Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 390: Those Who Dreamed

Chapter 390: Those Who Dreamed

After some slightly scary cuddles with Gong, we move back to the common sleeping area where the rest of my group is.

I’m a little surprised to see that He Wen and Mei Lin are already out cultivating, though I don’t see Jin Chin or Yalei near them. I take a quick look around with my scan, and my heart drops with what I find.

Both ladies are still in their rooms, evidently not having left since we parted two days ago.

Jin Chin is holding a pillow to her chest, cuddling it with tears in her eyes.

Yalei is just staring at the wall. Blankly.

I need to do something for them as well. Of course, my chief priority was to take care of Gong, Shi, Ai, and Lin. But I also have a responsibility towards Jin Chin, Yalei, and the others I used the method with.

… I might have to reconsider how I use the healing method in the future. Especially if it hurts people in this way. I’m sure that as I continue to grow as a cultivator, I’ll be able to be more specific about how it affects people.

I'm not supposed to be able to use this level of ability at this cultivation rank anyway… it's just my overwhelming amount of qi and my scan that enables me to bypass those restrictions.


So much to consider.

I’ll focus on what I can, though. Taking care of them first.

“Hey Gong, I’ll be heading over to Jin Chin and Yalei to check on them. I’m sure you already have figured out why…”

She nods somberly, as her spiders have already been checking on them and bringing them food last night.

With this in mind, I head to Yalei first, as she is closer on the route. As I approach, I make a little noise, so she knows someone is coming. As she notices the sound, she snaps out of the daze she was in and acts like she was doing something, an embarrassed look on her face.

I stop by the entrance to her room and knock on the rock, out of courtesy.

“Hey Yalei… how are you doing?”

“I’m doing great, just cultivating.”

I see her go through a thousand emotions before she settles on an almost convincing smile. However, knowing her past from my scan, this is the fake smile she uses when she’s lying. Well-practiced from her psychopathic days.

I give a real smile back, nonetheless.

“Mind if I bother you for a little? I wanted to hang out, get to know you better…”

I hesitate.

“Of course… only if you’re okay with that.”

She looks at me with shock, her fake smile shattering, before she shoots to her feet.

“Y-y-yeah! Ahem… I mean, I’d like that.”

She recovers swiftly and sits back down. I can’t help but smile further at how eager she was at that moment. She blushes at my obvious happiness at her acceptance.

“… are you really okay with me, though? I know you have the others to think about… you don’t need me-“

Before she can finish her words, I walk over to her and place a hand on her head, ruffling her hair with a headpat.

“Just because I don’t know you well, like the dream me did, doesn’t mean we can’t get to know each other again.

“I’m looking forward to knowing more about you, Yalei.”

The instant I say those last words, Yalei dives at me, sobbing into my chest. Finally, letting all of her emotions out.

Jin Chin sprints to the room, her short sword and dagger out to fight whatever made Yalei cry.

“What’s going on, Yalei?! I heard….oh.”

She looks at me and Yalei, and I can see the flash of hurt on her face. To stem off any conflict. I give her a smile, showing that I’m happy to see her. Waving her over.

Unlike her usual steadiness, she wavers as she approaches me. Unsure of how to react to the situation.

While Yalei still is crying into my chest, I wrap my arms around Jin Chin, as well. Bringing her into a side hug. Luckily, Yalei notices this and moves over, so that Jin Chin can hug me as well.

But this isn’t enough… as Jin Chin is still visibly uncomfortable, but simultaneously unwilling to let go of me.

I’ll need to fill her in.

“Jin Chin, I was just telling Yalei how I’d really like to get to know you guys and that I’d like to start today. Would you be okay with that?”

She freezes in my arms.

My scan told me I need to say this to her and it’s also something I’ve been wanting to tell them.

But that doesn’t always mean that it will go over well, at that moment… it could always just be a step, before things get better.

Contrary to my fears, she eases into relaxation. Giving me a brief nod.

Okay… this should be good for now.

Seeing that they’re both seeming relatively happy, I finally let myself relax as well. Laying back on the bed, holding them both to me.

We lay here like this for around 10 minutes, before I hear the calming sounds of Yalei resound through the room.


Jin Chin and I look at each other and chuckle at the same time, smiling at Yalei’s cute, peaceful face.

This might be a good time to chat with Jin Chin. And get to know her better. Outside my scan, I mean. Because even if I know her history from my scan, I haven’t really talked to her about her full experience.

Not only that…but there’s a difference between the facts of a situation and how a person feels about it.

“Hey, Jin Chin. How are you doing?”

She looks up at me from her chest, snuggling a little closer.

“Mmm… I’m so much better now.”

I can’t help but smile at this, as she seems pretty comfortable right now.

Well… we can talk about her past sometime later tonight. For now… the best move is to let them enjoy this moment.

Together we rest on the bed, with just the sound of our breathing and thoughts to occupy us. Almost subconsciously, I use my free hands to rub their backs. Hoping to make them feel safe and comfortable.

Eventually, all three of us of fall asleep on the bed together, just cuddled as a mess of limbs.

Of course, my awareness ability allows me to know when someone is coming close to us. So, my eyes open to see Gong sneaking over to us with an extra blanket, placing it over the three of us. Our gazes lock onto each other, with a smile cross both of ours.

I mouth a thanks to her, to which she gives a small nod and grin back.

As I close my eyes again, I realize I am deeply blessed to have such wonderful people around me.

And that I’ll do whatever it takes to protect them.

… whatever it takes.

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