Canon Fodder



“Woah, much stronger,” I said as I waved my hand trying to feel it again. Setsuko gave me a wide smile. 

“Really?” She asked, disbelieving. 

“Yeah, that was way stronger. What did you do differently?”

“I thought of something funny,” she said. “You wearing a dress. I kind of felt something.”

“Thought so,” I admitted. “So it really is tied to emotion.”

“Maybe, let’s keep trying,” she said, sticking her hands up in a boxer's pose. I nodded and she punched my fists. The hits were weak at first but then they sped up. The last one actually made my hand move back. “That one, right?”

“Yes. Stop stopping every time you get it right. Keep pushing,” I ordered. 

“Fine fine,” she said. Back at it she made the hits harder each time again. Putting her weight into them she moved more deftly. Her body twisting with every hit as she got into the zone. It sounded like meat slapping against one another instead of her slapping my hand as she dug deep. 

By the time she was done Setsuko was breathing heavily as I had trouble feeling my hands. “Good. You’re definitely stronger,” I said. “But we need to work on making that your normal. Switching to that strength with a simple thought.”

She nodded. “My turn,” Aiko said. Jumping, her large rack bounced with her. 

“Alright, but then I have to go patrol,” I said. 

“Ahh, but you promised to take us to the movies,” Aiko said. She had tried simple dates with just her and I but it always ended up the 4 of us. 

“I will,” I said. “After my patrol.”

“Yay,” she clapped excitedly. We had been together for a couple of weeks now. After leaving our hotel we found a place in City M with 4 bedrooms. People didn’t want to live on the top floor because of monsters so we got a good deal on it. That and once I told the landlord my hero rank they gave me a discount since they could call upon me if an issue came up. Secret identities weren’t really a thing in this world. It was nice to not have to hide it. 

After the ordeal we had been through together, I had focused on the girls more than the hero work. It had taken time for us to call on our strength from whatever that was done to us. The girls continued to have episodes now and then. But only when all 4 of us weren’t together. For some reason if one of them had an episode then the other one would too. It was annoying to have to stay in constant contact but it was worth it to know they were safe. 

Over that time their personalities began to appear. Setsuko loved to laugh. She was always giggling at the stupidest thing. Trying practical jokes that weren’t funny but she found hilarious like switching a sock and shirt drawer. 

Jun got better after she got her video games. She had been a streamer before and competed in a few tournaments. A nice setup in her room she only played for a few hours a day and never long stretches. She would feel the fear creep up and would have to hold one of our hands for a while. 

Aiko was the easiest to wake out of her funk. Loud and proud she said what she thought. No hesitation whatsoever in calling it like she saw it. She had no filter. It took us time to realize she wasn’t trying to be mean. It was just who she was as a person. And we loved her for it. 

We all loved one another. Not in a sexual way. I hadn’t touched or been approached by Jun or Setsuko. The love word was simply blurted out by one of us over the last few weeks and it became our norm. Some sort of conditioning that we had been put through we didn’t fight it. I lost myself with the girls. Forgetting most everything else but them as they became my world. 

But a part of me still held on to the hero thing. Patrolling daily I had beaten up a few bad guys. A purse snatcher and 2 mutants. None terribly hard. I continued to watch the news for fights I knew Saitama was a part of. Like the virus guy that looked like Piccolo. Or the mosquito lady. But I hadn’t seen anything yet. 

“Let’s go,” Aiko said, cracking her knuckles. I nodded and she was soon punching my hands. She was quick too. Able to draw the strength out more easily I started moving my hands. She sped up more. Getting in the zone as she attacked my palms. I was starting to feel it. Her chest bouncing with every one I could really see her really doing this. 

Then she forgot to breathe and stopped as she took in huge lungfuls of air. Her face flush her eyes zoned out as she attacked me. Instead of with her fists it was her mouth. 

“Shit, she’s having one,” I said, picking her up. Setsuko opened the door and I rushed Aiko through as she ripped off her shirt. Her hard nipples poking into me she gasped as I kicked in her door and threw her on the bed. 

Her and my secret relationship hadn’t lasted long. Living under the same roof she had an episode once when she and I were watching TV. About attacking me, Setsuko and Jun walked in on us. We had to explain the situation the next morning. The girls understood and left it at that. 

Jun was playing her video games currently. It had been a risk bringing out emotions but we had to try to train it. Aiko was soon naked. I dove into her and she came loudly. Her body writhing she gasped and blinked. “Fuck! Again?” She asked. 

“Yeah,” I said buried inside her as I moved hair out of her eyes. 

“My pussy is barely healed from this morning,” she groaned. I tried to pull out but she grabbed me. “I didn’t say to stop.”

Chuckling, I kissed her thick lips. “What were you thinking about when fighting me?”

“This morning,” she teased, her cunt growing much tighter. Empowered by her passion. “And last night. You’re a fucking beast.”

“You’re simply too sexy,” I said. 

Aiko turned her head looking at the door that was still open. “Come join us,” she said. I turned to see Setsuko staring in. She frowned and shut the door lightly. 

“You’re mean,” I said. 

