I said. “Again, I’m sorry.” He slowly nodded but didn’t mention a punishment as we walked to the new dorm. 

“You really have gotten strong,” Aizawa mumbled as we walked. 

“Thanks for noticing,” I said. 

“I’ve trained students for years,” he noted. “But none have grown like you have.” I had 4 years of training over his other students. “You’re not using any unconventional means, I hope.”

“Like steroids?” I asked. 

“That and other things,” he admitted. “There is a new drug on the street. Supposed to increase quirk strength.”

I remembered the drug. I was pretty sure that was the next arc. When we would have to go up against the yakuza and I could finally kill the last man on my list. 

“Nope, all me,” I said with a smile. He frowned but nodded. 

We got to the new dorm. He checked in with the students, most everyone was hanging around the social area. Sitting on couches, watching TV, playing pool. 

“If it isn’t Weston,” Momo said as I walked up. “Didn’t get kidnapped lately have you?”

“Nope, I keep offering older women to kidnap me, but they keep saying no,” I said without missing a beat. “You aren’t interested, are you?”

“Ha! And piss off your girlfriend?” Momo asked. 

Toru sitting across from her said, “you can have him.” The group laughed as I put on a hurt look. I wasn’t sure if my chances with Momo were completely nil. It would take work to talk her into considering me available. I knew Toru still liked to watch and I doubted she was against me adding anyone. 

“Cameras are watched 24/7,” Aizawa reminded as he studied me. 

“What? I’m a perfect gentleman,” I said. “Toru and I have barely held hands. They’re so hard to find when she’s not wearing gloves.”

She raised her ungloved hand. “Guess what I’m doing right now,” she said. Obviously she was flipping me off. 

“Blowing me a kiss,” I said sitting down next to her. 

“Close,” she said, leaning against me. 

“I’m glad you all are getting comfortable,” Aizawa said. “But remember, you are here so we can protect you. This isn’t a vacation. These will be your homes as long as you want. But treat it as such…” 

He walked us through the rules of the place. We were expected to make our own food. Create grocery lists and stick to a budget. Trash had to be sorted. Everything was expected to be pristine. If not then there would be consequences. We were given a cleaning calendar where we were in charge of cleaning certain things daily. It was a pain in the ass, but this was Japan. They were big on kids actually helping out. 

“So…pizza?” I asked as Aizawa left. 

“Yes!” More than one student said. I was on the phone ordering pizza and we joked around the main lobby. Talking about our summer breaks. Toru showed off her tan. Made up some stories about her trip with Jr. high school friends. 

It was a good moment. I really did feel like we were friends. When pizza arrived the excitement died down to hunger as the slices disappeared. 

Finally Midoriya asked, “what was it like with the League of Villain?”

“Eh kind of boring. I was compressed into a ball with that guy's quirk for most of it. First I accused them of stealing me for sex trafficking. Then when they said that wasn’t it I pushed the issue a little. ‘Are you sure? I’m very handsome. I’m sure some lonely millionaire would love to have me.’ They said no and I kept asking. Getting more desperate to offer my services with each conversation. I even said I’d throw them a free one to-“

“On my god, shut up,” Momo laughed. 

“Fine, fine, when they got sick of that they accused me of being All Might’s successor,” I admitted. 

“Successor?” Midoriya asked, nervous. He did not have a poker face. 

“Yeah, something about All Might training someone to take his place. They said that’s why he was at this school,” I said nonchalantly. “I told them nope. Then triple checked they didn’t need me as a sex slave. Then I was compressed again.”

“How did you escape?” Tsuyu asked. 

“They left me with that blonde chick,” I admitted. “She stabbed me. Drank some of my blood. I melted the handcuffs they had me in. Knocked her out and broke through a back wall.”

“Ugh she stole some of my blood too,” Uraraka admitted. “She was weird.”

“Yeah, she thought we were best friends or something,” Tsuyu admitted. 

“Right, you guys fought her,” I said. “She seemed pretty crazy. Not like sane people usually become villains though.”

“Did you hear about the Villain Slayer showing up?” Todoroki asked. 

“I don’t think so,” I said. “When?”

“At camp. I think you were compressed in a ball for most of it,” Todoroki admitted. That was good, I’d probably slip up somehow if I wasn’t. And it was a good alibi if people suspected me of being him. 

“He showed up and saved Ragdoll,” Momo said. “I heard he saved that Khota kid too. Killing a villain in the process.”

“Oh yeah? Just one? For a Villain Slayer I thought he would have killed more,” I said. 

“Killing is wrong,” Midoriya noted. 

“Kidnapping me is wrong,” I said before I could stop myself. I pushed my anger down. “Sorry, uh let’s talk about better stuff. I didn’t get to see the girls in swimsuits. Should we go to the UA pool tomorrow?”

“Why would we do that?” Momo asked, eyeing me. 

“Because I was kidnapped. It’s my one wish. All the time I was held against my will I thought, ‘I don’t want to die without seeing Momo in a 2 piece’.”

“Why do you let him talk like this?” Momo asked. 

“Hence why I said you could have him,” Toru said laughing. “I’m up for it,” she said. And soon they were all agreeing. 

“You are a god,” Mineta whispered to me. The only openly girl crazy one was more than happy with the prospect of seeing the girls in bikinis too. 

“You all move in okay…” the conversation soon turned into talking about rooms. Then a large group was running off to judge the boys rooms. Others went off to their rooms as I cleaned up the pizza boxes. Consolidating slices to a couple of boxes I noticed Toru had snuck off from the main group. 

“Hello girlfriend,” I said. “It’s been so long.”

“Hello boyfriend, it has been too long,” she agreed. Giggling she sat at the kitchen island. I was reminded of a similar time with Saya in High School of the Dead. 

“So, what do you think?” I asked. “Like our relationship being out in the open?”

“Honestly, kind of,” she admitted. “I originally liked it being a secret. But now you can seduce the others and I get to play the outraged girlfriend.”

I turned to her slowly. Walking up to her as I parted her legs. “Are you seriously turned on by this?” She became visible. Nodding, as she bit her lip. 

“It’s so hot to watch you,” she whispered. “You saw the looks Momo kept giving you. Now everyone knows you’re mine. It makes it so much hotter. The thought of it gets me all wet.”

“What happens if I fall for someone else?” I asked locking eyes with her. 

She laughed sweetly as if I told a great joke. “No, you are too insatiable. You like doing it in public as much as I do. You loved me before you could see what I looked like. You’re as much mine as I am yours.”

“Damn it’s hot when you’re confident,” I said, kissing her deeply. She grabbed my sides, digging into them as our kiss became more heated. “I do love you more than anyone. I like Nejire but she might decide to leave at any time. You? You’re mine, Toru. Nothing can keep me from you. Are you coming to my room tonight or am I going to yours?” 

“You’re coming to mine,” she ordered. “But Momo and Tsuyu are next to me. You might have to keep me quiet.” She teased pulling me in for another kiss. “How are you going to seduce them?”

“Oh no, you forget something Toru. They are heroes. They wouldn’t feel right taking something from someone else. You’ll have to convince them,” I admitted. 

“Damn, that takes fun away though,” she said. 

“Guess I’ll just have to up my game then,” I said. “God forbid I take some of your fun.”

“Damn right,” she said. “I’m horny. I think others possibly catching us is turning me on more. Come to my room in 15.” She patted my side. I stepped away as she grabbed my crotch. Heading out of the kitchen she turned invisible again. I shook my head, unsure how I got so lucky to find Toru. 

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