Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[229] The Changing Stage of the Multiverse

[229] The Changing Stage of the Multiverse

Chapter 229: The Changing Stage of the Multiverse

Quetzalcoatl stepped out of the grand party under the sky, the echoes of laughter and music still lingering behind her and took off into the air to make her way to the castle. 

The night was calm, the sky clear and dotted with stars, and her mind was already set on the task ahead. The message from Ai Hoshino was clear, but only she received it—as a goddess. The other mortal girls couldn’t have received it, so it was up to her to gather them. 

Taking in a breath, she lifted her head and let out a sharp whistle that cut through the cool night air, mixing her divine will to add a ‘message’ to the whistle. Hopefully, the girls will gather fast. Then, she landed. 

The backyard of the duchy's castle was bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, casting gentle light over the stone fountain at its center. The water shimmered under the moonlight, creating a peaceful scene opposing the party in the city outside. 

Quetzalcoatl waited, sitting on the fountain's edge, legs dangling on the water, as the girls responded to her call. One by one, they made their way to the fountain, where they would hear the news.

Tsubasa had a spring in her step as she jogged over, still buzzing with energy from the sparring match she’d had with Quetzalcoatl earlier that day. She wasn’t willing to, but Quetzalcoatl insisted. The two of them had drawn quite the crowd, it was fun. 

The memory of the fight brought a small smile to Quetzalcoatl’s lips. While the mortal girl was nowhere near her level, she was still something of a Demi-God herself. In fact, she was so strong that Quetzalcoatl was curious about how this ‘cultivation’ power system worked now.

“Hey,” Tsubasa waved at her, and she waved back.

“Early as ever, class rep,” Quetzalcoatl said, not as the Chief God of Aztec, but as her school teacher. Tsubasa smiled awkwardly and nodded.

The two of them chatted a little, while the other girls began to reach the place. Asia was next, her green eyes wide with curiosity a bit more than usual, as she took in the sights of the backyard. 

The Goddess brought Asia over to this world to show her around. So when she was done seeing Erebia, Asia tagged along with Quetzalcoatl to see Thyranais too. All she had seen was war and destruction before, but now she had seen happy people. Not just that, she also partook in the happiness—she healed a lot of injured people. Some saw her as a second saintess, already.

“Good evening, Lady Quetzalcoatl,” Asia greeted with a small bow, her voice filled with genuine respect. She was always respectful toward Gods. Her cute, innocent presence was a contrast to the chaos that often surrounded them. Quetzalcoatl liked her.

Shame she’s taken by Galaxara, she noted. Before, the girl was devoted to the Biblical God. But she switched teams. Why would she pray to a dead God when a similar, better Goddess was presented to her?

“Good evening, Asia,” Quetzalcoatl responded with a warm smile. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here.”

Asia nodded, her smile growing. “It’s beautiful. I’m glad I got to see more of this world… especially since I didn’t get to see much of Earth.”

As they spoke, the rest of the group began to gather. Xenovia and Irina arrived next, their expressions marked by focus, despite the wounds around their bodies. They had spent much of their time here training with Elara—the same Princess turned Duchess who rather wanted to drown in alcohol again. Thankfully, through the persuasion of everyone, she managed to avoid alcohol, but through that, she busied herself with sparring. Xenovia and Irina were unfortunate enough to be caught in that storm, becoming her daily sparring partner. Then again, given their rising strength, it was hardly a bad thing.

“Evening,” Xenovia greeted curtly. Irina, beside her, offered a more relaxed smile, though there was still a trace of the seriousness that had settled over her since the war had begun. They were becoming kind of like soldiers, at this point.

“This is a soothing area you have here,” Irina remarked, her eyes lingering on the fountain. “Much quieter than where we’ve been training.”

Quetzalcoatl scoffed. “Oh please, you were acting as the punching bag of a Goddess. Anything is quieter than that.” Although this world called them ‘Demigods’, Elara had become nothing short of a Goddess. Having an Icon immediately raised a person to that status, and Elara had even reached Level 100.

Shoko and Yuzuru approached next, the two girls’ steps less hurried, their demeanor more casual. The two of them had spent their time exploring this world in a way that they couldn’t back on their own—treated like royalties rather than the poor, struggling girls they had grown up with on Earth. They were more relaxed than the others here.