“I’m serious,” she said, her eyes fluttering. “I’ve never felt this way with anyone. All 4 of us belong together. Don’t you feel it?”

“Of course,” I said. “But I don’t push.”

“No, you fuck. You’re too nice. Take a girl sometime. They’ll love it,” she whispered as she kissed my chin. 

“You sure have changed,” I said. “You were all jealous to start.”

“What can I say? I get the itch for a girl now and then. And those 2. Fuuuck. With you I’m fucked harder than I thought possible. I can’t imagine what it would feel like with all of us. Me licking your cum out of Setsuko. Jun riding you. That’s the kind of shit that turns me on.”

“You’re not the only one,” I said, pulling out. She whined but gasped loudly as I slammed back in. “Gonna have to be quick. I gotta work.”

“Fuck that. Just fuck me all day,” she whispered. I groaned, pulling out and slamming in she came again as the mattress loudly creamed underneath her. It didn’t take long for me to cum in her. Strengthened when she was impassioned she was very strong when we had sex. Her cunt tighter than any other woman she was able to give as much as she took. 

Her hips pushing up into me she also loved the dirty talk. “Fuck that tight cunt. Cum in my womb. God dang I can feel you. So fucking deep.” She came again as her body shook. “Deeper than anyone before. Mark me babe. Make this naughty slut all yours. I’m begging you. Ah!” She let out a high pitched cry. “I can feel it. Your dick. It’s getting bigger. Cum. Cum. There. I need it!” She yelled out as I started cumming in her. 

Nails digging into me her legs wrapped around me again as she squirted on me. I groaned into her chest as I filled her up with huge shots of cum. We stayed like that for a long time. Her cry out slowly dying down as I breathed in her scent. The smell that only made me harder. 

“I fucking love you,” she moaned. 

“Love you too,” I said, kissing her lips. “I’ll be back soon. Pick out a movie to see.”

“Yes, darling,” she said with a sigh as I exited. She jerked as I did. Grabbing her breasts she played with them as she hummed happily to herself. 

I was quickly dressed in my hero costume. I found Setsuko sitting on the couch, watching the TV on high volume. She frowned at me. 

It wasn’t like her and struck me a little. I went to the bathroom. Swishing some mouthwash I spit and headed back out. Deciding to risk it, I stood in front of Setsuko. Her hair was longer now as all of ours was. Down to her eats it had grown the fastest of us. 

She stared up at me, concerned. “What?”

“You know I love you, right?” I asked. She frowned at me. 

“I know, I love you too,” she said. 

“No, I love you just as much as Aiko and Jun.” I had been putting it off but her reaction wasn’t good for the household. Leaning down I hovered my face in front of hers. “I love your laugh. Your tenacity. And our house wouldn’t be complete without you. You know that, right?”

She nodded, a few tears in her eyes. I moved closer. Feeling her hot breath on my face I kissed her. She was stiff at first. Not reacting, but then her tongue was in my mouth. Moaning as I pulled her closer to me. Her legs opening, I sat on my knees between them and kissed her.  

Practically melting into me she became more bold as her hands touched me. I let mine do the same to her. My hand at her back and the other behind her head, it was a long sweet kiss. 

When we pulled away she had a smile on her lips. “Never stop laughing,” I said. “Talk to Aiko too. We can’t let bad blood fester between us. We are a family.”

She laughed and nodded. Wiping her eyes as she continued to pull at my shirt. I kissed her again. “Love you.” 

“Love you,” she whispered, kissing me back. It was the most intimate we had been. We kissed a few more times then I was excusing myself. Going to Jun’s room I kissed her on the forehead and we said we loved one another. Out the door with a struggle I walked through the streets. 

People waved at me. The Blackheart name had gotten around. A few girls flirted. But for once I didn’t approach them. I felt fulfilled with my 3 emotional girls. In some weird way, more complete than ever before. I walked around town. Watching for trouble. I found it in an unexpected way. 

“I challenge you, King!” The man yelled. He had a yellow star mask on his face. Wearing black skin tight clothes and white suspenders he looked like an idiot. 

“I, Starman, was sent here by my parents from a distant solar system. While our planet was dying they knew I must be saved. I will take over this planet by defeating you!”

King stared at the guy. In his disguise he acted bored but I could hear his heart thumping in his chest. People whispered about the loud thumping. It was supposedly King’s special move. 

“King,” I said, pushing through the crowd. “I wonder if you’ll let me take care of this Superman/Goku wannabe.”

King slowly turned to see me. People whispered Blackheart and King’s name. It had gotten around that I was his disciple. People became more excited with the idea. 

“Who are you?” Starman asked. 

“The up and coming number one,” I said. “Do you mind?” I asked King. He shook his head slowly. I jumped to Starman without another word. Kicking him hard his head bounced off the brick wall beside him. 

He was knocked out and then some as people clapped around us. “That was boring,” I said, understanding Saitama a little better. People soon rushed us for autographs. I signed a couple. Which was just me drawing the Watanabe heart in a thick black marker and writing BH. 

King expertly moved through the crowd as people parted for him. I jogged after him. “Deal with that a lot?” I asked.

