Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 13 - 7 – Buried Treasure in Dhyana Temple

Book 13 Chapter 7 – Buried Treasure in Dhyana Temple

After muttering to himself irresolutely for half a day, Wang Shichong said, “I want the three of you to steal the Jade Annulus of He Clan for me.”

Kou Zhong was stunned, “Do you know where the Jade Annulus of He Clan is?”

With a cold snort Wang Shichong replied, “Of course I do. Luoyang is my territory, nothing can be hidden from me.”

And then after giving him a quick look, he said, “If you do this for me, Shuni will be yours.”

Kou Zhong busily replied, “To be able to work for Shangshu Daren, how could I ask for any reward? But there is something I don’t understand, I want to ask Shangshu Daren’s guidance.”

Frowning, Wang Shichong said, “You have something to say, just say it! Why suddenly become so bookish?”

With a giggle Kou Zhong said, “According to Shangshu Daren’s knowledge, isn’t the Jade Annulus of He Clan in Shi Feixuan’s hands?”

Smiling wryly, Wang Shichong replied, “Of course not in her hands, otherwise, asking you to steal it would become a vain endeavor. My understanding is that Shi Feixuan’s martial art skill has reached the divine level of Ning Daoqi, that kind of out-of-the-ordinary, becoming-an-arhat master. Stealing something from her is as impossible as ascending to the heaven to pick the moon and bring it down to earth.”

This time Kou Zhong was astonished for real. Stupefied, he said, “Such an important object, she did not carry it with her?”

As if he feared someone might hear him, Wang Shichong leaned over and lowered his voice, “This is a great secret in Jianghu. Only because I know a close friend of Ning Daoqi that I am privy of this information. You have also seen that person, it’s Wang Tong Laoshi [teacher].”

Of course Kou Zhong remembered the great scholar Wang Tong.

It was during the banquet where he saw Wang Shichong, Ba Fenghan and Fu Junyu for the first time, also listened to Shi Qingxuan’s unparalleled-under-the-heavens Xiao [flute] skill.

Wang Shichong continued, “The Jade Annulus of He Clan is a secret treasure of an unfathomable mystery in the human world. It looks like jade, but not exactly a jade. The most extraordinary thing about it is that it could foster spiritual cultivation of Buddha followers to achieve Zen. It is also of immeasurable benefit to people with innate true qi in their cultivation.”

Kou Zhong was puzzled, “That being the case, Shi Feixuan out to hold it in her arms even when she is going to bed. Why on the contrary she does not bring it with her?”

Laughing involuntarily, Wang Shichong said, “This is because you only know part of it [orig. knowing the first but not the second]. Turns out the Jade Annulus of He Clan also has a fantastic characteristic, which is its ability to follow the changes in time, whether cold or hot, light or dark. It’s extremely difficult to master. When it is used in training, slight carelessness would result in mysterious breakout, which would easily make people suffer fire deviation.”

Sneering, Kou Zhong said, “Just put it inside an iron box, won’t that do?”

“No insulation can cut off its influence,” Wang Shichong said, “Unless you are a martial art master who is training first-class innate true qi, as soon as you entered its sphere of influence, you would basically gamble with destiny. Depending on its condition at the moment, it might change irregularly and might arrive at some kind of freakish stage.”

Exhaling a mouthful of cold air, Kou Zhong said, “Then why do you want me to steal such a dreadful object? Don’t you know that at what I train is a first-class innate mental cultivation [xin fa] of the mysterious school?”

Wang Shichong laughed cheerfully and said, “I am only asking you to steal or rob, not asking you to hold it while meditating or training your power; what are you afraid of? As soon as you obtain the treasured jade annulus, hand it over to my men; you’d have completed the task.”

Kou Zhong was puzzled, “If it will only produce adverse effect during training, why didn’t Shi Feixuan carry it with her? Is Shangshu Daren trying to harm me?”

Wang Shichong smiled and said, “I Like straightforward person like you the most. The Jade Annulus of He Clan will only adversely affect its master under two conditions: one, when he is sitting in meditation and deep in thought, two, when he is transmitting his inner power during fight. Therefore, either Ning Daoqi or Shi Feixuan, they can’t possibly carry the Jade Annulus of He Clan everywhere with them.”

