Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 11-2: Secret Meeting

Book 4: Chapter 11-2: Secret Meeting

I'll be intruding.

Azul's expression was tense. She seemed quite nervous.

Jii, is this place safe?

Most likely. I've conducted soundproofing checks, so unless we raise our voices considerably, sound won't leak out. There are no eavesdropping devices, and there are no signs of anyone nearby. If someone approaches later, I'll know if they come within a 5-meter radius.

Good, then we can talk here without worries.

Azul's words were unexpected. I had thought that Azul never consulted with Jii and made decisions on her own.

Jii, what was that earlier today? I did suggest luring them off guard, but you went too far. It's starting to look suspicious.

I apologize, Ojou-sama. You see, if I let my guard down, I tend to mess things up, so I tried to stick to our usual plan but I'm reflecting on it now.

From tomorrow, please be a bit more cautious. And about that knife, what were you thinking? I dont mind the other things, but I'm genuinely angry about that.

There is a reason for it. Ojou-sama entrusted the knife to the Blacksmiths' Association, but there are things that only I can investigate.

As she said this, Jii took the knife I had crafted from her belongings.

Something that a professional cant understand but you can Is it related to magic?

You see, there were distinct traces of highly advanced fire magic and earth magic used on this knife. It carries the scent of high-quality mana associated with fire and earth.

I almost let out a gasp. Estimating the magic used from the finished product? Even I couldn't do that. I could guess the process by looking at the finished product, but I couldn't pick up the magical residue like Jii mentioned.

Fire magic is understandable because of the fire foxes, but earth? Elves are not proficient in earth magic, and fire foxes, at best, have the aptitude of humans, right?

Yes, that's why I thought there must be individuals skilled in earth magic collaborating with them. However, whether it's the spies you planted in Bell Erucy, the Empire's double agents, or the investigation we conducted today, there's no evidence of individuals proficient in earth magic.

Well, that's odd. To think something like this exists.

I thought it was impossible as well. So, I kept silent until I could gather substantial evidence.

I see. So, you're telling me because you found something?

Yes, indeed. I found a workshop on the outskirts of this village where there were frequent and extensive traces of earth magic use.

She was probably referring to the workshop I had created.

I had heard from Kurao that they didn't enter the workshop, but they visited it while he was guiding them around the village.

Frequent and extensive. If it is to that extent, can't you pick up the traces of the Odo that used the mana using your ability?

With just this one knife, I couldn't do it, but with something on that scale, I can pick up the residue.

So, by following the scent of that Odo, can you find the collaborator?

Tracking the Odo that was used to summon the mana necessary for attribute magic! Even detecting traces of attribute magic alone is already abnormal! Who is Jii, really? Even within my knowledge, I can't find any species that matches that woman's abilities.

As a matter of fact, I've already found him.

Well done, Jii. If Cyril-san isn't the one smelting the iron, but his collaborator is, it'll be easier to negotiate. That fact could be a powerful weapon against Cyril-san!

Unfortunately, Ojou-sama, it seems difficult.

Why is that?

Undoubtedly, Cyril-san's Odo (internal mana) was the one that summoned the earth mana. Besides, Cyril-san has been using magic of all attributes at a high levelearth like a gnome, fire like a fire fox, and wind and water like an elf. At first, even I doubted myself, but there's no mistake.

That's unbelievable! Using magic of all attributes, especially such powerful ones, isn't something an elf can do!"

Probably, that person is not an elf. Something similar to an elf. Think of him as belonging to the same category as me, the Hero, and the Golden Demon.

That description was quite close to my true nature. While I myself am undoubtedly a normal elf, I summon various versions of myself through [Samsara Recursion].

Even so, if that's the case, why were they under the Empire's control in the first place? If someone as powerful as Jii is here, they could have done something sooner!

I don't know. But, Ojou-sama, let me offer a word of caution. If you don't want to die, never stay more than 2 meters away from me. I can't guarantee your safety if you're any farther.

Jii said this in a calm and matter-of-fact tone.

Hey, Jii, can Cyril-san kill me?

That's a difficult question. First, emotionally, that person can kill without problems. By the way, he's the type of person I hate the most.

Jii, stop with the roundabout way of saying it.

Ordinary people tend to view murder as something special. They either dislike it unconditionally, enjoy killing people, struggle with it as a last resort, revel in being the one to make the judgment, or get intoxicated by the idea of themselves making that judgment. But people like Cyril-san see it as something light, if they consider it necessary, they kill without any afterthought. If Ojou-sama is considered a harmful existence, he will attack you without a doubt.

You know him well.

Its rare, but you find his type sometimes, hes also extremely secretive. Today, I asked his subordinates about Cyril-san's background, but no information came up.

Maybe theyre just tight-lipped?

No, it's different. There's no sign of them hiding anything, and, in fact, nobody knows anything about Cyril-san. Not even the girl who claims to be his wife or his little sister.

That person doesnt trust anyone! When it goes that far, it becomes creepy. He looks good from a distance, but it's detrimental to my sisters' education, and I don't want to get closer to him.

Jii's words hit me hard. I hadn't told anyone about [Samsara Recursion], my past life knowledge, or where Erucy is heading. I'm sure if I spoke, Lucy and Kuu would accept me. But I didn't want to. Speaking would mean being recognized as a different existence.

I'll make use of that information. But, since I came here today and saw Erucy, I'm convinced. His technology is necessary. The glasshouse where crops grow in the cold, the well pump, and the incredibly efficient carriagethere are so many wonderful inventions here that could enrich Erin!

That's another reason why I'm becoming more cautious.

I can't find fault with his technology.

Technological inventions don't just appear out of nowhere. You have to build upon existing knowledge. There should be numerous prototypes and failures before the final product. But there are none. Only refined finished products are seen in Erucy. This is impossible.

But those things are right in front of our eyes.

I'm sure Cyril hasn't been inventing anything at all. He's just creating what he knows. But the source of that knowledge is unknown. Elves haven't had any contact with other races for over a decade. One day, a young elf named Cyril was killed, and someone with extensive knowledge took his place. That seems more convincing.

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