“At least once a week,” King grumbled. A black bag in his hand I could see a cute girl figure on the cover. 

“New game?” 

“Yeah…you interested in playing?” He asked, some hope in his voice. 

“Sure. This girl I live with would probably love to as well. Care if she comes?” He shook his head. Quiet like usual. “How’s tomorrow sound?” He nodded. 

We continued walking. “I heard you moved up to Class A,” he said. 

“I did. There was this weird fire guy. He wasn’t too much of a hassle. But they thought it was worthy of advancement.” They bumped me up to Class B Rank 1. But instead of making a big deal of it they asked if I wanted to stay or continue up. I continued up so I was now Class A- Rank 38. 

I had received my Weakness Eliminator but hadn’t used it. I hadn’t seen much of my Berserker Mode episodes so I wanted to save it for something big if I could. It was an item that I could use on myself or an Ability I had. Quite interesting possibilities. Of course after finishing the quest I received a new one. 

One Punch Man Quest 4:

Reach Class S



Challenger Bonus Slot


“Weston!” A familiar voice yelled. I turned to see Fubuki getting out of a small car. 3 of her lackeys were squished in it as well. With her fine clothes I expected to see her in some luxurious Mercedes, or at least a mini-van to fit all of her underlings. No, it was a tiny Honda. 

“Fubuki!” I said excitedly. “So long since I’ve seen you. Have you met King?” I asked, pointing to the guy next to me. 

“Huh? What?” She asked, her face turning red. “King?!” She yelled, as she recognized him under his disguise. 

“I’ll call you later about the game,” I whispered. “Have fun with one of your biggest fans.” I turned around and stealthily walked away as Fubuki eyed King with wide eyes. Lost for a moment as she became starstruck. I headed down the street, continuing my patrol. 

Originally I had wanted her, but drama from the girls had made me take a step back. They were much more important than her. Since I couldn’t be away from them for too long I needed to get this over with. I continued on, waving at people as they recognized my costume. 

“There you are!” Fubuki yelled as she dropped from the sky in front of me. 

“Freaking hell, Fubuki. Why aren’t you fangirling over King?” I asked, annoyed. 

“I do not fangirl,” she spat. “I wanted to talk to you.” 

“About what?” I asked as I walked around her. She quickly turned, matching my stride. 

“I think you would do well in the Blizzard Group,” she said. 

“I’m already in Class A. Why would I join you now?” I asked with a laugh. 

“Because, you were right. We could have the group span Classes. I am sure there are plenty of people that want our assistance. Our backing.”

“You have backing? You drive a Civic,” I said. 

“We are working on a new car,” she said quickly. I rolled my eyes as she blushed. “Weston, we could help each other.” 

“Fubuki, I would help you if you needed it,” I said, stopping on the sidewalk. “We are heroes. We should stick together. I would totally join the Blizzard group as long as I don’t have to wear a suit, or drive you around or kowtow to you. But you have to wonder. Won’t people see me as the leader of the Blizzard Group if I keep going up in the ranks and you stay where you are?” 

She didn’t appear to hear me. “You will join?” She asked, stars in her eyes as she gazed at me. “You mean it?” 

I let out a long sigh. “As long as I don’t have to do anything, fine,” I said. 

“Perfect, here is your phone and key to our secret hideout. One of my member’s has a mom that runs a noodle place that we hang out at,” she said, quickly passing them to me without any shame. “We have meetings every Tuesday and Thursday. And we need to-” She stopped talking as I spun around grabbing the dart headed right for me. 

Catching it between my fingers I saw the man who shot it turn around and try to get away. Empowering myself with chakra and Haki I rushed forward. Crossing the street with a jump I pulled water out of the air. Making it coalesce in front of me I came to the alley the man had run down. Sending the bullet of water out at him it slammed into his side, throwing him to the ground. 

I was on him in a matter of seconds. He was wearing black clothes, but his plain face said that he was good at disappearing in a crowd. Short cut black hair, no emotions on his face it would be tough to pick him out in a lineup. He didn’t react much as he bled from his leg. Simply staring up at me, challenging me to get closer. 

“What happened?” Fubuki asked, coming up to me from behind. 

“No idea, I plan to find out,” I said, taking out my Chikyugi Necklace. It had been a while since I needed it for this sort of work. The man locked eyes with it and he was strapped to the wall. I began my work. 

It took time. He was a professional. Torture wasn’t the end of the world for him. When he was nothing much more than a few limbs and skull he broke. Crying out as he told me his deepest darkest secrets. The trick was to not ask questions. When you asked questions they told you what you wanted to hear. When you stared at them as you flayed their skin off and they offered up every sin they had ever done you knew that you had the right answer. 

I pulled us out of the torture room and the man passed out. Mentally exhausted from the ordeal. “Who is the Tsukuyomi group?” I asked Fubuki. 

“Tsukuyomi?” Fubuki asked. Fear in her voice she knew the name. “I uh have heard of them. But I don’t know much.” I looked around, trying to see if anyone else may have been watching the guy. He said he worked alone, but it was always good to check. “My sister would know something,” Fubuki added.

“Take me to her,” I ordered as I texted the girls that I would be late. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.