Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1005 Assembly Hall

Chapter 1005 Assembly Hall

The guards, well-versed in the legends and prophecies, exchanged puzzled glances, trying to comprehend Lyon's calm demeanor in the face of such a significant moment. Whispers of uncertainty floated among them, as they contemplated the meaning behind the chiming bells and Lyon's seemingly unaffected presence.

Under the watchful gazes of those gathered, Lyon entered the ancient fortress with an air of nonchalance, as if he were stepping into a familiar domain. The weight of their curious eyes did little to disrupt his calm demeanor. As Lyon stepped foot inside the ancient fortress hall, a profound stillness settled upon the surroundings. The reverberations of the chiming bells, which had echoed through the courtyard moments ago, ceased abruptly, as if yielding to the presence of Lyon. The sudden silence hung in the air, filling the space with an eerie tranquility.

As Lyon stepped further into the ancient fortress, a sense of familiarity washed over him. The weathered stones, the winding corridors, and the grandeur of the citadel evoked a feeling of closeness as if he had walked these halls for another lifetime. Yet, there was also an unmistakable distance, a veil of time and forgotten memories that separated him from the true depths of that familiarity.

The echoes of history whispered in Lyon's ears, tantalizing fragments of stories that resonated with his soul. The architecture spoke of a glorious past, of battles fought and victories won. The aura of the fortress seemed to stir a dormant power within him, a recognition of something ancient and profound.

Yet, Lyon couldn't quite grasp the full extent of that familiarity. It remained just out of reach, teasing him with glimpses of understanding but withholding the complete picture. It was as if the fortress held secrets that belonged to a distant part of his being, waiting to be unveiled.

"This place..."

"Is it too familiar?" asked Selena who was always beside him the moment he stepped further in.

Lyon looked at Selena with his body turned at him. "I can't put my finger on it, but... yes."

"That's because this is one of our old hideouts," said Selena as she faced the rigid wall that stood the test of time.

"Hideout?" Lyon furrowed his brows as he neglected the footsteps behind them. He approached the nearby wall before looking at his palm then extended it forward to feel the structure of the building. It was cold, yet there was a metaphoric warmth coursing through his mind.

His ears twitched as he heard faint peals of laughter diminishing to vanish. He quickly turned with eyes brightened and frightened Nyi and the three students.

"Holy crap you scared me!" said Noah as he rustled his chest as if his heart wanted a short vacation leave.

Lyon's brows turned flat before Nyi stepped in and said, "Lyon, let me lead the way."

"No," said Lyon. "You go on ahead first, I want to take a stroll a little."

"S-Stroll...?" Nyi's brows twitched. He himself was an aloof person but even he had to pay respect to the person in front of him, for the latter far outclassed him in the field. "But Lyon—"

"Take them with you, I will join soon," said Lyon as he turned and made his point clear. He smiled at his wife, "Darling, let's take a walk."

"En!" Selena quickly slipped her hand around his arm. Her head joyously leaned on his right shoulder.

"Damn, he just left us like an eagle shoving its children from the nest," said Noah.

"Do eagles do that?" Reinhard raised his brows.

"I don't— goddamnit Reinhard that's not the point!" said Noah.

"Either way, this must be his way of teaching, no surprises there," said Rayus as he grinned. "Meeting of kings, bring it on!"

"Mind your words," said Nyi as he sighed. "The other ones are not as lazy as me."

The three students straightened their backs before bowing, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Nyi nodded before turning around. He pointed at the corridor, "We take a turn here."

As Nyi and the three students made their entrance into the summit chamber, all eyes turned to behold their arrival. The atmosphere within the room became charged with a myriad of emotions, reflecting the diverse perspectives and expectations of those present. The kings and Drogan, who held key positions of power and influence, were particularly invested in observing their arrival.

The kings, Aldric of Evlund, Valerius of Avol, and Corvin of Solarien, directed their gaze toward Nyi and the students with a mix of curiosity and interest. They sought to gauge the abilities and intentions of these individuals, as their presence could potentially impact the discussions and outcomes of the summit.

Drogan, too, fixed his eyes upon Nyi and the students, albeit with a different intensity. As a figure shrouded in mystery and known for his cunning, his attention was drawn to these newcomers, trying to decipher any hidden motives or potential threats they might pose to his own objectives.

While the gaze of the kings and Drogan were not the sole focus of the gathering, their collective attention added an additional layer of scrutiny and significance to the arrival of Nyi and the students. The weight of their positions and the influence they held within Second Heaven elevated their observations, as they sought to discern the role and impact these newcomers would have in the proceedings.

The emotions within the chamber varied among the kings and Drogan. Curiosity, intrigue, and perhaps even a touch of wariness mingled in their expressions, revealing their individual perspectives and concerns. Their collective gaze upon Nyi and the students set the stage for a delicate dance of power.

As Nyi's gaze swept across the chamber, he couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of Drogan seated among the kings. The presence of Drogan, a figure known for his cunning and unpredictable nature, in such a distinguished gathering was half-expected and raised immediate questions in Nyi's mind. ( He's here ).

Nyi's brows furrowed, his expression a mix of surprise and wariness. He hadn't anticipated Drogan's inclusion in this gathering of monarchs, and it left him wondering about the true intentions behind the invitation extended to the enigmatic figure.

Suppressing his surprise, Nyi took a deep breath and resolved to approach the situation with a calm and collected demeanor.

"I offer my sincerest apologies for my late arrival," Nyi began, his voice carrying across the chamber. "Unforeseen circumstances led to the delay, and I deeply regret any inconvenience caused."

"I thought you will have another, individual with you," said Aldric before he smirked.

( Just arrived and his figure is already the main point ) thought Nyi as he could feel the gravity of the presence.

"Hahahaha, calm down King Aldric, let the boy—" Valerius made a fake cough before continuing, "I mean, the young king, take a seat first, though, I do have a question, why are you three here?"

Valerius smirked and flared out his presence upon the three students. The extreme pressure almost made them collapse, the sheer force from the mere gaze made their knees tremble. This was the power of a king in Second Heaven. They knew they shouldn't be here, yet it was an experience that was exclusively given to them by their teacher, they were not going to kneel down that easy.

"Please..." said Nyi calmly.

Valerius frowned at Nyi before he crossed his arms and pulled his mighty aura back. "You better have a good reason for them to be joining the summit."

Nyi heard the three of them gasping for air as if they had the most strenuous cardio of their whole life, he knew Valerius complied. "Thank you," he nodded in acknowledgment before reaching for the only vacant seat left.

"He's here, isn't he?" asked Drogan with brows furrowed.

Drogan's question hung in the air, causing a palpable tension in the assembly hall. Nyi's eyes widened, and his brows furrowed in surprise. He turned to face Drogan, meeting his intense gaze with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The kings and the three students also fixed their eyes on Nyi, waiting anxiously for his response.

"My thoughts are the same," said Corvin, "King Nyi, you also invited him, right?"

Nyi put his arms on the ancient table. "Yes, I invited him, King Corvin, do not worry, he will be joining us later."

Corvin snorted, "I'm not worried, but he looked down on the summit, a slap to the face for all of us?"

"All of us?" Nyi leaned forward and raised his chin. "I do respectively believe, that I should know who invited Drogan in this matter. If he came uninvited, then he did the same."

The three students stood beside Nyi, their eyes widening in amazement as Nyi posed his counter question to Drogan. Their jaws dropped slightly, and a spark of curiosity ignited in their expressions. They exchanged astonished glances with each other, silently conveying their surprise at Nyi's boldness. The atmosphere in the assembly hall grew even more charged with intrigue as the students eagerly awaited a response.

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