Kou Zhong thought this explanation made sense.

If while carrying the Jade Annulus of He Clan Shi Feixuan came across Wanwan, wouldn’t it be bad for her?

Thereupon he nodded and said, “This explanation is a bit reasonable. But if I were either Shi Feixuan or Ning Daoqi, I would have hidden the Jade Annulus of He Clan in a secret place that no one else knew, so that nobody would have any access to it.”

Wang Shichong calmly said, “You have a very reasonable thought, but that is just common sense; it can’t be applied to an unusual treasure like the Jade Annulus of He Clan. From a historical point of view, whenever the Jade Annulus of He Clan is lost, there must always be ways to find it back. Perhaps it would emit some kind of strange light, or even silently summoning one who is fated to find it, or things like that. Therefore, if Shi Feixuan wanted to keep the Jade Annulus of He Clan safe, she must have handed it over to a trusted person for safekeeping. Do you understand?”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “Barely understand only a little bit.”

Wang Shichong seemed to be in a great mood. “Which part you still don’t understand?” he asked cheerfully.

“What I don’t understand is,” Kou Zhong said, “You, Wanggong [lit. king and duke] have a very high chance of being selected by Shi Feixuan to be the true master of the Jade Annulus of He Clan. At that time all the outstanding heroes under the heavens will bow to you. Plus you will receive Ning Daoqi’s and the entire Ci Hang Jing Zhai’s nuns’, both with and without hair, support. Wouldn’t it be much better than doing imitating-the-dog-and-steal-chicken, not-fit-to-be-seen deed like the one you want to do right now?”

Wang Shichong sighed; he said dejectedly, “If you were Shi Feixuan, and you had to choose between Li Mi and me, just based on the fact that I am a barbarian, you could not possibly choose me.”

And then after a short pause he went on, “Hence the reason I am begging you to steal the treasure for me, because who would believe that you, Kou Zhong, would do an errant for someone else? This way I will not be implicated. You really must help me. Otherwise, if Li Mi obtained the treasured jade annulus, you and I can forget about having an easy day ahead of us.”

Smiling ruefully, Kou Zhong said, “Wanggong really counts your chicken before they are hatched. But aren’t you afraid that after obtaining the treasure I might embezzle it for myself?”

Smiling, Wang Shichong replied, “Even if you have the Jade Annulus of He Clan in your hand, what are you going to do with it? There is an ancient saying: treasuring a jade annulus becomes a crime [idiom: to get into trouble on account of a cherished item]. The ‘jade annulus’ being referred is precisely the Jade Annulus of He Clan. Even if you are stupid enough to embezzle it, you will only make it easier for the jade annulus to fall into the hands of Li Mi, Dou Jiande, Li Yuan, or the others.”

Inwardly Kou Zhong thought that it is best if you think that way, but on the surface he pretended to be worried, “Very well!” he finally said, “So where’s exactly this Jade Annulus of He Clan?”

Wang Shichong lightly replied, “I don’t know!”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out in shock.

Chapter 7- Part 2

Xu Ziling was just about to step out of the alley when he heard a dry cough from behind. Shivering inwardly, he quickly looked back, and saw Ba Fenghan, who was wearing his mask, was coming fast toward him. Pulling Xu Ziling toward the main street, he said, “I closed that man’s mouth forever on your behalf! But what happened? Looking at you, it seems to me that you are heading to Shangguan Long’s place for a killing spree. But doing so just show reckless courage; no different to delivering your own life in vain.”

Xu Ziling came to himself; turning around, he cast a glance at Shangguan Long’s magnificent residence, across the street, toward the right and rear from where he stood. “The “The Yin Gui Pai Elder you were talking about, is he Shangguan Long?”

Ba Fenghan nodded.

After Xu Ziling finished narrating they key points of what had happened, overwhelmed with shock, Ba Fenghan said, “You are really unafraid of death, knowing full well that female demon Wan and Bian Bufu are most likely hiding in Shangguan Long’s mansion, you still want to charge in to avenge your men. Fortunately I am here to step on your plate; otherwise I would not be able to intercept you.”

