Canon Fodder



“In essence, Nen is your life energy. When you are young you are full of it. As you get older your cells weaken and die because you lack the life force to continue living,” Qiress explained as we sat in one of her sofa holes. Cushions everywhere, I had decided to have lots of these sofa pits wherever I lived in the future. 

“That is if you didn’t learn how to harness the power of it, but we can discuss that later.” She took a sip from her tea and set it back behind her. “Nen is versatile. You can use it to do extraordinary things, but what you can and cannot do is based upon your own potential. As your life is unique to you, so can your Nen be.” Now that I had intrigued her a little she was more than happy to talk without a bunch of games being played. I listened with everything I had. Absorbing every word so that I hopefully didn’t need her to explain all the information again. 

“I’m sure some martial artist figured out the use of life energy back thousands of years ago. Too long for people to track back that far, either way, people have awoken their Nen all over the world. Some on purpose, others on accident. It can be dangerous if you don’t know how to control it. If you don’t awaken it naturally, another practitioner can force your body to open your aura nodes, allowing you to call upon your Nen. This can be a big problem if you don’t know how to control it. People leak life energy in miniscule amounts throughout their life. So what would happen if you forced open nodes that released your life energy?” 

“I’d leak it all out?” I asked, kind of getting it. 

“Exactly. You would lose your life energy, and die in a matter of a couple of days. Expelling your whole life’s energy throughout that time,” Qiress said. “But along with that, if you were to learn to control your life energy. Keep it from expelling out. What would happen?” 

“Live longer?” 

“Bingo,” she said, shooting a finger gun at me. “With me so far?” She asked. 

“So Nen is my vitality?” I asked. “Like how often my cells divide to heal my wounds and stuff.” 

“Kind of,” she said. “I know what you’re thinking. No, you couldn’t die if you used too much Nen in a fight. It’s not like you can use all of your life energy, and suddenly you’re a withered husk. Like how our bodies protect you from using 100% of your strength. It does the same with our lifeforce. You will naturally stop using the Nen without tapping into the full potential of it.” 

I didn’t bring up being able to open gates that allowed me to push back my body’s natural limiters. I would have to make sure not to use Nen when I opened the gates. I didn’t want to use all my spiritual energy and become a withered husk.  

“And like a muscle, your Nen will become stronger with use. Your available pool of Nen will grow and you will become more efficient at using it depending on what you do. You could live for hundreds of years if you learned to master it.” 

“Is that what you did?” I asked. 

She grabbed a pillow, throwing it at my face. “You’ll never know,” she said. “That enough? You willing to tell me what your power is?”

I thought about it, and agreed with equivalent exchange. “Chakra is a lot like Nen. Only it is a separate energy. Centered here,” I pointed at my chest. “It travels through your body with pathways. Think of them like veins. Because your hands are the most dexterous, they have lots of tiny pathways in them. You can use them to make seals. Causing your chakra to act a certain way.” I did a hand seal and used a transformation jutsu to turn into her. 

Her eyes widened as she sat up. Throwing her braided hair over her shoulder she crawled over to me. A huge smile on her face she ran her hand along my face. “I don’t feel anything.” 

“Check my boobs,” I said. She looked down and squeezed one. Her hand went through it. The chakra illusion flickering as her hand moved passed. “With this hand seal the chakra knows to take the form of who I am thinking of. The more detailed, the better the illusion. But it is not physical. Merely a…skin.”

“Amazing,” she said, running her hands through my boobs. Even trying to tweak the nipple. “It is weak but strong. I can’t sense it, but when I touch it, I know there is power there.” 

I released the jutsu. “One of many tricks.”

“Where did you learn it?”

“You first,” I said. “That was the deal.” 

She frowned. “I learned Nen here if you can believe it. At Heaven’s Arena. Many years ago, I was moving up the tower much like you.”

“I learned chakra as a child. It naturally awoke in me.” 

“Are there others like you?”

“A couple,” I said. 

She rolled her eyes but nodded. “What else?”

“What can you do with Nen?”

“Ugh, that’s boring,” Qisse said. “Takes forever to explain.”

“Do you want me to explain more about what you can do with chakra?” I asked. 

She rolled her eyes, leaning back in the cushion once more. “Might as well start at the beginning,” she said. “There are 4 major principles to Nen. Lots of martial artists practice them. Teaching people the steps one by one over years. Then when they are ready they tie it all back together to awaken Nen.” She stuck up 1 finger. “First there is Ten, also called Envelop. You focus your mind, and determine your goal. Keeping your spiritual energy on your person. Second is Zetsu, also called Suppress. You put your goal into words. During this step you stop the flow of Nen/aura outside of your body. Making your presence invisible to people.”

I thought back to my fights with Hisoka. I hadn’t been able to sense him with my Observation Haki when he got serious. Whatever the Zetsu step did, it must have also kept his Spiritual Energy from leaking out. Making him truly invisible to everything except my eyes.

“Third is Ren, also called Refine. In this step you intensify your will. You output a larger amount of aura than the 1st step. Projecting it outward, amplifying your strength. And last is Hatsu, the Act itself. You put your Nen into action with your own personal expression of Nen.” 

