Canon Fodder



“I can feel it, hold it just like that,” I told her. “Now slowly drop your legs.” Nejire dropped down, her hands still against the wall she hung suspended by them. 

“I’m doing it,” she laughed but then dropped to the floor as the chakra fluctuated. “Oof.” 

“Very good, but see, not as impossible as you thought.” 

“So cool,” Nejire said, looking at her hands. 

“I can do this now,” Toru said, her feet on the ceiling as she hung down. 

“Show off,” Nejire mumbled, but was in too good of a mood to let it be ruined. “This is so weird. I can almost feel the chakra.” Toru began walking on the ceiling. She had made the mistake of keeping her legs too close together in her room and ripped the drywall off the ceiling. Now she was sure to stay further apart to help distribute the weight. 

“It’s getting stronger in you,” I noted. “Toru has about three times as much, but only because she has had it longer. It grows with strength and the more you use it. I think it is fully acclimated to her body so she won’t have as much explosive growth.” 

“Is this how you learned to use it?” Nejire asked. 

“No, I learned by being told to run at a tree and climb on it. With my shoes on. And I couldn’t have food until I had climbed 50 feet,” I said. 

“Damn, how long did it take you?” Toru asked, dropping down to the ground. Twisting in the air she landed on her feet expertly. She was learning how to channel chakra and was slowly becoming physically stronger with it. 

“2 days,” I admitted. 

“Who taught you?” Nejire asked. 

“An ancient ninja group,” I said, but refused to talk about it further. School had started back up. Our Provisional Hero License Exam was set for the next day. The days had flown by in the dorms. Training from sunup to sundown I felt like everyone in my class was getting stronger much more quickly. 

I continued to visit Mei daily. My attention brought a smile to her lips. She didn’t want to admit how much she enjoyed me forcing her to take a break. She had finally succeeded in replicating the small machine that made the nanobots in the Gantz suit. It took a custom order from a robotic shop that had equipment to build something so small. As co-owner of her company I had to be there to sign off on it. No one had asked where she got the money, but just in case I was working on a plan with a money launderer that the information broker set me up with. 

My relationship with Toru and Nejire was my main focus though. As they trained with chakra we spent more time in Nejire’s room. Working with the secret power. Both girls agreed to say it was an evolution of their quirk if people asked. Another way to become stronger they were all for keeping it a secret. 

Nejire put her hands back on the wall and slowly climbed up. She made it almost to the ceiling but dropped down. “Master this and we will start working on water walking,” I said.

“So cool,” Nejire said, the excitable girl walking over to give me a kiss. “Are you sure you have to leave?” Her hand moved down to my crotch. 

“For a few hours,” I admitted. My hands going down to her rump as I kissed her neck. “We have time though…” 

“Deal,” Nejire said, dropping her pajama pants. Her still tanned skin apparent I was lifting her up and diving in. Fucking her while standing she gasped as her legs wrapped around me. Hands holding onto my neck she lifted up her shirt to reveal her perky tits. I began licking her nipples as I humped into her. Cumming quickly she became more heated as my large hands pulled and pushed her hips away from me. 

A simple quick session she came 4 times before I was filling her up with my cum. Eyes fluttering she giggled as I dropped her on her bed. Turning to see Toru with her hand in her pants as she played with herself she dropped her pants to her knees and turned around. I was soon plowing into her from the back. 

I was taller now since I had been using my Epitome Lust skill on my physique. Bending down I fucked her hard and fast as she moaned loudly. Turning her head around we kissed as she became visible. My girlfriend ever ready to watch or be watched her voice scratched as she moaned my name. 

When I finished inside of her she demanded to be set on the bed as well. Nejire’s room covered in pink it looked more like a little girl’s room. The girl’s cuddled up to one another as Nejire turned on her TV. 

“Tell us all about it,” Toru said with a yawn. 

“Yeah. I want to hear if you actually seduce Midnight,” Nejire said. “Many boys have tried.” 

