Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: Provincial Qualifier?

“Either works fine,” Eeole chuckled.

A thought strolled through Oli’s mind as he sighed, “... Eeole. Would it be possible to help them evolve too?”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. Some were anxious and some were eager. But everyone focused on Eeole’s unchanging grin.

“Yeah. I can make that happen.” That answer shook everyone’s hearts. However, Eeole continued, “But it’s not so simple. The materials used in the formation you went through, Oli, are invaluable in this world. The best I can do is recreate the original version of this formation, which the Demon Ape created to boost his clan’s bloodline power. However, since your clan’s bloodline isn’t even divine I’ll only be able to help the perennials of your clan attempt the evolution.”

“But you still can?” Oli asked again, relieved.

“Yes. Following those conditions, I can.” Turning to Ania, Rathe, and Bradok. “Sadly, though I would love to have Bradok go first, his hidden presence as an early-king is too important. And since we have no idea how long the traditional formation will last, Bradok-”

“Let my brat go first!” boomed Bradok, startling no one except for Rathe.


“D-Dad! What are you-”

“Brat, you had the balls to take on a king! You stood your ground, standing for your clan and people! And you even repelled an entire army! Rathe, you deserve it.”

Deep down, hearing his father praise him by name sent shivers throughout Rathe’s body.

“Plus, you’ve been out cold so long, we won’t miss you if you disappear for a little while longer.”

“DAD!” Rathe shouted, punching Bradok’s shoulder. But there was also water building up in his eyes. “I’ll do it! I’ll do it!”

Eeole chimed in, “Alright, then Rathe will be the first. But we’ll get that started later. I was thinking of testing at least three of you at once. Since it’s only a matter of having enough resources, I’ll take a sun to gather everything. Then, let’s have Rathe and two others come back here and attempt evolution. Depending on the results, we’ll have the rest of you go through it, including you Bradok. I don’t care about your excuses. You will be going through an evolution. If anything, your evolution is the closest to guaranteed due to your higher cultivation.”

“I agree,” Oli shouted before Bradok could respond. “I can’t wait to see Gramps in his newer, stronger form!”

“Hmm... Fine. But on one condition, Oli.” Bradok brandished a sly grin. “After me and Rathe, you’re the next clan chief!”


The grandpa and grandson shook on it, despite everyone knowing both things were going to happen regardless.

“Alright, Oli. Enjoy your day with them. Starting tomorrow, you’ll have three days to get adjusted to your various transformations and your new body. Then, you’ll continue cultivating before leaving to attend the qualifier,” stated Eeole.

No one, apart from Oli, was startled to hear that thanks to Eeole’s warning throughout the last couple of days.

But Oli looked at Eeole, confused. “I thought I missed the qualifier?”

“You missed the Regional Qualifier,” Zelsh explained. “But I’m taking you to the Provincial Qualifier.”

“Provincial Qualifier? What’s that?”

“Between us region kings and the prefecture lord, there are provincial kings. They make sure the prefecture lord isn’t overburdened by their many regions and territories. There are usually around five to seven regions under a single province and only three or four provinces to a prefecture,” answered Zelsh. “And since you missed my region’s qualifier, I’m sending you to our Provincial Qualifier. There, each region can submit five candidates to try and claim one of three wildcard slots for the Prefecture Qualifier.”

Vloz added, “This way you also get a good taste of the competition. You’ll fight the second string of each region to better understand what you’re getting into. Also, this keeps you from claiming any of your friends’ slots before you see each other again at the Prefecture Qualifier.”

“Wait. I can’t see-”

“No. You won’t be meeting any of your friendly competitors just yet,” stated Eeole. “All of them have already become peak-elders. How will you stand to face them as you are now, a newly ascended early-elder?”

Dropping his next question, Oli humbly nodded. “Oh... That would be a problem... Wait, then how-”

“Like I said earlier, you’ve got about three moons before the Provincial Qualifier starts. But we want to send you there early so you have time to acclimate to the harsh environment there. And it will still give you time to increase your cultivation. So long as you can become a low-elder by then, you should be able to find a way to fight each region’s second-string candidates,” explained Eeole.

Oli asked, “What kind of harsh environment?”

Smiling, Zelsh laughed and slapped Oli’s back with pride, “Oli, we’re heading to Avalanche City, capital of the Permafrost Region and the Permafrost Province.”

From the name alone, Oli could infer a lot, especially if they wanted him to have so much time to acclimate.

“Though, now that I think about it, you will see some familiar faces during your time in Avalanche City...” Eeole mentioned, “But they may not be who you’re expecting.”

Oli thought for a moment before asking, “Each region sends three candidates to the prefecture, right? So, did they all make it? I’m sure Tilgron did, and Vant probably did too. But did Kraz?”

Laughing, Zelsh turned to Vloz. “Do you want to explain it all, or should I?”

“Actually, I don’t think we should explain anything,” joked the leopard. “All Oli should be informed of is Rhyner Region’s official return to Toxic-shadow Prefecture.”

Oli tilted his head. “... Rhyner Region? Where’s that?”

“It’s our region,” Ania answered, flooring Oli.

Vloz continued, “So you’ll see Netra among the candidates in Nightscape City at the Prefecture Qualifier.”

Hearing that, Oli’s jaw dropped open but failed to form any words or utter any sounds. He blinked a few times while taking in the many things meant by that sentence.

“As for who in Rot Region will be joining you in Avalanche City,” Zelsh went on to say, attracting Oli’s attention anew, “you might recognize a face or two. Or, at least they might recognize you.”

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