“Little lizard,” Quetzalcoatl called Yuzuru, whose eyelids twitched. She liked to tease that little girl, saying stuff like she wasn’t a true dragon until she’d defeated a Chief God.

“Old woman,” Yuzuru greeted back.

Shoko giggled but said nothing. With that, everyone was gathered. So Quetzalcoatl got out of the fountain and straightened, her expression turning serious. “I’ve gathered you all here because we’ve received a message from Ai. She’s awake, she’s fine, and she wants to leave this world. So we’d be leaving now.”

The girls blinked at the suddenness of her words, though none of them seemed particularly shocked. They had all known this moment would come soon.

“We’re leaving?” Tsubasa asked, her brows furrowing slightly.

“Yes,” Quetzalcoatl confirmed. “It’s sudden, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected.”

“Well, it is a little unexpected for me…” Shoko said, “I thought Aqua would want to mend the situation between him and his… wives. Are we leaving right away? Or will they be having a talk?”

Quetzalcoatl was pretty sure there wasn’t going to be a talk of that sort. Ai sounded pretty mad when she sent the message. Before she could reply, however, a new voice interrupted them. “Wait, you’re leaving?”

The group turned to see a silver-haired elf approaching, her steps light, yet there was a weight in her gaze. Sieran the Wise. Quetzalcoatl smiled softly at the sight of her.

“Ah, I was just about to go and tell you and the other two,” Quetzalcoatl said as Sieran joined them. “Yes, we’ll be leaving. The group in Erebia will find us here. Your, uh, husband’s mother sounded quite furious when she sent the message.”

The wisest elf’s expression saddened her. “I’m sorry to hear that. We tried to make you all feel welcome, but I understand why she might feel that way.”

Quetzalcoatl nodded, understanding. “Sometimes things are out of hand.”

“Hah… Well, thankfully-” Sieran began to say, but before she could finish, a soft glow started to form above them. A teleportation circle lit up in the air, casting a bright light over the group.

Within moments, mana flared up in the area, the magic circle growing brighter, as the figure of Aqua and the rest of his team materialized in the backyard, bags in hand.

Quetzalcoatl observed in silence, smiling a little, while the girls immediately rushed forward, their faces lighting up with joy as they reunited with one another. Hugs were exchanged between friends who hadn’t seen each other in weeks. 

Tsubasa hugged Aqua, and he kissed her head. He smiled at the sight of them all together, his gaze softening as he took in the warmth of their reunion. 


But then, his eyes fell on Sieran. She stood a little apart from the others, her gaze meeting him with a mix of emotions. He paused.

The atmosphere shifted, the chatter slowly dying down as everyone noticed the silent exchange between Aqua and Sieran. The two of them just stood there, staring at one another, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Tsubasa exchanged glances and moved away from Aqua. As if taking that as a sign, Sieran moved. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and without a word, she wrapped her arms around Aqua in a gentle hug.

“Hey…” she whispered, her voice filled with a quiet warmth. “You’re here.”

“Yeah, well…” Aqua closed his eyes, his arms coming up to return the embrace, holding her close. Unlike the other two, Sieran indeed was wise enough to understand.


Far beyond the planet of Pangeal, in the pinpoint of the vast multiverse, Sangha stood at the forefront of the energy bubble that surrounded her and her group, her eyes focused on the infinite stretch of stars ahead. 

The Icy Blooded Sword Sect traveled through the wormhole’s end in heavy silence, popping back into existence, the light of a trillion stars glittering around them. From the emptiness of the void earlier, the vastness of the starry cosmos surrounded the group now. 

There was a titanic-sized planet in the distance; Atlanton, a monstrous silhouette against the backdrop of space. Their destination.

Its surface was an amalgamation of extremes—flames dancing on one side, oceans churning violently on another, forests that seemed to stretch on forever, and mountains that pierced the heavens. This was the home of the Twelve Gods, each region under the rule of one. Soon, all of it would be nothing but a memory.

