Devil’s Music

Chapter 218: The Story You Don't Know

Chapter 218: The Story You Don't Know

The buzz of conversation.

"Was Kiska Miočić just a kid?"

"She looks only about nine or ten years old... She's really cute though."

"Right, she's incredibly pretty."

The reporters, who had been discussing Kiska's appearance, were suddenly shocked when they remembered the lyrics she had written.

"A kid looking about ten years old wrote these lyrics?"

"Wow! Now that you mention it, the level of these lyrics isn't something a ten-year-old could write, is it?"

"Is this child a genius too? It's a meeting of geniuses, but since this kid is younger, does that make her even more remarkable?"

"Kiska! Look over here!"

The reporters started taking photos. Unaware of anything, Kiska simply laughed upon seeing Geon and Byungjun's surprised reactions, but when flashes began to go off, she shielded her face with her small hands due to the brightness.

Some female reporters screamed at the sight of adorable Kiska.

"Kyaa! So cute, what do I do! I want to bite her because she's so cute!"

"Kiska! Kiska! Can you look this way?"

As Kiska covered her face with her hands, Geon quickly moved past the press to reach her and lifted her into his arms.

Kiska, startled by someone touching her, panicked but upon realizing it was Geon, wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight, still covering her eyes with her hands. Seeing this, Geon frowned at the barrage of flashes and shouted.

"The lights in the press room are bright enough! There's no need to use flash, please turn it off. The child is scared."

As Geon carried Kiska to the front of the press room, the photographers hastily turned off their flashes, and the sound of cameras clicking filled the air.

Arriving at the podium, Rin whispered urgently to Geon.

"There are 3 minutes left until the press conference ends. Try to avoid revealing any detailed information about Kiska."

Geon nodded slightly, then stood on the podium holding Kiska. Once the flashes stopped, Kiska slowly lowered her hands from her face and looked at the reporters.

When Kiska opened her cute little hands and met the reporters' eyes with her large ones, the cameras started clicking non-stop again, and the reporters raised their hands to ask questions. After stalling for time, Rin pointed to one reporter, who stood up and asked.

"Kay. Is the little lady you're holding Kiska Miočić? How old is she? And, did she write the lyrics to the new song?"

Geon looked at Rin and chuckled before answering.

"That's three questions. Ha."

After making a joke to buy time, Geon made the reporters laugh a little, took a breath, and then answered.

"Yes, this child is Kiska Miočić. Kiska is ten years old this year. And yes, she did write the lyrics to my new song. However, as she is still a child, please refrain from asking her direct questions."

While the reporters typed Geon's responses into their laptops, Rin checked her watch, prompting the reporters to become more anxious and start asking questions without waiting for permission.

"Which elementary school does Miss Kiska attend? Is she studying in the United States?"

"Kiska's name sounds Russian; does she have American citizenship?"

"Her songwriting skills are extraordinary. Does she have a natural talent for it, or is she taking special gifted classes?"

"How do you know each other?"

As the reporters bombarded them with questions, Rin calmly watched the chaotic scene unfold. As soon as it was time, Rin stepped forward in front of Geon, who was holding Kiska, and spoke into the microphone.

"Unfortunately, our time for the press conference is up. Please submit any further questions through Fantagio, and we will respond sincerely. Thank you for your hard work."

Despite the reporters pleading for more time, Rin nonchalantly turned to Byungjun and said.

"Manager, please take them away quickly. You need to head home immediately."

Byungjun quickly grabbed Geon's arm, and Rin urgently spoke to a security guard.

"Secure the exit!"

The security guard relayed instructions urgently through his headset, and as Byungjun and Kiska made their way to the lobby, they were surrounded on all sides.

As Geon emerged from the press conference, the reporters waiting outside thrust their cameras forward and shouted once more.

"Kay! Please, just one word!"

"Kay! We came all the way from Japan! A word for your Japanese fans, please!"

As the security guards pushed back the reporters, Byungjun, grabbing Geon's lapels, nearly dragged him to the waiting car, opened the door, pushed Geon and Kiska inside, then slammed the door shut and yelled with his hands raised.

"That's it! The press conference is over! For any further questions, please make an official request

through Fantagio!"

The relentless reporters pushed past Byungjun, pounding on the car and shouting.

"Kay! Just one word! One word will do!"

"Please! Many fans are waiting! Where are you hiding?"

"Have you found a home in the United States? Kay! Kay!"

Pushed aside by the reporters, Byungjun made his way back to the driver's seat, scrambling over the lap of a mafia member seated there.

"Uh, sorry, just a moment!"

After Byungjun finally clambered into the passenger seat, he slapped the seat and shouted.

"Go! Go!"

The car hastily sped off, leaving skid marks and a cloud of smoke behind, as the remaining reporters rushed onto the road, watching the disappearing car and shouting, but the car turned left at the next block and vanished from sight.

