Devil’s Music

Chapter 216: The Story You Don't Know

Chapter 216: The Story You Don't Know

Five days had passed, but Gregory was still having difficulty moving around. Fortunately, the surgery conducted in his bedroom went well, and Miroslav, having stitched up and bandaged his torn arm, wore a shirt over it to prevent Kiska from noticing the injury.

During this time, Geon had been bringing Kiska to his bed every night to sleep, while he shared a bed with Byungjun. On the sixth day, just like any other day, after spending the whole day with Kiska, Geon approached her with a smile as she sat on the bed in her cute bunny pajamas, waiting.

"What book shall I read to you today, Kiska?"

As Kiska looked up at Geon with her big, adorable eyes, he sat down on a chair beside the bed.

"Today... I've run out of books to read. Shall I tell you an old tale instead?"

As Geon caressed Kiska's hair, he began his story.

"In a certain village lived a wealthy man, known for his greed and miserliness, which made him unpopular among the villagers. One day, he sought the advice of a wise old man, known for his wisdom."

"'Sir, even though I've promised to distribute all my wealth to the poor neighbors after I die, people still hate me and call me a miser. What should I do?'"

Kiska's interest seemed piqued as she watched Geon, who gently stroked the top of her head as he continued.

"The old man shared a story with the wealthy man."

"'A pig once went to a cow to complain. 'You only give milk, yet people love you. I give my entire life to provide everything for them, yet why don't they love me?'"

"'The cow, listening quietly, replied to the pig, 'It's because I give while I am alive, but you give after death.'"

As Geon continued his story in a soft and gentle voice, Kiska, who seemed a bit sleepy, made eye contact with him.

"Looking at the wealthy man, the old man said, 'Doing small deeds now is more valuable than planning big ones for later. Only those who start with small, seemingly insignificant tasks can achieve greater deeds later.' Kiska, you too can be someone who starts with small things, right?"

As Kiska blinked her sleepy eyes, Geon sang a short lullaby and stroked her head. Soon, the young girl fell into a deep sleep, breathing softly. After confirming that Kiska was fully asleep, Geon quietly got up and left the room.

Geon gently closed the door without making a sound and headed towards Byungjun's room. Upon opening the door, he saw Byungjun in his underwear, lying on the bed and looking at his phone.

"Ah, hyung. Please put on some pants. Kiska is here, after all."

Byungjun covered his lower body with a blanket and laughed.

"I find this comfortable, you know. Come sit."

As Geon sat on the bed, leaning next to Byungjun, Byungjun showed him the phone, chuckling.

"Did you know today marks exactly one week since your single was released?"

"Has it already been that long? I've lost track of time since I haven't been going out."

"Yeah, well, same here. Anyway, look at this. You've entered the Billboard HOT 100 at number 11, right in the first week. See the New marker here? Straight to number 11, kid!"

Byungjun patted Geon on the shoulder as if to congratulate him. Geon grimaced as if in pain but soon laughed.

"I'm glad the response has been good. Haha."

Byungjun scrolled down on his phone and continued.

"You've been topping the real-time charts in Korea for a week straight, weekly charts included. You're also dominating the Baidu charts in China, the Oricon charts in Japan, and the electronic charts in the UK."

"Haha, must be thanks to Kiska, huh."

Byungjun tossed the phone aside and said,

"You know you're getting a ton of interview requests, right? You can't keep hiding away like this."

Geon's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hiding? Who's hiding?"

"You, man. You're not leaving this place. What, should the reporters come to a mafia boss's house for an interview?"

"Ah... So that's why. I can step out for a bit. Just schedule them. Don't refuse and make a bigger issue later."

"Really? Hm... Alright. But what about Kiska?"

Geon looked troubled for a moment, then Byungjun suggested,

"The nanny usually takes Kiska for a bath around two in the afternoon, right?"

"That's usually the time, yeah."

"Then let's schedule it for after 2:30. How about sneaking out then?"

"Um... But if Kiska finishes her bath and I

'm not there, she'll look for me..."

"What then, man? You know she won't let you go anywhere without her."

"Um... When are you planning to schedule it?"

"The reporters are on standby 24/7. We could even do it tomorrow if you say the word."

"Then schedule it for tomorrow. It'll just be for an hour, right?"

"Tomorrow, for real? Alright!"

Byungjun sprang up, grabbed the phone, and began sending emails. Watching this, Geon chuckled and headed towards the shower, noticing a door slightly ajar and pushing it closed.

