Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 8 - 5 – Night Talk on Yangtze River

By dusk that day, the warship sailed out of the river bend and entered the Yangtze River, going upstream toward Baling. The cargo ship also sailed along the river going north.

When Kou Zhong pushed the door and entered into Xu Ziling’s cabin, the latter was regulating his qi and his breathing. Other than the paleness due to slight loss of blood earlier, he did not look like someone who had just been stabbed by a sword.

The two boys sat in the two chairs by the window.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Your guts are really not small. At that time I was so afraid that she could not stop her hand and hence take your life for real. Whenever I thought about it I am still having cold sweats.”

Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, “It was the only way to resolve the enmity; otherwise, how would she be willing to step back? If we fought, no matter who got injured, the result would not be good.”

Kou Zhong seemed to be deep in thought. He said slowly, “Ren Shaoming’s death not only alters the situation in the south, it also changes our fate, making us the target of a multitude of arrows. Although it has been like that for a while, but now the danger increases several folds.”

After pausing for a moment, he continued, “There are two people that we must guard against even more so than before. Can you guess which two I am talking about?”

Xu Ziling mused, “Is one of them Ba Fenghan? When Shan Wanjing let me off, I felt his murderous intention toward me. And the other one must be Tiele’s Big Bandit Qu Ao?”

“If it were Qu Ao, I don’t need you to guess,” Kou Zhong replied, “I was thinking about Yang Xuyan. He wanted to assassinate Xiang kid; obviously it was for Lin Shihong and Ren Shaoming’s sake. Now that we killed Ren Shaoming instead, it would be really strange if he did not come looking for us to create trouble.”

Xu Ziling turned his gaze toward the window, to the riverbank under the bright moonlight. He sighed, and then slowly shook his head, as if he wanted to throw away all the burden of his heart.

Kou Zhong tried to sound him out, “Even Ba Fenghan seemed to think that that wicked Princess has a great interest toward you.”

Xu Ziling absent-mindedly said, “So what if she is interested. Dongming Pai has the strangest rule; Princess has already had prince consort early on. More importantly, I basically don’t want to get married and have children. I just want to spend my days living a free and easy life. I am not like you with your lofty aspiration of saving the world or helping common people.”

Kou Zhong was upset, “You are making fun of me,” he said.

“I’m just speaking the truth,” Xu Ziling replied seriously, “In terms of strategy, it would really help your cause if you could marry Song Yuzhi.”

Kou Zhong looked up at the cabin’s ceiling, there was a flash of longing look in his eyes, which was quickly replaced by a layer of blank expression. He spoke dreamily, “Can’t say for sure which part of her attracts me most, but I can’t ever think of her like I do Li Xiuning, which keeps winding around in my dreams and pulling away my soul, that keeps me awake at night feeling sad, giving me both pain and pleasure. Ay! Is it because I learned my lesson with Li Xiuning that I no longer have the guts to rush into love relationship?”

Xu Ziling emphatically shook his head and said with a smile, “Li Xiuning represents a key turning point in your, Zhong Shao’s life. From that moment on, your desire for the fine things of the world was transferred to the great undertaking. Therefore, before you can figure out whether you love Song Yuzhi or not, you already decided to marry her. Because from your point of view, no feeling is more important than contending for the world. Hence anything that you have your eyes on, you only view it from this aspect. Am I wrong?”

Kou Zhong was stunned, “In that case, have I lost the ability to love a woman deeply?” he asked.

Xu Ziling sympathetically said, “This is called if you want to gain something you must lose something. A choice is a choice; since you chose one thing, naturally you lost something else.”

Grabbing his head, Kou Zhong lamented, “Can’t I choose two things at once? Can’t I find balance?”

Upset, Xu Ziling said, “Supposing right this moment Li Xiuning came to you and told you that she finally realized that the one she loved was you, and asking you to grow old together with her, would you be willing to give up Song Yuzhi?”

Kou Zhong was immediately dumbstruck and was unable to reply.