And then, dragging Xu Ziling into another alley, he said, “Come! I’ll take you somewhere else.”

※ ※ ※

Wang Shichong smiled, pulled a roll of silk map from his bosom, spread it out on his desk and said, “This is a sketch of the Jing Nian Chan Yuan [lit. clean thought Buddhist Hall] located on the open area just south of Luoyang. Jing Nian Chan Zong [zong means school/sect] has always had close relationship with Ci Hang Jing Zhai, and just like the Jing Zhai, it has never been involved in the dispute of the Jianghu. Although not famous in the Wulin world, it occupies a majestic status. Therefore, as long as Shi Feixuan has not handed over the Jade Annulus of He Clan to somebody else, she must have handed it over to Jing Nian Chan Yuan’s Chanzhu [Dhyana/Zen master/chief] Liao Kong Dashi [great master, a term of respect to address Buddhist monk] for safekeeping. It would be best if due to the strange property of Jade Annulus of He Clan, nobody dares to come close, so that the Jade Annulus of He Clan must be hidden somewhere in the temple, separate from where the people are.”

Kou Zhong examined the map of the Temple. Seeing layer upon layer of temple halls, his scalp went numb as he said, “Just to go around such a big place would require at least half a day; how could we find the Jade Annulus of He Clan?”

Smiling bitterly, Wang Shichong said, “If it were easy, I would have sent someone else to do it. The fact is that although the capable people under my command are numerous, none can surpass you in terms of ability and wisdom. Plus you have two good helpers, so logically speaking you have more chance than other people.”

Sinking back into his chair, Kou Zhong heaved a deep sigh and asked, “How’s Liao Kong’s martial art skill?”

Wang Shichong replied nonchalantly, “I don’t know!”

Kou Zhong nearly sprang out of his chair. “What?” he blurted out, “Don’t tell me nobody has ever seen him?”

Wang Shichong replied helplessly, “Of course some people have seen him, I have even met him twice, but he is practicing ‘silent meditation’, so he had never talked to others.”

Astounded, Kou Zhong said, “Based on Wanggong’s eyesight, you still could not see through him?”

With frustration in his voice, Wang Shichong replied, “Naturally Buddhist monks who can train ‘silent meditation’ are unfathomable people! I don’t even know whether he understood martial art or not. All I know is that the four Vajra Great Protectors of the Temple under him are all deep and immeasurable martial art masters; otherwise, I would not have to bother Kou Gongzi’s honorable self.”

Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said, “You are even better than Shi Feixuan in selecting people. The most annoying thing is that you, Wanggong, are just guessing out of thin air. If I risk my life fighting everywhere all over the Temple and still cannot find the Jade Annulus of He Clan, that would be injustice indeed.”

Wang Shichong’s eyes lit up, “As long as there is a chance, we must not let it slip by, otherwise, if Li Mi obtained the Jade Annulus of He Clan, you and I can only abandon honor and glory, so much so that we will pass our days getting trampled on by others.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “That being the case, whatever you, Shengshang [a courtier’s form of address for the current emperor] say, I will do it!”

※ ※ ※

Pointing to a courtyard among layer upon layer of houses across the street, Ba Fenghan said, “That is Man Qing Yuan [House of Fine Clarity], Luoyang’s most famous pleasure house. The three most popular courtesans are Qing Ju, Qing Lian and Qing Ping [lit. chrysanthemum, lotus and duckweed, respectively], who are known as Man Qing’s three flowers. The owner is precisely Shangguan Long, whom you, Ziling, really wish to tear into ten thousand pieces.”

The street was crowded with pedestrians, the atmosphere was extremely lively, they had to step back in order not to block the traffic.

This moment the sun was nearly set behind the western hills, some shops even had already lighted their lanterns.

Xu Ziling coldly said, “Could Shangguan Long be coming over here tonight?”

“He has a private room here,” Ba Fenghan replied, “On the surface it is to be used to entertain friends, but actually it is used to gather intelligence from all over the place.”

Astonished, Xu Ziling asked, “How come Dong Ming Pai is able to know so many secret things?”