As the disheartened reporters stood silently on the road, three cars parked opposite Lincoln Center started moving towards the direction Geon had disappeared.

Inside one of the cars, Geon, looking incredulously at Kiska in his arms, asked.

"Kiska! How did you get here?"

Kiska, slightly startled by the question, gave Geon a bashful smile. Amused by her giggling, Geon shook his head as Byungjun turned around, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Seeing Kiska's back as she sat on Geon's lap, Byungjun sighed and said.

"That was close to being a major incident. Phew, it's a relief Kiska wasn't hurt. You're not hurt either, right, Geon?"

Geon nodded, then lifted Kiska by the armpits and seated her next to him, fastening her seatbelt.

"Kiska, where were you hiding?"

Kiska grinned and poked the backseat's upholstery.

"Here? Are you talking about the trunk? Phew, the nanny is going to worry. We need to get home fast. The nanny will have turned the house upside down looking for you."

Byungjun chuckled, fastening his seatbelt and smiling at Kiska's amusement.

"Kiska, was it fun? Uncle was scared to death because of you."

Kiska, locking eyes with Byungjun, pointed at his face and giggled. Amused by her gesture, Byungjun raised his index finger to touch Kiska's small hand and laughed, and Kiska laughed heartily, seemingly overjoyed.

Despite the unexpected small incident, the three of them played around in the car, quickly heading back to Red Castle.

The three cars chasing Geon's vehicle sped up as they left the Brooklyn city outskirts.

As the car following closely behind Geon's lowered its window to check Kiska's location, guns appeared in the hands of the Albanian mafia members. Aurel, seated in the second car from the front, put a phone to his ear and issued orders.

"Kidnap Kiska Miočić. Don't shoot at the backseat."

Following Aurel's command, the men in the lead car drew their guns and leaned out the windows, aiming at the car ahead.

One mafia member squinted with one eye, aiming at the rear tire, but turned his head towards a shape rushing in from his right, just as the headlights of a silver car flashed right in front of him.


Crash!! Screeeeech!!!!!

A silver sedan collided with the side of the lead car. Instantly, a path was cleared, and Aurel, now directly behind Geon's car, screamed as he saw the crashing vehicle pass by.

"What the!!! How did this happen!"

The driver, gripping the steering wheel, looked through the side mirror at the organization's car, smoking against a building wall, and yelled.

"What should we do, boss! Shall we keep chasing?"

As Aurel turned to see the retreating crash vehicle, someone from the crashed car got down, pulled out a handgun, aimed at the organization members in the wrecked car, and shouted something.

"Damn it!! What's that! Are they police, Red Mafia? Damn, are we exposed!"

"What should we do, boss! Give us orders!"

"What to do! Just keep driving, you idiot!"

The driver pressed the accelerator deeply, and Aurel, pushed back by the force, leaned against the seat. The organization member, quickly catching up to Geon's car, fumbled for his gun, then paused when he saw the safety catch on his gun in his leather jacket's inner pocket. He lowered his head to draw it, then looked forward.


Just as Geon's car passed, a vehicle emerging from an alley collided with the right front of Aurel's car.


Aurel's car veered sharply to the left, leaving skid marks on the road before crashing into a lamppost and coming to a stop.

Aurel, ducking in the backseat with his arms over his head, touched

the back of his neck, then looked at the driver, who had already passed out, and cursed.

"Damn, useless!"

Aurel, holding a Glock 19, kicked the car door open, and the door fell off with a loud crash. As he aimed the gun outside, stepping out of the car, he yelled.

"Who are you guys!!?"

Aurel's face turned pale as he aimed the gun sideways, threateningly, only to see himself surrounded by numerous people. Lowering his head to see many red dots on his body, he froze. A black man stepped forward, shouting.

"CIA! Aurel Mavray! You are under arrest for illegal immigration, unregistered firearm possession, and attempted murder! Drop the gun!"

Aurel, seeing the fifty or so CIA agents surrounding him, smirked bitterly, dropped the gun, and raised his hands behind his head.

Several CIA agents, guns still aimed, rushed forward, kicked Aurel's knees to force him down, and handcuffed him. Aurel muttered resignedly.

"What kind of country is this, where the government protects the mafia?"

Meanwhile, Geon, hearing a loud noise, looked back but saw only empty roads and buildings receding in the distance due to a car turning at the same time.

"Seemed like a loud noise..."

Geon, with Kiska leaning against him, looked down at her as she gazed up with big eyes and asked.

"Kiska, did you hear anything?"

Kiska, with wide eyes, placed her tiny, cute hand to her ear, and Geon, holding her hand, exclaimed.

"Kiska!! You've got ice cream all over you! Sigh, let's go home and clean up!"


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