The Seven Swords of the sect, Sangha's most trusted subordinates, stood behind her, each one lost in their own thoughts. They were a formidable group, masters of their craft, bound together by their loyalty to Sangha.

“...I guess it’s too late to say this, but are you certain about this, Sect Master?” The voice belonged to Yongjoo, the Storm Bear King. His heavy fists, like thunderbolts that could shatter mountains, now scratched the back of his head. 

Sangha didn’t turn to face him, her gaze remaining fixed on Atlanton. “This path was decided long ago, Yongjoo. We’ve been dwelling on the decision of a direct attack for too long. Now that I have a reason to do this, we are merely following through with what must be done.”

“But to challenge the Twelve Gods on their home turf…” Minsun, the Black Swan Swordmaster, spoke up, her voice as calm and serene as the gentle flutter of a swan’s wings. “It’s a risk even for us.”

“The gods deserve to know the consequences of their arrogance,” added Ha-Joon, the Volcanic Blade, his tone steady. His armor gleamed under the faint light of the stars, as he added, “They have dictated the nearby universes for too long. It’s time they are put back in their place. Why are you guys acting like cowards?”

Sangha allowed them to exchange their words, and said, “Ha-Joon is right. We need to erase these fools and make justice return to existence. They may have ruled this corner of the multiverse for eons, but they are not beyond defeat. Don’t feel discouraged now, after coming so close.”

The others nodded, their expressions hardening with resolve. To begin with, there was no room for hesitation in their hearts so far, they were just a little doubtful. But the decision was made. They had followed Sangha through countless trials, and this would be no different. 

Jung-woo, the Spear of Stars, let out a low chuckle. “Honestly, I’ve been waiting for a challenge like this,” he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “How long has it been since we had a proper war? I’m excited.”

Soomin, the Azure Dragon Fang, shook her head at that. She wanted to insult him, as she always did, but this atmosphere didn’t seem to be the place for that. She decided to pick on him later.

Daesung, the Roaring Lion Fist, also remained silent, arms crossed. Sangha’s grip tightened on her sword as they closed toward the planet, “Alright guys, stay on edge,” she declared. “Atlonton will fall, and the Twelve Gods will know the true meaning of fear. Do not hold back. We’re here for the total destruction of the cancer of the multiverse today.”

As they continued their journey through the void, the energy bubble that carried them hummed with power, their destination drawing ever closer. Closing over the planet’s atmosphere, they descended further. Finally, the bubble reached the skies of Atlonton, below the clouds, as the world below came into full view. 

The planet was a bizarre sight, divided into distinct regions, each one reflecting the domain of the god who ruled there. Flames roared in one region, turning the land into a hellish landscape of fire and ash. Oceans raged in another, their waves towering as high as mountains. In some other places, there were storms, as well as mountains of diamonds in others.

By the time they reached the skies, however, they were already surrounded. Six strong presences, and a million weaker ones. Soldiers and their leaders, the Gods. 

Sangha’s subordinates took out their weapons, while she remained composed as the air around them crackled with divine energy, the atmosphere thickening.

“I can’t believe what I see.” 

The gods of Atlonton stood before them, each one a powerhouse classified as an existential threat. The Chief God of the Pantheon, the Dragon God's scales gleamed like molten gold, his eyes burning with the fury of a thousand suns.

Following him was the Black Tiger God, his form sleek and powerful. The Goddess of Misfortune, with wings of flame spreading wide, stood beside him. Three other Gods surrounded them from the opposite side.

“First you stop us from heading to that little low-classed planet where my mates died, and then you dare bring war to our realm, woman?” the Dragon God’s voice boomed, reverberating through the air like a thunderclap.

Sangha stepped forward, while her subordinates spread around her like a flower. She whipped out her sword, her gaze unflinching—this time, she wore no blindfold, her blue eyes for the world to see. “Evil Dragon, we do not come to talk,” she replied coldly. “So waste no time, and die.”

With that, the world of Atlanton exploded with divinity and authority.




Author Note: Next chapter we’re back home 🥳alongside that, we’re also seeing what the disciple's been up to after her promise.

If you guys want to read the next chapter, don't forget to check my Patreon. It’s a month ahead there.

Link: /Master4thWall

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