This moment Yun Yuzhen pushed the door and walked in; smiling brightly, she asked the two boys, “What are gentlemen, great heroes talking about? May I join you?”

Kou Zhong patted his thigh and said with a laugh, “Beautiful Shifu, are you interested in sitting on the most comfortable seat in the world?”

With ten thousand flirtatious expressions Yun Yuzhen glowered at him and sat on the bed. Turning to Xu Ziling, she said, “Are you still in pain? That Princess seemed to treat you with ...” Seeing Kou Zhong kept signaling her with his hand, Yun Yuzhen quickly corrected herself, “Ay! I almost forget to tell you the latest news: the Jade Annulus of He Clan has reappeared!”

Kou Zhong was visibly shaken, “Could you tell me the details?”

Yun Yuzhen said, “The widely spread rumor in Jianghu is that just before he left for Luoyang, while he was still at Duanwu, Ning Daoqi had given the Jade Annulus of He Clan to Shi Feixuan.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were puzzled. “So the Jade Annulus of He Clan is in Ning Daoqi’s hand?” Xu Ziling asked in bewilderment.

Kou Zhong’s interest was in something else, “Who is Shi Feixuan?” he asked, “From the name, she should be a woman?”

Seeing the two boys’ interest, Yun Yuzhen was delighted, “The rumor is highly doubtful,” she said, “First of all, both parties can’t possibly leak this kind of information, which would only bring endless trouble for them. Plus whoever started the rumor must have very strong imagination and have deep understanding of unpredictable human psyche.”

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong said, “You haven’t answered my question: who is Shi Feixuan?”

Yun Yuzhen cast him a sideways glance and said, “So you are very interested because the person involved was a woman?”

Kou Zhong burst out laughing, “My Beautiful Shifu, even if you said that Ning Daoqi was giving the Jade Annulus of He Clan to someone called Kou Laoniu [lit. old cow], I would be very interested in this Kou Laoniu. This is called I am interested in the people involved, not the gender.”

With an enchanting smile Yun Yuzhen said, “Just consider Shifu has blamed you wrongly, all right? Have you guys heard about Ci Hang Jing Zhai? She and Yin Hui Pai are very similar [see Book 5 Chapter 12 for first mention of these two organizations], they both enjoy supreme status, but both are equally mysterious. The difference is that one is upright the other is heretical!”

Xu Ziling’s tiger-eyes were flashing; he said slowly, “That Shi Feixuan is the representative of Ci Hang Jing Zhai in the decisive battle against Yin Gui Pai.”

Yun Yuzhen nodded and said, “Turns out you guys already know about these two upright and heretical major sects. This time you killed Ren Shaoming, Yin Gui Pai will definitely not let you off.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “If there was no such enemy like Yin Gui Pai, we will never reach martial art master level like Ning Daoqi.”

Yun Yuzhen stared blankly at him for half a day. She could not help asking, “Do you want to be the emperor, or you want to be a genuine Wulin expert?”

Xu Ziling replied indifferently, “Beautiful Shifu talked about these two things as if it is as effortless as being a salt merchant or a chef. To Zhong Shao, these two objectives are ‘the fish and the bear’s paw, you can’t have both at the same time’, both desires could be obtained quickly and later.”

Yun Yuzhen was pleased, “Xiao Ling, it has been a long while since you called me ‘Beautiful Shifu’! What wind has been blowing today?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Tonight, whether Beautiful Shifu’s scowling or laughing, there is a little bit of sincerity that was not there before, so that my heart is touched, remembering those beautiful days when we first met.”

Yun Yuzhen’s charming body trembled slightly; she looked at Xu Ziling, and then gazed at Kou Zhong. Hanging her small head down, she said softly, “When I knew you, you were urchins who have not grown up. Fast forward to today, you have killed a formidable figure who had dominated the south for more than ten years, I suddenly realized that you have finally matured into Wulin experts who assume personal responsibility.”

After a moment of pause she sighed and went on, “Although I have schemed against you, the fact is that at that time the pain of contradiction in my heart was killing me. I don’t know why, but I always felt you and I are kindred spirits; I am willing to trust you, to work for you. I don’t trust Xiao Dangjia too much.”

