Devil’s Music

Chapter 247: Kiska's Shopping

Chapter 247: Kiska's Shopping

After spending a delightful time at a late-night wine party in Leontine Price's room the previous day, the three immediately fell asleep as soon as they boarded their flight. Despite the long journey, they were more refreshed upon arrival than when they had departed, promising to see each other again at school in a few days as they parted at JFK Airport in New York. Geon, with his face covered, was scanning his surroundings when he spotted Miroslav standing in front of a long Chrysler C 300 limousine in the parking lot. Miroslav, recognizing Geon despite his covered face, rushed over to take his luggage.

"Ah! Miroslav! It's alright, I can take that."

Miroslav insisted, taking the luggage almost out of Geon's hands, "I should handle this. Besides, the lady has been waiting for you all day. Hurry along."

As Geon looked up at the sky, he could feel the evening darken, signaling it was time to move. Miroslav, having already loaded Geon's luggage into the trunk, was gesturing towards the back seat. As Geon quickly got into the car, it sped off like a rocket. With the thought of Kiska having waited the entire day, Geon called Byungjun.

"Hey! Hey! Ki, Kiska! Kay, it's a call!"

"Ye... Yes?"

"Hey! When are you coming!"

"I'm on my way from the airport now, meeting Miroslav and riding back, hyung."

"You hear that? Kay's on his way now, stop pinching, Kiska! Ouch!!"

"Ha, you've been through a lot, hyung."

"Ouch!! Hey, Geon, just tell her you'll be there soon, I'll pass you to Kiska."

"Alright, hyung."

Knock knock knock

As the sound of knocking came from the other side of the phone, Geon, with a smile, said in a bright voice, "Kiska! I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 30 minutes, so just wait a bit longer, sorry I'm late."

Knock knock knock

"Kiska, give me the phone. Geon, you'll be here in 30 minutes, right?"

"Ha, yes, hyung."

"Alright, hurry up. If you're even a minute late, I'm dead. Oh, and I've prepared what we talked about earlier. Give it to Gregory when you arrive."

"What? Oh! The guarantee for Kiska?"

"Yeah, I've left it in your room. It's in two large bags."

"Got it, hyng. I'll be there soon."

"Hurry up, man!!!!!!"

With a laugh, Geon admired the New York skyline through the window, playing with a rabbit doll in his hand. As the car turned towards Brooklyn, he saw the Red Castle through the window and Kiska, standing at the front gate holding Byungjun's hand, bursting into laughter. Kiska, dressed in a pink dress and a white rabbit fur coat, struggled to run towards the approaching car, letting go of Byungjun's hand. Byungjun, holding onto Kiska's hand tighter, shouted warnings of danger, prompting Geon to stop from opening the window until the car safely halted. As soon as the car stopped, Geon got out and opened his arms wide.

"Kiska!! I'm here!"

Finally letting go of her hand, Byungjun watched as Kiska sprinted and clung to Geon's neck. Lifting Kiska, Geon gently touched her plump cheeks, asking, "Did you wait long?"

Kiska, barely able to nod amidst her excitement, locked eyes with Geon, who then raised the hidden rabbit doll to her eye level and shook it.

"Ta-da! It's a rabbit doll!"

Kiska's face lit up with a bright smile as she hugged the doll. The rabbit doll, slightly larger, reached down to Kiska's knees, indicating she had to hold it tightly to prevent it from dragging on the floor. Holding the doll tightly, Kiska looked at its face and smiled brightly, prompting Geon to approach Byungjun.

"Ha, you've had it tough, haven't you?"

Byungjun, touching his stomach and puffing out his cheeks, responded, "I lost 2 kilograms while you were gone. Running here every morning to check if you've returned, climbing into my bed to stomp on my stomach so I couldn't sleep, and suddenly crying while eating so I couldn't even eat. Don't ever go anywhere again. I thought I was going to die."

Holding Kiska, Geon laughed.

"Ha, understood. Let's go inside, it's cold."

Riding in the golf cart driven by Miroslav to the guest

house for the first time in a while, Miroslav approached as they disembarked.

"The boss says he'll drop by for a moment."

Geon, putting Kiska down, nodded in acknowledgment.

"Just a moment, I have something to bring."

Entering the guest house to retrieve two large bags, Miroslav quickly took them into his arms. Geon, looking apologetic, said to Miroslav, "They might be heavy. I'll carry one."

The bags, appearing large and heavy when Geon lifted them, seemed small in Miroslav's large frame. Miroslav, shaking his head, gestured towards the main house.

"I'll handle these. You go ahead. They've been waiting for you."

"Ah, alright. I'll go first then."

Geon advanced towards the main house, where another member of the organization greeted him. Reaching the second-floor study, Geon knocked on the door. Without waiting for a response, the door swung open to reveal a delighted Gregory.

"Oh! Finally!"

Gregory, uncharacteristically, hugged Geon tightly. Slightly taken aback, Geon received several hearty pats on the shoulder from Gregory, who then laughed heartily and gestured for him to enter.

