Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 999 Revealed

Chapter 999 Revealed

High King Leander held the weathered book in his hands, his expression betraying a mixture of concern and curiosity. The tattered cover and yellowed pages spoke of the book's age and the countless hands that had turned its leaves throughout time.

"Nyi," Leander acknowledged his voice warm yet tinged with a trace of weariness.

Nyi's curiosity burned brightly as he gazed at his father, High King Leander, his eyes filled with anticipation. He could barely contain his excitement as he posed the question that had been swirling in his mind.

"Father," Nyi began, his voice filled with a mix of eagerness and hope, "Have you discovered the mystical beast that matches the description I provided? The one that bestows upon Lyon such incredible power?"

Leander's eyes met Nyi's, a glimmer of wisdom and understanding shining within them. He nodded, his expression both serious and contemplative. "Indeed, my son," Leander replied, his voice steady and resonant. "I have uncovered a reference to the very mystical beast that you speak of."

Nyi leaned in, his anticipation palpable. "Where did you find it, Father? In one of the encyclopedic tomes?"

Leander gazed at the weathered book before standing up. "No, this one is a fable."

"A fable?" Nyi furrowed his brows.

"Yes, a fable, a mystical beast that does not hover in any of the seven heavens," said Leander as he extended his arm and offered the book. He turned around and glanced over the books in the library. "This is a book that I bought from a traveling merchant, a place that you can call the black market, it's highly intriguing and the price was affordable as well, I never thought that it would contain the mystical beast we're looking for."

Nyi frowned as his fingers felt the ruggedness of the book. He opened the thick cover before grabbing the bookmark and turning the pages. On the old paper that faced the testament of time, he saw an articulate drawing of a beast. Four tails sprung out and the muscle was as hard as iron.

"A monkey?" Nyi furrowed his brows. "He hardly looks like a monkey, but... well, the tail was indeed thick with fur like this one, however."

"However, the one that you saw was not black," said Leander as he turned his head. "The one that you saw was golden in color. The bright color that signified glory."

"So it's not this Devil Ape beast?" asked Nyi.

"You mentioned that he had armor, a unique headdress of different cultures," said Leander. "Apparently, those traits only belong to certain groups within the Devil Ape race."

"A certain group?"

"Much like the humans, they too have those who are common and those who are not, the Devil Ape is a group of feral race, however, they too have the ones that are stronger than the others, more agile."

"And Lyon gained the blessing from those?"

"By the book, yes," said Leander before he sighed, "Unfortunately, that is the only information I have. None of the other books in the library had any information about the beast and it is stated that the mystical beast doesn't live in heaven, but rather the very opposite."

"Hell..." Nyi had his eyes widened as he came to a realization that the young man he had just talked with in the garden had encountered a mystical beast heralding from Hell.

"That explains his absurd power," said Leander. "However, his origin is highly questionable, unlike Drogan."

"Father, are you saying that Lyon might come from Hell?"

"Hell is a place unknown to us all, at least for the people in Second Heaven, the place is considered just a fantasy. I too am such people who believe that it's just a fantasy place, that is of course, until now."

"So Lyon was not from Mortal World after all," muttered Nyi as he frowned.

"He might have," said Leander. "If I ever learn something from the long reign, it's that exceptions exist."

Nyi pondered. The state of Second Heaven will take a huge turn point once Lyon and Drogan faced off. The entire structure of Second Heaven will shift no matter which sides win.

"Father, what do you think?" asked Nyi as he looked up at the man who brought him up.

Leander frowned as he approached his son. He glanced at the book before taking it from his son's hand. He turned and put away the book inside one of the bookcases taking a breath. He turned and looked at his son once more.

"You are the king of Elyrianth, no longer me," said Leander. "I'm sure within my reign, the people loved it, and some wallow at the flaws. My son, you are not in my generation, you have your own ideal, and you have your own flaws later on, but make your own decision, you are not a puppet."

As Nyi's gaze fell to the ground, a heaviness settled upon his heart. The weight of his inherited responsibility as the future king of Elyrianth burdened his young shoulders. Though he had never voiced his true desires, the weight of the crown weighed heavily on him.

Leander, unaware of Nyi's inner turmoil, believed that his son's contemplation was rooted in concerns for the kingdom's welfare. With a tender smile, he placed a hand on Nyi's shoulder and spoke in a reassuring tone.

"Nyi, I know the weight of the kingdom rests upon your shoulders, and I commend you for the care and thoughtfulness you bring to your duties," Leander expressed, his voice tinged with paternal pride. "I trust that you are considering the implications of Lyon's newfound power for the state of our realm. It is essential to contemplate the consequences and potential challenges we may face."

Nyi nodded, his expression a mask hiding the deeper conflict within. He appreciated his father's understanding and support, but the weight of his unspoken desires lingered like a shadow.

Leander, believing he had given Nyi the space he needed to reflect, excused himself from the library, leaving his son to his thoughts. As the door closed behind him, Nyi was left alone amidst the hushed whispers of the ancient tomes.

With the solitude of the library surrounding him, Nyi found solace in the silence. His mind wandered to the unspoken desires and dreams he had harbored for so long, suppressed beneath the weight of duty and obligation. He longed for a life unrestrained by the confines of royal expectations, a chance to explore his own passions and carve his own destiny.

A mix of guilt and uncertainty tugged at Nyi's heart. The thought of forsaking his birthright, of relinquishing the crown that had been destined for him, filled him with conflicting emotions. But the longing for a life of his own choosing persisted, a whisper of freedom that could not be ignored.

Lost in his thoughts, Nyi found himself drawn to a secluded corner of the library, where a beam of sunlight pierced through the aged stained-glass windows, casting vibrant hues upon the forgotten volumes. It was there, amidst the quiet solace, that Nyi allowed himself a moment of vulnerability.

In the depths of his heart, he acknowledged his yearning for a different path, a chance to discover his true self beyond the realm of kingship. The weight of the crown felt even heavier, yet he knew deep down that he must confront his desires and seek a path that would bring him fulfillment.

Nyi got out of the library and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath to compose himself before his brows furrowed. He found the shadow of the building a little bit odd.

"Hm!?" He quickly looked up before his eyes widened.

There he found a familiar figure sitting at the ledge of the roof. His hair was fluttering against the wind as he basked himself in the beauty of Elyrianth, the kingdom surrounded by a lake. The serene view could calm any nerves, even those who were afraid of heights.

( Lyon! ) Nyi gulped. He was not surprised by how he got onto such a vantage point, but rather when. He indeed couldn't have sensed his presence at all, was it not for his acute sharp eyes of noticing the odd shape of the shadow, he wouldn't have noticed that Lyon was there above him all along.

Nyi smirked at his defeat. ( Truly remarkable, but, what are you doing there? Truly you have heard what I've said to my father, we know who you are, but, what are you planning now? ).

"Lyon!" Nyi called out from below.

Lyon looked down and saw Nyi calling him out. He smirked before jumping down and landed softly with a small thud as his feet touched the ground, practically soundless to the dull ears.

"Did you hear everything?" asked Nyi.

"Are you scared now that I'm from Hell?" asked Lyon as he crossed his arms.

"So it's true?!" Nyi's eyes widened.

"No, hahaha!" Lyon laughed. "You should have seen your face."

"Kh!" Nyi had his brows twitching with black lines over his forehead.

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