Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[233] A Wrong Choice, Indeed

[233] A Wrong Choice, Indeed

Chapter 233: A Wrong Choice, Indeed

The world had changed. The news of such a major Chief God’s defeat spread across the realms to solidify that fact. The implications spoke for themselves, as tension rippled around.

It reached the Occult Research Club too. Unfortunately, their members had bigger things to worry about at the moment.

The atmosphere inside the Occult Research Club was thick with tension, suffocating even.

Akeno paced back and forth, her usually calm demeanor shattered by the sense of dread that gripped her heart. Every few seconds, her eyes flicked toward the window. The scene made her gulp. 

Outside, the magical barrier surrounding the entirety of Kuoh High School shimmered under the relentless assault from outside. 

Each strike against the barrier sent a ripple through the air, proof that their defenses were weakening. Things were looking bad.

“Damn it… damn it… Fuck!” Akeno muttered under her breath, her fingers twitching in nervousness. Her gaze darted to the closed door of Rias Gremory’s room. 

After a month of going missing, having left a mere letter behind, the club president returned a day ago and had locked herself inside. Even during this tense situation, she hadn’t bothered to come out since. Akeno had tried knocking, pleading for Rias to emerge and take charge, but there had been no response.

In the center of the room, Gasper Vladi hid in a corner, his body trembling. Akeno could understand why he was scared. The boy’s usually pale face was ghostly white, his eyes wide with terror. After all, all of this was because of him. The enemies were after him.

He knew they were after him—whoever was attacking the barrier outside wanted him specifically. His fear radiated through the room, making the atmosphere worse.

Kiba and Saji were crouched beside him, trying their best to calm him down. Kiba’s gentle voice was laced with concern as he spoke softly to Gasper, but nothing seemed to be working. Saji’s attempts were no better; the usually brash and confident boy was at a loss for words, his frustration evident in the way his fists clenched and unclenched.

“Koneko, what do we do?” Akeno asked, her voice tinged with desperation as she turned to the small, white-haired girl standing by the door. 

It made her feel bad that she was trying to get validation from the little girl, but she had no choice. She didn't know if staying back here was smart, she wanted to hear someone else’s opinion.

Koneko Toujou, although the smallest, was still a formidable member of the peerage, her opinion mattered as much as anyone else’s. She was in a battle stance, with her golden eyes narrowed and her fists clenched, as if enemies might jump her anytime. Her senses were sharp, every fiber of her being attuned to the threat outside. So she didn’t answer Akeno immediately, her gaze fixed on the door.

“...Let’s just hold your ground,” Koneko finally said, her voice calm but firm. “If the barrier breaks and they defeat Sona’s group, then we fight.”

Akeno sighed and nodded. The reassurance did little to ease the tension in her chest.

Outside the mansion, Sona Sitri’s peerage was assembled, ready to be the first line of defense should the barrier fall. 

Sona herself stood at the front, her face was serious. Beside her were her Queen, Tsubaki Shinra, and the half-werewolf Loup Garou, along with the rest of her peerage. 

Issei Hyoudou, with his Boosted Gear ready, was there too, his stance tense as he prepared for battle. The air around them buzzed with anticipation and fear. They were just kids, after all.

Sona’s sharp gaze flicked toward the barrier. “Be careful guys. We need to fight with a tight formation,” she said, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade. “No matter what comes, we protect the old school building.”

Akeno stood by a window, lost in thought as she heard them. Was she being… too selfish keeping her group inside, while asking Sona to protect the outside? 

Her usually aloof expression was marred with worry as she watched the barrier flicker under the barrage of attacks. She couldn’t help but wonder why this was happening. 

Why were they targeting Gasper? This wasn’t the first time they’d been attacked, but it was certainly the most serious assault yet. They had learned from their previous attempt, and now they returned with better preparation, with a stronger group.

Ever since the world had changed—as people began growing far more powerful than they should have been—a shadowy group had started hunting for Gasper. 

They’d managed to fend them off before, but this time the attackers were different. Stronger. More determined. And they weren’t from any single faction either. Mercenaries, hired by someone… but who?

Just as Akeno was lost in her thoughts, the worst happened. The barrier shattered with a deafening crack. 



Her eyes widened in horror as the magical shield fell, the sound of it breaking echoing through the school grounds.