“We will see. She’s proving harder than I expected,” I admitted. I had gone with her for a lunch and dinner date. Mainly with her own friends I was expected to wait around and that was all. Since I was seen as her bodyguard it would be weird for me to suddenly not be with her. It wasn’t too bad. I got to know the 18+ hero better over that time. She would tell me stories of the high-class or her own childhood. 

Her parents were actually proud of her becoming a hero. Fully supporting the decision she spoke to them daily and they kept up the appearance of her traveling a lot. Keeping her guise up she was one of many undercover heroes. Only very select people knew about them because they didn’t do it for money. They were still paid but the money was put into a trust. One that Midnight planned to donate when she retired. 

All in all I liked her more. I came to the conclusion that Midnight the teacher was the real her. She liked to flirt, hint, and tease, but had no sexual encounters. Not that I could see anyway. Her quirk allowed her to put people to sleep. Something she had done on more than one occasion undercover. With her contacts she was the inside track to a whole other world. More than once she had been in a situation where someone was about to be killed. Putting everyone in the vicinity to sleep she would call in backup and be imprisoned with the rest of them. Only to walk out of the prison in her Midnight gear. 

She had told me a lot of horror stories that the rich were able to get away with. Back when she first started doing the work there were fights where the quirk users would kill one another. Or people would genetically modify animals to have quirks somehow and fight those like Pokemon. There was also a big child sex ring she had personally put an end to. Something she never received credit for, nor asked for credit. 

That was another reason that I was glad I had killed Stain. He had put All Might on this pedestal saying he was the only person worthy of being a hero. Where in my eyes Midnight was much more a hero than All Might. No limelight or praise. Simply doing what she could for the people she had never met. Potentially ruining her friendships if it ever got out she was a hero. 

After giving the girls a kiss Nejire proceeded to spoon Toru. A friendship had formed between the 2 girls over our vacation and they were comfortable with one another. Not so much interested in sex with each other they kept it more like a sisterhood. Neither girl had talked to Mei much. Toru liked the anonymity and Nejire just wanted to make sure I was hard and ready to fuck her senseless whenever she asked. So far I hadn’t disappointed either. 

Jumping out of Nejire’s window it wasn’t long until I was back at the school garage in my chakra disguise. Midnight was waiting for me. Wearing a gold gown that matched her blonde wig it covered a lot of skin again. The skirt was split down the side though, revealing her thigh. 

“Tonight is going to be a little different,” Midnight admitted. “You will have to wear a tux.” She pointed to a tuxedo in a plastic bag, it had apparently been dry cleaned. 

“Ugh, do I have to wear a bowtie?” I asked as I walked up to it. 

“No, a tie is fine, I brought both,” she said. “What? Don’t like them?” 

“No I don’t. Makes me look like a present.” I eyed her. “You would look good in one.” 

“I look good in everything, darling,” she laughed. 

“And out of it too, I’m sure,” I teased but started undressing and putting the suit on. The tie was black as were the pants and jacket. The shirt was a gold that matched her gown. “Color coordinated party?” 

“Something like that,” she said. “Makes it easier to find one another. And know who you belong to. This party is a little different because you will be doing your own reconnaissance. We are going to the Abiko household.”

“Your friend Ema?” I asked. 

“She is not my friend,” Midnight said, which surprised me because she was an older woman Midnight was always talking to. “Weston, you need to know. None of these rich folks are good people. Some of them I am sure aren’t openly breaking the law. But all of them are up to something. Ema? She is under suspicion of having a business partner killed.”

“That fire on their yacht?” I asked. I had been listening intently to all the gossip. My one true form of entertainment. 

“Yeah. Just so happens Ema has a guy with a fire quirk under her employ,” Midnight admitted. “No proof, no witnesses. So don’t trust any of them.” I nodded. “This evening I will be at the main party. You check in with me every hour. You will be with the guards and staff at another party.”

“We get our own party?” I asked, confused. 

“Yes, most of the bodyguards are ex-heroes. They are famous in their own rights. This kind of party is where guards socialize. Try to pry information from you. Or poach you. There should be no fighting. If someone tries to start something you decline or de-escalate. I’m sure that the rich and famous will be socializing there as well. It’s a great chance for people to meet old heroes. If something comes up you text my number with this.” She passed me a burner. “Also if they ask, I was in Paris this week. You are my Japanese bodyguard. You don’t travel with me. Keep everything vague. I’m counting on you.” 

