Descent of the Demon God

Chapter 180: The Record (2)

Chapter 180: The Record (2)

Chun Yeowun was at a loss for words after watching that. Since Nano transferred the knowledge of the present era, he was well versed with technical jargon and stuff.

However, he still couldn’t understand what Chun Mu-seong was saying.

‘Nano. Pause it.’

[The video has been paused.]

At Chun Yeowun’s command, Nano paused it.

‘Nano. You can understand what was being said?’


‘… if what I understood is correct, it seems his brain has been converted into information like a computer file and is overlaid on the AI of a supercomputer… Am I right?’

[You have understood it correctly.]


Chun Yeowun was taken aback at Nano’s answer.

This meant that his descendant decided to abandon his own body and transferred his mind into a computer. In a sense, it might be a way to overextend his life, but in reality, it was cloning his mind.

‘… Phew, let's see it through first.’


Nano continued to play the video. Then, Chun Mu-seong continued to speak with difficulty again.

-If that happens, I will become one with the supercomputer Demon God… for the development… and to continue to operate… the organization… will be… haa… haaa.


Chun Yeowun was confused.

If he was right, then there was a high chance that Chun Mu-seong was running the Mu-seong Company. Or, to be more specific, it could be said that the AI copying his brain was running this organization.

-This ends the recording of video 3092…

Chun Mu-seong, who was still speaking, had red eyes and kept on choking.

His face was pale, haggard, and red as he burst into tears.

Chun Mu-seong groaned as he spoke.

-I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die. I am scared.

It seemed like he was afraid of being sick and dying. His eyes were clearly full of fear.

-When I close my eyes… it is terrifying to think this… is the end… it hurts so much… haa… haa… haa… is there really anything like the afterlife? Or is it just void?

It seemed like he was slowly accepting reality. Even Chun Yeowun couldn’t hide the bitterness at it.

In a way, it was like watching his descendant who helped him, suffer like this.


Chun Yeowun sighed. In this video, Chun Mu-seong kept repeating the words of not wanting to die. While hearing that, Chun Yeowun heard someone else's voice.



Chun Mu-seong who was crying was taken aback and immediately ended the video.


The video was not playing anymore.

‘Nano. Are the other ones damaged?’

[There is no next video. That was the last one.]


The video he watched was the last.

The video ended weirdly to call to it a proper end, and it wasn’t known if the descendant died, or if the AI was a success.

“This is…”

Chun Yeowun sat down and sighed. He was unsure. The hidden time pack couldn’t be seen, and only expected information was obtained again.

‘… Then, is the MS Group an artificial intelligence cloned from Chun Mu-seong’s brain?’

That was what the video said. But the more he thought, the more perplexed he became.

If that was true, then the cloned brain had to be of Chun Mu-seong.

Then Jong-so came from behind?

‘What was the real purpose?’

In the memory of D, one of the ten members, their goal was to create a god. But the MS Groups AI was of Chun Mu-seong, so the goal had to be of his descendant.

‘Come to think of it, he didn’t recognize me.’

If the AI was Chun Mu-seong’s, then he should have recognized him. However, MS Group didn’t know Chun Yeowun at all.

Even the executives or the voices called him with his fake name, Chun Mu-seong.

‘There is definitely something happening.’

Considering this, it seemed like not everything went as planned.

‘According to the record, it is a video of 1730. It is said that 339 years have passed since then. What the hell happened in between?’

Clearly, something was missing. Otherwise, the MS Group wouldn’t lose their initial purpose and do such bizarre things as creating a god.


There was no point worrying further. If this was the case, the only way to know is to meet the head of MS Group.


Chun Yeowun put the TVM into the shadows. Then heard Hu Bong’s voice in his mind.

-Lord. I discovered some strange machines here, all of which exploded and broke.


-Uh? This is?

Following it were Mun Ran-yeong’s words in his head.

-Bong-bong, I’ll tell the Lord. My Lord. The monitor screen here is saying… Omission of Report… Suicide Sequence… in English.

It was written in English, so Hu Bong couldn’t understand it. Mun Ran-yeong normally shouldn’t have known it but she learned it when she was acting like a secretary.

Upon hearing that, Chun Yeowun’s expression hardened.

“Omission of report? Suicide sequence?”

‘What was this?’


At that moment, a loud roar and a strong heatwave were felt from above. It was an explosion. There wasn’t even time to stop it.



Chun Yeowun moved through the place. As he appeared at the point of the explosion taking place.

In the midst were Baekgi, Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong.


They all shouted when they saw Chun Yeowun. However, because of the explosion, it couldn’t be heard.

Shh! Woong!

When Chun Yeowun waved his hand, a strong wind pressure created a vacuum that could withstand the heat and flames. Thanks to that, the three of them were able to escape from there.


“Stay close to me.”



When Chun Yeowun raised the Ghost Qi from the wrist guard on the right hand, the Ghost of E came out.

‘To Yongchun Group!’

Upon receiving the command, the Ghost spread the arms open. Then the three people along with Chun Yeowun were sucked into space.

At the same time, the vacuum was released too, and the place exploded as Chun Yeowun released the grip.


Same time.

At Yongchun Group’s senior management meeting room.

Chun Woo-jin, Chun Yu-jang, and the other executives were all in the meeting room and couldn’t hide their shock at the four people who suddenly appeared there.


Steam was rising from the bodies of Baekgi, Hu Bong, and Mun Ran-yeong.

Hu Bong murmured as he rubbed his slightly scorched hair.

“Phew. I almost turned bald again.”

Hu Bong, who now had long hair, had been bald before due to an unfortunate accident.

Seeing the three of them like this, Chun Yu-jang asked.

“W-what happened? Ancestor.”

Chun Yeowun answered with an annoyed expression.

“A troublesome thing.”

He couldn’t bring back C from there due to the explosion and he lost 3 precious clones of Sayogi.

At that moment, there was no other choice. If Chun Yeowun had been a little late, the three of them would have suffered injuries.

A space filled with machines.

The heart of the machines were numerous monitors and the screen was filled with 0s and 1s.

Something was engraved on it.

-Disappearance of The First. (Lost Start)

Among them were a few English letters on the largest screen.

-No more time...

-Activate the process of making God.

“Lord Chun Ma.”

Bi Mak-heon came to Chun Yeowun with a smartphone.


Chun Yeowun was a bit pissed because things didn’t get go his way, so Bi Mak-heon cautiously said,

“Your disciple.”


The disciple was Ark Young.

He was the one who had forgotten that he said to Ark Young that he would pick him but then he went to get the time pack.


The room was then filled with whispers.

Hearing Bi Mak-heon’s words, the executives all were shocked. Because this disciple was of Chun Yeowun’s!

Not caring about them, Chun Yeowun answered the phone.

“Ark Young.”


“Have you arrived at lake Baikal?”

Before going for the time pack, Chun Yeowun asked Ark Young to go to Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal was a southeast city that wasn’t far from where Ark Young was stuck.

However, Ark Young’s reaction was off.

-Teacher… Uhm, there is a huge problem over here.


-I really feel like you should come to see this for yourself.

A loud noise was coming up. It almost sounded like something was burning.


Same time.

Near the west of Lake Baikal in Russia.

Ark Young’s body, holding the smartphone, was shimmering in red lights. The reason he was surrounded in bright red light even in the middle of the night was simple.


It was because the place Ark Young was looking at was full of lava where there should have been a blue lake instead.

“Huh, how do I say…”

In the middle of this lava-filled lake, there had to be Olkhon Island, the sacred site of the North Sea Ice Palace which Chun Yeowun talked about.

However, this place was so hot that it was impossible to even get near the lake.

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