"Come in!"

Smiling awkwardly, Geon entered the study and sat on the sofa. As the door opened again, Miroslav entered with the bags. Standing up to receive them, Geon thanked Miroslav.

"Thank you, Miroslav."

"It's nothing. I'll leave you to talk."

As Miroslav left the room, Gregory, habitually biting on a cigar, glanced at Geon before lighting it and asking with a smirk.

"So, did you enjoy your trip?"

"Ha, yes, it was fun."

Gregory took a deep drag of the cigar, exhaled, and chuckled.

"I thought I was going to die. Kiska cried so much."

Geon, scratching his head awkwardly, watched as Gregory laughed and came forward to sit on the edge of the desk.

"No need to apologize, right? It was my request for you to spend time with Kiska. It's not your fault, so don't look like that. But what's in those bags?"

As Geon lifted the bags onto the desk, Gregory, stepping away from the desk without touching the bags, asked.

"Usually, these bags contain money or drugs.. Since you're not giving me drugs, it must be money?"

Geon, placing his hand on the bag, adopted a more serious demeanor.

"I think I need to apologize first. Kiska is your daughter, and I may have been rude for revealing her name to the world without your permission and for releasing an album without formally contracting her as a songwriter. I'm sorry, Gregory."

Gregory stared at Geon before placing the cigar back in his mouth and standing by the window.

"Hmm.. I know why you did it, so I'm not upset. But I'd appreciate it if you'd consult me in the future. I am Kiska's father, after all."

Geon bowed slightly.

"Yes, I will. This is Kiska's share of the album's earnings."

Gregory glanced at the bags and chuckled.

"You see this mansion and still think I need that kind of chump change? Just give it to Kiska as pocket money."

Geon hesitantly said, "Um... Gregory. This is over 5 million dollars."


Gregory, cigar still in mouth, dropped his arms in shock.

"5 million dollars? What are you talking about? Even if it's a special preparation for Kiska, that's too much."

Geon, scratching his head, awkwardly laughed.

"Ah... It might sound like bragging but... haha, well..."

Gregory waited quietly for Geon to continue.

"That's... calculated based on the percentage given to a new songwriter. It wasn't my calculation; the company did it, so it should be correct."

Gregory stared at Geon for a long moment before approaching and opening the bag. Upon seeing the stacks of money filling the bag, Gregory removed the cigar from his mouth and looked at Geon with disbelief.

"Geon, exactly how much are you making? Are you earning more than a mafia like me?"

"Ha... I'm not exactly sure how much I'm making..."

Shaking his head, Gregory picked up a bundle of 100-dollar bills and handed it to Geon. Confused, Geon watched as Gregory explained, waving the money.

"Give this to Kiska. It's money she and you earned, so it's right for you to give it. I'll create an account for Kiska and deposit the rest."

Geon, taking the money with a smile, said, "I will. Please tell Byungjun about Kiska's account. The earnings from the music will continue to come in, so it'll

be deposited monthly on a set date."

"Heh, is that so? I might end up making less than Kiska at this rate."

Geon chuckled, shaking the bundle of money in his hand.

"But isn't this too much money to give to a ten-year-old? Looks like it could be about ten thousand dollars."

Gregory waved his hand dismissively.

"She's my daughter. The only daughter of Gregory. The first money she earns should be of that scale. If you're free tomorrow, take Kiska out. She's been waiting for you. Let her buy whatever she wants with her own money."

Geon nodded.

"I was actually going to ask for your permission to take her out. We'll go out and have fun."

"That would be nice. You must be tired, so go ahead. Since you're here, Kiska will probably stay in the guest house tonight, right?"

"Ha, probably."

"Alright then. Off you go."

After bidding Gregory farewell, Geon returned to the guest house where Kiska, sitting on the steps waiting, ran up to grab his hand. Lifting Kiska, Geon entered the guest house with a smile as the sound of Byungjun showering echoed. Seating Kiska on the sofa, Geon extended the bundle of money with a grin.

"Kiska. This is your money. You know what money is, right?"

Kiska nodded, taking the bundle of money from Geon with a curious gaze.

"Ha, you know I made music with the lyrics you wrote, right? This is your share of the money we made. It's the first money Kiska has ever made. Do you understand?"

As Kiska tilted her head in confusion, Geon laughed and pinched her cheek.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow! Buy whatever you want with this money! How about that?"

Kiska, momentarily stunned, beamed at the mention of going out and waved the bundle of money above her head in delight. Watching her, Geon affectionately ruffled her hair, saying, "Alright, we'll go after lunch tomorrow, so think about what you want to buy, okay? I'll go take a shower."

Geon passed Byungjun, emerging from the shower, and headed into the bathroom. Kiska, gazing at the bundle of money, then looked out the window towards Gregory's study on the second floor of the main house. Alternating her gaze between the light seeping from the study and the money in her small hands, Kiska appeared thoughtful.


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