“I haven’t disappointed you yet, right?” I asked with a wide smile. 

She frowned but nodded. “No, you are doing way better than I imagined. I’m just worried. Where the other parties were more casual. This is very…formal. One of about 3 annual parties that I can’t miss.”

“Are we any closer to the drug?” I asked, there hadn’t been any fights since the first one. 

“No, but you are doing good work,” she said. “I’ve made more appearances than usual. And I heard gossip about a business rival being involved in that smuggling ring. There is now a task force set up watching him. These events are a treasure trove of intel. A word here or there could make the difference of bringing some of these people to justice.” 

I was dressed by that point. Getting into the car I drove us to the location. This one was further outside of town. Midnight was quiet, but I still had questions.

“Have you ever brought any of them down?” I asked. “One of the elites, I mean.”

Staring out the window she was quiet for a time. Eventually she answered, “3. Been doing this for almost 12 years and I’ve brought down 3. One ran that sex ring. He was a sicko. Always gave me the creeps. Everyone knew about it but didn’t talk about it. I had one of the 3rd years that looked young inserted where I knew he had people watching. She was kidnapped and brought to him that night. Heroes arrived just in time to save her from being raped. Another was an old boyfriend. My first in fact. He got it in his head to drink and drive. Ran someone over. Only reason I knew it happened was because he got drunk and hinted at it. He’s still in prison for that. The last…was Ema Abiko’s sister. She ran a few sweatshops. Brought in foreigners. Turns out someone under her employ had a mind control quirk. Kept the people living in slums with a smile on their faces. When they were raided they found 12 children. All had died of dehydration or starvation. Kept working, never stopped for anything. The guy had them so brainwashed they could only think about work.”

She let out a steadying breath. “I’ve gotten close on a lot of them. But they always squeak by. One I had dead to rights. Turns out he bribed the judge. Now the judge is in prison while he is scot free. It’s sickening, you know?” She asked turning to look at me through the rear view mirror. A few tears in her eyes. “20 years ago, before All Might, the criminals were rampant. They slowed down or got smarter. These people? Nothing changed. They have this little club where they trade favors and bribe their way through the problems. No real consequences as they see regular people like ants. Little play things to use and toss away.”

She quieted after that. I didn’t pry anymore. I remembered Midnight dying in the manga. Off screen, with no justification. No matter what happened in the future, I was going to save her. I didn’t care what it would take.

We arrived at the large house. Easily the biggest mansion I had seen in person we were far out of town. Limos were dropping some people off. Others drove cars that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I parked and a valet was soon driving the car somewhere else to keep the front entrance clear. 

I opened Midnight’s door and she grabbed my elbow. Escorting her inside she whispered, “There is a large room ahead and to the right that I will be at. You will be out back. Don’t accept drinks from anyone.” I nodded. 

Walking her to a large room there was a band playing as people in long gowns or tuxes congregated in large groups. I watched until she met up with the host, Ema. Her not friend. The woman was older, I guessed in her 50s because she had a lot of work done on her face. Making her appear fake. It was hard to see her as the criminal type but that was who the criminals were. People you least suspected. 

I walked to the back of the house. The bodyguards were in just as regal clothes as the rich people. No hero suits on this time they looked like regular people. Except those with physical abnormalities from their quirks. There was a woman with antennae on her head and chin. Another with 2 rows of breasts that I couldn’t help but ogle at. A guy had really long legs, but a short torso. Another had enough hair on his arms and face to make him look like an ape. 

I knew that this was normal in MHA, but I was still amazed at all the differences in people. How did some of them find people to marry? There was one lady with the head of a praying mantis. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to risk doing her, just in case she wanted to bite my head off. 

