Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 230 – Can I keep her?

Chapter 230 – Can I keep her?

Aiko easily escaped their pursuit and was giggling happily. She was able to rob them without much issue, even in her pseudo-Human form.

Her team was able to catch up to her later as they waited hidden to not be exposed to the Human Cultivators.

Aiko waited for a nice place to make a camp.

It was once again a meadow which was quite hidden to the naked eye.

Aiko would be able to sleep peacefully here.

She nodded to herself and waited for her team.

It didn't take that much time for them to arrive.

Aiko smiled at them innocently and they shook their heads.

"You should keep your hands to yourself while we are on a mission." The Blood Fox said gently, nudging Aiko not to forget that if she caused too much trouble, everyone would be exposed.

Aiko pouted, those Human Cultivators were weak, so there was no need to worry.

The Blood Fox pinched Aiko's cheek. "Just because they are weak doesn't mean you should rob them."

Aiko was startled that she was read so easily. She would have to work hard on her Go face...

The Blood Fox pursed her lips seeing Aiko deep in thought.

They were quick on the work. One collected firewood and another cut the meat for consumption.

Naturally, Aiko was neither of them since she was looking over at the Storage Pouches.

Aiko smiled happily while the meat was roasting in front of her. She would munch on it the moment it was prepared, but first, let's introduce the loot.

Aiko picked up one of the Storage Pouches and moved her hand inside. She would be able to pick something blindly and introduce it to her team as Treasure.

Aiko fished for something good before raising her hand up high. She had a Spirit Stone in her hand.

Her team raised an eyebrow, but indulged the happy Aiko since it meant she was not bored and easier to handle.

The first Storage Pouch contained a few Spirit Stones and Herbs. Aiko collected those Herbs and gave the Storage Pouch to the Blood Fox, since she already had too many of them.

The Blood Fox patted Aiko, since she didn't expect something so nice.

Meanwhile, the Shadow Passion looked like she was chewing something awful.

She didn't expect that the Vicious Cub would be so open in giving her team Storage Pouches and Spirit Stones. She now felt terrible and stupid for going through all of that just to earn a few of them...

The Umbra Fox naturally saw that expression on the Shadow Passion.

She would try to help Shadow Passion get something nice too, so she would smile at her again.

The Umbra Fox had a Storage Pouch already, two of them at that. Aiko was generous when it came to those, but she also liked to hoard the Storage Rings, since they were more convenient and more scarce.

The Umbra Fox did not blame Aiko, she would do the same. Moreover, Aiko liked to loot things, so it was more convenient to get a Storage Ring than a Storage Pouch. The Storage Ring was not restricted by size.

'As long as it fits within the Storage Ring you could store it', was the general rule for Storage Rings.

The Umbra Fox smiled as the second Storage Pouch went to her. Once again Aiko only took the Herbs and left everything else to her team.

Aiko went towards the last Storage Pouch. She fished one more time inside.

Aiko had a strange expression. Everything inside was quite soft, something which she liked very much, but...

'Why would a Cultivator need something soft?' Aiko raised her eyebrow as Cultivators mostly stored their precious things inside the Storage Pouches.

The Blood Fox kept gazing at Aiko, so Aiko steeled herself.

She pulled up her hand. The soft thing unfolded and blinded Aiko's eyes.


The Gluttonous Fox spat his meat. He didn't expect the little Fox to be so... daring!

Aiko moved her hand away from her head so she could see what it was.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed her team strangely staring at her.

Aiko could not understand why they would...

"Why is it sexy lingerie?!" Aiko cried out since she knew that the Blood Fox had something similar. She also saw a similar design on the Bird Lady.

Aiko was immediately enraged and her team laughed. They expected many things to be fished out, but they didn't expect Aiko to fish out THAT.

Aiko was embarrassed and angry. She immediately shoved it back inside and wanted to immediately burn this thing!

The Shadow Passion looked crestfallen. She didn't think that the Vicious Cub would be willing to burn the Storage Pouch.

Fortunately, the Blood Fox caught it elegantly and stored it away.

"Why?!" Aiko cried out, but the Blood Fox immediately changed the topic with a serious expression.

"How do we get rid of the Mirage Fox..." The Blood Fox murmured. While the Mirage Fox no longer gave her that strange feeling, that did not mean she liked him.

She would love to get rid of him, but first, she would need permission from Aiko.

Aiko didn't want to get rid of him yet. She hoped that he bathed so that she could capture him and use him to develop her Divine Ability.

"I will take care of him." Said Aiko once again, the Blood Fox didn't like that and the Gluttonous Fox was on guard.

"You can have him." Aiko pointed at the Gluttonous Fox.

"I'm innocent!" He immediately yelled out.

Aiko tilted her head. "Nobody is saying you aren't."

The Gluttonous Fox saw light at the end of the tunnel.

