East Meet West

Chapter 276: New Magic attacks and meeting Chand Roj again

Chapter 276: New Magic attacks and meeting Chand Roj again

It took Orochi about 3 days, to convert his inspiration into reality and he was successfully able to learn and develop a few new forms of attacks.

And in these 3 days of practice, his Sorcerer Job once again leveled up to level 14.

And with that, the MP recovery rate has increased from 1300% to 1400%, such that now Orochi is able to recover about 1400 MP per second.

And in these 3 days, he has gained more than 20,000 Free stat points and his total Free stat points count has crossed 50,000 points.

Apart from this, he has also learned new magic attacks like: Wind Arrow, Thunderball, Earth Spikes, Flame Tornado, Thunder Arrow, etc.

Not to mention, with the way he has practiced, he is now quite efficient in casting them.

And with the inspiration he gained in these 3 days, he developed a few magic attacks of his own that are similar to Magic Ball and are not obtained from the system shop.

He developed different versions of magic attacks which were based on the principle of Magic Ball. A few of them were named as:

Magic Barrier- Created by using the Water Barrier magic as a reference.

Magic Bullet- Created by using the Wind Bullet magic as a reference.

Magic Arrow- Created by using the Flame arrow, Wind Arrow, and Thunder Arrow as reference.

Magic Wall- Created by using the Earth Wall magic as a reference.

Magic Canon- Created by using the Flame canon and Wind Canon as reference.

There are several other magic attacks like Concentrated Magic Beam, Magic Sheild, etc.

Right now, Orochi has so many magic attacks in his arsenal that if he goes back to the Town of Chans or the Willow sword sect, he just needs to stand on some high ground and he can easily destroy all their properties with his magic attacks.

That much Destructive power is lying in his arsenal.

Unfortunately, he cannot expose his abilities in front of others, or else he wouldnt have to remain low-key.

But looking at the mask lying in front of him, some plans started to brew in his mind...

I need to plan everything perfectly, cannot let anyone know my identity.

Orochi muttered in his heart as he finally came up with something that can make sure his identity will not be exposed even if he makes use of his abilities in front of others.


Another 3 days passed.

Orochi was sitting on the edge of the caves entrance, slightly lost in a daze as he kept looking at the clear sky- as if he didnt have anything to do and has been living all day with a bored expression on his face.

Actually, that is the truth.

Yesterday, his Sorcerer Job increased to level 15, and the MP recovery rate increased from 1400% to 1500%, such that he is now able to recover 1500 MP per second.

Meanwhile, the Observation skill also leveled up and reached level 10.

Everything was going smoothly for Orochi but what came after this; put Orochi in a difficult time once again.

When the sorcerer Job reached level 15, the system dropped the bomb.


Sorcerer Job [Level 15] has reached the limit of Rank G.

It is advised to the Host that you increase your Rank G to Rank F, by maxing out your levels.

After increasing the Rank to F, the Sorcerer Job will automatically rank up.


So, this means that now Orochi cannot depend on the Sorcerer Job to increase his MP recovery rate anymore.

He originally wanted to further speed up his MP recovery rate because he wanted to step into the Transformation realm as soon as possible.

But now at the speed at which he is recovering MP, it will take him 2-3 months to max out all his stats. And another 1 or 2, to step into the Transformation realm- [just an estimation].

And now, he is left with only 2 options, which are not so pleasing to listen to.

1- Buying MP potions and continue exchanging MP for Free stat points.

2- Be patient and continue exchanging MP for free stat points, until maxing out the stats.

If he goes with option 1, then he will have to exchange a large number of MP potions.

Exchanging MP potions in such a large quantity requires a large amount of money.

As for option 2, he will have to waste lots of time, hence mentioned that both the options are not so pleasing to listen to.

After thinking for more than an hour, Orochi gritted his teeth as he finally decided to go with Option 1.

BIG DEAL, I will loot a huge amount of money from my enemies or make good sales of pills and weapons when I become a proper Pill Guru and Blacksmith in the future.

That's what Orochi told himself and convinced himself to take option 1.

So, he got back to the Border City and went straight to the Golden Chamber of Commerce.

After reaching, he showed his Mortal Grade 3 VIP membership card to one of the female workers and told her that he wants to meet Chand Roj as he has something to sell.

Seeing Orochis card, the female worker did not dare to neglect him and she took him to one of the VIP waiting rooms and quickly brought Chand Roj.

The moderately fat middle-aged guy, Chand Roj whom he had last seen during his visit with Armelia and June; arrived finally.

Chand Roj received Orochi with an enthusiastic smile.

Hello, Mr. Orochi. I am happy to serve you once again.

Orochi returned the greeting politely.

Done with exchanging few polite words with each other, Chand Roj asked,

Mr. Orochi, I wonder how can I help you today?

Orochi simply took out a bottle containing Stalactite Milk from his storage ring and put it in front of Chand Roj, as he spoke,

A bottle of Stalactite milk, I wonder how much I can sell this for?

When Chand Roj heard this, his body jerked and his eyes widened in surprise. He looked at the bottle and then looked at Orochi, as he asked in a somewhat hesitant and excited voice,

Mr. Orochi... is this truly Stalactite milk?

Orochi nodded and answered,

Yes, the bottle contains Stalactite Milk.

Hearing this, Chand Roj repeatedly looked at Orochi and the bottle of Stalactite milk with some incredible eyes.

His hand moved towards the bottle and it was clearly shaking with some excitement.

Actually, Chand Rojs reaction is not fake. It is completely within Orochis expectations.

Because the Stalactite Milk is an Orange grade Level 8 material, that is extremely rare and hard to find.

The Stalactite milk has a crazy demand in the market. Especially among the Pill Gurus, it is one of the most sought-after things.

Not to mention, even in the yearly auction that was organized a few days ago, the highest item that appeared in the auction was the Orchid Dew pill and it was an Orange grade level 5 pill, far lower than the value and grade of Stalactite milk.

So, when a precious material like the Stalactite milk has appeared in front of him, how can Chand Roj not be shocked and excited about it.

Because it might be one of the few rare items he has seen in his life.

No wonder, he had such an expression and his hands were shaking when he held the bottle of Stalactite milk in his hand

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