Everyone there was strong though. I could feel their Haki. People were always glancing this way or that. Ready for anything as they met or caught up with other heroes. I recognized a few. There was Hot Spark who had been famous when I was a kid. Biscuit was a giant fat guy that ran into a burning building saving nearly a dozen people. He got so burned he had to quit being a hero though. The left side of his face had some work done on it so he wasn’t as scarred as he used to be. The last I recognized was Cultivate. He was a famous Chinese hero that could absorb energy from the air. Making him stronger. He got famous after taking on an entire gang. He was lauded as the next All Might, but he disappeared soon after that. 

“Hello,” someone said beside me. I turned to see Belia the Bolivian Bullet. The hard woman had a slight smile on her face.

“Belia, how’s it going?” I asked with a wide smile. She didn’t appear too pissed off from our fight. I hoped she didn’t want to start something. 

“Better,” she said slowly. “I wanted to thank you for our fight. We didn’t get to talk much before.” Her nose looked all healed after I had broken it. 

“So you aren’t mad?” I asked sheepishly. “Sorry if I was rough.”

“Oh no, I was, but that passes,” she said, waving me over to a bar. “It was a fun fight. Most don’t make it so close to me.” Her words were slow as if she was struggling with the language. I was sure everyone was speaking Japanese, but I heard it as English. Something I didn’t question. 

“Your quirk was pretty cool,” I admitted as we stopped at the bar. She ordered a wine and I ordered a beer. No one IDed me. “It was a good fight.” 

“Yes, I was curious though. Were your eyes really shut when you approached me?” She asked. 

“They were,” I said. “I have a quirk that helps me sense energy. I was able to feel your punches more easily than see them.” 

“Ah,” she said. “It has been driving me crazy. Most I have fought do not close eyes.” 

“I try not to,” I said. “Up for a rematch?” 

“Of course,” she said. “But a more relaxed setting would be best. Perhaps one of my days off?” 

“I think I can manage that,” I said. I might as well do my own research into the doping. Maybe she knew something. And I was always up for training my Haki. “What brings you to Japan?” 

“Work mostly,” she said. “Many opportunities…” We talked about this or that. Both of us happy to have someone to talk to. Especially about fights. I showed her the training weights I used. She struggled but managed to hold them up. She was soon asking for a set, and since Momo could make them I didn’t see a problem with it. Some goodwill could go a long way. 

Some more ex-heroes made their way over. Belia introduced me and they ]began talking about their glory days. Drinking heavily the party grew louder. I excused myself and made my way back inside. Finding Midnight in much the same situation as me, surrounded by people she nodded toward me and I went back out. Joining the group some had wandered off while others joined in. Meeting or saying hello to certain people. 

That was when I noticed her. She was shorter, only about 5 feet tall. Long dark blue hair that went to her lower back, she had blue tinted skin that was a much lighter shade. Her eyes were black. Pupils, iris, sclera and all. She looked very familiar, but I could not place her. 

“You’re Madix, right?” One of the older guys asked. “The actress?” 

“I am,” she said in a sweet voice. “I am happy to know that some of you know me.” I noticed that the guys around me eyed her up and down. All lecherously. I couldn’t help but join them. A short body, but perky breasts that were almost spilling out of her top. Her black eyes studied us one by one before settling on me. “Except you?” She asked me.

“You look familiar,” I said. “But can’t place you.” The people around me laughed as if I had told a great joke. 

“Then you will be my escort,” Madix said as she stepped toward me. I looked around to the people around me but they were soon talking amongst themselves, ignoring us. I guessed I knew her from the original party where I had met Belia. I looked to the Bolivian Bullet but she shrugged. 

Staring down at Madix she raised her hand. I took it and felt a wave of dizziness come over me. Blinking, I wasn't too sure what had happened. But for some reason my mind slowed down as I stared at her. She smiled up at me, a grin showing dull teeth with no canines. It was a sweet smile that I couldn’t help but reflect. 

“Get me a drink,” she ordered, pulling me with her through the group. I followed but we passed by the bartender. My mind in a daze I couldn’t help but clutch her hand tightly. Not willing to let her go. My eyes drawn to her ass I thought I recognized it. Where I had seen her was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t connect the ideas. 