“That, I am not clear either,” Ba Fenghan replied with a frown, “I asked Wanjing twice, but she did not give me a straightforward answer, I had no choice but to be discreet and did not ask her anymore. But since Wanjing has Bian Bufu as her father, and supposing Madame Dong Ming is Wanjing’s birth mother, that means Dong Ming Pai and Yin Gui Pai must have a relationship with each other, so naturally they would know more things related to Yin Gui Pai compared to other people.”

This moment a group of barbarian merchants were entering the shops behind the two men to look at the goods, so they tactfully stepped aside. Ba Fenghan then took this opportunity to pull Xu Ziling to continue walking. “Wanjing has a deep hatred toward her father, Bian Bufu,” he went on, “But she knew that she is not heartless enough to personally kill him; furthermore, this is not an easy thing at all, that’s why she pleaded with me to handle this. The fact is that Bian Bufu is extremely powerful. Even if the three of us fought together, without favorable environment, we could forget about overpowering him.”

While still walking side-by-side, Xu Ziling leaned closer and spoke in a low voice, “She wanted to deal with Yin Gui Pai, isn’t she afraid of Yin Gui Pai’s retaliation?”

Ba Fenghan replied, “That is precisely the other reason why Wanjing wanted to deal with Bian Bufu through me. Because merely Nan Hai Pai [South Sea Sect], Wanjing is already struggling to cope. If they openly provoke Yin Gui Pai, a powerful opponent, which nothing can be more powerful, perhaps Dong Ming Pai would face the disaster of having their Sect wiped out.”

Astonished, Xu Ziling asked, “What ‘thing’ is Nan Hai Pai? How come I’ve never heard of it?”

Ba Fenghan laughed involuntarily, “Nan Hai Pai is not a ‘thing’,” he said, “It is the biggest Sect on a big island of the southern sea, which name shook the southern part of the country, its prestige second only to the Song Clan. Seven years ago, its Zhangmen [sect leader] Mei Xun, merely twenty at the time, ascended the Zhang Men position. His expertise in using spears is very famous.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “The Central Plains is really too big, amazing people and extraordinary warriors are too many to count; even if I want to hear their names, I will never hear all.”

The two stepped over Xinzhong Bridge, and continued east along the Luo River, heading toward the place they were going to join Kou Zhong.

Ba Fenghan said with a smile, “But the most frightening person of the Nan Hai Pai is not Mei Xun. Rather, it is his martial father-in-law [not sure about this, 师公], Nan Hai Xian Weng Huang Gongcuo [see Book 12 Chapter 10]. In terms of resources, seniority, or perhaps with regard to martial art skill, he could be included in the top ten martial art masters of the Central Plains. Compared to Ning Daoqi, he is perhaps only a tad below. Fortunately he has been retired for many years, or else Wanjing would have even more headache.”

Gaining a bit more understanding, Xu Ziling commented, “No wonder you knew about the Central Plains’ affairs like the back of your hand, at least there is this Dong Ming Princess who is willing to provide information to you without reservation.”

Indifferent, Ba Fenghan replied, “As early as I was with the Tujue, I already know a lot of things pertaining to the Central Plains. Come! Let’s sit by the dike, waiting for Zhong Da Shao!”

After they were seated, Xu Ziling gazed at a speeding sailboat on the Luo River under the setting sun, his mind filled with myriads of thoughts, he said, “You see how free and easy that boat is, sailing along a busy downtown, as if all the struggle in the world has nothing to do with it. Contrary to you and I, who are deeply involved in the never-ending circle of the squabble of the mundane world, which is difficult to get out.”

Sneering, Ba Fenghan said, “Ziling is definitely an unwilling participant in the world of the living, but since you are talking about the boat, the fact is that this boat is just like us, rolling about in the sea of people. When we finish chatting, we’d better think of a way to capture Shangguan Long alive and force a confession from him on your Yu Yi’s whereabouts.”

This moment Kou Zhong arrived. Full of joy and expectations, he kneeled down behind the two and giggling mysteriously, he said, “How about we steal the Jade Annulus of He Clan tonight?”

The two looked at each other in disbelief.

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