East Meet West

Chapter 55: Nothing is Fair in ‘Love and War'

Chapter 55: Nothing is Fair in ‘Love and War'

55- Nothing is Fair in Love and War

Nothings fair in love and war''. Especially in the cultivation world.

There are many instances, where a single person is surrounded by many people and the single person can get attacked from anywhere. There are no rules when fighting and that is especially true when there is greed, hatred and other things involved.

Of course, sometimes there will be situations where two people agree to fight one on one. For their grievances, or a bet they made between themselves or for a woman or some other reason.

Most of the times the rules are followed. But what if, a person between the two has a huge background? And in the fight, he is about to lose?

Consider that this person is from a powerful clan or sect or some powerful organization. And these powerful clans, sects and organizations can do anything to save their face, people or interests.

Then here that persons background will interfere with the fight, and gradually the other person will either lose or die.

People or the witnesses might comment on this and the huge power will lose it reputation, but gradually people will forget the fight and move on. But what if that huge power is so powerful that no one dares to talk about the matter.

Forget about the peoples opinion, the loser has to face defeat or death, in this case. As he is alone and he doesnt have any support like his opponent, so he cannot ask for a fair treatment in this matter and hardly anyone will come to help him.

Here the rule is like Winner is the King, and the loser is the Bandit.

And the same goes for the situation I am in right now.

I have lost my family support, there are few people in the clan who look at me as if looking at an insect. Which means I dont have any background, and I am a lone wolf.

Plus, I have enemies with huge background.

Lily Connor, my ex-fiance is a princess of the Saurashtra kingdom and a disciple in the 'Frozen Palace. And I can guarantee that after she joins the Frozen palace, with her beauty, some kind of powerful guy or a son of a person who holds authority in Frozen palace will pursue her. And she may also be tempted to give in to those proposals, as it will be beneficial for her. Which means, I will be having new enemies when I face Lily. And there is also the Saurashtra kingdom power behind her.

As for Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony, although they dont have huge Background like Lily Connor, but still their families hold important position in military and court.

Which means in future, if I want to get revenge from them. I alone will have to face powerful people. And surely it wont be fair, if they were to deal with me.

So, I have to prepare for this kind of situations, as I will be facing more dangerous situations in future.

And right now, is the perfect time for me train.

Thinking about this, my fighting spirit is overflowing, and my blood is running at high speed.

The snakes after their first attack did not follow up, but they were still in position to attack. They were already coiled like a spring and if I got in the range of their attacks, then they will once again launch an attack.

Any normal person would either think of escaping or some other way of attacking the group of snakes, But I will do the exact opposite. As it will be a test for my reaction and instincts.

There's a saying.

'Only in the times of need or danger, the true potential of a human being can be extracted.


'Although you are tired and exhausted, but you still go on and break your limits, then your true potential can be obtained.'

So, first I stored back the knife back into waist belt and took out the spear from the 'Storage Box'.

I threw the spear towards one of the Evolver stage snakes and then took out the knife again. And ran towards the group of snakes.

Both the actions were completed in half a second, and just as the spear left my hand, I was already running towards the group of snakes.



The spear was so fast that before the snake could react, the spear already pierced it. But unfortunately, my aim was a little off and the spear pierced through the snake's middle body. And the spear head was lodged into the ground, pinning the Low level Evolver stage snake to the ground. And the snake was frantically hissing with pain and wriggling around in an attempt to get free and remove the spear which is lodged in its body.

As the Evolver stage snake was wriggling and hissing frantically with pain, I was already near the snake group.

Half of the snake group was distracted with the (Low level) Evolver stage snake, which was hissing in pain, while the other half group of snakes were ready to attack me when I got in their attack range.

But this was my chance, and before the distracted group of snakes could react, I was already within their attack range and the only few alert snakes attacked me at the same time when I got close enough. But this time I managed to block all the attacks and also beheaded two snakes with fast speed.


Beginning Stage Monster killed

1800 exp

Refinement Stage Monster killed

1010 exp

Level up

Level up

Obtained 60 Free stat Points and 3 extra Free stat Points for levelling up 2 times consecutively.

Oh? Now thats a surprise. I levelled up 2 times. Awesome.

Last time when I killed two snakes, but I did not level up?

Maybe it was due to exp limit. When I killed those two snakes, the Exp I got, might have reached nearly the limit but it was not enough for level up. But after I killed two more snakes, the sum of the Exp I received made me level up two times. But this proves only one thing, that the required exp is getting more and the consecutive leveling up will get harder.

But this is not the time to think about these things, as I saw that the distracted group of snakes also launched attack on me.

But still I managed to dodge those attacks and in that group of attacks, the Mid level Evolver snake stage also tried to sneak attack once again, but it failed.

Earlier I noticed one thing, that is after the group of snakes Spring like' attack is completed, they are defenseless for a second or two.

So, I used this time period when they are defenseless, and once again went for attacks. And this time I managed to behead 3 snakes.

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