“They’re in!” Saji shouted, panicking.

Outside, Sona’s peerage was immediately thrust into battle. The invaders poured in through the shattered barrier, and it became clear just how outmatched they were.

 The enemy forces were numerous, and their power was overwhelming. Leading them was a figure Akeno recognized instantly—that made her shiver. It was a massive, hulking werewolf with fur as black as midnight.

“Fenrik Stormclaw…” Akeno whispered, her heart sinking. The Ultimate Class Werewolf was infamous in the supernatural world, he was a mad mercenary with a reputation for ruthlessness. There was no way they could win against someone like him…!

She wasn't the only one who recognized him, Sona’s peerage did too. And that realization was brutal. Fenrik’s presence alone sent a wave of fear through Sona’s peerage, they shivered.

Among them, Loup Garou stepped forward, his face tight with resolve. Akeno trembled as Fenrik’s yellow eyes locked onto the young half-werewolf, and he scoffed.

“One of my kind… fighting for devils? How pathetic,” Fenrik growled, his voice dripping with disdain. “You’re wasting your potential, boy. Let me offer you something. Come join me, work for me, and I’ll show you what it means to be a true werewolf.”

Garou growled. His fists clenched and his knuckles turned white, fur spread across his body. “...I won’t betray my master,” he spat, his usually quiet tone turning beast-like. 

Fenrik’s eyes narrowed. “Wrong choice.”

Before Garou could react, Fenrik vanished, moving with a speed that defied belief. In the blink of an eye, he blitzed behind Garou, his massive hand slamming into the boy’s stomach, coming out through the other end.

The younger werewolf gasped, and blood spurted from his mouth as the force of the blow turned his eyes white. Fenrik yanked his hand out, and Garou fell to his knees, clutching the hole in his stomach. “Argh…”

“Garou!” Sona’s voice cracked with horror as her subordinate and friend fell, and the rest of the peerage froze in shock.

Except for Issei Hyudo, who exploded in rage. “You bastard, how dare you! Boost!” he shouted, the Boosted Gear on his arm flaring to life as he charged at Fenrik. His power surged, his muscles bulging as the sacred gear amplified his strength, his mana blooming.

But Fenrik didn’t even flinch. He smirked, “What’s this? I’ve heard rumors, but I didn’t think it was true. The Boosted Gear is truly on such a useless brat? What a waste.”

With a flick of his wrist, Fenrik slapped Issei aside, the force of the blow sending him flying across the courtyard. Issei crashed into a building, blasting further inside, groaning in pain.

This is… this is bad. Dammit. Akeno’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched the battle unfold. It was hopeless. They were outnumbered and outmatched. Fenrik’s power was beyond anything they could handle, and he had a dozen others following behind him.

Fenrik’s gaze landed on Tsubaki next, his eyes gleaming with malice. “I’ll work my way through you disgusting devils one by one, then. I’ll keep the King to the side for now, so that she can watch me destroy her girls,” he said, his voice cold and merciless. “Starting with you, glasses.”

He moved toward Tsubaki, blurring at a speed that she couldn’t react to. His hand moved to deliver the same deadly blow he had dealt to Garou. Tsubaki’s eyes widened in fear, she tried to move but her body was frozen. She was too slow.

His hand struck, just about to penetrate through her body, when a figure fell from the sky. 

Like a meteorite cutting through the atmosphere, he dropped between them. A blur of motion, faster than even Fenrik could track, intercepted the attack. A firm hand held the attack, his other hand holding Tsubaki gently, as his voice rang out.

“Wrong choice, you said?” he asked, “it was your wrong choice to come here, you little shit,” Aqua spoke, standing between them, jaws clenched as he held Fenrik’s wrist in a vice-like grip. The werewolf’s eyes widened in shock.

“What—” Fenrik began, but Aqua’s cold, unyielding gaze silenced him.

Die,” Aqua commanded the world, his voice devoid of emotion, as his hand gestured.

In a single, fluid motion, Aqua swiped his hand horizontally. The [Sword Icon] manifested overhead for the briefest of moments, an invisible blade slicing through the air. Fenrik’s body was split from neck to waist in under a nanosecond, the cut so clean and precise that it took a moment for the reality to set in.

The rest of the invaders, every last one of them, were cut down in the same instant, without needing to make another move. Their bodies fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. 