“Your personal expression-” She stopped as I raised my hand. 

“Wait. What was that you were saying after each step?” 

“Which part?” 

“The focus your mind, determine goal thing?” I asked. 

“Ah, it’s kind of a mental exercise. How you need to think of each step. Step 1: Focus and set a goal. Step 2: Put your goal into words. Kind of creating action out of thought. Step 3: Intensify your will, ensuring that your words have conviction. Step 3: Act on all of it.”

“Okay, so not really important for an explanation?” I asked. 

“Not really. More when you are practicing it. Helps you mentally understand how your Nen should be acting.” 

“Fair enough. Please continue,” I said. 

She frowned but nodded. “Your personal expression of your Nen, your Hatsu, is what makes you unique. This uniqueness can be categorized by 6 main branches. Enhancement, strengthening yourself or other objects. Transmutation, which changes your Nen to match something else. Emission, which is dispatching your aura from your body. Conjuration which is creating objects with your Nen. Manipulation is controlling animate or inanimate objects. And finally Specialization, which doesn’t match any of those categories.” 

“And you said I’m Enhancement?”

“From what I can tell, yes. You are very direct,” she said. “Kind of a dead giveaway. Don’t take offense. Transmuters are untrustworthy. Emitters get bored easily. Conjurers are OCD. Manipulators like it when people see things their way. And Specialists are…special,” she said with a smile. 

“Of course, what about-” 

“My turn,” she said. I stopped myself and nodded. “Is chakra broken up into categories?” 

“It is. When people first start learning chakra there are a lot of simple techniques to learn. Utilizing hand seals they are able to do certain acts. There is Genjutsu which is chakra that affects the mind, Taijutsu which is the body, and Ninjutsu which is utilizing the chakra to change your body or affect the area around you. Then eventually when you master what you can it breaks up further into elements. There are the 5 main ones, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water. Then there are mixes of them. Like Fire and Earth make Lava. Water and Wind make Ice. That sort of thing.” 

Like Shikamaru who could use Shadow Element, or Ino who could use Mind, I was able to use Lust. Not able to be categorized by the main elements. I wondered if I should cal those a Specialist Element like the Nen users did. 

“So you can use water?” She asked. I nodded, raising my hand. Water formed in my palm. “How do you know what you have?” I gave her a stern look. Qiress rolled her eyes. “You know I can kill you, right? Barely a thought and you would be dead.”

“I could do the same to you,” I said. Her nostrils flared, but she didn’t bother to try to call my bluff. 

“You learn your Nen type through water divination. Channel some of your nen into water, depending on what happens you will know what type you have.” I nodded, remembering that part of the show. 

“It’s not so simple with chakra. You need trees cultivated with chakra itself. Then make paper out of those trees,” I admitted.

“How do you do that?” She asked. 

“Focus chakra on the trees. Their whole life. From what I understand, it takes a few generations. The seeds will be accustomed to chakra. By the 2nd or 3rd generation you should be able to make chakra sheets. Then you simply channel your chakra into the paper. Depending on what happens, it tells you what element you have.” 

“Do you have any of this paper?” She asked excitedly. I shook my head. I had looked into it when I was researching if I could awaken chakra in girls. I had hoped to get a quest reward, but I hadn’t spent enough time in Naruto to receive one. 

“Interesting,” she said, thinking. “Does chakra and Nen affect one another?” 

“Not from what I’ve seen,” I admitted. “I awoke chakra in my companion. She already has her Aura Nodes awoken. There were no obvious changes. But she isn’t skilled enough yet to really tell a difference.”

“So you can awaken chakra in people?” Qiress asked. 

Finally we were getting to somewhere good. “I can,” I said. 

“And how much would something like this cost me?” She asked.

“Why do you want it?” I asked. More than willing to help a beautiful woman out. Especially a strong one.

“I like power,” Qiress admitted without shame. “I have taken my Nen as far as I can for now. I have become bored. Consider me intrigued with an energy that can turn into an element.” 

I nodded. “It makes you stronger too,” I added. 

“Even better,” she said. “Who doesn’t like to beat up more men?”

I chuckled. “Got me there.” Letting out a sigh I studied her for a moment. “I don’t really want money. I want someone to teach my companions and I Nen.” 

“And who are these companions?” She asked. 

“My girlfriends.”

“Sexual or friendly.” 

“Both,” I answered. 

“God, you are dumb,” she chuckled. “Fucking and training never mix well.” Qiress let out a longer sigh. “I guess I have become very bored. Fine, if you teach me this chakra, I will teach you and your women Nen.”

“Excellent,” I said. “...there is a catch though.” 

“What now?” She asked in annoyance. 

“To awaken the chakra in you we would have to have sex,” I admitted. Her eyes took on a dangerous glean. “...without a condom.” 

The silence stretched on between us. I could tell she did not like the news. “My chakra is mixed with my semen. I have an ability to give you some of my chakra. Doing so awakens it in your body. Causing chakra pathways to form. Over a few weeks the chakra acclimates to your body. Raising exponentially until it matches your strength.” She continued to stare dangerously at me. “This is not a trick. I am not lying. You will not be able to use chakra immediately, but it will be there.” 