The last sentence was spoken with a voice as tiny as a mosquito.

Kou Zhong’s eyes were gleaming with mysterious glint; he said in low voice, “If Beautiful Shifu is willing to help me, I guarantee I will treat you right.”

Assuming a bit of helpless attitude Yun Yuzhen said, “I hope you won’t one day forget that promise. Xiao Ling is my witness.”

Xu Ziling could only smile wryly.

Kou Zhong was progressively accomplishing his plan to build up his power and prestige. And successful mission to kill Ren Shaoming was the most important juncture. Otherwise, how could such a figure like Yun Yuzhen, a Gang Leader rich with Jianghu experience, express allegiance to him? Moreover, it appeared more complicated because it involved the man-woman attraction between them. Supposing in the future Kou Zhong let Yun Yuzhen down, what could Xu Ziling do?

Kou Zhong showed an engaging smile toward Yun Yuzhen as he said tenderly, “Beautiful Shifu may be rest assured! I understand revering master is a serious thing. Right! What kind of person is Shi Feixuan? How’s her martial art skill?”

Enchanted by the charm of his smile, Yun Yuzhen blissfully said, “Shi Feixuan is just like Shi Qingxuan [Translator’s note: not the same ‘shi’ and ‘xuan’ characters]; they are both shrouded in mystery. The number of people who had seen them is really not many, but those who have, all of them are awed by her extraordinarily refined personality traits. She appears to represent the most beautiful thing of the world, so that people adore her, without ever arousing lust in their hearts. Moreover, she brings forth a feeling of inferiority in both men and women who are in her presence.”

Listening to her, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling could only stare blankly; unexpectedly there was a character like her in the world.

“Isn’t she a [Buddhist] Nun?” Xu Ziling was puzzled, “How come she is using secular [orig. ‘sujia’, original home of a monk/nun] name and surname?”

“No one knows,” Yun Yuzhen replied, “But although she grew a cloud of hair and used secular family name, her conduct and her way of living is no different from someone who has left home [to become Buddhist monk/nun]. She lives an ascetic, plain and simple life.”

Part 2

Highly interested, Kou Zhong asked, “What kind of weapon does she use?”

Yun Yuzhen shook her head and replied, “On the surface she is not carrying any weapon, and no one has ever heard she fought with anybody. It is said that whoever came across her was overwhelmed with respect and adoration; how could they have any heart to massacre her?”

“How did Shifu know so clearly?” Kou Zhong asked in astonishment, “Listening to your tone, you have not seen her either, have you?”

Yun Yuzhen’s pretty eyes radiated sadness and hurt; she hung her head down dejectedly and said, “It was Hou Xibai who told me just before we parted, he is one of several people that Shi Feixuan look up to; he had once roamed Sanxia [three gorges of Yangtze River: Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling] with her, talking of the past and discussing the present. Ay!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged some glances. They both felt Yun Yuzhen’s regret and misery from parting with Hou Xibai.

Last time, when they mentioned Hou Xibai, she refused to answer; this time she spoke out calmly, apparently she was expressing her true feelings toward Kou Zhong, not wanting to arouse misunderstanding in the future.

By throwing herself toward Kou Zhong, quite possibly she wanted to use him to forget her sorrow with Hou Xibai.

Frowning, Xu Ziling said, “Could it be that in her presence, Hou Xibai did not have any feeling of inferiority?”

A tender feeling flashed through Yun Yuzhen’s beautiful eyes as she said softly, “He is an outstanding person, so free and easy. His literary talent distinguished and accomplished, his insights profound; perhaps only he fits to be friend with Shi Feixuan.”

The two boys looked at each other in astonishment; it was only then did they understand Hou Xibai’s position in Yun Yuzhen’s heart. Although they had separated, she was still unable to extricate herself from this entanglement of the heart.

“Did Hou Xibai try to pursue Shi Feixuan?” Xu Ziling asked, “Who is he, actually? What is his background?”

