Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 - He Wanted to Kill Loong Xiaoyi

“So, you're concerned I might fall for someone else?” Loong Xiaoyi Lian found Ann Yichen's response endearing.

Witnessing Loong Xiaoyi's disregard, Ann Yichen grew animated, “You don't get it, do you? Mu Sifa wasn't implying that. He was just being protective. But what if you encounter someone like that in the future? Want me to tie him up and make him vanish?”

“No, I'll handle it. Shang Cijie is too soft; it's only a bluff against Xiangyang. If it were my son or husband in that situation, he'd surely retaliate in anger.”

“That won't happen, because I won't give them the chance to approach me.” Loong Xiaoyi's smile brimmed with affection, his love nearly overflowing.

Ann Yichen's aggressive stance softened instantly, surprised by Loong Xiaoyi's resolute response.

“Why the doubt? With you by my side, would I wander off alone in the fields? Don't you trust me that much?” His playful smirk was quite charming.

“It's not about distrust. It's just that the guy seems overly forward, making it hard for you to fend him off.”

Ann Yichen's tone lowered, guilt seeping in.

Why do I feel guilty!? It's for his own safety! But he's so genuine! So earnest with me.

“Mu Sifa acted because Xiangyang gave him an opening. I won't allow any unwarranted advances, nor will I leave room for attacks. If someone interferes, I'll involve the authorities.”

Though Loong Xiaoyi's tone was casual, his intent was serious, reassuring Ann Yichen he wouldn't let others take advantage.

Ann Yichen stared dumbfoundedly at Loong Xiaoyi, speechless. His repeated concerns were met with such a firm response, leaving him astonished.

“I'll whip up supper for you when you're home. You seem in good spirits today.” Ann Yichen bashfully turned away from Loong Xiaoyi, his blush evident in the car window.

It was a rare sight to see Ann Yichen bashful. Loong Xiaoyi simply smiled softly in response, refraining from teasing.

Maybe it was Loong Xiaoyi's lack of response, but Ann Yichen felt bashful and burst out, “Oh, come on, just laugh already! What's up with me being out of character today?”

Yet when he glared at Loong Xiaoyi, all he received was a tender smile and a calf massage.

“Relax, it's not sore anyway.”

It was just a door kick. What was there to worry about?

But in this moment, Ann Yichen felt profoundly content. He didn't vocalize it, afraid Loong Xiaoyi would be touched if he laughed at him.

“Stay still, don't move. You've been on your feet a lot lately. I'll give you a massage when we get home. And after that, take a nice bath before bed.”

Ye Zichen pulled Ann Yichen's leg back, positioning him comfortably on his thigh while driving.

“Am I suddenly a damsel? Why resort to such tactics?”

Ann Yichen grumbled irritably, though he made no move to retract his leg.

“Men are human too. Can't I empathize with my people?” The smile remained reassuring.

“Alright, alright. I concede defeat in this verbal joust.” He lounged against the door, a lazy grin forming.

“So, what's the plan for this kid?” Taking him home at this hour wasn't feasible, was it? ” Ann Yichen gestured towards Xiangyang in the back seat.

“I just messaged his uncle. He should be arriving shortly to collect him.”

“The intimidating guy from before?”

“Surprised you remembered someone you met just once.”

“How could I forget? The silent type, cold as ice, with a hint of underworld aura. Strikingly similar to you, actually, in appearance and demeanor.”

It was like looking at a 30-year-old Loong Xiaoyi!

Ann Yichen, in Loong Xiaoyi's presence, praised other men's appearances.

Loong Xiaoyi shrugged, “Does it really matter? He's a distant relative on my mom's side, somewhat similar.”

“Fair point.”

Thirty minutes later, Ann Yichen returned to his apartment building to find a car waiting.

The man by the car, dressed sharply with an air of aloofness, stood around 90 meters tall.

Seeing Loong Xiaoyi's return, he approached, wordlessly scooping up the unconscious Xiang Yang before departing.

“Is he mute? Not a single word,” Ann Yichen grumbled discontentedly.

“Don't take it to heart. That's just how he is. Business aside, he's not one for conversation,” Loong Xiaoyi reassured.

Loong Xiaoyi had grown accustomed to his silence.

“Don't emulate such behavior. It'll surely alienate people.”

“No need to fret!” “Wait.” Ye Zichen paused as he opened the car door for Ann Yichen, momentarily conflicted as this wasn't Ann Yichen's usual residence.

“Care for a seat upstairs?”

“Isn't it rather late for an invitation with doors already ajar?”

Despite rolling his eyes at Loong Xiaoyi, Ann Yichen appeared content, having been away for six months.

“Move aside quickly, I'm leaving.” Ye Zichen impatiently shoved Loong Xiaoyi aside, then strolled out alone, stretching lazily.

Loong Xiaoyi remained silent, simply closing the car door with a smile, his gaze filled with affection.

“I'll bunk here tonight. Refuse at your own risk.”

With that, Ann Yichen headed towards the elevator, indifferent to whether Loong Xiaoyi consented or not.

Nonetheless, Loong Xiaoyi couldn't refuse, fearing Ann Yichen's wrath. He worried Ann Yichen might concoct an excuse to get physical.

Loong Xiaoyi's hunch proved accurate. Upon entering the elevator, Ann Yichen forcefully tugged his tie, pulling him close for a proud, teasing kiss.

Yet, he cautioned Loong Xiaoyi, “If you dare to suggest later that you didn't intend for this and just want to sleep, I'll damn well kill you. Remember that clearly. Understand?”

Loong Xiaoyi felt helpless. How could he not? Ann Yichen would truly follow through on his threats, without hesitation.

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