East Meet West

Chapter 58: Evolved?

Chapter 58: Evolved?

58- Evolved?


Due to being in contact with the (Purple Dome Mushroom) and possessing low resistance against poison, the practice sword was contaminated with the poison of (Purple Dome mushroom) and produced mutation.

(Practice sword) has obtained 2 weapon effects

First effect: Poisoning

Second effect: Paralysis

Reading this, I was stunned and then gradually came back to senses and a smile appeared on my face.

First of all, I never expected that something like this will happen. I used the Practice sword just because it was the weapon with the lowest stats that I have.

And to increase my fighting experience, I will have to constantly face new and stronger enemies. As the level of my enemies increases, I will be needing stronger weapons too. So, any weak weapons that I have can either be sold or used for miscellaneous things or given/lend to someone else.

The same goes for the Practice sword. At the beginning it might have been helpful, but today as I faced the Evolver stage snakes, I felt the weakness of the Practice sword.

One must know that in close combats: knifes, swords, axes, claws, etc. Are the most suitable weapons for offence and defense. While the spears, bow & arrows, slings, guns, etc. are the most suitable for long range combats.

I might have beheaded the snakes with the Practice Sword and knife, but it was not easy.

Practically, the more a living being cultivates and advances, the stronger it becomes. The same applies in this case. The low level snakes at- Beginning stage & Refinement stage are easy to kill with the sword and knife. But it is different when killing an Evolver stage snake.

The Practice sword has low stats, so when I used it for killing the Beginning stage & Refinement stage snakes, it was as easy as cutting a tofu. But when beheading the Evolver stage snakes, it felt like I was cutting a wood or tree equal to the thickness of a teenagers arm.

Although, with my strength cutting a wood or tree of same thickness can be done with little effort, but the fact that it will get harder for me continue using Practice sword in fights with Evolver/Demi-Human/Higher level human or monsters will get harder, tougher and dangerous is undeniable. And if by any chance the sword breaks then I will be showing a huge gap in my defense.

As for the knife, it will only be useful in stabbing or fighting humans. But it is useless against monsters as knife is practically more useful in stabbing, while it can also be used for slashing but this where the knifes shortcoming is. Practically, the length of knifes blade is short, hence the wound could be lethal on a human but not on monster as they have huger builds compared to human. If the monster is not injured lethally then it could be dangerous as sometimes the monsters go berserk in a life and death situations.

Although, the snakes I have killed had length of 1 meter to 4 meters, but their body thickness was hardly equal to an adult mans wrist thickness. Hence, the knife was useful in killing the snakes. But if it some other monster then killing them with the knife would have been difficult.

Hence, sword is the best-balanced weapon in close combat weapons.

So, having a good sword is a must and here I was hesitating if I should buy a new sword from the shop or not. But now, the Practice sword has evolved and got 2 effects. How, awesome is that?

Immediately, I asked the system to show me the details of the evolved practice sword and the effects description.


Practice sword: (Poisonous 8 times usability)

5-7 Strength

4-7 Agility

1-2 defense


Poisoning: (Requirement- 2 times of usability)

After the weapon makes contact with the opponents body and manages to injure, then the opponent might get poisoned.


1- The higher the level or resistance of opponent, lower the chance of being poisoned.

2- After being poisoned, the time taken for the death of an opponent will wary depending on opponents' level and resistance.

Paralysis: (Requirement- 1 time of usability)

If the opponent's resistance is high enough to resist the poison, then there is a chance that the opponent might suffer paralysis.


1- The higher the level or resistance of opponent, lower the chance of being paralysis.

2- After being paralyzed, the time taken for recovery by opponent will wary depending on opponents' level and resistance.


Note: The poisonous effect is not a permanent effect, the effect will be gone after the mentioned uses.

Reading all the description, all the happiness went away.

Because lets be practical, clearly the sentence the higher the level of opponent, lower the chance of being poisoned/paralyzed clearly means that the sword is useful against low level creatures rather than higher level ones. Whats the use of that, when killing the low level ones is as easy as farting, instead of poisoning or paralyzing them?

Unless...unless I dont want to kill my enemies but keep them alive for certain situations and keep them under the constant threat of poison.

And there are also limitations given to the number of times I can use the weapon. Which means that the weapon will be revert back to the previous self.

Although the change in weapon is better than nothing, but still the excitement that came with the evolution, was gone.

Putting all the disappointment behind, I activated Sprint skill and ran in the direction of the hidden cave to meet Armelia.

While running, I was thinking of a way to convince Armelia to give me the complete Purple dome mushroom as this will be helpful for me to suppress the poisoned condition. But unfortunately, other than using under handed means or unethical means, nothing was coming to my mind.

Looks like my heart is still soft...

I muttered to myself and sighed.

Generally, after getting the Purple dome mushroom, I should be running away from Armelia or maybe kill her, but my heart is unwilling to do so. And I dont know why I feel like that and I can only convince myself with the fact that I still need her as we both received the inheritance together and until I am able to fully explore the inheritance, I want to stay close to Armelia.

Although I know this is not the exact reason but I dont know what other reason can I come up with?


Let's make a few goals.

Mass Release on Monday:

100 Power stones = 2 Chapters

120 Power stones = 3 Chapters

140 Power stones = 4 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because I have started working in a company, and am tired when I return home. So, If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works for my readers.)

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