“He is an enigmatic figure,” Yun Yuzhen replied, “No one knows his background or history, he seems to have unlimited the money in his purse, he is always able to visit any world famous courtesans anywhere. Himself is a proficient guqin player, and an adept composer. Because he is multi-talented, he is known as the ‘Passionate Prince’. It was because of my curiosity that I intentionally went to a pleasure house that Yushan has just opened to get to know him; who would have thought ... ay ... I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Let’s not talk about this aspect then,” Kou Zhong indifferently remarked, “How’s his martial art skill? What kind of weapon does he use?”

Yun Yuzhen replied, “His martial art skill can only be described as deep and immeasurable. Since his debut less than five years ago, the number of flower-picking lascivious thieves who died under his hands is already over one hundred. The weapon he uses is a large folding fan with pictures of beautiful women on it, which he painted with his own hand. Each time he met a woman he admired, his folding fan would have one more portrait of that beautiful woman.”

Kou Zhong was amazed, “This kid can really be considered romantic,” he said.

Yun Yuzhen sighed. She said in anguish, “Can we not talk about him anymore?”

There was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Kou Zhong asked.

Song Yuzhi’s voice came from the other side of the door, “Is Xu Gongzi free? I’d like to talk to him a little bit.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other in shock.

What could she possibly want that she wanted to talk privately with Xu Ziling?

Xu Ziling followed behind Song Yuzhi. Stepping out of the cabin, the river breeze assaulted their faces, rousing his spirit.

When Jukun Bang people who were on duty on the deck saw him, they all busily greeted ‘Xu Ye’ [master], in a very respectful manner. Perhaps it was due to his rising prestige from killing Ren Shaoming.

Song Yuzhi walked in large strides toward the stern. Although her gait was not as graceful as Shen Luoyan’s or Yun Yuzhen’s, there was a delightful and refreshing feeling that invigorated those who saw her.

When she stopped at the stern, Xu Ziling also stopped by her side, but he kept silent.

Song Yuzhi let her long hair blown by the wind. With her hands resting on the railings, she sighed gloomily and said, “You don’t like to talk, do you? Or you simply don’t want to talk to me? You don’t even ask me why I risk others’ suspicion by talking with you out here.”

Xu Ziling kept his gaze on the vast river under the bright moonlight. Moored on the left bank in the distance were a dozen or so fishing boats, with a dim lantern light emanated from each one of them. When he thought about how each lantern light represented a warm home, his heart was overwhelmed with emotion.

Since they were little until now they were grown up, they always lacked a real home, and quite possibly they would never have one. So he was used to the feeling of not having a home.

Taking a deep breath of the river breeze, Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Miss Song, please speak freely.”

Song Yuzhi turned her pretty face to look at him. She smiled and said, “How could you and Kou Zhong become friends that are closer than brothers? Your personality is so different from each other.”

Xu Ziling met her gaze. Shrugging his shoulders, he replied, “This is called one wishes to give a beating, the other is willing to take a beating. Or perhaps when we were small we were a lot simpler, hence it did not take long to get used to and accept each other.”

Song Yuzhi’s eyes brightened like the continuously twinkling stars in the sky, while her face had a faraway look as she reminisced her past. She spoke quietly and calmly, “Since childhood I have always been a tomboy, I loved to play with the boys of the family, and always considered myself one of them. My curiosity has always been bigger than the other kids. When I saw a mountain, I would ask what’s beyond the mountain. When I saw a river, I wanted to know where the water is flowing to.”

Xu Ziling let out a hollow laugh, “I would never have guessed,” he said, “Why did Miss Song recall these childhood memories?”

Song Yuzhi knitted her brows and shook her head, “I don’t understand it either,” she said, “Perhaps because I trust you? Whenever I come face-to-face with you, my mood feels particularly relaxed!”

Xu Ziling was stunned, “That is even more unexpected,” he said, “Miss Song and I have just met, why are you willing to put your trust me? Don’t forget that Zhong Shao and I are partners; that’s why people are calling us two kids or two little thieves.”