The battle was over even before it had truly begun. 

In just a second since he stepped into the school.

Aqua turned to Tsubaki, his expression softening as he met her wide, astonished eyes. “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice gentle.

“Ah… I…” Tsubaki blinked, the shock slowly fading into relief, then something warmer as she realized she was safe. She had been saved. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she stammered, “Y-yes… yes… thank you.”

Aqua nodded, offering her a small smile before he turned to the rest of Sona’s peerage. “Take the injured to the infirmary immediately,” he said. “I’ll go meet with the other group.” 

The world was changing, and with it, the balance of power. But at that very moment, everyone felt that they were fine—and that they would always be, as long as they stood near this young man.


[First Person Point of View]

I had come to make sure Kuoh was alright, that Akeno wasn’t harmed since we did sleep together and I liked her. Koneko was there too, and I’d be sad if she died. So I flew here after realizing how fucked the world had gotten.

I hadn’t expected to encounter such an attack though.

“Aqua!” Akeno ran to me, jumped from the window, and threw herself into my arms. We weren’t that close that she’d react like this, but I guess the situation had made her nerves lose. 

Sona’s Peerage was busy around us, carrying the injured bodies and running to the infirmary. I could heal them myself, but they’d be fine. Sona and Tsubaki looked at me before leaving with them, but a blue-haired girl remained, as instructed by Sona.

“Hey,” I ignored them and held my half-breed gently. Her hug tightened. “It’s alright now, the invader’s been dealt with. Are you alright?”

“I am,” she quickly canceled the hug, looking at my face with a sigh. “I would have called you for help. But I didn’t know you were back from your… trip.”

“I thought your club president would tell you,” I said, my head turning to the building. I could sense her presence there. “Seems like she didn’t…”

“Yeah, well… She locked herself up when her peerage’s in such a situation,” Akeno looked at me and said, and I chewed on my lips. “I know you know. She snuck with you on the trip, didn’t she?”

“She did,” I nodded. “I can’t tell you the details, but I learned something unpleasant. She’s sad that I didn’t find the information delightful. It’s okay, she’ll get over it.”

“Ah…” Akeno wanted to say something, but thankfully Sona ran back by then. 

The blue-haired girl seemed to be feeling awkward listening to us talk so far, but seeing Sona return, with Tsubaki beside her, she brightened up. “Ah, president…! How’s their condition?”

“They won’t die. The others will take care of them for now,” Sona said and turned to me. “I had to return fast in case you vanished. Thank you for saving us, although I’m sure much of it is because Rias would be in trouble if you didn’t help.”

“Oh come on, you and I are not enemies, I’d have helped you even if you were alone,” I said and looked at Tsubaki behind her. “You’re Tsubaki’s King and Sera’s little sister. You have more importance to me than you realize.”

“Oh-” The petite girl blinked as if she hadn’t expected me to say that, while Tsubaki blushed that I mentioned her importance over Sona’s, pairing her with a Satan. 

We did have a few touchy encounters, so she was certainly worth more than Sona in my eyes. Not as important as Serafall, but it didn’t hurt to imply sometimes.

“And long time no see. Tsubasa, right?” I looked at the blue-haired girl and talked to her finally. I remembered her. She had the same name as my cousin and looked the same as Xenovia—my knight. I made a note of her for the first time.

“R-regardless,” Sona cleared her throat, pushing her glasses upward. “Thank you for saving my Queen, and in extension my whole peerage. If you’re not too busy, would you sit with us for a short meeting? My… sister has been out of reach lately due to how busy she is in the underworld, and many people are trying to take advantage of Kuoh due to that. I'm sure she’ll be happy if you help us make this area safe.”

She was already using her sister as a bargaining chip? Evil girl. “Sure thing,” I nodded. “Let’s head into the club and sit down.”

We did that, turning around and heading to the club. As I walked, however, the glare of a dragon fell over my head. It only grew more intense as I approached the club.


The Black Dragon Vritra, was it?




Author Note: A LOT of stuff is happening around the world. If you remember, Rizevim visited the vampires in Romania for some girl before Aqua left the world. That’s just one of the many things that are happening, but perhaps it might grow into the biggest problem of them all. We’ll see!

It’s the 1st week of the month, still the best time to get into Patreon! Come read the next chapter, as well as the entire month’s there.

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