Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 782 Mine

Chapter 782 Mine

An Alpha car was speeding on the road, heading towards the suburbs.

In the driver's seat was a muscular middle-aged man with a full beard.

Wang Chao sat in the second row, shoulder to shoulder with another elegant middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Gao Jun sat in the passenger seat and introduced Wang Chao and Wang Chao: "Boss, let me introduce to you. This is the foreign treasure appraiser I invited, Wang Chao."

"Wang Chao, this is my boss, the owner of Nantianmen Jade Market, Gao Yi!"

Wang Chao and Gao Yi looked at each other and shook hands, indicating that they knew each other.

"I have long heard of Mr. Wang's reputation. Now that I can meet him, I am truly lucky." Gao Yi smiled and looked Wang Chao up and down.

He does business in Canton City and has some friendships with people in both black and white circles, so he naturally knows Wang Chao's reputation.

Apart from anything else, he had heard about Wang Chao's previous victory over Lafayette in Canton City.

"It's just a false name, like a floating cloud, it's not worth mentioning." Wang Chao said with a smile.

"Mr. Wang is really open-minded, I admire him."

Gao Yi held Wang Chao's hand and said enthusiastically: "It is really an honor for our Gao family that Gao Jun can invite Mr. Wang to sit in charge of our Nantianmen Jade Market."

"I would like to ask Mr. Wang for your guidance in the upcoming Battle of Stones Grand Competition."

"As long as Mr. Wang can win honor for our Gao family, my Gao family will definitely be grateful."

He is in the jade business, and he attaches great importance to the ranking and honor in the Battle of Stones Grand Competition.

If Wang Chao can win a good honor for their family, then their family will definitely make more money in the jade market.

"It's easy to talk about," Wang Chao said.

Gao Yi's face was solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, to tell you the truth, our Canton city is too lively this time. Jewelers from all over the world have come to participate in the King's Ceremony. Even the Battle of Stones Grand Competition scale They are two or three times bigger than before."

"According to the organizer, we have more opponents this time, and they are all extremely powerful treasure appraisers."

"To be honest, if you weren't here, I wouldn't even dare to expect to win the award."

He has investigated the strength of other contestants and knows that those people have mysterious treasure appraisal skills, and among them there are even more mysterious earth masters and the Midas touch.

If Wang Chao is not here, there is no way they can compete with others just by their Nantianmen Jade Market treasure appraisers.

"I'm very confused. Is it important to get rankings and honors in the Battle of Stones Grand Competition?" Wang Chao asked.

Gao Yi's expression became more solemn and he explained: "Of course it is important. As we are in the jade business, if we can get a good ranking in the Battle of Stones Grand Competition, it means that we are more capable in the industry."

"The more capable we are, the higher the probability of finding a green product, the more customers will trust our treasure identification technology, and the more customers will come to our jade market to buy gemstones."

"This is a virtuous circle!"

"On the contrary, if we fail to win honors in the Battle of Stones Grand Competition, our customers will be taken away by other people in the jade industry, and our business will plummet."

"The most important thing is that if we can win the honor in the Battle of Stones Grand Competition, we can also enjoy the top advertising benefits in the industry." Gao Jun said.

"That's it." Wang Chao nodded.

No wonder Gao Jun gave him so many jade stones before. It turned out that he just wanted to tie him to the same ship.

In this way, he owed Gao Jun's favor and had no choice but to work hard for Gao Jun.

"Mr. Wang, let me tell you about the rules and opponents of our Battle of Stones Grand Competition." Gao Jun said.

He took out a book, handed it to Wang Chao, and then started explaining it to Wang Chao nonstop.

Under his explanation, Wang Chao probably understood the rules of the Battle of Stones Grand Competition.

At the same time, he also learned about many opponents.

However, what makes him feel a little unhappy is that he is playing on behalf of Nantianmen Jade Market, and the harvests selected by his hands belong to Nantianmen Jade Market, not to himself.

Gao Yi is a businessman, and his ability to observe people's emotions is extremely strong. He immediately saw Wang Chao's dissatisfaction and immediately said: "Mr. Wang, just win honor for us."

"As for the jade you got, we don't want any of it."

"Yes, yes, we don't want it." Gao Jun also said hurriedly.

They are now betting all their money on Wang Chao, believing that Wang Chao can lead their Nantianmen Jade Market to glory.

As for the precious jade that Wang Chao is likely to open next, they have no greed at all.

There is no way, Wang Chao is too strong, even Lafayette can suppress him. They don't dare to be greedy at all for the treasures obtained by such people's hard work.

"You invited me here. If I don't share the treasure with you, it would be unreasonable."

Wang Chao shook his head and said: "Let's do this. No matter what kind of treasure I get next, we will split it 50-50."


Gao Yi and Gao Jun were shocked when they heard this.

They were all prepared not to compete with Wang Chao, but Wang Chao actually gave them half. Isn't this too generous?

"If you don't say anything, it means you acquiesce. Okay, then it's settled, 50-50." Wang Chao clapped his hands and decided.

Gao Yi did not retort, but said gratefully: "Then we will be disrespectful. Thank you Mr. Wang for your kindness."

He had learned about Wang Chao's achievements in the Nantianmen market last time. Even if he only got half of it, he would have made a lot of money.

Gao Jun felt even more happy.

Speechless all the way!

An hour later, they finally arrived at the venue of the Battle of Stones Grand Competition.

This is an extremely huge mine in the suburbs!

The area is extremely spacious, at least as big as ten football fields. There are relatively few buildings, with only seven or eight high-rise buildings scattered here.

At the same time, there are many extremely huge mining vehicles coming in and out here.

Crane trucks, large trucks, huge mining vehicles...

Each of these cars is like a giant, standing in the mine, and the whole body is filled with the domineering luster of metal.

The Alpha car of Wang Chao and others was pitifully small in front of these big cars.

There are many greenhouses here, with people coming and going, traffic and traffic, and it is very lively.

"Canton city actually has such a spacious mine?"

After Wang Chao saw this, his eyes were shocked.

After living in Canton city for so many years, this was the first time he saw a huge mine.

"To be precise, this is no longer Canton city."

Gao Yi looked at everything in front of him with a calm expression and said: "We are now at the junction of two provinces. Half of this mine belongs to Canton City, and the other half belongs to other provinces."

"So, this Battle of Stones Grand Competition is hosted by two units."

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