“Pfft!” Song Yuzhi burst out in laughter, which rarely happened. Casting a sidelong glance toward him, she said, “Your craftiness is actually not the least bit inferior to Kou Zhong, it’s just that you are always collected and quiet, so that others are not aware of this side of your personality traits. But when I first saw you, I was able to immediately see that you are that kind of person, who is chivalrous by nature, who are always thoughtful toward others; that’s why I am willing to put my trust in you, knowing that you won’t lie to me.”

It was the very first time that Xu Ziling came into contact with her feminine, touching nature. After staring blankly for a moment, he smiled wryly and said, “Can we not talk about that question anymore?”

Looking up to the starry sky, Song Yuzhi slowly said, “Can you guess the question I wanted to ask you?”

Xu Ziling dejectedly nodded; he said with pained expression on his face, “No matter what he did, Kou Zhong is my good brother. If you ask me anything about him, how am I supposed to answer that?”

Song Yuzhi looked down at the sparkling water of the River reflecting the moon and the stars above. She spoke in heavy voice, “I just want to know the truth. Xu Ziling! Take your chivalrous heart out; tell me, Song Yuzhi, truthfully: Kou Zhong is only using me, isn’t he?”

Seeing her gleaming eyes, as she stared at him, were shooting deep hatred, Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, “Miss Song called me out this late at night to ask me such thing, even if tomorrow I do not tell that kid Kou Zhong that Miss’ fragrant heart is in chaos, he will definitely have a way to extract the information from me by ‘glancing knock, sideways stroke’ [i.e. in roundabout way].”

“So what if he knew?” Song Yuzhi calmly said, “He has already seen long ago that my mind is confused. That was the reason I wanted to know the truth, and you have already told me the answer.”

Xu Ziling was silent for quite a while. Finally he said gently, “When did I answer Miss’s question?”

Song Yuzhi replied indifferently, “Your mouth did not say it, from the way you are not willing to help him dealing with me, how could Yuzhi not understand your heart?”

Xu Ziling sighed, “This is terrible,” he said, “That kid will definitely blame me to death!”

Song Yuzhi laughed in spite of herself, “You are really forthcoming!” she said, “Ay, I can’t believe I can still laugh. Isn’t this finding joy in my sorrows?”

Experiencing the gentle and lovely aspect of hers, Xu Ziling’s heart welled up with compassion. He said tenderly, “Kou Zhong may be an astute and formidable person, someone who exploits any benefits he could get; but he is not a bad person at heart, his affection for others is particularly abundant. It’s just that currently he is throwing himself, heart and soul, into his dream of contending for supremacy over the world, so that to him, everything else is secondary! Ay! Does that count as helping him?”

Song Yuzhi’s beautiful eyes rippled with strange gleam. Shaking her head, she said, “No! You are just telling me the truth. Kou Zhong is definitely not a bad guy; on the contrary, he is very promising. In all aspects, he has the quality that I, Song Yuzhi, am looking for in my ideal husband. But I know that he isn’t really committed to me; I was fully aware of it from the start. Ay! Even knowing that, why would I still be willing to come with him to Baling? If I firmly refused, there was nothing that Er Shu could do to me.”

Part 3

Xu Ziling let out a wry smile and said, “Looks like Miss Song cannot extricate yourself from us, two brothers!”

A faint smile, brimming with confidence, appeared on Song Yuzhi’s face as she said calmly, “Wrong! It’s not that I cannot extricate myself from you guys; rather, I choose to meet this challenge face-to-face. This is my, Song Yuzhi’s, character: I will never cower. This time I came with you, I want to see how many tricks and tools Kou Zhong, that repulsive guy, has.”

Xu Ziling was at a loss, “Since Miss Song already had that thought, plus you are also aware of Kou Zhong’s intention, why did you come to me and ask all these questions?”