In a fog I followed her. Not noticing a few others as they followed behind. Madix took us inside but rather than going to the main party she ran us down to the basement. Fully furnished I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. Before I knew it we were in a room with a large bed. The room itself was small. On 3 of the walls were mirrors that I stared at. My eyes focused on the hundreds of Madix’s I could see reflected over and over again. 

“You are cute,” she said in a sweet voice. 

“You’re beautiful,” I said drunkenly. She giggled, releasing my hand as she slid out of the dress revealing her naked body. Her breasts were better than I imagined. Light blue skin turned into black at her nipples. Her chest bouncing with the simple movement I was mesmerized by them. Her pubic hair shaved into a thin strip it was dark blue like the rest of her hair. 

“Undress,” she ordered as she laid down on the bed. 

“What am I doing here?” I asked, looking around at the mirrors. Slowly my mind was waking up, but then she moved back to me. Grabbing my hand I focused back on her. Madix was my entire world as her body moved closer. It wasn’t long until I was fully naked. My large dick flopping out from my underwear her eyes widened. 

“Maybe this will be a treat,” she said. Laying back down she pulled me with her. On top of her she was so hot. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy. She pulled me in for a kiss. Her pink tongue sticking out I was soon sucking on it as we made out. Her hands moved all around me as we kissed one another. Everything else in the world was gone. I felt like we made out forever. 

Eventually she grabbed my dick and I felt like I would die in ecstasy. My entire body jerked from the simple movement. She giggled again. Biting her lip as she guided me into her. My body knew this part. Instinctively turning my Lust aura on and coating my dick in chakra I dove in without regard. 

The woman’s small body took me in with some effort but she felt too heavenly for me to care. It was as if I was fucking an angel. Normally I felt the best going in and out. My partner squeezing me with every thrust. But Madix made it feel like every inch was a dozen thrusts. Her pussy gushed out liquid as I kept going and going. She let out a deep moan as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. We both came as soon as I was fully inside of her. 

Our lips finding one another again we pulled the other's body to try to get me further inside. She shook with every pulse of my dick as I deposited a huge amount of cum into her. There was nothing around me that mattered other than cumming into her. The haziness redoubled as she became my world. 

I was soon fucking into her hard. Pulling all the way out and slamming in she gasped out. Cursing with every thrust. All I could do was speed up. Cumming again she joined me. 

“What are you doing?!” She yelled out as her body breathed in and out. I smiled, used to my girls saying this. She glared at me as I didn’t answer. “I will get on top.” My mind worked enough to follow orders. Her small body moving to be on top of me she rocked back and forth but came again. Yelling out as her face looked up to the ceiling. I began playing with her clit as I covered my dick and hands in chakra. 

“Fucking fuck!” She yelled out as I started humping into her. Taking all of it she soon started up again. No longer asking questions as we had to sate our lust with the other. Her pussy only got tighter and wetter as we kept going. When she was too tired to ride me I took her from the back. Slamming her small body into the mattress as she cried out. Her hands gripping the bed sheet I felt everything in exquisite detail. 

My entire shaft felt her warm caress. Each thrust orgasm inspiring as I felt my balls struggle to keep up with the demand for once. But I never stopped humping into her. Back in a kneeling position she held onto my neck much like I had fucked someone else earlier that day. I couldn’t remember her name though as Madix took all of my attention.

We stared in one another’s eyes, both of us cumming again she blurted out, “I love you.” 

“I love you,” I couldn’t help but repeat. My mind lost in lust as I pictured her in Toru’s place. We continued on. Speeding up our lovemaking as we lost track of time. Neither sure what was happening around us as our eyes locked. I wanted every part of her. I could tell she felt the same as her hips ground into me harder with every thrust.

Then I had the great idea of giving her a gift. Increasing how much chakra I was using I slammed her into the mattress causing her to cry out in pain and pleasure. I came in her deeply. She yelled out, her eyes fluttering as I deposited another large shot of semen. Then the Watanabe heart formed under her pubic hair and she was screaming again. Her feet and hands pushing against the mattress as the inferno of chakra formed she went through a powerful orgasm. Breathing in and out heavily the Pathways burned into her, sending her into a deeper orgasm than ever before. 