"—as long as you behave and appease the Blood Fox." Aiko shrugged and left everything for the Blood Fox to deal with.

While the Blood Fox didn't like such an attitude from Aiko. She also did not complain as long as the Mirage Fox was dealt with.

The Shadow Passion was constantly warning them of the Mirage Fox's danger, but she also looked uncomfortable. It was a strange sight.

They were unaware that one could restrict what they could say and could not say through the contract.

If the person restricted by that would say it they would be in unimaginable pain wishing to die.

If the person hinted at it, they would be in pain and discomfort and it would only get worse with each hint until it became the full-blown 'wishing to die' kind of deal.

Aiko never used commands on her team. Well, she did a few times when she was pouty, but she stopped right after since she didn't like that her team obeyed so willingly.

Aiko was unable to tease them at will, unlike the Blood Fox who seemed like she already had teasing in her blood.

Aiko gazed towards the Shadow Passion. She was unsure what to do with her.

On one side she quite liked the Shadow Passion, but on the other, she was part of the Mirage Fox's team.

Aiko was on the edge.

The Umbra Fox noticed Aiko's gaze and a bold move appeared in her mind.

"Can I keep her?" The Umbra Fox gently lifted the Shadow Passion by her waist before placing her on her lap and peeking at Aiko from behind the Shadow Passion.

The whole group went silent.

Aiko felt that she was being teased by the Umbra Fox.

The Blood Fox narrowed her eyes which made the Umbra Fox embarrassed.

The Gluttonous Fox forgot to eat properly and was staring at them with an open mouth.

As for the Shadow Passion... She wanted to dig a hole and hide in there. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to die! What is the Umbra Fox thinking?!

"She is under Contract." The Blood Fox pointed at the obvious and Aiko nodded.

The Umbra Fox became slightly more shameless, like she was learning from her Mistress.

"Then I can just steal her." The Umbra Fox happily mimicked Aiko when she was ready for mischief.

The whole group choked, but instead of looking at Umbra Fox, they looked at the small Fox.

Aiko wanted to hide. She felt like too many people were teasing her today!

She pouted and looked away.

"Please~?" The Umbra Fox mimicked Aiko to a perfect degree.

"Geh!" Even Aiko was taken aback by that expression.

Her team kept looking at her until she caved.

"Tsk. Do whatever you want, but don't forget to bathe her!" Aiko demanded from the Umbra Fox.

Umbra Fox nodded happily, but noticed the Blood Fox came close to her.

"You will need this in that case~" The Blood Fox handed her that 'burned' Storage Pouch.

The Shadow Passion immediately turned her, while the Umbra Fox was slower with her reaction.

The Umbra Fox blinked immediately and wanted to protest. "Wh-!"

The Blood Fox silenced her lips with her hand. "You don't want to lose this~" She hummed before getting back to her position and eating once again.

The Umbra Fox was left speechless with the Storage Pouch filled with erotic things.

One had to know that Umbra Fox was very selective and would never wear those kinds of things!

The Umbra Fox's mind paused and she stared at the Shadow Passion up and down.

The Shadow Passion burned from shame from that gaze. She immediately pinched the Umbra Fox's thigh.

"Auch." The Umbra Fox massaged her thigh with a pitiful expression and the Shadow Passion was taken aback.

The Shadow Passion soothed the place she pinched, since she didn't want to hurt the Umbra Fox at all.

"Geh..." Aiko lost quite a lot of appetite. "Get a room! And don't forget to lock it!" Aiko spat at them and the both of them immediately shrunk.

The Gluttonous Fox was much slower in his realisation, but once he understood what was happening, his eyes burned with need.

It was fine watching the Shadow Passion go at it with Mirage Fox, but... it was something completely different if two female Foxes went at it!

He really wanted to see that. He would absolutely see that!

The Blood Fox noticed that expression and released a bit of her Demonic Bloodlust.

The Gluttonous Fox hiccuped and immediately started to sweat, even if he was unable to. He really wanted to see two female Foxes making out, but it didn't seem that he would survive it if he peeked!

The Gluttonous Fox's mind spun. He would come up with something, a way to appease the Passion Fox so that he was allowed to peek!

'But I don't know much about females...' The Gluttonous Fox whined and whined inside his mind. His desire was crumbling right in front of him.

If he can't find a good reason he won't be able to watch!

At that time the exhausted Mirage Fox came back to the camp. He previously went at it so hard that he almost passed out. That body was just too addicting and perfect, but he did miss the bitching from that female ghost while he ploughed her body...

The Mirage Fox did not care about the Shadow Passion any more. He would naturally use her as a meat shield when the time came, since he had a much better sex toy now.

He sat by the Gluttonous Fox and immediately passed out, snoring.

Aiko was really tempted to use the amber and shove it down his throat so he would stop snoring, but decided against it... for the time being.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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