Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 144 Weird Power Dynamic

Zhi Da decided to ignore Zhi Luoran's nibbling as he went on with his introduction to the layout of Purple city.

Yang Qing in the meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying the bowl of fermented sweet rice wine. It may not have been made with ingredients of high quality like the ones he was used to from the restaurants around the Order but what it lacked in ingredients quality was more than made up for with technique.

It had a sweet freshness to it along with a mild sour coolness to complement it.

"Their identities aside, their cooking skills are the real deal," thought Yang Qing as he scooped another filling with his spoon.

Zhi Da and Zhi Luoran were enviously looking at his bowl due to Yang Qing's crescent-eyed facial expressions that made it seem like it was the tastiest meal in the whole world.

"I'm not giving you any, you're too young to appreciate meals of such caliber. Drink your ginkgo tea and biscuits," said Yang Qing as he pulled his bowl closer to him like a beast defending his kill from other predators.

"Tsk stingy big brother," Zhi Da muttered discontentedly under his breath. He wasn't alone in this as shy Zhi Luoran muttered a few things under her breath too though it was less audible and sounded more like mosquito noises.

They begrudgingly drank their tea, closing their eyes as they drank it and gorging themselves with biscuits immediately after as a means of curbing the woody taste.

"As I was saying, there are three forces ruling Purple city; the city lord's administration, the five noble families, and the six organizations," Zhi Da said as he used three condiments on the table to represent the three forces.

"Now this is purely my guess though anyone with half a brain would notice it; Of the three forces, the five noble families could be considered slightly weaker among the trio.

This is rather ironic because they make the most noise when flexing their authority around the city. Though they act with a lot of bluster like they own the place, especially their younger members, they always act within certain bounds that do not cross the bottom line of the city lord.

This is why the city lord turns a blind eye to most of the things they do, not unless his interests are interfered with, then he steps in. But normally, he lets them be, to fight among themselves.  They are a boisterous bunch trying to outdo the city lord, the six organizations, and even within themselves.

They are pretty ruthless toward one another, one would even doubt if they were really from the same Empire," said Zhi Da as he mockingly chuckled.

"As for the six organizations, they seem to have a decent relationship with the City lord's administration. I don't know if it's me reading too much into something that's not there but I've always felt the attitude of the City lord and his people is strange when it comes to those organizations," said Zhi Da as he held his chin in a pensive look.

"I always felt the same too," Zhi Luoran suddenly chimed in.

"Strange how?" asked Yang Qing as he directed the question to Zhi Luoran who had a look that seemed to say she wanted to contribute.

Zhi Da made an inviting gesture for her to take over.

"I don't know how to put it, the difference is more like a sense. You see when the people from the city lord's office interact with the noble families they always have a different air about them. While they are still mindful of their identities as noble families it's not more out of fear or deference but more out of basic politeness and decorum.

They can smile and show respect but if the noble family in question steps out of line they would not hesitate to take action against him in a heartbeat. But when it comes to their interaction with the six organizations it's completely different. It almost seems like the interaction between a subordinate and his superior with the city lord administration being the subordinates in this scenario.

When the six organizations compete amongst themselves which sometimes results in damage to the city or its residents the administration always seems like it's doing something to address the issue but they never do and only say so to keep up appearances. But when it comes to the noble families, when their fights reach a certain extent the administration never hesitates to drop its weight on them.

Atleast that's the sense I always get. You can take my observations with a grain of salt big brother Yang Qing," Zhi Luoran softly said as she took a cup of the ginkgo tea to wet her dry throat. She hesitantly picked it up before she downed a huge gulp.

Zhi Da looked at her with a hint of admiration and pity as he too downed his out of a sense of camaraderie of two people going through the same torment.

"My sister and I are of the same opinion on the matter and I think grandpa Wang and grandma Wang are of the same opinion as well because of how they constantly nag us not to cause a ruckus at the doors of those organizations. Not like we have the ability to do so or the time. They worry and nag too much sometimes," Zhi Da said as he lightly chuckled.

"Mmmh those are some interesting insights you two have shared. Your dream of opening up an information agency might actually work,"  said Yang Qing in admiration of the two.

"It's nothing much we just use our eyes well that's all," Zhi Da said trying to put up a face of fake humility. But one could see the aura of smugness oozing out of him from the compliment.

Zhi Luoran lightly giggled as she raised her head up as if asking to be complimented more.

"So who are the five families?" asked Yang Qing as he shook his head at the reactions of the two siblings.

Of the three forces ruling Purple city, he was clueless about the five families. But when it came to the six organizations even without asking he had an informed idea of their identities especially if they were on the same level as Earthvine restaurant.

This informed idea came from the scroll that had an updated list of the different organizations spread about in the areas he would be conducting his evaluations. He had gone through some of the organizations in Red Maple Empire when he stumbled onto the Earthvine restaurant. It was then that he noticed the peculiarity of Purple Grass County since it had five more rank 4 organizations that were of the same caliber as the Earthvine restaurant.

Yang Qing's rumination of the information he had parsed through on the flight over was interrupted by the arrival of plates of food.

There were two plates stacked to the brim with pan-fried dumplings. The two Zhi siblings had their glowing eyes glued to it. Meanwhile on Yang Qing's end was a plate of fried rice, a large bowl filled with beef and broccoli stir fry, a bowl of dan dan noodles, crispy golden hot scallion pancakes, and a bowl of tomato egg soup.

Just the scent coming from the hot meals made the stomach of the trio loudly rumble.

"Please enjoy," said grandpa Wang's son as he turned and left to bring the remaining order since Yang Qing had ordered two of everything.

"Where were we? Aah, the five families...The five families are; the Mo family, the Zhang family, the Gong family, the Chen family, and lastly the Gui family.

Of the five, the Mo family can be considered the strongest, actually, the reason the noble families can be considered a ruling force is in part due to the presence of the Mo family. Their forces are the largest and from what I hear their patriarch is a palace stage expert.

Maybe it's because of this that they have the nastiest reputation, especially from their young descendants who…" just as Zhi Da was about to hurl a torrent of accusation he hurriedly shut up as he cautiously gazed around.

"The barrier is still up no one can hear you," Yang Qing comfortingly said once he saw his wary look.

"Big brother I can see you're a person of means but please avoid going to the White orchard villa if you can. Most visitors like going there understandably so since It has the reputation as being the best place to have a meal, drink or rest but it's also the place where the descendants of all these noble families frequent, more so the Mo family.

They treat that place as their own backyard and unquestionable things have happened behind those doors. As an outsider with no backing, I'd advise you against going there.

If you want a place to stay I know of a few good places. It may not be as luxurious as the White orchard villa but atleast you'll be able to rest peacefully and your safety guaranteed as opposed to what may happen if one of those scions set their sights on whilst in the villa.," Zhi Da solemnly said.

"Many thanks for your consideration Zhi Da, I'll keep it in mind," said Yang Qing as he smiled thankfully.

"Can I ask you two something? Though it's okay if you refuse if you feel uncomfortable answering," asked Yang Qing.

"What is it?" Zhi Da asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"The both of you are not from here, are you?" Yang Qing slowly said.

"What do you mean!?" Zhi Da hurriedly asked as he leaned backward before he tried to correct his posture to put up a front that everything was okay and he wasn't just stunned by the question. His voice had also risen by a few decibels as it shook which he quickly tried to mask. Zhi Luoran at his side had her pupils constrict in fear when the question was asked.

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