Her eyes looked up to the ceiling sightlessly. She blinked as the smooth caress of her pussy lessened. Then she let out a long sigh. “What’s your name?” Madix mumbled. 


“Gambit!” A voice yelled from behind me. I turned to see Midnight. Fearing that I had been caught with another woman I pulled out of Madix in a rush. As I did I felt a wave of knowledge assault me. 

Looking around the room it was obvious that the mirrors were 1-way glass. In some sort of sex room I blinked as I held my head. Madix was on the bed. Buckets of cum pouring out of her in a slow stream. She was already passed out. Sleeping happily with the dozens of bruises I had given her with my rough lovemaking. 

I turned to see Midnight staring at me. Furious, she tried to keep up a cool demeanor. I blushed. Seeing my clothes on the floor I began dressing quickly as I realized what happened.

“Let’s go,” Midnight said in a cold voice once I was mostly dressed. I nodded, following her with my head bowed. 

Belia was in the hall. Mouthing the word, ‘Sorry.’

I shrugged and followed behind a still elegant Midnight. Passing by other doors I wondered if there was more sex going on or if people had been watching me do it. Unbelieving I had fallen for such a trick I followed Midnight in shame. No one gave us another look as we walked out. The valet called our car in on the radio and we stood in silence. When her car was brought up she grabbed the keys and got in the driver’s seat. 

I was too ashamed to say anything. Getting in the passenger’s seat she sped off. Kicking up gravel as the car accelerated away. Midnight was not in a talking mood. I let her stew on it. Chastising myself for falling for such an obvious trick. But the longer we drove, the more I realized I had no way to fight it. 

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Midnight eventually whispered. She choked up a little as I noticed she was actually crying. “I didn’t think she was back or else I would have warned you.” 

“Back?” I asked, still trying to figure out what she was saying. 

“Madix, that cunt,” she spat. “She was in America for years. Became a famous porn actress there.” 

“That’s where I knew her from,” I said more to myself than her. It hit me. Back before I had entered the world the old me had been obsessed with her porn. “Doesn’t she have like an Aphrodisiac quirk?” 

Midnight nodded, wiping tears out of her eyes. “Yes. There is nothing you could have done. She would usually do something like this. Grab a few unsuspecting guys throughout the night. She likes to be watched. I should have known,” she said angrily as she wrung her hands on the steering wheel. “I am so sorry you had to be raped like that.” 

“Rape?” I asked without thinking about it. “I wouldn’t call it exactly rape.” The more I thought about it though, the more I realized it probably was. “Maybe a little.” 

“It was,” Midnight said. “And your virginity lost.”

I barked a laugh, unable to help myself. “Virgin? Nah I lost that a while ago,” I admitted. 

“You did?” She asked, surprised. Tearing her eyes off the road to stare at me for once. 

“Oh yeah, I mean I have a girlfriend,” I said. “We took that step a long time ago.”

“Who?” She asked. 

“Someone,” I said. “Oh boy, she is going to be pissed she missed that one.” 

“What?!” Midnight asked. 

“She likes to watch that sort of thing,” I said. Trying to make Midnight feel a little better. “But that Madix sleeps around a lot?” I asked. Midnight nodded. “Is there somewhere I can get tested?” I itched my crotch. “I don’t trust that sort of thing.” 

“Recovery Girl should have something,” Midnight said quietly. 

“Can we wake her up? I really want to know now if I need some treatment,” I said. 

“Uh yeah,” Midnight said, still in a daze. We drove back in silence. Recovery Girl grumbled but had a simple test. I passed and she eyed us. Unsure if Midnight was the one I had risked it with. She gave us a disapproving look but was back to bed. 

“Well, that was fun,” I said. “Sorry to ruin the party. I’ll uh try to watch for that in the future, alright?”

“You don’t want to quit?” Midnight asked, still a little shocked. 

“Nah, I think I got some good leads. Besides, it’s what I signed up for. At least it wasn’t a guy that roofied me,” I said with a laugh. Waving her off I was soon heading back to Nejire’s room. Waking the girls up after a shower I told them a hell of story. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.