A helpless smile appeared on the corners of Song Yuzhi’s lips as she spoke wryly but tenderly, “Because I am afraid that for the sake of ‘Duke Yang Treasure’, Er Shu will persuade Die to sacrifice his own daughter’s happiness.”

Xu Ziling mused inwardly that that possibility seemed to be great. Song Zhi was an old fox; Kou Zhong schemed against him, he also schemed against Kou Zhong, Song Yuzhi has become their chess piece. He said in heavy voice, “Do you really dislike Kou Zhong?”

Song Yuzhi heaved a deep sigh; she spoke calmly, “If I do not have any good impression toward him, I won’t have to be this distressed. If I do not have any feeling toward him, for the benefit of my Clan, I won’t refuse him, because I know that under any circumstances, I will not be sad for him. But now I am very scared. Do you understand my feeling?”

Xu Ziling did have deep understanding of her conflicting emotions: it was a hard-to-accept fact on top of a case of love and hate. To a certain degree, Kou Zhong has hurt her.

Song Yuzhi suddenly stretched lazily and smiled, “We are done talking; I feel much better! Xu Ziling, indeed you don’t disappoint me. You are not willing to help tyrant Zhou in his oppression [idiom, meaning taking the side of the evildoer], but perhaps you can become my savior. You’ll never know.”

Giving him a sweet smile, she walked away gracefully.

Xu Ziling was left alone on the stern, lost in thought, pondering upon the deep meaning behind her last sentence.

Xu Ziling tapped Kou Zhong’s door lightly. “Xiao Ling?” Kou Zhong responded from the inside, “Come in!”

Knowing Yun Yuzhen was no longer inside, Xu Ziling was relieved. He pushed the door and walked in. Beside himself with joy, Kou Zhong instantly rushed over to wrap his arms around Xu Ziling’s shoulders. He laughed and said, “You have no idea how hard it was to wait for you. I wanted to ask, but am afraid your look will give it away. Hee ...! Did she have ‘change of affection, shift of love’, and now she fancies you? Ha! One lifetime two brothers. If I really cannot gain her affection, I, Zhong Shao, would yield to you, albeit reluctantly. Afterwards I will find a way to mend this scar in my heart!”

With a wry smile Xu Ziling replied, “Song Yuzhi’s insight is really not bad, she already knew long ago that you, this kid, are just exploiting her, not really in love with her.”

Kou Zhong was stunned. “She is more formidable than what I imagined,” he said, “Looks like in this task my chance of losing is greater than my chance of winning. If I had known this, I might as well ask Beautiful Shifu to stay, then tonight I won’t have to worry about being lonely. Ay! Don’t be so serious, I was just joking to ease the pain in my heart.”

Xu Ziling was displeased, “Basically you don’t have any feeling at all. I am the one who suffers the most here, on one side is my good brother, on the other side is a good girl, and my good brother is going the cheat the good girl’s feeling, and all I could do is to implicitly encourage her so that she would not be cheated.”

Pulling his arms from Xu Ziling’s shoulders, Kou Zhong blurted, “What? Won’t that mean I will lose the love of my life? Wine! Where’s the wine?”

Xu Ziling dejectedly sat down. Shaking his head, he sighed and said, “Stop playacting! If vying for the world means you have to use methods that are hurtful to other people, I am going to leave you!”

Kou Zhong sat down on the other chair; smiling apologetically, he said, “Affection can be fostered, I guarantee that I will not hurt her. But speaking is useless; I hereby proclaim that this matter is finished. Are you satisfied now?”

Xu Ziling was deep in thought for half a day. Finally he slowly said, “The matter between a man and a woman, once started, no one knows for sure how it will end. As your friend and more so, your brother, I can only give you a word of advice: feeling is sharper than the sword, plus it is a two-edged weapon; you have to take care of yourself.”

Kou Zhong solemnly said, “I will take your advice to heart, I will never take a wrong step in this aspect. Right now I am going to declare to Song Yuzhi that the engagement is cancelled, so she no longer has to worry.”

Finished speaking, he pushed the door and left, leaving Xu Ziling alone in the room, smiling wryly.

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