“Fine,” Qiress said, stopping me before I started to babble. “Ass, mouth, or vag?” 

“Uh. Vag,” I admitted. “We can do the others to start if you want.”

“You are on thin ice already,” Qiress said coldly. Shrugging off the robe she was in, my eyes widened as she stood and completely disrobed. I had thought she was beautiful before. Whatever learning to control your Nen did, also made your body pristine. Her skin practically glowed in the light from the balcony. Perky breasts she had smooth abs and a slight layer of pubic hair. 

“Are you going to stare, or get this over with?” She asked again. Almost enjoying my reaction to her body. 

“Uh yeah, here?” I asked as I stood on the cushions. Releasing Lust aura it wasn’t long until I was fully nude. My dick at half mast I couldn’t help but be scared of and turned on by the woman. She didn’t react much to my dick, but I did notice a slight widening of her eyes. She walked the few steps to me and pushed me to lay on the cushions. 

“Yes, here,” she said. “It will be quick. Make it count.” Qiress said as she grabbed onto my dick. Her strong hands gripping me she didn’t hesitate to line herself up and move down. I considered cumming immediately. I didn’t know why but I felt like this woman knew all my secrets. Somehow able to rip my head off with a flick of her wrist. Or pretty much anything scary. It made it all the hotter as I quadrupled the chakra in my dick. 

She slowed down and stopped moving down. Her pussy writhing around me she poured liquid down on my dick, but her face was as placid as can be. “What are you doing?” She asked in a calm voice. 

“Along with water, I can use an element called Lust,” I said. “Makes things feel better.” She stared down at me, but instead of asking more she continued to move down. More slowly this time she let the first part of her mask crack. Allowing her eyes to flutter a little as she continued to drop on me, I knew I had her. 

Pushing up into her the rest of the way she gasped. Her long nailed fingers moving to my chest as she caught herself. “Don’t do that,” she hissed. 

“Sorry, you were going so slow. I assumed you hadn’t done this before,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. I had a 50/50 shot of living. I could tell she didn’t like to be tested, but she also had a deep desire to learn something new. I flexed my dick, making it enlarge in her and cause another orgasm. 

Qiress let out a moan this time. Her voice deep as her body reacted. She let this orgasm show. Her tits jostling, I felt a shiver run through her. Ever so slowly I moved my hands up to her tits. She noticed when they were half way. Staring down at me like some cat about to squash a mouse. I grabbed onto her chest. Channeling more chakra into them her mouth took on an O-shape as she realized I could move chakra through more than just my dick. 

The powerful woman stopped pretending then. Grinding herself on me she moved her hands to my abs as her hips rotated around. Expertly taking my large member to all the corners of her cunt as she did all the work. 

I groaned, allowing myself to feel pleasure as she squeezed her lower lips on my base. She was so tight it felt like she was gripping me with her hand. Then she started raising. Going up and up she moved all the way to the tip then dropped down. I could tell she wasn’t used to my kind of power. Cumming as soon as I was sheathed she struggled to raise all the way up to the tip again. Groaning, she did it another 2 times before she settled on rocking back and forth. The short motions allowing her to last longer. 

I began to help then. My hands gripping her muscular thighs, I helped her move. Qiress yelled out then. Leaning forward she pushed her perfect tits in my face. Nibbling on her nipple our crotches collided again and again. Our sexes meeting became loud as she gushed more liquid out. 

We lost ourselves in it for a bit. Neither speaking as we stayed in the same position. Her forehead moving to press against mine, she rode me for all I was worth. As I began to cum I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine. 

Kissing for the first time she yelled in my mouth as the first spurt of semen hit her insides. Her body speeding up I groaned in her mouth as she hurried up to reach her own orgasm as I unloaded inside of her. As I was finishing another one of her orgasms started. Bottoming out on me she sat up, running her hands over her body as I watched her.

When it passed she let out a long sigh. “When-” The flame blew up inside of her. The chakra exploding, another orgasm awoke in her. Yelling out she laid on top of me as the pleasure burned into her body. Gasping and sputtering as she continued to cum over and over on my dick. 

It felt like it lasted a long time. Her nails digging into me she bit at my chest, acting on instinct as she felt the longest orgasm of her life. When it finished she breathed in and out heavily, but was not passed out. 

“Is that it?” She mumbled. Sitting up she gave me a coquettish smile. 

“We can go again,” I offered. “To make sure it stuck.” She bit her lip. I twisted us around and was soon laying on top of her. The older woman was a little shy now. She showed some emotion for the first time. Almost nervous, I decided we didn’t need to talk. Kissing her deeply, she moaned in my mouth and wrapped her limbs around me. Soon grunting as I began to hump into her. 

It took a few hours, but I eventually came back to the room at dusk. Beat up and disheveled the girls were waiting for me on the couch. “I got us a teacher,” I assured. Hickeys on my neck and all over my body, I was sure that they wouldn’t be too happy. But I was pleased with myself. Finally I was able to take a step toward learning this world's power system and getting the hell out of there. 

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