In the dark living room, in front of the closed door, stood a small figure. Kiska, who had been tapping one foot on the floor in front of the closed door, dashed back into her room.

* * *

The next morning, after a walk in the garden with Kiska, Geon, having just finished lunch, asked the nanny,

"You'll be taking Kiska for her bath, right? It's bath time."

The nanny, watching Kiska smear ice cream all over her face, smiled and replied,

"With her looking like this, of course, we must. Can I take her now?"

"Yes, please do."

"Alright then, missy. Eating ice cream all messy like this. What are we going to do with you? Let's go, it's time for a bath."

As Kiska held the nanny's hand and headed upstairs to the bathroom, she glanced at Geon and Byungjun, who were finishing their coffee.

Byungjun, noticing Kiska's glance, pretended to be surprised and looked away. As Kiska and the nanny ascended the stairs, Byungjun stood up and said,

"Let's go!"

Byungjun and Geon quickly left the main building and headed towards their car. Miroslav, who had been waiting outside, said,

"Kay, the boss said to stop by for a moment before you leave."

"Ah, is that so? Okay."

Byungjun hurriedly added,

"We'll be back before Kiska comes out, right?"

"Yes, the boss just has a quick message, so it'll be over soon."

Leaving Byungjun in the car, Geon followed Miroslav to Gregory's bedroom, where they found Gregory lighting a cigar, half-sitting up in bed.

"Gregory! You're smoking a cigar already? It hasn't been that long since your surgery."

As Geon scolded him, Gregory chuckled and exhaled smoke, saying,

"I've heard enough of that from the nanny, so let's not go there. You're going out today?"

Geon sat down beside his bed and replied,

"Yes, I have an interview."

"But, really, without any security?"

"It's a meeting with hundreds of reporters, Gregory. I can't bring the organization's members to that."

"Can't we dress them up nicely at least?"

Geon looked incredulously at Miroslav, who was standing beside the bed with his hands clasped, and Gregory turned to look Miroslav up and down before chuckling,

"Even in a suit, it'd be obvious. So, who's handling your security?"

"The company has contracted a security firm to send about ten people. They said they'd be waiting at the press conference venue."

"Hmm... Alright. If anything happens, call me right away. Kiska isn't throwing a fit to go with you?"

"She went with the nanny for a bath. I plan to sneak out and return."

"Ha, Kiska will throw a tantrum when she finds out. Alright, go on then."

"Please take care of yourself today as well, and stop smoking that cigar."

After a brief conversation with Gregory, Geon rushed down to the car. Byungjun, waiting in the car, rolled down the window and signaled to a low-ranking organization member, chosen for his relatively decent appearance, to start the vehicle.

The car sped past the garden and exited through the main gate, previously opened by an organization member, leaving the heavily guarded Red Castle behind.

As they enjoyed the fresh air outside for the first time in a while, Byungjun turned to Geon and said,

"Though it was announced suddenly last night, there'll be a lot of reporters waiting. I spoke with the director this morning; we've made additional arrangements with the security company, so around thirty personnel will be there. Don't worry."

Geon smiled and nodded.

"I was a bit worried when you said only ten people, but that's a relief. It feels strange, going out with just one car after so long, haha. It feels freeing, but also like something's missing."

As Geon's car entered downtown Brooklyn, three cars suddenly emerged from an alley and started following them.

Men with menacing looks inside an old sky-blue Cadillac observed Geon's car closely. One of them, a man with a thick beard covering half his face

, watched from the passenger seat before turning back and saying,

"Boss. It's a car from Red Castle, but we can't tell who's inside."

The man in the back seat, cleaning a Glock 19 with a towel, glanced through the windshield at Geon's car and said,

"Follow them. It'd be great if it's Miocic, but he wouldn't be out alone like this. If it's a mid-level boss or higher, we take them down."

"Yes, boss."

As Geon's car was pursued by the three vehicles, more than ten cars parked illegally on both sides of the road started moving in unison.

One of the drivers, holding a walkie-talkie in one hand while driving, shouted,

"This is Alpha. A chick has attracted a snake... Repeat. A chick has attracted a snake."

CIA vehicles joined the pursuit, unaware to Byungjun and Geon, who were preoccupied with discussing their presentation for the interview.

Meanwhile, a small figure hidden in the trunk of their car was waiting to surprise Geon with a smile, heart pounding and breath held as the car stopped.

Back at Red Castle's bathhouse, the nanny whistled while adding bubble bath to the water, calling out for Kiska.

"Missy~ Missy? Where have you gone again?"


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